![WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3'30 P.M.]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[2151] ent z OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3'30 p.m.] REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION SY POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 54.] PERTH: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. [1916. No.15150.C.S.O. held as a Conditional Purchase:And whereas itis deemed expedient that the portions of Conditional Pur- The .Early Closing Act, 1902. chase Leases 26493/55 and 26883/55 (Avon Location PROCLAMATION 15133 and Ninghan Location 629, respectively), as de- WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 1 By His Excellency Major General Sir scribed hereunder, should be resumed for one of the TO WIT. J Harry Barron, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order ofSt. purposes specified in paragraph 8 of Section 39 of the HARRY BARRON, Michael and St.George, Commander said Act, that is to say, for a Townsite: Now therefore Governor. of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor Major General. Sir Harry Barron, Governor as afore- inand overtheStateof Western AustraliaanditsDependencies,in said, with the advice of the Executive Council, do by the Commonwealth of Australia. this my Proclamation resume portions of Conditional. C.S.O. 2919/16; M.P.H. 907/15. Purchase Leases 26493/55 and 26883/55 (Avon Loca- WHEREAS by "The Early Closing Act, 1902," itis tion 15133 and Ninghan Location 629, respectively) for enacted that the Governor may, by PrOclamation, tem- the purpose aforesaid. porarily suspend the operation of the said Act, in so far as it applies to the closing time fixed or appointed Schedule. for any shop or shops: And whereas it is expedient to The area comprising about 139 acres 1 rood 28 perches, exercise such power in manner hereinafter appearing: bounded by lines starting from a point in the Eastern Now thereforeI,the said Governor, acting with the boundary of Avon Location 15133(Conditional Pur- advice of the Executive Council, do hereby by this Pro- chase 26493/55), situated6chains Southfromits clamation suspend the operation of the said Act (includ- North-East corner, and extending South about 34 chains; ing all amendments thereof) on the 23rd day of Decem- thence West about 41 chains; thence North about 35 ber, 1916, between the hours of nine o'clock and ten chains to a road abutting on the Railway Siding Re- o'clock in the evening, in so far as it applies to the serve, and thence East along said road to the starting closing time of all shops situated in all shop districts point. (Plan55/80.) throughout the State, except the Metropolitan, Albany, Also the area, comprising about 25 acres 2 roods 20 and Geraldton shop districts, and between the hours of perches, bounded by lines starting from the South-East nine o'clock and ten o'clock in the evening of the 22nd corner of Ninghan Location 629 (Conditional Purchase day of December, 1916, in so far as it applies to all 26583/55), and extending West along its South boun- shops situated in the Metropolitan, Albany, and Gerald- dary about 41 chains; thence North about 6 'chains 25 ton shop districts. links;thence East to the East boundary of location Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the aforesaid, and thence South to the starting point.(Plan said State, at Perth, this 22nd day of Novem- 55/80.) ber, 1916. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 22nd day of Novem- By His Excellency's Command, ber, 1916. H. P. COLEBATCH, By His Excellency's Command, Colonial Secretary. H. B. LEFROY, GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! Minister for Lands. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! The Land Act, 1898. PROCLAMATION Dedication of Public Highway. (Resumption) City of Perth Municipality. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, / By His Excellency Major General Sir PROCLAMATION TO WIT. I Harry Barron, Knight Commander of WESTERN AUSTRALIA, / By His Excellency Major General Sir the Most Distinguished Order ofSt. TO 4'4-IT. j Harry Barron, Knight Commander of HARRY BARRON, Michael and St.George, Commander the Most Distinguished Order of St. Governor. of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor HARRY BARRON, Michael and St.George, Commander inand over theStateof Western Governor. of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor [L.s.] AustraliaanditsDependencies,in in and overtheStateof Western the Commonwealth of Australia. [ms.] AustraliaanditsDependencies,in Corr. No. 1396/16. the Commonwealth of Australia. WHEREAS by Section 9 of ''The Land Act, 1898," 1027/15. the Governor may resume, for any of the purposes speci- WHEREAS by Sections 222 and 227 of ''The Muni- fied in Section 39 of the said Act, any portion of land cipal Corporations Act, 1906" (6 Edwardi, No. 32), it 2152 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [DEC. 1, 1916. shall be lawful for the Governor, on request of the The Land Act, 1898. Council, by notice in the Government Gazette, to declare any land reserved, used, or by purchase or exchange ORDER IN COUNCIL. acquired for a street or way, or any place, bridge, or At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this thoroughfare, to be a public highway, and such land 29th day of November, 1916. shall thereupon and thenceforth, from the elate of sm.,' Present: Proclamation, become and be absolutely dedicatedto His Excellency the Governor. the public as a public highway within the meaning of The Honoura.blesThe Premier, any law now or hereafter in force: And whereas the The Minister for Lands. City of Perth Municipal Council has requested that Corr. No. 2984/16. certain land named and described in the Schedule here- WHEREAS by Section 42 of the Land Act, 1898," under which has been used for a street or way within it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any the Municipality of Perth, be declared a public high- Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, way: Now therefore I, the said Governor, by and with Road Board, or other person or persons to be named the advice and consent of the Executive Council, do by in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth this my Proclamation declare thesaid land to be a in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public highway, and such land shall, from the date of public purposes to be specifiedin suchorder:And this Proclamation, be absolutely dedicated to the public whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve No. 16556 as a highway within the meaning of any law now or should vest in and be held by the Hon. the Minister hereafter in force. for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage, in trust for the purpose of Water: Now, therefore, His Excel- Schedule. lency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, cloth hereby direct that the Na,,,, of Street. 1 Titles' Office th PO" Jan. before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and be held by the Hon. the Minister for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Regent Street . 100 Frcm Ha:0,11e in -11-071 2425 Drainage, in trust for the purpose aforesaid; subject, t, Eact ride of Gi,ton , nevertheless, to the powers reserved to him by Section 1-11trect 4.1of the said Act. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the (Sgd.)BERNARD PARKER, said State, at Perth, this 29th day of Novem- Clerk of the Council. ber, 1916. By His Excellency 's Command, The Land Act, 1898. H. B. LEFROY, ORDERS IN COUNCIL. for Minister for Works. At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 22nd day of November, 1916. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! Present: No. 15151.C.S.O. The HonourablesThe Premier (Senior Member), The Minister for Lands, Abolition of Kununoppin Health District, under the The Colonial Secretary. provisions of "The Health Act, 1911." Corr. No. 1.612/15. ORDER IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS by Section 42 of " The Land Act, 1898," At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, the itis 'made lawful for the Governor to direct that any 29th day of November, 1916. Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Present: Road Board, or other person or persons to be named His Excellency the Governor. in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth The HonourablesThe Premier, in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other The MinisterforLands. public purposes to be specified insuchorder:And C.S.O. 661/15, M.P.H. 2267/16. whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve No. 16486 shouldvestinand beheldbytheHon.the WHEREAS it is enacted by Section 19 of "The Health Minister for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage, Act, 1911," that the Governor may abolish any Health in trust for the purpose of Water : Now, therefore, His District constituted by the Governor under the said Act: Excellency the Governor, by and with the, advice and And whereas it is desired to abolish the Health District consent of the Executive Council,cloth hereby direct which was so constituted :Now, therefore, His Excel- that the before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and be lency the Governor of Western Australia, by and with held by the Hon. the Minister for Water Supply, Sewer- the advice and consent of the Executive Council, does age, and Drainage, in trust for the purpose aforesaid ; hereby abolish the Kununoppin Health District. subject, nevertheless, to the powers reserved to him by BERNARD PARKER, Section 41 of the said Act. Clerk of the Executive Council. Corr. No. 4115/09. The Roads Act, 1911. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898," ORDER IN COUNCIL. it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, 29th day of November, 1916.
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