LEGAL NOTICES David R. Adams THE ALLIES HALT GIVE THE BURGLAR THE "HA-HA!*' WARNING All persons carting Garbage In Egg Har- bor Township without a permit from the BANK YOUR CASH WITH US Board of Health will be prosecuted. Contractor and Builder R. H. SHEELE. Prest. WM. HAUENSTEIN, Sec. Real Estate Broker ADVANCE OF GERMANS PUBLIC SALE. Take 86-X notice that the Board of Edu- BELL PHONE cation of Absecon City will offer at public sale the old school building 37 Adams Avenue now standing on the school house lot in Absecon on I City Saturday, August Pleasantville Turn Defeat Into a 29, 1914, at 2 o’clock P. M. The build- ing will be sold to the highest bidder, but the Board reserves the right to reject all bids and readvertise the Victory. property in their discretion. Terms and conditions of sale will be Crawford’s announced at the sale. By order of the Board of Educa- tion of Absecon City. Drug Store SAMUEL JOHNSON, GREAT BATTLE RAGING __District Clerk. Storm flke f ORDINANCE NO. 155. An Ordinance regulating the ob- struction of traffic on the streets of The Fate of France on Pleasantville. Hangs Be it Ordained by the Common Prescriptions Council of Pleasantville: Result of Contest people extend invitations to the THIEF AND HOLDUP MAN. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any and person or persons, firm or Promptly Accurately on their or in their homes sums of corporation SOMEThey carry persons large money. to conduct any market, or offer for Compounded A CHECK BOOK is of no use to the professional thief. Still, a sale any merchandise from stands, wagon, pushcart or when -♦- check is AS GOOD AS CASH to the tradesman or for the immediate any vehicle, the same is placed on either side of FIGHTING FAVORS THE ALLIES household wants. If haven’t a bank account Ave. you Main Street so as to be an obstruction i Main St. & Washington of traffic. PLEASANTVILLE. N. J. OPEN ONE TODAY. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation Rushed to to conduct any market, or offer for Reinforcements Being sale any merchandise from stands, Pleasantville Trust Co. wagon, pushcart or any vehicle, when the Front by France. the same is placed on either side of His Washington Avenue so as to be an Opportunity Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. 3 Per Cent. Interest on Time Accts obstruction of traffic. Business success is the ambi- made a su- 3. That any or firm The allied armies have ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo person persons, or corporation of the tion of every thorough-going preme rally and effectually arrested violating any provisions of this shall business man. the advance of the Germans along the ordinance, upon conviction, be fined the sum of Yet he often fails for lack of battle line and have recaptured great Ten ($10) Dollars or imprisonment the lost in the rever- training in the matter of saving. positions they not to exceed ten days or both. Three allowed ses in Belgium on Monday. Pleasantville Ice Go. 4. Be it Further Ordained, That percent.interest an iij French war office has issued on accounts subject to two week’s The this ordinance shall take effect im- notice of withdrawal. announcement saying that advices re- mediately. ceived from the front declare that the Passed at a regular meeting of Council Capital .$600,000.00 big battle now in progress is going in August 17th, 1914. favor of the allied cause. • U14. by American Press Association. Approved: Snrplu8 .$340,000.00 CHARLES J. It is that all the German ADAMS, Mayor. reported This is one of the first pictures to reach have left Brussels, says an Ant- America actual scenes in the troops showing NEHEMIAH Clerk. conflict. Here is an Eng- ANDREWS, werp dispatch, and the Belgians ex- great Eurqpean lish Red Cross nurse in Belgium talking Guarantee Trust Co. pect to reoccupy their capital at once. ORDINANCE NO. 156. to a group of Belgian soldiers. Hundreds f assumed a combin- Bartlett Building The allies have and hundreds of young ladles have volun- ICE Establishing the grade of the mid- ed offensive movement in Lorraine. teered their senrieee for this work. dle line and curb lines of Wright North Carolina and Atlantic Avenues Furious fighting centering around Street from the Northwest curb line the bat- ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Charleroi, is going on in the great bat- In the first two days fighting of Chestnut Street, to the Southeast tle the French and the British allies tle line was approximately 150 miles WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rail of the Fast Shore Line Railroad, V in southwestern Bel- with the most desperate fight- in the City of Pleasantville, New Troubles are and the Germans long, ||| Eye Hereditary centering north, west and south Jerse/. ^ If the need Glasses or either gium. ing parents on Be it ordained by the and The fourth day of this engegement of Charleroi, just as was the case Mayor of them have defective vision there Council of the City of Pleasantville, is almost invariably trouble in their found the allies taking the offensive Tuesday. New Jersey: The fierce nature of the fighting on children’s eyes. and pounding away at the German Section 1. That the elevation of the the frontier may be Franklin Avenue and Railroad Take No Chances lines which lie north of the Sambre Franco-Belgian Reading middle line of Wright Street, where of by the fact that Charleroi Save sight, health and comfort of river and is the tongue Belgium estimate^ the same is intersected by the North- the Sabre and the was taken and retaken seven times west curb line of Chestnut ▼our children by letting us thorough- foil between point Street, near Alsatian ly examine theirs and rest assured where the Meuse river cuts into Luneville, the border, Pleasantville. N. J. # shall be (elevation 25.195), and from has been retaken for the third time thence tnat only in needy cases glasses France. extending Northwestwardly, it is in the at the rate of 2.00 feet would ever be prescribed. Reinforcements are being rushed and it is believed that ascending per 100 feet for a distance of 212 feet W. R. forward for the allies, and the French hands of the French. L. BETTS, D., ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (elevation 30.995 feet). admits that the fate of When the conflict began the British THE OPTOMETRY SPECIALIST government rate of (2) Thence ascending at the France on the out- troops were massed in the centre 1708 ATLANTIC AVENUE undoubtedly hangs of 1.076 feet per 100 feet to the the allies’ with the French on ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY come of the conflict. lines, Southeast rail of the Fast Shore Line This is admitted by the French war both sides, supported at intervals by ® ® Railroad. territor- office which says: squadrons of Algerians and Section 2. Be it further ordained, “On this battle will the fate ial reserves. This line formed the I -TRY.- that the grade of the Northeast and Chas. S. Adams depend for base of a triangle of whieh the Namur | Southwest curb lines of of the war, for France, and Alsace | Wright with her.” forts were the apex. Street shall be 0.25 feet lower than Contractor and the for the mid- The shells hurled by the German The allies were depending on the coresponding grade dle line of said Street. artillery caused heavy damage in Na- strength of the Namur forts to pre- Coal Section 3. And be it further or- Builder a concentration movement on mur. Several buildings in the heart vent big Upper Lehigh { | dained that above CARPENTERING IN ALL the elevations giv- of the town were set on but the the part of the invaders. With the BRANCHES fire, en shall be based upon mean sea level of some of these forts the Ger- flames were extinguished by the vic- falling “The Coal That Burns” as established the United States Most Desirable Lots in Town | | by Building mans southward toward the torious troops after they entered the pressed Coast and Geodetic Survey by a cross For Sale on Easy Terms city. One of the spires of the fa- Sambre from a point south of Brus- !» cut on the blue stone door-sill of the O. Box 62 Bell Phone 66 P. to sels, where a big part of the mighty | door at the East side of mous Namur Cathedral is said Northerly Pleasantville, New Jersey host has been massed. amount delivered the Water have been shattered by a shell. Teutonic Any anywhere Atlantic City Pumping BUILDINGS AND REAL ESTATE § || of which is 13.96 The forts captured by the Germans Another section of the German ar- Station, elevation FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE believed to have numbered & feet. are Marchovelette, Maizeret and An- my 200,000 any time. jg Section 4. And-be it further or- Marchovelette is uortheast of men, pressed forward toward the doy. dained that this ordinance shall take the Maizeret lies to the east and Meuse from the direction of the Bel- city, H No charge for carrying. $ effect immediately. to the souhheast. Their fall un- gian Ardennes. Andoy Passed at a regular meeting of at the of the allies’ der a terrific bombardment gave the Namur, apex $_§ Council held this 17th day of August, Germans access to the city itself. lines having partly failed, both sides 1914. The forts still holding are Cognelee, of the triangle were impaired and the Approved: Emines, Suayles, Malonne, St.
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