server university of notre dome - st. mary's college Vol. X, No. 115 Wednesday, April 7, 197& Jimmy Carter visits South Bend Airport press conference begins campaign swing bJ Phil Cal·kley Carter stated tha he did not feel Senior Staff Reporter the choice of Humphrey as a compromise candidate by the Notre Ot·nwcratic hopeful Jimmy Car­ Dame Mock Political Convention a ter made a busv four-hour cam­ month ago was a rellection of the paign swing thr;n1gh South Bend national situation. ye,tcrday, with stops at Notre "Things have changed in the Danw to visit with tht• football team past month," he said. "I've won and addrc:s~ a capacity crowd at three o1· four primaries and have Sll'pan Ccntt:r. recently moved ahead of Hum­ Carter abo held a press confcr­ phrey in the Gallup Poll. I think I ent·t• at the Mil'hiana Regional will be nominated in New York." Airpnrt, took a hand-shaking tour On the subject of abortion, through city hall and spoke with Carter ~aid the government should '' orkers at Bendix Corporation not encourage it and should offer bdore !lying to Milwaukee to await alternatives such as family plann­ the results of the Wiscon:,in and ing. However, he emphasized that New Y nrk primaries held ycster­ he would comply with court rulings dav. on the matter. even though he is Arriving from Indianapolis at personally against abortion. jimmy Carter shakes hands with ND-SMC students following his speech at Stepan Center. aht~ut 2 p.m.. Carter held a Carter noted the May 4 Indiana half-hour nt•ws conference for primary could be an important one, (Photo by Paul Clevenger) members of the local and national especially if results from the Wis­ press in the airport terminal. consin and New York primaries are The former governor of Georgia inconclusive. In this case, the April dcult at length with questions on 27 Pennsylvania contest would Carter discourages abortion, the subjl•ct of breaking down racial become a major showdown be­ or ethnic neighborhood barriers. tween himself and Sen. Henry He said he was opposed to the usc Jackson, Carter added. of ft•dcral or state housing projects A small crowd of onlookers opposes mandatory busing to end tht• "ethnic purity" of a greeted the Democratic hopeful at neighborhood. the airport, although active Carter bJ Bob Mader He proposed a four-point alternative to forced "To artiflt·ially create within a supporters were scarce. Executive News Editor busing which was devised by the Atlanta School communitv that is fairly homogcn­ Later in the afternoon, the Board and members of the black community. The t•ous in ritl'ial or ccon;1mic status Georgia Democrat stopped by Car­ Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter said he plan provides: I) any children who want to he bused just the diametrically opposite kind tier Field while the Notre Dame would minimize the need for abortion and that he must be bused at public expense; 2) busing must of tamilv is bad for the community football team was holding a prac­ opposes fon.·cd busing of school children to integrate contribute to integration; 3) black leaders must be on both. sides." Carter said. tice scsison. "Pepper Rodgers schools in a speech yesterday at Stepan Center. An represented in the school system; 4) no child can be lie added however that he did sent me," Carter jested, referring es:imatcd J.SOO students warmly welcomed the bused against the wishes of the child and the 'ec anced to overcome housing to the coach of the Georgia Tech Democratic presidential hopeful on his second parents. campaign swing through Indiana. segregation in the North, that he football team. Carter atll'nded Carter said he would encourage business to hire was opposed to tlll' exclusion of a Georgia Tech as a student. "I think abortion is wrong." Carter said. "I don't young people by increasing the money supply and family fmm a neighborhood on the He was introduced to co-captains think our government should ever do anything to lowering interest rates. He also proposed WPAstyle basis of race and that he was Willie Fry and Mark Mclane and encourage abortion." Carter said he believes public work jobs for young people 18 to 21 years old c~~entially insi~ting on "the right asked the players to "be easy on abortion is a sign of unwanted pregnancies and he to alleviate the 25 percent unemployment rate in of pcoplt' to live where they Georgia Tech" because "we need would institute a nationwide program of sex that age group. dwosc. ·' to even up the series." The team education, family planning, improved adoption Carter said that unemployment among young When a~kl'll if he though he had laughed good-naturcdly at the joke. procedures. and access to contraceptives to every­ ~toppL'd Sen. Hubert Humphrey's Coach Dan Devine introduced one who wants to usc them. He emphasized that he people is a major cause of crime, citing the 45 un,,ftkial bid for the Democratic Carter as a "good young liberal," docs not favor a total prohibition of abortion and percent unemployment rate for black youths. nomination, Carter responded, adding that "we all like liberals on would abide by any court rulings concerning it. ''When a young person is forced out of the home and "Humphrey'!> momentum is a fig­ this campus.'' Carter also spoke goes on the street for weeks and weeks and can't get Carter also promised to cut defense spending, a job, there is a powerful pressure on that young ment of the news media's imagina­ with Athletic Director Ed "Moose" keep close tabs on the Central Intelligence Agency, tion." 6) person to start shoplifting or selling drugs or pursue a more vigorous foreign policy, reorganize becomes a prostitute or some other illegal activity." the Executive branch, televise sessions of Congress Carter stated. and push for the development of solar energy. A strong intelligence agency is needed for foreign On the busing issue, Carter declared that policy and defense, Carter said. Intelligence "integration suits me fine" but that he opposes agencies, however must obey the law, Carter said, mandatory busing. Mandatory busing did not work condemning activities such as assassination plots, in Atlanta, Carter said, because only poor children attempts to overthrow foreign governments and were bused. domestic spying. (continued on page 6) Carter wins Wisconsin primary; Udall claimed victory too soon Jimmy Carter captured the Wis­ gates. where delegates were elected in consin Democratic presidential Democratic delegates were a­ separate contests in each of the 39 primary election early Wednesday, warded in proportion to the popular congressional districts. showed winning on ballots that were tallied vote. Udall led for 26, Carter for Jackson leading for 102 of the after Rep. Morris K. Udall staged a 25, Wallace for 10, Jackson 6, state's 274 Democratic nomination premature victory rally. Sen. McCormack one. votes. Henry M. Jackson won New York's That was not the margin the contest for Democratic delegates. ABC and NBC said their projec­ Washington senator had forecast. President Ford easily won the tions showed Udall the victor. The Nonetheless. he said the incom­ Republican primary in Wisconsin, Arizona congressman said so, too. plete returns were close to the sweeping past challenger Ronald "I've finished second and I've figures he had anticipated. Reagan and saying he was pleased finished first and I like first a lot with a 55 per cent victory that better," he said. With 82 per cent of the precinl'!s exceeded expectations. Carter, who had won five out of counted, Jackson-pledged delegate President Ford trounced Repub­ six earlier primaries, said he had candidates led for 102 national lican challenger Ronald Reagan in thought he might run first in convention seats, Udall for 68, Wisconsin, winning with margins Wisconsin. He also had said a uncommitted entries for 64, Carter that put him ahead for all 45 of the Wisconsin win and a second-place for 40. state's GOP nominating votes. showing in New York would make Republicans gave the lead to 114 Since Ford Jed statewide and in him the unstoppable leader for uncommitted delegates, with three all nine congressional districts, he nomination. Reagan supporters leading. Only a Carter fielded questions from local and national reporters in a press was ahead for all 45 GOP dele- Partial returns in ~w York dozen Reagan delegates ran. conference at the South Bend Airport. (Photo by Paul Clevenger) -------------------------------------------------------------- - 2 the observer Wednesday, April 7, 1976 ,..---News Briefs--....... Management club plans seminar t:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= National by Mary P. Egan campus in terms of women learning assert themselves. and trying to Wells Fargo robbed Contributing Editor techniques of developing their own trade-off between their personal style of management." Such life and a career," Hayes explain­ NEW YORK - Three armed men wearing ski masks escaped with Notre Dame's Women's Man­ courses are problems because "the ed. $851.000 yesterday after they held up two armed Wells Fargo guards agement Club has planned a sem­ whole University's business college Anyone interested in attending in the basement of The Daily News building. inar, "Emerging Women in Society is male,oriented,'' Hayes contin­ this seminar may contact its dir­ The trio handcuffed the guards and two building workers to a to be held tomorrow in the C.C.E. ued. ectors: Conlisk. 283-8017; Hayes, stairwell railing and made off with three bags of money. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will "Women have special problems 283-6925; or Estelle Broussard, include a noon luncheon.
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