theWIOMSAMAGAZINE people& the environment Issue no. 4 | June 2010 Buying time for corals Coal reef crisis Marine Protected Areas and climate change the WIOMSA magazine | no. 4 – Jun 2010 1 Conference on “Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in the WIO region: Solutions to the Crisis” Grand Baie, Mauritius, 21-23 March 2011 THE FIRST gained in implementa- in the WIO region. be submitted to secretary@ ANNOUNCEMENT tion of adaptation and Priority will be given to AND CALL FOR mitigation strategies. summaries describing PAPERS e#orts undertaken by FINANCIAL ii) Support and facilitate governments, NGOs/ ASSISTANCE !e Western IndianCALL FOR WIOPAPERS countries in their CBOs and private sector A limited number of travel Ocean MarineSummaries Science are invitedquest on anyto forge topic a related com- to theto impacts address and implications adaptation to climategrants change will be provided Association (WIOMSA)in the WIO region. Prioritymon vision will beon given how to summariesof climate describing changes. efforts undertakento participants by from the in collaborationgovernments, with the NGOs/CBOsdeal with and implications private sector toSummaries address implications must be of climateregion changes. whose summaries Mauritius OceanographySummaries must be inof Englishclimate andchange. should not exceedin English 400 words. and should Submitted summaryhave been must accepted. Institute (MOI);FRQWDLQWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQWLWOHQDPH V RIDXWKRU V and not exceed 400DI¿OLDWLRQVSRVWDODQGHPDLO words. Applications for the the Nairobi Conventionaddresses. It shouldiii) alsoDevelop clearly a common state the preferredSubmitted mode of summarypresentation must (oral ortravel poster). grants should be Secretariat are 6XPPDU\PXVWEHLQ7LPHV1HZ5RPDQSRLQWIRQWVLQJOHVSDFLQJZLWKMXVWL¿HGDOLJQPHQWpleased to stand in priorities for contain the following accompanied by details announce the 6XPPDULHVVKRXOGEULHÀ\GHVFULEHWKHLUSURMHFWVLQLWLDWLYHVSUREOHPVWKH\DUHDGGUHVVLQJPDMRU"rst Confer- actions in relation to information: title, name(s) of the support required. ence on “Climateachievements Change and lessonsresearch, learnt. adaptation of author(s), a$liations, !ese applications need Impacts, Adaptation and and mitigation strate- postal and e-mail to be submitted by All summaries will be reviewed for merit and relevance and must be received by WIOMSA Mitigation in the Western gies. addresses. It should also 15th January 2011 to QRODWHUWKDQ1RYHPEHU&RQ¿UPDWLRQRIDFFHSWDQFHIRURUDORUSRVWHUSUHVHQWDWLRQV Indian Ocean will(WIO) be communicated to authors by 15 Decemberclearly 2010. state Summaries the preferred should be [email protected]. to region: [email protected] to the DATES. mode of presentation (oral Crisis”, which will be held Monday, 21 March 2011 or poster). Summary must EXHIBITIONS in Grand Baie, Mauritius – Wednesday, 23 March be in Times New Roman, Space will be available for from 21st – 23rdFINANCIAL March 2011 ASSISTANCE 12-point font, single exhibits by organisations, 2011. A limited number of travel grants will be providedspacing to participants with justi from"ed the regionprogrammes, whose projects and summaries have CONbeen accepted.FERENCE Applications foralignment. the travel grants should be accompaniedcompanies. by Please contact !is Conferencedetails will ofbring the supportFORM required.AT These applications need to be submitted by 15ththe January WIOMSA 2011 to Secretariat together key [email protected] !e Conference. will Summaries should brie%y ([email protected]) working on climate change have a combination of describe their projects/ for more details. Deadline issues at di#erent levels expert presentations and initiatives; problems they for con"rmation by including seniorEXHIBITIONS Govern- discussions in plenary are addressing; major institutions participating ment o$cials, 6SDFHZLOOEHDYDLODEOHIRUH[KLELWVE\RUJDQLVDWLRQVSURJUDPPHVSURMHFWVDQGFRPSDQLHVrepresenta- and parallel sessions. achievements and lessons in the exhibition is 15 tives of regionalPlease multi- contact lat- theProminent WIOMSA experts Secretariat from ( [email protected]. ) for more details.January Deadline 2011. for eral bodies, developmentFRQ¿UPDWLRQE\LQVWLWXWLRQVSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHH[KLELWLRQLV governments, business -DQXDU\ partners, representatives of community, NGOs and All summaries will be Contact address: the business communityContact address: multi-lateral organizations reviewed for merit and Executive Secretary Executive Secretary and NGOs and CBOs, will be invited to attend relevance and must be WIOMSA WIOMSA and scientists, 32%R[=DQ]LEDUto: the symposium and deliver received by WIOMSA no P. O. Box 3298, Zanzibar, 8QLWHG5HSXEOLFRI7DQ]DQLDkeynote presentations. later than 15 November United Republic of i) Share knowledge,Tel: + 255 ex- 24 2233472 2010. Con"rmation of Tanzania, perience andFax: solutions + 255 24 2233852CALL FOR PAPERS acceptance for oral or Tel: + 255 24 2233472 on impacts(PDLO of [email protected] Summaries are invited on poster presentations will Fax: + 255 24 2233852 change and experience any topic related to the be communicated to E-mail: secretary@wiomsa. 2QEHKDOIRIWKHRUJDQL]LQJFRPPLWWHHZHVLQFHUHO\LQYLWH\RXimpacts and adaptation authors by 15 December org to climate changeWRMRLQXVLQWKH&RQIHUHQFH 2010. Summaries should On behalf of the organizing committee, we sincerely invite you to join us in the Conference. S Features T 12. AN ASSESSMENT OF MANGROVE ECO! SYSTEM VULNERABILITY TO CLIMATE EN CHANGE IN WESTERN MADAGASCAR T 16. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS AND CON CLIMATE CHANGE IN NORTHWESTERN MADAGASCAR 20. INCUBATION TEMPERATURE AND IN! FLUENTIAL FACTORS ON Chelonia mydas REPRODUCTIVE TRAITS IN LIGHT OF News CLIMATE CHANGE 5. MASSIVE CORALS THE NATURAL ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE 8. WHAT IS THE CLIMATE VULNERABILITY OF THE WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN “CORAL TRIANGLE” 8. ADAPTING TO CLIMATE VARIABILITY Special features 23. BUYING TIME FOR CORALS 24. CORAL REEF CRISIS Last word 28. ‘MIDDLE CLASS’ REEF FISH FEEL THE ECONOMIC SQUEEZE the WIOMSA magazine | no. 4 – Jun 2010 1 2 the WIOMSA magazine | no. 4 – Jun 2010 the WIOMSA magazine | no. 4 – Jun 2010 3 L Climate Change – Less Talk, More Action! A ontinuing coral Indian Ocean: Implica- ture Seychelles managed bleaching, chang- tions for human health, Cousin Island Special ORI Cing patterns of the environment and the Reserve became in Sep- T rainfall, alteration in economy” was organized. tember 2010 the World’s stratification and circula- Based on the priorities first carbon neutral tion patterns of ocean identified in the e dis- nature reserve – a high EDI currents and increased cussion, WIOMSA has point for the WIO region. frequency of extreme funded eleven projects weather events. The im- covering different as- As a robust response to pacts of climate change pects of climate change the less than satisfactory are all around us. As is impacts on coral reefs, outcomes of the Copen- the case globally, the mangroves and fisheries hagen Summit, WIOMSA, Western Indian Ocean as well as prepared- the Nairobi Conven- (WIO) region is experi- ness of governments tion and the Mauritius encing climate-related for climate change. The Oceanography Institute perturbations with most information generated are jointly organizing the of them being attributed from the research will be regional Climate Change to the outcomes of ocean used to identify adapta- Symposium in March The WIOMSA Magazine, People and the Environment warming. There is clear tion measures and to 2011. This symposium and present danger for support strategy develop- is expected to be solu- Issue No 4 coastal communities and ment for adaptation. Thus tion oriented and issues June 2010 key economic sectors WIOMSA intends the driven. It will bring to- Published by: Western Indian including tourism, agri- results of the projects to gether senior government Ocean Marine Science culture and fisheries. be directed into reducing officials, representatives Association(WIOMSA) vulnerability to climate- of regional multi-lateral Editors: Nirmal Shah and Claire Despite this recognition, related impacts and in bodies, development Attwood coastal and marine is- assisting in building the partners, representatives Production Editor: Lilian Omolo sues are not high enough resilience of coastal of the business commu- on the climate change communities and environ- nity and NGOs and CBOs, Contributors: agendas of the countries ments. and scientists, to share Nirmal Shah; Jens Zinke; Craig in the WIO region. This knowledge and solutions Grove; Geert-Jan Brummer; is what has prompted Other exciting initiatives so as to support WIO Alison CLAUSEN; Harifidy Ralison, WWF Madagascar; WIOMSA and key part- in the region are breaking countries to forge com- T Jacob; J Bourjea; Tim Mc ners such as the Nairobi new ground. A MASMA- mon priorities and actions Clanahan; David Obura; Josh Cinner Convention, Institute of funded project “The for dealing with climate Marine Sciences and Na- feasibility of mangrove change. Advertising/Marketing: Lilian Omolo ture Seychelles to take up REDD projects in the leadership into bringing Western Indian Ocean: In preparation for this Cover Photo: “Baba Mantas” these issues into national Linking mangrove con- symposium, this issue By Alice Clausen and regional forums. servation and climate of the magazine is dedi- Design and Layout: Job Ballard, change adaptation to the cated to climate change Creaticus Limited WIOMSA’s formal foray global
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