lippippBpyiliPijwi-wiijiiiiipiii ^^m t 12 PAGES The Fidra Journal-Record PART YOU SHOULb READ Tf|E JOURNAL-RECORD ^THE NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER IN CLAY COUNTY VOLUME xni THB JOCBNAL, Vol. B5 No. M FL0RA. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. JULY 9. 1925 r-%,.. NUMBER 43 BED AB^W HUNT. HBARINO 3VVr 15 FMt VABASH WARNINO Oli'EN MOTORISTS FLORA WtMtDMEN WIN SECOND CAB WITHOUT LIGHTS BRIDOB. OF THB NEW TRAFFIC LAW PIUZB. CAUSES WRBCK BALTIMORE * OHIO RAILlUlMV ^or some time Sendamore Bros, NOTBS (From Thursday's Olney Dally Mail) have been using the Red Arrow sys- VINCENNB», July 8.—Lt. Col. Whidi Olvea State Roods and Streeta Last Saturday the flora Mod^n By P. H. Wright, 8r. - I tsm snd tbeir auctions have baea 0^'«* »• 8P*»l<»n» of the U. S. Preference Over Othera. Woodmen Forester team attended A serious accident occurrad on the •f* • h attended by Urge crowds. So sac- An"^ Corps ot Engineera of the dU- the Fourth of July celebration at Midland Trail two miles east ot town The state highway department At C. A. Wsds is sgsin in Baltimor# /i cessful hss the service proven, thst t^et office at LonUrille, ha; asnt Newton and competed In the team last night, and several occupants ot on business tor B. or R. T. Lodgs tM a I a Red Arorw Club war formed Wed- «">t»c^ •' »»»• »»«>»« h«*rlu« ot the Sprlngfleld sounded warning to drill, winning second place. East the cara were injurad bad enough to • • • • '* t nesday and organised by electing N. «>*y >»•» »»«« »» ^^'J •• » • '»'' motorists through IllinoU in connec- St. Louis won firat. be taken to the sanitarium. The Mr .and Mra. William Long of I B. prince as president and Leo Allen ^8 •• '»>8 propoeed Wabash rlvsr tion with the recently passed legis- The prixes were allver cups and cars, one a new ESasex coach, lielong- Washintton, Ind., Tlalted In Flora as secretsry. Those who compose '•'WM. lation which automatically makes alt only difference In the two prises ts Inf to Frank S. Westall of Sumner, with Mr. and Mra. 3oe Loag and fam- state highways "through streets" in wera completely smashed by the colll- ily. Bin U the oldest brakeman OB the club ara Scudanmre Bros., Med-1 Tk« "•««• ••TU that the hearing the sise ot tbe cups. The Flora ^^- TlUsges of lass than 7,5d0 ^pulatlon alon. the St. LouU dtvUlon. He aorsr ley * Son, J. Bowman, N. B. Prince, **« "eonslder the sppllcatloa by the boys' cup Is to be exhibited in show took promotloa... >£ and "praferantUl highways" through J. P. Rich, Flora Lumber Co. and •»•»« »' I»<""°» *»* """»«• *»' »«»•,.fc, ^„„-,„ window ot Prince's drug stora. Mra. Frank 8. Westall received a • • , e, 'e' *" ' # Flora Journal-B«:ord • V- »PP'OT»l ot pUns for a fixed highway, *»• country, A tragedy occurred at the Newton compound fracture of her right fore- Mra. Jerry Pops and little grskisdtP will go to Pens and Sprlngfleld thla 'bridge to be constructed over the Such a clasistlcation, otflciaU of celebration when Otis Miller, who arm and several minor bruises and f Find the Bed Arrow. week for an extended visit. Wabash river between tbe two states tbe highway department point out, waa assisting with tbe fireworks, John Carey Westall, and the driver ot • • * • Next Satarday will be put on the makes it necessary for motorists to at the foot of Vigo street, VIncennes." was killed by the premature explo- the other car. Perry Wakefleld, re- C. O. Barton, our popular fretghC ' tirat Red Arrow hunt. A person in come to a tall stop betore turning Lt. Col. Spaulding will hear all In- sion of a bomb-flrecfacker. He waa ceived hospital attention, but were and paasenger brakeman, was Injured this city win be given a red arrow onto any state highway (or vosslng terested peraons and will report to a prominent buainess man and a not hurt severty. while helping unload trunks last Sat- and whoever first tinds tbls peraoa auch an artery. Becauae ot the tact urday night while on No. 41 and will the war department which will ap- Mason and Woodman. It Is claimed the lights of the will be given 25.00 In gold as a that the legislation waa paaaed such a be off several' days . I prove or rejects the plans. Chevrolet car owned by Wakefleld • • • • \ prise. short time ago, the customary "stop" The plans for the bridge will be FOR.MER FLORA YOUNO LADY wera not on, and both cara were W. F. Qlllett resumed duties Moa- See tbe small bills tor particulara •.„.,'\ ., ,. t,^,^„, _h„ „,f,«^, ••«"• •»"* "°' ^^ '>**° erected at . „ . diaplayed at the hearing. The officer „„ .,._ —, ., . ,.^ „,,,M,I. -«,„ MARRIED IN DENVER, COLO. going at such a clip that they could day atter being oft on a vUit at iila«:jj| all side roads but the officials warn and watch the bulletins In Scuda- , urges that tor accuracy of record all not avert the accident, when they did ton, Ind. ' "5 that the new law provides no period The followtng announcement has aiore Bros, and Prlnce'a drug store ' ,^„„,„j, presented at tbe hearing see each other. • • • • ''< of grace and that the absence ot the been received by Ernest Brown of Flora 6, Norrls City 6. Very good. for intormatlon as to the hunt. Also ,b„„,j ^^ m writing, although oral this city: Mra. F. 8. Westall U the mothsr see the large ad In this Usue ot the „u,„c9 will be heard. The highway signs will not excuse a motorist nor of Mlss Dorothy Westall, whd Cqme on ypu Isiu patronise ths boys Mrs. Nettle Roswell-BuUard In America's greateat aport. Noth- Journal-Record. make his less liable to a fine, for fail- taught In tbe Flora high school [commUlons of Indiana and Illinois and ing nicer than a nice clean ball gsme. ure to comply with tbe regulations. about three yeara ago, and visited ars expected to be represented. Mr. Albert Roy Nichols • * * * STIFF FINE IN COUNTY COUBT. Miss Dorothy while she was here. Wby Is it Flora never nas a 4th of BIRTHDAY PARTY. announce their marriage 940,000,000 E8TIMATBD July celebration? Our people havo After the two Italians had been Sunday, June twenty-eighth to go away for a little pleasure sad POSTAL DEFICIT FOR 102S Mrs. J. P. Lawson had a birthday OBITUABY recreation on this day where if wo fined 150 each by Square Campbell nineteen husdred and twenty-flve Sunday, July 5, a (ew frienda sur- had a demonstration they could re- and one ot them had been taken to New Attributes Situation to Inrreaae Denver, Colorado. James Fred Davis was born at prising Mrs. Lawson of near Xeula main at home at a less cost and tho Louisville and brought Into Judge in Pay and Change in Ratea. Mrs. Nichols will be remembered Helenwood, Tennessee, Feb. sTK, money would be spent here as well ns by coming to her home wblle she aaj Realigb's court last Tbursda)y, he by many of our Flora reaidents .is 1892. He departed this life while at a good program would draw manr WASHINOTON, July 8.—A deficit Mr. Lawson were gone Into town outsldera to our Queen City. Hat the plead guilty and was fined $500 for Mlss Nettie Roswell (Brown) step- hla work at Edwardsvllle, 111., July of approximately $40,000,000 tor calling on a sister. She was called spirit of 1776 began to die? t booze running. daughter of our fellow townsman, Snd, 1926, age 33 years, 4 montha postal operations for tbe fiscal year away so the rest might prepare her • • • * ' :' His name was Joe Colandrlno and Ernest Brown. She la a charming and 24 days. ot 1926 was estimated today by Post- birthday feast. It took aome per- Mrs. A. J. Cooper of Edg<>wood ot Leonard Clacclo ot Sprlngfleld, came young lady. He was united in marriage to Edith Edgewood visited her father, A. 0. ' master-General New. suasion to get her away from home down and paid the fine with tive The groom ia a busineas man In Berry April 1st, 1916. To this union -Davis Wednesday at the home ot-Mra., The Indicated deficit for the year, aa she insisted on staying at home 2100 bills and tbe Italian was re- Denver, being one of the proprietor's was born one son, James Manford. F. H. Wright. which ended on June 30, was at- to help prepare Sunday dinner. Those • • • • leased. The blK Buick car was Yitt'jl of ah art and book atore. He leaves to mourn his going, his tributed by the Postmaster-General, preaent besides the family were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson motored tor rum running with a tank of 100- wtfe and son, his mother, Mrs. Vienna to the Increased pay of postal em- and Mra. Robt. Lawaon of near luka to Duquoln and spent the 4th with gallon capacity. Tbey are supposed Dugger. and a aiater, Mrs. EAax ployes and the change In postage and Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Kinnaman, CARNIVAL OF IiAIU>AI\S Mr. Wilson's mother. .> to have been rum running between AT .MAAH VARIETY HTORIi: Dunn, ail of Flora, and many other rates. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McBrlde and • • • • '^ Sprlngfleld and LoulsvIHe, Ky., and relatives and friends. He was a mem- Billie of near Flora—sixteen in all MUs Mayme Lowr^ and niece. the cars both had Kentucky licenses. On Saturday of tbia week at the ber of the Moderi^ Woodmen, Ap- Mlsa Bernetta Montleth motored to DKATH OF MRS. WEIR. Mra. Lawaon and Mrs. McBrlde went Maas Variety Store a sale known aa^jjletree Camp No.
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