Deed Tlo.Ieea4 for Rlre.5Rcar Tp9o

Deed Tlo.Ieea4 for Rlre.5Rcar Tp9o

, .\' t'l , rfrncwsr,sbNbAr $ffi;"tt'*"*' ffiffin ?6 Jut i016 it rrus_nlDrrnnlno ll nado on thts .kr.!!!.( w,li, u.tuy_---.:, ;.,. BETWEE'tr N alrub IfflIAB FA,L,. son of Late ,si.ddheswar pal, Irindu, br; Cidzen. - Indian, by occupation gusiness, - hilrn.q Conld....[)/2 :' ! i rl N. 1. b"-9$"' $*n ce-cq. ,{.04lx '., ,W.'{^": 1 3gr.f6^^,!' :. : ',1i it , Adl. Dist Sub.REgilttat- , UTTARP.ARAHQOGII'-Y . 26 J|lt tile I {1t :, I tl| Permanent Account AFBPEA3B2Q and 2! SM?. UTPALII PAtn Auup Kuriiar pal, It by faith - Hindu, cltiz6 - todiEd bg: ,it - Hourewifc, having Permanent Account t.i ll"iUa, AFBPP2383R, both are :1 residing at 3, Baidik fa4a p.o. _ ,. 1 Ohat t are, glndlrrotor, p,S. - ;''rt!arpara, Dis$ict Hooghs6 - Fm - 7 12203, hereinarbr caled and j reierred b as the .',oW!iE[bu $hi"t, tcrm o,: expression shall unlesE othcnriic oreludcd : by or rcpugnant to the subject or context be deemed to and iucludc their legal heirs, succissors, erecutbrs, qndlor assigns) of the o$b pART. AND l M/s. JAI nAtfUMAfi.i?RO.IECfS p\ir[. L:!D., a company incorporatcd undtr thq Co. u.Fanics Act" 1956, h4ving its REgistergd lfficc at Roog No. 4lO, Rorrrth Floor, 21,. Hemanta. Sasu Sarani, P.qgt OSFS - A.nb., lotcc Stdtion -. t{crc Strect, Kolkata - 700001, havlng Fctnsrlent Aecourrt Number (pAN) _ AADCJf3*L, bcing iipresentcd by it s Dtrectors narncly al.Srt Vlnod.Ku:nar .gri phooo rlaJdo, aon of Rqi,Jqjoo,.by faith . Hindu, Citken - Indian, ty occupetion - Bustncss, rcsidtng at Flat No. 3D, Third rbor, .Radfa Gobin{la Alr.artnocnt, r22, R. G. Nagar Road, Post - Oflice Hindnfotor, Folicc Station - Uttarpara,. District HoogNy, pIN .Rirnanent - - 7tA2+, having Account Number (PAN) . ACSPJ46rcq, grdhrfthdn, {| SrI 1;oloy son of Sri Kanailal Sadhulrban; b{ lhith - [Ii&du, Cltinn _ Indian, by oo.o,r$etion - Businessr.tdridi{g at 2, Baidfl<pl*p'hat lame, poet Of{icc Hindmotor, poUd " Starion - Uttsrpara, District. .Hooghly, PJN -'712233, fravtng Jpcraanent Account Number {pAN) AVNPS3686A, prarrd c) SA Ddrgr ebowdhrut, Bon of..Latc Sambhu Nath Chovdtruii; by ftith-.Htadu, Atizerr_Indian, by occupation - Busincssr. rcridh6 df 6I" Hcm Chqndra Lane, post 0{ficc - Ehaffak0li, poltq $tatton - uitarpara, District - HooEhly, Contd. py'S 'I ] f. |' i ( Addl. Disr. Sub-Rools[ar UTf,ARPARA, HOO'GHLY 2 6 JUL ?0t0 'p I l: , FIN - 712232, ABypcsre2e n"*bcr ;11"13,t pAN) Chandrq.Ghosh"* +&'ffiffi' ,r r"d ;:ffil.'"trtril#$'J, J*, i i) termrerm or exprco'r""llffiTexprco'ion '" 'DETDLopER'.'DE\ELoPER"^S;, " slu11 *r;, I; :"-*"-rne {which(which subject or bv or repugnqnr .or,,* i.-#Tl1uuaca to rhe *O ,n*lrdu ia"oflice, legal :"* l* *"cessors_ "" o'ccttorq adminisbators assigrrs) *r*"ri[l}' and/or " wHEnEi{s AL! THAT,p measuring of more o.ross; Bastu hnd arca cottahs (Iifteenl gq. "tlT*lj^*l 8 (eight) chittaks ",,.V,nr,""r;i5T rs fiffiIin iiFillxr$#il.,trxr;;'#:ft: **'1''"* propcrtJ/1 #|Jfff#1#:i,: is ttrgjoint arra T ;T",,[;j libsolute pmpcr$ of th. orrro, hu*in. AND t wtrEnaAs a parit o m"easuringland**.*-1.'3tll'A! mentioncd properry ;lJ:::Tfil: . yJ:ffiTn:ff i:ff,LTfr :J iT,:,:' 361S, , ;;t;#H:il'1"3,X TJ::?under R.S. ; ;: o', *" uurr, *o* **TIJlrlr'j1",fff.*:.11-t*, *'*"o"*,i* ffi T Holding No. Urrrr, f,jl,i;,l; within "*"r* thc arnUlt of &e , Contd,... p/4 nNt) wrrpnnN saia erri ctaacrq.Mqirundcr diett.ihtcstate in rho ycar 1984 leaving bcht4d tiia vitc Smt AEhatata Mqjumder two I 6ons nalxrcly Sri Gobind€i Mqfuadcr; Sri Oadadhar Mqjumdcr and rwo daughtcrs namoly fmt JE$rna .Banerjee and Smt pratima Mukherjee as his only fda n"iro and successors and they jointly .afofesaid inherited the !'toperty amording to Hindu succession Act 1956. i AND WIIEREAS;3aid t Ashalata Mqiumder, Sri Oobinria M{umdcr, Sri Gadadhir3,Mqiumdcr; Snt Jamuna Bancrjee and grot Platima Mulifierjeir ioitrfly. sold ind transferred the aforceaid proporty to Sri Alqk Kunar'Paul through a Rcgistered Decd, of Salc :duly regLtercd at thc ottie! of thd A.D.S,R. SeramForo, District - Hoogtily, vidc Decd No.3W2t.. fof thc year 1985. AND ryREREAS sal6 S4 Alok Kunar peul sold and transferrcd I thc aforosaid propc*y'tofsd ltadp. Dc through a Rcglstcred Decd I of Sale duly registered atithc ofi* of .A.D.S.R. Scrampore, Districr - Hooghly, vide Deed tlo.ieea4 for rlre.5rcar tp9O. AfTD UIEEREAS said; ,"ja Sji'1 n"aip n. and *ansferred rhe aloresiid pfoperty to Si{ Anup Kumar Paul, tbe Owner No. t hcrein, .through a regietaled Dcod of Salc cxcsuted on 01.12.1992 i and duly regigtcrcd at {hc offioc of the A;D,S,R. - Serampore, District - Hooghly and.reiprdid t&€rldh in Bpok No. I, Volume No. \08, Peges ti to 22, Bcl* No. 6644 tor rhe year 1992. 'r i Contd,... P/5 .{s) the aloresaid Propcrty AND lilHEtrEAS a{tsr Oottahs 4o (furty)'t." measuring land arca firrc t herein, bccomc said Sri AnuP Ktrmar |rave $utated his name in thc absolute owniir of thc end also at the oflicc of record of UttarPara - ;*rlrrt t*Cr and rcnts in his own natnc' B.L. & L.R;O bY PaYingrFl€i6t proPerty Schedule 'N mentioned AND {'HERDAS a parq of the mcasuringlarrdarea6ottofhsgS{thrcc)cottah84{lour.} Kotrung' J No' 8' ;;;;t;. (twcntv) siti' rt" tving in l'toura " 'L' 3615' under R' S' Khatian compriscd in n'S' DagiNog' 9614' e+e, concrPonaing to L' R'. OaS Nor. szo, llol -6613'6612'No' *ae7Z' lravtne'Municipal Holding under L. R. Khatdn r'riie' ''l"oc' Uttarpara' u*"n para;chat cli&frn ttrc ambt of Ulc ult, A'D'S'R' *,** Pnii Hitld:flotor' P'S' - Uttsrpars' ol6ce - serampore)' ;;-: """"ipaliry,u"*; fnu*1"rr*t A'D'g'& propcrties' was tbc joinl tloogfrly, togcfihor wit]f other Distfict - and $ri ;;;JiJp*'rvls* *t'ut<'rt clnandra Majumder Atul Chsrdra Majumder' gifted his Ahrl Chandrai rrkjulacl At{D fiIEREAft eaid Fd Kalyaut thc aJorcsai'l PloPerty to Smt' undivided % (hal0 slnr€ of (Mtijumder)" through a t"* *.iolr*rft-'-.,--- and S4nr Bt!'abati Dcvi f"" od 25'05'1960 and dulv Dccd of Glk cttlc$cd Registcrcd District at ttlc ostcc Ortbc sub-8td"ot::-:t*nole' ""J"or.u for tlrc ycal 1P6o' - looehlv' vide Decd Nbi 5096 t in Chandre MAu4gdcr dicd intestatc AIID !fiIEREAS said' A'nu'hll hie two sons nanely Sri AniI tbe ycar' 1956 lcaving bchiod Mqjumdcr' *t M{umder tttd ALhtl Chandra "t ":ll Chandra 7" and they iointlv undividcd iegal heirs ana eucccoJra i:Y* ae per thq Hind""l#). p,..r4 ,r,.o" rr ero *fooaceld pgapcrty . ,, u {q} At{D WIItRDAS.sEid #t. (M{'umder), Smt. Sivabsti Dwi (Majumder), Srl Majumdcr and $ri Akhil Chandra Maiumder, and absoiute o$rners of the aforesald plopcrry Gift and partly by way AND InI$REAS.said'Srdt. Ralya$ Dctri (M{umder), Smt, Bivabati Devi (Majumder), Sri Anll Chandra Ma,jumder and Sri Al<hil Chandra Majumder par&bned tlreir aioresaid propcrtlr togethemrith other propcrtice tbrough a Rcgistcred Dccd of Partition, duly rcSis&4d at tbc ofEce of the sub-Registrar, .l Serampore, District - Hggg[p vidc Dccd No. 4546 for the year 'I 1969. , ATD IIIIE, tAg:e?ld qqqara M{umdcr obtained the a,forcsaid proPcrF othir ptoporties in his orran share .the througb abovc" Dcod of Partition vlile Deed No. 4546 for thc year 1969" I i ANE wHpRpAs satd Anil.Chsrdra Majumdcr died intestate in the year 1984 leaving behih{ Ns rrltrc SEt. Ashalata Mejumder' two sons nancly Sri Gobintlq Mqiundnr; Sri G'adadhar Majumder and two daughtcrs damcty Smt..Jatrrlula Banerjdc and Smt' Pratima Mukher.iee, as. his only kigel heira aird successors artd they jointiy inhsritcd thc aforcsaid p{operW acoording to the provisions of the Hindu Succession A.t 1?S" -lJ t. AND WIIEREA{I oaid Srat eshatreta Maiurndcr' 9!i Gobinda 'Mqiumdcr, sri oadadhai. Mqiurdcr, Smt. Jamuna Banedei and Sr+t. Pratlma Muliihadcc,ijcdntly sdld std transferreit tlrc aforesaid propcrty to Sri Debdae. faut, thAugh a Registored Dced of Sale duly register€d at $Q osct d lb A.D.6.R' - Scramporc, District - noogf\ty, Yidc Dccd No. 6l@ br $c year 1965. ' Contd,,.. P/7 elfD WITEREA$ said'.! tl gcld and transferrcd rhe aloresaid ptaperty lca Etori or lcss 3 (lhn:cl Cottahs 4 (fourJ I 8q. Ft, to Smr. Utpaja paul. the Owner No, 2 e registercd Deed of Sal<: slrcc{rtcd . on 04.,1 ;d at thc ofllce of thc A.D.S.R, - Sefaqporlll aqd rccordcd therein in Book No, I, CD from !.0990 to ll007 vidc Eeing No, 00548 for. AilD WHEREAS after plrcbadng thc aforcsaid property said Smt. Utpala .No, g Pahl, the Owner hcipirL become the abgolute owner of the ghc same and .hot na:ac in thc rccords of the Uttarpeta- ai wdl es in ,the oflice of the B. L. L. R, O, by rcls0.ryrt.taxcc and rcntg thercin in her own -corresponding to LR. Dhg ifos; 6612, 6618 under L,R. Kharian Nos, 482/1, havlnglvlur{ciFal Holding No.612, Baidik para Ghar Lane, within thc amblt of thc Uttarpara-Kftrung Municipatiry, - F.O. Hindrnotor, P.g. ; Uttlryarr, A.D,S:R. Office - Unarpara (previbusly A,D.S,R. Officc - Srruporc); District - Hooghly, together with othcr pttpqrtie6r $A! tLa&iat. and absolutc prop€rty oi Sri Anukul Chandle Majunrdcr and Srl Ahrl Chandra Majumder" :' t t AND IIHERDAS. ,caid Aill'Chao&;r Mqiumder giftcd hi; undtvidcd % [ral$.

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