SILVAN SHALOM ECONOMY RELIGION Israel’s Vice-Premier Cybersecurity Judaism & Asylum GERMANY IS OUR INVESTMENTS FOR WELCOME THE STRANGER BEST FRIEND A SAFER WEB PROTECT THE REFUGEE PAGE 4 PAGE 13 PAGE 24 JEWISH VOICE FROM GERMANY PRICE € 3 | $ 4 VOL. 15 | OCTOBER 2015 שנה טובה תשע"ו ROSH HA-SHANA 5776 A Good Omen osh ha-Shana, the Jewish nist regime and established a New Year celebration, is democracy that was incorpo- R an occasion for reflection rated into the Federal Republic and joy. Just recently, Germany of Germany on October 3, 1990. was being portrayed in the inter- Some months before, the first national press as a country ob- freely-elected East German sessed with discipline, ruled by government under Prime Min- a narrow-minded government. ister Lothar de Maizière had Now, Germany authorized the and Chancellor immigration of Angela Merkel, Jewish citizens and even Finance from the Soviet Minister Wolf- The right to Union. For East gang Schäuble, “ German demo- until recently the asylum is crats, this invi- subject of special tation was seen vituperation, are a lived and as an acknowl- being portrayed in edgment of his- the world press as living reality torical respon- compassionate in sibility. Many their willingness in Germany Soviet Jews, to come to the who had suf- aid of war refugees. And rightly fered from poverty and anti-Se- so. Because Germany and the mitic persecution, took up this German government have been invitation. More than 200,000 demonstrating that the right to Jews left for Germany. Nearly The pomegranate, here a painting by Pavel Feinstein, symbolizes diversity, vitality, asylum is not a meaningless pro- half went on to join the Ger- energy. These are our wishes for you for the New Year – plus, above all, peace. vision within the German con- man Jewish community, there- stitution, but rather a lived and by helping to ensure its surviv- living reality. By the end of 2015, al. More Jews from the former POLITICS Germany expects to receive up Soviet Union would have liked to a million asylum applications to come to Germany, but there Silvan Shalom: The Friends of from people fleeing persecution were many obstacles in their We want peace and war. way. Convinced that the Jewish Germany is currently marking state was the proper home of Israel’s Vice-Premier is con- the 25th anniversary of reuni- all Jews, Jerusalem encouraged vinced that peace negotia- ith this Rosh ha-Shana, circulation currently stands fication. It is an occasion wor- Jews from post-Soviet states to tions with the Palestinians W the Jewish Voice from at more than 200,000 copies thy of celebration. In a peaceful immigrate to Israel. Germany’s need to be advanced. How- Germany is entering its fifth worldwide. revolution, the people of East ministers of the interior feared ever, unilateral steps taken year. In January 2012, we The Jewish Voice is now Germany toppled the Commu- that a continued “wave of Jew- by Palestinians are not recon- started with a circulation the world’s largest indepen- ish immigration” could give cilable with peace talks. In his of 30,000 copies worldwide. dent Jewish newspaper, and OPINION rise to anti-Semitic attacks. interview with JVG Shalom Then-German Foreign Min- presents our concerns to a And Germany’s existing Jew- also criticizes the recent deal ister Guido Westerwelle pre- global audience. But this ish community did not wish with Iran: “The conditions of sented our first issue. success cannot undo the re- to become a minority within a the agreement enable Iran to Thanks to the ongoing in- ality that print media now minority. And so a historic op- build nuclear weapons within terest of our readers as well finds itself in a time of sink- portunity to increase the size of a shorter time period than it as the Jewish and non-Jew- ing advertising revenues. To the Jewish community in Ger- could at present.” PAGE 4 ish public, advertising sup- maintain the independence This is our country many was lost. port from major companies, of our newspaper and to en- New welcome culture Today, in nearly all German interview partners including sure its continued publica- PAGE 2 cities that are receiving in- CULTURE Chancellor Angela Merkel, tion, a group of friends and coming asylum-seekers, tens Social Democratic lead- supporters have now joined ECONOMY of thousands of people are Music Academy: er and Economics Minis- together to lend their back- volunteering their help. They We rehearse peace ter Sigmar Gabriel, For- ing to the Jewish Voice. If are greeting the new arrivals, eign Minister Frank-Walter you are interested in joining tending to the needs of chil- “We aim to build upon the Steinmeier, and Israeli Vice their efforts, or wish to know dren and adults, providing powers of reconciliation in- Prime Minister Silvan Sha- more, please contact for ad- Trade & Invest welcome gifts and needed sup- herent in music.” Former lom in this issue, among ditional information. German export initiative plies, and organizing language German Secretary of Culture others, as well as a dedicat- We thank you for your at- PAGE 14 classes. “The new Germany is Michael Naumann is cur- ed team of editors, we have tention and wish you Shana ARTS&CULTURE a country that has changed rently director of the Baren- made steady progress over Tova. May the New Year bring for the good,” as the founder boim-Said Academy, based in the past years. you peace and happiness. of the State of Israel, David Berlin, which strives to foster Alongside our English- Ben-Gurion, noted more than harmony in the Middle East. language international edi- The Publisher and Editors 60 years ago. His belief in the “Our Academy is a symbolic tion, we have also been able good in Germany is being con- project,” explains Naumann to launch a German edition [email protected] Leo Baeck Institute firmed today. It is a good omen in his interview with JVG. in partnership with Axel Mission of preservation for the New Year, and not just “We want to demonstrate that Springer Publishers. Our fax: 0049 30 887 18 17 4 PAGE 16 Ministry of Internal Affairs, public domain, Photo: Courtesy HIAS, Pavel Feinstein/Photo: G. Lepkowski, FreedomHouse/Flickr/CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode), CC0 Pack public domain, LBI/Jon BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode), FreedomHouse/Flickr/CC G. Lepkowski, Feinstein/Photo: Pavel public HIAS, domain, Photo: Courtesy Ministry of Affairs, Internal within Germany. ■ peace is possible.” PAGE 15 2 | OPINION JEWISH VOICE FROM GERMANY | OCTOBER 2015 GERMAN SOCIETY This is Our Country Humanity before rules By Elisabeth Neu anchored in people’s minds and thus in the way they act in so- f we now have to start apolo- ciety. The result is the “Unter- gizing for showing a friend- tan,” the slavish subordinate, I ly face in response to emer- as depicted by Heinrich Mann gency situations, then that’s in his novel of the same name. not my country.” Chancellor This phenotype terrorized an Merkel’s remark in the face of entire society. Many people the refugee crisis marks a turn- were destroyed by its “second- ing point in Germany’s self-im- ary virtues.” age and conduct. Germany has always stood for No solidarity in Gulf States rules, duty and discipline that have priority over the needs of In 1980 Lea Fleischmann, a the individual. Even Immanuel teacher in Frankfurt, published Kant, the humanist philosopher her autobiographical book Dies of the Enlightenment, declared ist nicht mein Land (This is not “ Germany has changed. Life in our country has become better that “Duty is the necessity of an my Country), in which she de- action from respect for the law.” picted how oppressive everyday 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode) BY FreedomHouse/Flickr/CC That served as a justification for experiences were in all aspects the unconditional fulfillment of of life: Attacks on humanity are Muslims everywhere at every op- comments by other eastern Eu- erly love. And, whatever their one’s duty and obedience to the always covert, wrapped in the portunity, are not willing to take ropean leaders. reasons, millions of Germans law demanded by an authoritar- mantle of principle and duty. in a single refugee. Just as they support the refugees and of- ian state. The most obscene in- Angela Merkel has now thrown have not taken in any of their Support for refugees fer them help. They prove that strumentalization, or perversion, this monstrosity on to the scrap Palestinian ‘brothers’ for almost Germany and German society of unrelenting obedience came heap of history. The distress of seventy years now. It would be Whether they derive their have changed. Life in the land during the Nazi dictatorship. the refugees – hundreds of thou- cheap and undignified to hide position from faith or polit- of Angela Merkel, life in our Unlike a political system, a sands of them – is overwhelm- behind the indifference of oth- ical-moral tradition, Angela country, has become better and tradition of misusing rules of ing. Most are from Muslim ers. Nor is there any point in Merkel, the daughter of a pas- more humane. That is some- conduct, of instrumentalizing countries: Syria, Iraq, Afghani- getting worked up about the tor, and the Social Democrat thing we can all build on. Not them, cannot be swept away by stan and Eritrea. It is a fact that way Hungarian Prime Minis- Sigmar Gabriel both know only in times of distress – as we military means.
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