THE NORTHERNER Volume 28 Number 17 Wcdnc~day. January 20. 1999 Alumni Awards Grooms Sculpture Refinished New site considered. but still need.\ llfJfii"OI 'a/fmlll Votruba offer connection Uyl'' n~tlk>rk... hh~ p;•h-lnnv•t \ICre 111<>11' lhi!Kult to work N,..,n /..(11/nr The III.IU.tl \\nrl.. "'•'' <ktflt' h) l).tn ht.'C.IU.,.. tl11.• t'lfl!"'urc tuthe weather Collen. J,, \kt....:T. .md lien lluhcr wa,tft ercn ..JI •lfiJr,md, wch a~ the 'The ~\lor.ttiOO o( the Red Gn ..lln' ~llldcnh HI NKl •'f"''l~ll11o! /llr thctr untkN\Jc uf the lllt'F••Phonc, and there and opportunity o;,c,:u lplllre ··way l>own l.:a,t" th.Jt US ,\'.,wllh.llltrttplu'"HI\Lu/pturc W<l'n·t .!' rnlllh p.unt thcreonJ!tnillly. began tht~ fall ~ hccn l'olllflk'lt'tl. 'I w,t, tndl.II~C. hut tilt') dH.i,tlltl)l,' 'lllCC J"'."':-..k aren't c~tx-..:tcd to <.ee and t~ lt'A.tlttng finalltppt'11\oll tlllll new Wi!fl.." \tiii..'Nlll .... tld tho-.c.!lc.t'a'rnu.;h By J efTrey Willlam!l kK'OIIIOO "It\ nut 111-c w\·-rc fll't"- hut 1\t' 1ild " It \t;ntcd 111 ,June reotlly nK.-e," he SwffRefHJrlu ''Our prlllMI)' ob)l"CII\C 'A;!\ Ill d<l no thchc'>!~cwul<l.'\kt....:r'-;1111 -..ud. '"I hen: wctCJU\t \Clme areas yoo h.lllll to the -.cu lpcurc," An l'ntfL..,.,ur It 1\,1, ;t Jlft'll~ ht~ toh tu '>I;Ut oil Clttrldn't o.kl,ll!\tlun~ about" l.ast year. the Northern Kentucky IJarryAno.JcNlll~md Wlth,''lk" '-;lid, It ltd, lh ,UitUUd !tift)' It'' 'till to ht.· OOcnmned when and University Alumnt A.ssocmt10n offered Andc:r,(lll >Aa<. m charge of owr-.ce lll.lllhuur.tnt.tl whcn:the~ulptun:~o~.atl hcnMt\ed students from 1~ department~ S200 for mgthcrc\lor.atiOilproce'lo.IAlld...,udhc Hut he .... ud <111\.C the~ J!lll )lllt11!). II \1.11) l'.ml.t S..huh of C'ampu~ textbooks for thiS spnng tf they 5ubmttted felt the the •o.:utpcurc had hecn "'""''Y h.,'l;,llllt'C,I'J\.'1 ,I, till:) i!nl t/)1,' h,m~ nl 1'\.nmmg-..udthenttNhlcl) area for one·pagc essays. Studems from 10 of the tmpro\lxl'vllJCeffl'CI\Oftnne. ~c:llh ,, II', n:ki\:,IIIIIIIWII! J1o:' att/tc<o<JUth-t'a.<>t departments won the awards. but $1.000 cr. :md e:<pl.r..Urc to the clcnJCnh h.ad "ltl..,,ughttt w,1, lk',rt th.tt we wen: conJCr un tlk' l'tld of the hnc Al1!> offered to students from five of NKU's tal..cnthctrtotl . \\1)11..111~ Ill! ,I llntft','IU!I;Il :U(I'i'\ IJutldmg th.<t '' cltN:\1 to the departments for book award<~ remains He ..md the 'ICulpcurc wus mgm,dly <.~.:ulpcun:." ~lcr-.cr "ud ''' tl..,. t'\IX'rt Untlt'r'>ll) C'cmcr. hc'lde the new unclaimed. patntL-d w.tth a type of kJflg·hfc aut o­ land!4apm[! t)l,';tr IAtl.c lnfcnor. mobile p.amt, and then clc;W"~'oiited. "\\cd.::tinncl) gut ttl"""' rt 1111 a~k'' The Association is compri<~ed of 15 'lltc '"e """ rn'\J\ approval from l"f lc\cl," C'ttlk-n fl'l;tlktl "\\c J:'~ tu l''re,tdent Vomtbit. :tnd the fund ~ for Alumni Affinity Organization<~ (AAO) AnnaY.ea•crfThrNt~rrhuntr much the <,;mk: wa) th<~t ''" :•utonKih•le -.ce llil the d.::t.uhof wh.Jt Rcd(ir<ttllll~ 'olllne nf the ;tddtUO!l.ll land'C.tplllg People who have graduated from NK U ure The cont rmcn.i:.l "Wa~ l ~mn 1-:u~t" st'u lptufl' \U.S locuted on " 11lc pt'tX."C\.~ i0\'01\'L-d WU~htng II, lli\.,:tltt'rtlJlllrtg' th<ll II Wllllld rt.'<jliii'C IICC<h 10 be alumni of the college. They have a fond· the nmln 11hrw Jc ,cl until the hc)llnninJl of l u~t St' meslc r. The Hpptying a cleaner, :Uld then lie ';nd there lll'R' ~l'l1,un ,U\.''" th,rt .tppmwd ness for the department or tmajor from nc~ly rtlltl\lllt•d 01rtnurk "Ill find u new hnmc thi ~ )Cur. which they have gradmucd. The org:mi"la· tioos sponsor events throughout the year to show their continued support and attach· men! to their re specti\•e departments and Northern Cheer majorsaltheunh·ersity. According to Alumni Associ:uion secre· tary and treasurer Nancy l,e rry. the book awards a rc very im portant to the st udem~ Jeff McCurryfThr Nt~rl h rmo'r and the alumni. "Awards are given in majors as a bridge and as an opportunity (;IIEf:R (;1·:,\R: '1\\o-)tl!r-old Ellic Nt>w {IK' Iow) ch~rt.>d a lonl( with for the a lumni to stay connected with stu· No"'c f:ms and Jlrnmlr:tthcr Ke n Sheilds 111 thc basketball J.(llnlC dents. The alumni have a strong affinity to Thurod:t) night. their departments. They want to give back to the unh·ersity and create a ne twork for VIC TOR\' \'Oil'l•: : Frl.., lumm ,\maud:• S mith (right) and he r c ht't'r• themselves and the students," said Perry. lt>a ding h·anun:tte-; lini~hcd 4th in the nation a t thc National She said the rclotionship between students C ham11 ionships. and alumni is mutually beneficial bccau..e of the connection. The Association sp:msored a golf outing last June that raised mer S.5,000, wi th pan of the proceeds slated for the AAO'~ book awards. Perry said the departments on campus having AAO's and were offered the book awards are: Accounting, African American Studies, Anthropology. Biology. Chase. Communications. Hi story Society, MBA. MPA. Nur<:ing, Social Work and Young Alumni Association. Perry said $200 was o ffered to students in all NKU departments with AAOs but that no students from African American Studies. His tory Society. lnformatton Systems, International or Literature/Lunguage departments applied for the award. According to Carol Beirne. the as~ i ~tant to the director of the Association. in forma· tion about the book awards is not getting to the students and some are intimidated by the offer of an award for an e~~y. "We leave it up to the departments to get the word out but I thin k a lot of people arc See ALUMNI, Puge 5 Enrollment of African American students on the rise Recruitment office says retention of these students is now a major goal By 1-llenanl Badoyl emphasi:ted that 'he tra,el~ to a uf retention ~ee rn s to nri~e. ~p nng Uowever, the question of need\ arc catered lor A~·c11rd111g pm~ram bccau .. e 'he feels thi~ rs Slaff Ntporft'r majority of predonHnantly " l'cr .. on:ttl)·. my job is not over retenuon arose. Are African to Morg;m, Dr J.tmc' Vutruh.t ;uld ermcat w l..ecp Afncan Amencan African American high ioe hool ~ 111 once I ha\e recruited the stude nts Amencan Students bema replaced a numbertlffacult) mcmher.. Jrt• .,tudent" hrrc a\ well~~ gne them The doors of Northern a variety of c!lie., 'uch a<, I feel the maJonty return but some by new mcoming ones? 'er) concerned about rell'nltnn 111 dtn"Ctlt)ll Kentucky University ha'e been Loutsville, l.exulgton , C'lti('!Jlllllll, don't because of financial rea· Ro~e Morgan. assrlotant dean of African American ;and uthcr ller oflll·e '" rC\pGIIS!ble for open for 31 yean and each )Car Columbus, Dayton and Detroit. ~on,, grade!. or a lac!.. of rnatunty Afrtcan American Student Affatr~ mrnortt1e\ and hare 111 t•omc up dm:ctmg nHnOnt) \tudents wuh the population becomes more She said ~he pre1>are" a progr.un lc\ci," Wcbb MHd. and EthniC Services, sa1d, with alt\t of gonh th:Lt they hnp..· .,choiJr'h'll' to tnle 11 upon them· di verse than the year before. 1his for the youth to promote N KU '" Wehb 1 ~ the advhor of the "Re~arch shows that African tO !lCCOIIlpll'h thruughi)UI tht• \Cl\c~ !() a\~1\1 lhO\C minority StU· year. the enrollment of African a potential colle.:c the) >Auuld 111ac.l Women\ Orgunuation and Amerrcan students want to ft'el year denh whu arc fal·ed wrth academ American students has increased h.le to ame nd Webb ~aid .. he trte' \Jtd \he wants the students s he ~~oelcome and if then c hmate is Morgan .. atd the fullo>Atrtf; IC prohattnn Rhonda Webb, admissions to htghhght NKU a' a ~ood rc~rull\ to get m\Ohed 111 orsani· sattsfactory they .,.,.,11 adapt to pomh ~ 111 11"-1\t 111 a~..c~\111& a Mnrgan \lltd that the addmon of counselor and Afncan American Khool to attend Jatton~ un campul A a future thc•ren\tronment." s trat egt~ plan to ~ohc the pm/'l \otruha to the eampu) has been recrurtrnent oraant:ter, has been a "A good wa) to gu e htgh 1oa/ fur the ye11r 2000, Webb Moraan mentroned the role her lem ol rctentwn Al·adcnm: \Ufl tn<l\1 re~~oardrng, especially for the member or staff ut NKU for five school student<. an idea of ~hat hope' to reac h the aoat of office playll 111 the lt\e' of Afncan port, SuctJI culture commtuncnt, (/Ut"\t fot dt\Crl>H)' on NKU's years and hus been in charge of our campus 1~ about i~ to put enrolling 600 Afncan American Antencan students and other Carccrde\clupment,l'cr,onal!lnd campu\ recruitment since 199.5.
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