r r. v , rf &$. VOL. XXXL SO. 65. HONOLULU, H. L: PEID AY, AUGUST 14, 1896. SEMI-WEEKL- WHOLE NO. 1785. meyer and afterwards by Deputy Col and family, Senhor A. de Souza Cana-varr- o, lector McStocker. The result was the the Misses Ward, Juanita Has-sing- er. same, and then an interpreter was MWELL H. M. Whitney, Jr., Mrs. C. O. He gave as his opinion Berger and family, Miss Annie Holmes, SEni-WEEKL- Y. called in. it that the girl had been purchased by the the Misses Robertson, Chas. K. Hyde, Coney, NqlHetKltchen, Clarence ISSUED TUESDAYS AM) FRIDAYS actor from the proprietor of a dis NDPTI W. H. reputable house, and by him turned Macfarlane, Mrs. Paul Neumann, Mr. over to the mission, and when the lat and Mrs. W. W. Dimond, T. M. Starkey, T. R. PARRINGTON, EDITOR. ter decided to come here she was sent Mons. Vizzavona, Frank Mclntyre and with him. This was merely his opin- sisters, W. C. Wilder and wife, W. C. and about two SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Two Cases so Much Alike That ion and he was not prepared to vouch Wilder, Jr., Cecil Brown Introduced to Pupils Summer for it. After a most thorough investi- Society Wedding at the hundreds. at Per month...-....- .. X .SO gation it was decided to release them The bride is the eldest daughter of Per month, Foreign. .70 They May be One. Major W. H. Cornwell and is consider- School, Tuesday. year - S.OO all on bonds. These were furnished and ?er year, Forekm- - o.eo the quartette departed. ed one of the handsomest of Honolulu's fair daughters. She is a girl of rare Payable Invariably In Advance. When the China arrived the inter- preter presented himself to the port accomplishments and fascinating man- C. G. BALLENTTNE, asked allowed on ners. Since her advent in society Miss CHINESE GIRL LEAVES HOME. purveyor and to be 'AT .TERY HANDSOME BRIDE. Business Manager. the wharf, as he had received advices Cornwell has been a leader in the FEW WORDS OX CHILD STUDY. that an agent of the Six Companies ultra-fashionab- le set and has won dis- had come down to get the girl and take tinction as a conversationalist and by BUSINESS CARDS. her to her husband in California. The her charming manners. Her engage- Snpposed to lliivo Come Here Port ment to Mr. Walker dates back several agent, however, was not on the stea- Decollations at the Church Some of Inspector Townsend's Remarks Prof. Surveyor Stratciucyer Makt-- s tin mer, as interpreter passed out years. H. S. GRIWBAUM & and the Tell-- , Intorest-In- sr CO., Ltd. he would surely be the Persons Present The Bride's John S. Walker is the eldest son of Scott of tho Greeks Investigation Thret Aetors anif he remarked that nt Costume a Droani Recep- the late John S. Walker, who was pre-ide- Lecture on Geolocy by Ono Girl Released Under ltomls. on the Belgic. Quiet Dr. Importers and Commission Wong Gee Home, of the last Legislature during the I,yonb Reception to Prof. Whether this girl is the tion at the Walker Nuuanu. Monarchy, besides being many times Drtwlar. Merchants. spoken of by Chronicle as having a San FranciTO, acd Honolulu, the member of the cabinet. Mr. "Walker is 215 left her Berkeley husband has not been -- Front St.,. Queen at. engaged in the insurance business on - found out, but the circumstances of the There has been much gossip among Fort street, having succeeded his father HAWAIIAN WINE CO., case are at least similar. S. and Miss Blanche He is The morning passed without any sen- Chinese society on Washington John Walker at the time of his death. quite rrank Brown, Manager. 28 and and Adele Cornwell are married. And a young but a man of fine appearance sation other than the introduction o 30 MerchantSt.. Honolulu. H.I. Stockton street, San Francisco, recent- ON THE BEACH. prettier wedding has not been witnessed and elegant physique. Like his wife Prof. Dresslar, who. in fitting words, ly over the mysterious disappearance iirtHonolulu for a long time. There was he has ever been a social favorite In told how glad he Is to be with schooL W. A. KINNEY. of the pretty wife of a Chinaman em- Law. Deposit Attorney at Safe ployed in a foundry in Berkley. About I sit alone in foam and spray, upstairs, Fort Street, wave Honolulu. H. I. same wife left, a mongo- Wave after the time the Breaks on the rocks which, stern and LYLE A. DICKEY, lian, who had covered himself with gray, Attorney at Law. P. O. Box histrionic fame in a Jackson street all-nig- ht Shoulder the broken tide away, Honolulu. H. I. theatre, quietly rolled his queue Or murmurs hoarse and strong through cave. away to Elysian with- mossy cleft and WILLIAM C. PARKE, and stole fields out leaving his address. at Law and Agent to What heed I of the dusty land take Acknowledgments. No. 13 The San Francisco Chronicle devoted And noisy town? Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, H. 1. much space to the affair and stated I see the mighty deep expand that the matter had been taken in hand From its white line of glimmering sand W. R. CASTLE, the blue, of heaven on blue by the Six Companies and that an To where at Law and Notary Pub- waves shuts down. lic. Attends a!! Courts of thP emissary of that organization had been Republic. Honolulu, H. I. dispatched here to find the woman and on vessel bound In listless quietude of mind "shanghai" her a for to M. WHITNEY, M.D., D.D.S. where the friends of the bereav- I yield all J. China The change of cloud and wave and Rooms on FortStreet. ed husband would proceed to separate Dental In Brewer's Blocx, cor. Fort her head from her body with neatness wind; and Hotel Sts; entrance, Hotel St. and dispatch. And passive on the flood reclined, Since the arrival of the China a re- I wander with the waves, and with W. F. ALLEN, porter for the Advertiser has been on ? them rise and fall.. be pleased to transaot any still hunt for the heavy man in the Will entrusted to his oare. theatre who would presume to so far But look, thou dreamer: Wave and Office over Bishop's Bank. breathe in the character of the stage shore villian as to carry it with him to the In shadow He, H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., home of his next friend and lure his The night wind warns me back once rocery and Feed Store. Corner wife from her happy surroundings. more J King and Fort Sts., Honolulu. (Red fire and slow music.) To where, my native hilltops o'er, In pursuing his investigation the re Bend like, an arch of fire the glowing --THE WESTERN & HAWAIIAN porter found that there has been re sunset sky. Investment Company, L'd. Money cently added to the cast at one of the 1 Loaned for Ionij or short periods local Chinese playhouses three indi So then, beach, bluff and wave, fare- on approved security. W. W. HALL, Manager. viduals whose physiognomies, collec- well! tively and individually, would contrib- No token stone nor glittering shell & CO., ute as much toward scaring away the I bear with me, IJLANCIIE ADELE CORNWELL AND JOHN S. WALKER, WILDER "Woman in Black as the entire police But long and oft shall memory tell Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt, p2r Married at St. Andrew's Cathedral by His Lordship, Bishop Willis, Last Night. vumber. all-kind- force. To ascertain their pedigrees, Of this brief, thoughtful hour of musing -- Building Materials, C- and previouscondition of servitude present "by the sea. - place places ana social ho Puna-ho- u, SCHMIDT & SONS, or of residence John Greenleaf Whittier. grand hurrah or clanging of bells, Honolulu. He was educated at Extremely good work Is being., done H. W. relations was but the work of a mo- the entire affair being conducted in a finishing at a college in California. by the teachers of the various classes, and Commission ment and in a few days he learned that semi-qui- et manner, owing to Importers Honolulu, H. I. the recent Invitations were sent out to a limited but little occurs except the routine the three individuals accompanied by STRIKE AVERTED. death of the bride s grandmother. number of relatives and near friends work. The first class in geography Is a young and beautiful Chinese girl An- T. WATERHOUSE, The ceremony took place in St. of the family of the bride and groom still busy with mathematical geogra- JOHN garbed in European clothing arrived Deputy Marshal Hitchcock and drew's Church last night, His Lordship to the reception which followed im- phy, getting thoroughly grounded in Importer and Dealer in General here on the Mariposa of July 21. There Do3'lc Return From 'Kauai. Bishop Willis officiating. The church mediately after the wedding and which longitude, great 1 Queen St., Hono- latitude and and small Merchandise. had been a difliculty in bringing the was filled with invited guests long be- was held at the residence of the mother, lulu. Deputy Marshal --H. R. Hitchcock and circles, etc The English class Is learn- lady into the country on account of a fore the time announced for the wed- Nuuanu valley. ing state- Japanese Interpreter C. A. Doyle re- to drill pupils thoroughly in the B. Lowers. I". J.JJowrey. C. 3r. Cooke. difference 'between hers and the ding.
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