Proceedings California Invasive Plant Council Symposium Volume 9: 2005 Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in the articles of this publication do not necessarily reflect the position of the California Invasive Plant Council. Copies of this proceedings are available by sending $10 to: California Invasive Plant Council Attn: Proceedings 1442-A Walnut Street, #462 Berkeley, CA 94709 California Invasive Plant Council can be reached by writing to the address above or e-mail: [email protected]. Visit the Cal-IPC website at www.cal-ipc.org. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyright © 2006 by the California Invasive Plant Council Printed in the United States of America First printing January 2006 Recommended sample citation. Bossard, C. et. al. 2005. A test of repeat flaming as a control for poison hemlock (Conium mac- ulatum), Cape ivy (Delairea odorata) , and periwinkle (Vinca major). In, G. Skurka, (ed.). Proceedings of the California Invasive Plant Council Symposium. Vol. 9: 2005. pp. 29-34. Proceedings California Invasive Plant Council Symposium Volume 9: 2005 Prevention Reinvention: Protocols, Information, and Partnerships to Stop the Spread of Invasive Plants October 6-8, 2005 Bell Memorial Union Chico State University Chico, California Edited by Gina Skurka California Invasive Plant Council Contents Papers Presented at the Cal-IPC 2005 Symposium Session 1: Protocols and Practices for Stoppping Weed Movement Prevention of weed spread on site-disturbing projects: Working with landowners, contractors and local agencies Wendy West, UC Cooperative Extension, El Dorado County 1 Communicating the need for prevention Jerry Asher, BLM - retired 3 Protecting public lands: Progress in incorporating prevention practices into agency policy Athena Demetry, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks; Brent Johnson, Yosemite National Park 3 Preventing weed spread via contaminated hay and straw Joanna Clines, Sierra National Forrest 4 Session 2-A: IPM Laws and Regulations Efficacy and safety of new herbicides on the horizon Joseph M. DiTomaso, UC Davis 7 Regulatory concerns with herbicide use in invasive plant projects Richard Price, Butte County Agricultural Commissioner 7 Control of invasive plants through biological mitigation for transportation projects Bruce April, Caltrans, San Diego 8 Balancing pest management needs and water quality Parry Klassen, Coalition for Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship 8 i California’s new NPDES permit for aquatic herbicide use Mike Blankinship, Blankinship and Associates, Inc. 9 Session 2-B: Riparian and Wetland Invasives Are we creating the ideal conditions for Arundo donax invasion in California? Gretchen Coffman, UC Los Angeles; Tom Dudley, UC Santa Barbara; Phil Rundel, UCLA; and Richard Ambrose, UCLA 9 Control of water primrose (Ludwigia hexapetala) in a freshwater wetland Julian Meisler, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation 9 Comparison of removal methods for Spartina densiflora in Humboldt Bay Ellen Tatum, Patti Clifford, Andrea Pickart, and Andrea Craig, Humboldt Bay NWR 10 Dry Creek Watershed red sesbania control project - Initial successes and challenges Loran May and Shannon Lucas, May & Associates; Eric Evans, Resto- ration Resources; Peter Buck, Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency 12 Suppressing exotic weeds on restoration projects using an aggressive herbaceous understory Tamara Sperber and F.T. Griggs, River Partners 12 Session 5-A: Comparing Control Methods A test of repeat flaming as a control for poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), Cape ivy (Delairea odorata), and periwinkle (Vinca major) Carla Bossard, St. Mary’s College of CA; Ken Moore, Wildlands Restora- tion Team; Cameron Chabre and Andrea Woolfolk, Elkhorn Slough Na- tional Estaurine Reserach Reserve; Jorden King, St. Mary’s College of CA; Dana Johanek, CSU Monterey Bay 13 ii Large-scale pampas grass control program Jeff Powers, Peninsula Open Space Trust 15 Invasive annual grasses in a costal dune ecosystem Andrea Pickart, Patti Clifford, Ellen Tatum, and Kyle Wear, Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge 15 Balancing act: Managing non-native plants of historic landscapes within the natural landscapes of Channel Islands National Park Sarah Chaney, Channel Islands National Park; James Roberts, CSU Fullerton 20 Management of Domestic Olives on Santa Cruz Island in the Channel Islands National Park: Preventing Development of an Olive-Dominated Chaparral James R. Roberts, Environmental Studies Program, California State University, Fullerton; Sarah Chaney, Channel Islands National Park; and Ann Fossum, Student Conservation Association 20 Session 5-B: DNA to GIS: New Techniques and Ideas Identification of cultivated pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) escaping ornamental plantings Miki Okada, Riaz Ahmad, and Marie Jasieniuk, UC Davis 21 Biodiversity risks from atmospheric nitrogen deposition in California Stuart Weiss, Creekside Center for Earth Observations 21 Status of new agents for biological conctrol of yellow starthistle and Russian thistle Lincoln Smith, USDA-ARS; Massimo Cristofaro, ENEA, Italy; Rita Yu Dolgovskaya, Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia; Carlo Tronci, ENEA, Italy; Rustem Hayat, Ataturk University, Turkey 22 Reinventing the language of invasion biology Brendon Larson, UC Davis 26 iii Tracking weed population dynamics using geodatabase technology Ingrid Hogle and Joshua Viers, UC Davis 26 Session 6: Inventory and Prediction for Stopping Weed Spread Nostradamus, palantirs, and the pros and cons of predictive modelling for invasive species management Rob Klinger, USGS and UC Davis 27 Developing predictive models of invasive plants Emma Underwood and Jim Quinn, UC Davis 27 Weed mapping in California: where are we? Steve Schoenig, California Department of Food and Agriculture 28 Designing invasive plant early detection and rapid response networks Dan Gluesenkamp, Audubon Canyon Ranch 28 Session 8-A: Safe and Effective Use of Chemical Control Controlling European beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria) using prescribed burns and herbicide Tim Hyland, California Department of Parks and Recreation; Pete Hol- loran, UC Santa Cruz 29 An assessment of the hazard of a mixture of the herbicide Rodeo and the non-ionic surfactant R-11 to aquatic invertebrates and larval amphibians Joel Trumbo, California Department of Fish and Game 29 iv Aminopyralid: A new reduced-risk active ingredient for control of broadleaf invasive and noxious weeds Vanelle Carrithers, Beau Miller, Pat Burch, Bill Kline, Mob Masters, Jeff Nelson, Mary Halstvedt, John Troth, and Jamie Breuninger, Dow Agro- Sciences 30 Control of Scotch broom Scott Oneto, Joseph M. DiTomaso, Guy B. Kyser, UC Cooperative Extension, UC Davis 30 The fennel battle on MCB Camp Pendleton: Partnerships and techniques in combating the invasion Todd Easley and Deborah Bieber, MCB Camp Pendleton; Carl Bell, UC Cooperative Extension; Pete Tosovic, Recon Environmental 32 Session 8-B: Building Effective Programs and Partnerships Montana Weed Prevention Areas: Partnerships for rangeland protection Kim Goodwin, Montana State University 35 Early Detection protocol development in the National Parks: Integrating all the pieces Bradley A. Welch, Daniel Sarr, and Penelope Latham, National Park Service 39 Ecosystem protection through watershed-level prioritization on Catalina Island Denise Knapp and John Knapp, Catalina Island Conservancy 39 Beyond the Plantae: Commonalities in combating Phytophthora ramorum, cause of Sudden Oak Death, and other plant diseases Janice Alexander, UC Cooperative Extension & California Oak Mortality Task Force 46 v Incorporating applied research into an ongoing watershed-based, programmatic approach to Arundo donax removal Karen Gaffney, Rich Hunter, Center for Ecological Restoration and Stewardship, Circuit Rider Productions, Inc. 46 Session 9: Partnerships for Early Detection and Rapid Response Noxious weed early detection and rapid response: California’s been there and is doing just that Mary Pfeiffer, Shasta County Agricultural Commissioner 47 Early detection and rapid response - a western regional approach? Eric Lane, Colorado Department of Agriculture 47 The power of partnerships: weed program management with a limited budget Marla Knight and Anne Yost, Klamath National Forest 48 6,000 volunteer detection partners: The problem, possibilities and potential Bob Case, California Native Plant Society 48 Posters Presented at the Cal-IPC 2005 Symposium Analysis of clonal diversity in giant reed (Arundo donax L.) using molecular markers Riaz Ahmad1*, Ivy Liow2, David F. Spencer2 and Marie Jasieniuk1 1Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, 2USDA-ARS Exotic & Invasive Weeds Research Unit, Davis, CA. 49 Resource kit for management of non-native plants in national parks Monika Alas¹, Alma Martinez ¹, Desaree Williams¹, Ian McFadden¹, Bonnie Davis¹, Mietek Kolipinski², and Sibdas Ghosh¹, ¹Dept. of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Dominican University of California, San Rafael, ²National Park Service, Pacific West Regional Office, Oakland 49 vi Tumbleweeds of California - who, what, where, and how? Debra Ayres1, Fred Ryan2, Fred Hrusa3, Pat Akers3, 1Evolution and Ecol- ogy, One Shields Ave., UC Davis, 2USDA ARS CDPG, Parlier, CA, 3Cal- ifornia Dept. of Food and Agriculture 50 Cape ivy removal at Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Point Reyes National Seashore
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