GMAPTER XIV The Men Behind the Laws The 7,500 Stale Legislators: W/io Represent the : - ' 125,000,000 • Citizens ;• ' ; "v HE American Legislators' Association maintains an index file of. all of its members which is the only complete: list of the names, addresses, and party affiliations of Tstate legislators in the country. When information on vocation and on legislative history is available, it is also recorded on the cards. ' Until a legislature' establishes a Committee on Interstate Cooperation and thus obtain^ the control over selection pf its own councillors to which it is entitled, five men are selected in every, house and senate in.the forty-eight legislatures to a;ct as councillors of the American Legislators' Association. These men receive State Government and are regularly advised of all Association activities. Thus they are in a position to ^acquaint their fellow legislators with the ainis and services of the American Legislators' Association. One asterisk b^ore a name indicates that the legislator is a councillor; two asterisks indicate that he is chairman of the House (or Senate) Council in his state. In a few states the list'has not been completed as this book goes to press. The following pages contain the.first complete list of lawmakers of the forty-eight states ever published: . \STATE OF-ALABAMA '^ Senate *Bonner, John M. / -Goldsmith, R. L. Rogers, C, M. A. Taylor, H. A. Browder, I. J. Kelly, J: L. ., Rogers, John A. Thomas, Earle Carlton, O.D. Locke, J*Klson Russell, Edgar P. Thrower, Thornas J. Chestnut, Webb McDowell, A. M. Tucker, Hayse Cook,,Grady W. McNeil, Walter S. •Simpson, James A. Walden, D. A. • • DorseV, Isham J. : Mixon, W. B. Starncs, W.. T. , Walton, Will O. •Fletcher, Shelby S. Moonevham, Floyd. H. Stephens, F. G. Weaver, L. A, • Frazer, T. S. Parrish, W. A. St. John, Vernon L. •Wellborn, M. B. Glover, H. L! **Riddle, D. Hardy •Swift, G. R. Woodall, W, Carvell House of Representatives Adams, V. L. Coleman, John C. Hare, James A., Jr. Livingston, Speer Almon, T; C. Gonnor, Eugene- Harris, John E; Long, James W. Arnold, John C. Cook, Dan G. Harrison, W. C. •Lusk, John A., Jr. Austin, J, C. Cox, C. B. Heflin, John T. Mathews, B..H. Batemari, John W. Davis, Albert C. Hendley, J: E. McDerihott, Wm. V. .Blann, S.'M. • Deloney, John E. Hill, Dr. R. L., ' McGowin, Earl M. Braswell, Dr. W. C. De Vane,.P. F. Hinson, L. T. McPhaul, A. B. ..^Bridges,' Forrest G.- Dominick, Aubrey ""^ffifpdges, Harry Miles, Dr. W. C.­ Britton, T. W. Doster, H.M. Hollingsworth,, J. W. Moore, L. S. Buffingtbn.'Luke W. pouglass", Vernon 'J- \ Hollis, A.U. Norman, C. D. Bulger, Mike;J. Glover, Lester • Johnston, Albert P. Norman, M. R. Burleson, F. E.; Goodvvyn, R. Tvler Jones, George Bliss O'Neal, J. S. Byars, J. D. L.. Goolsbv, J. B. Kelly, M. P. Owen, Evan J. Calhoun, W. Perrv Haley, J. P. • Kirby, A. D. Owens, C. J. Carter, J. D. Hall, David M., Jr. Langdon, R. G. - Parish,. J, A. Castleberry,: Forrest Hamncr, R. F. Lee, A. C. ' . Parish, J. H. " Chichester, John p. Hanks, A..L. Lee, W. J. Parker, E. B. 149 ISO THE BOOK OF THE STATES House of Representatives:^—coitiniied .Petrey, Walter L. Robinson, Neil Sparks,' W. S. ; Toomer, S. L. Poole, Joseph N. Samford, William J. • Spence, C. A. ••Tunstall, A. M. .. Posey, G.W. •Sanderson, L. A. ' Staples, Alfred L. Waldrep, Buccne E.­ Posey, John A. Sanford, J. R. Steele, J. O. Walker, R.H. Wallace, J. R. Propstj Frank Glenn ' "Segrest, Charles E. ^ji^,. Street, Dr. T. H. Quarles, George P. Welch, W. S., . Reecler, H. L. Shaver, Charles E. Taylor,'William C. Whigham, C. E. Reid, R. A; Shipman, J. Milton Tidmore, J. W. Wilkes, "Norman C. Reynolds, J. B. Sightler, S. B. • Todd,, J. R.­ ^ Williams, A. P. •Robertson, M. L. •Sparkay Chauncey Tompkins, T. P. Wright, Dr.L. J. \ STATE OF ARIZONA. Senate' Angius, Dan Harrison, J. A. •McEachren, E. H: Rierihardt, Daniel K: •Bush; Nellie T. ' Houston, E. T. Nelson, Aaron Rilev, Peter '^'"v• ••Collins, Thos. Hunt, Joe S. Stau'ffcr, Clyde Ethington, Peter H. Jojinson, George A. •Nelson, G. W. Smith, J. Huber Haldiman, Joe C. " •Keefe, Paul C. Patterson, W. E. Whiting, Bryants House of Representatives Armstrong, uBert C. •Gillett, William F. ' Murray, O. L. Riggs, L..Alton ••Babbitt; James E. Goodson, J. M'elvin O'Neill, Ben J. •Rosenbaunif'W. G. : •Batchelder, G. A."' 'Gray, M. A. i Orthel, John H Sharpc, Frank W., Jr. •Bohlingei-, Edwin F. Heron, James R. Palmer, W-. R. Skinner, Frank Bowling, Frank - Hill, Raymond S. ': Penny, D.M. Steinel, P. C.'. Caine, Bernard T. Imler, Tom J.\ • Patterson, Don R. Sullivan, Harrv J. Petersen; William. Thompson, C. T. Chavez, Justo A. Isiey, Philip A. - , Chisum, Guy C. Peterson, Jam:' Twav, Thos. D. Curry, M. E. Kenworthy, R. W. Porter, Mrs. B. M. Webb, Fred Danenhauer, Matt Love, J. E. Pratt, M. G. Williams,' L. S. Davis, Vernon G, Mader, Harry J. •Rapp, John H. AVilson, J. C. • Franklin, Ben H. Marks, David J. Reichard, V. A. Wisdom, William Gardner, C. W. ' Morrow, Robert. E. Richards, Thomas S. •Wisener, William • ^^.,j STATE OF ARKANSAS Senate Armstrong, Fred S. Evans; Charles L Hollo way, Claude • Parish:, John F. Ashley, John C. Fagan, Ellis Johnson, A- J- . "^Shaver, J. L. Barnty, H. M. Featherston, Alfred Lake, Winifred Switzer, Ovid t; •Gardwell, Wilson Gathirigs, E. C. : Levine, Sam N. Taylor,' Armil . 'CaTneSj-G. iC,,._^^^^ Gilbert, Ivo W. Livingston, J. W. Thompson, R. R. Cole, Andrew W. ' -Greggr-CJB,__ Ward, J. Paul Crutchfield, R. Lee Hall, Joe •~~" -•-Marlm,iTom •Ward, William L. Dillon, Edward B. Hardy, Dr. H. B. ••Milum, Roy '~l\'heatlcy, Walter Ellis, Clyde ' • HarriSi Marvin' Norrell, W. F. , Wilson, John L. House of Representatives Baker, Eugene B. \ •Campbell, James Rr Condrey, Robert Garner, Ezra Beck, J. 0. E., Jr. Cirraway, W. M. Copeland, W. W.' Gates, O. E. • Berry, Earle Carter, Ben E. Cowart,* Claude Gooch, S.''A. Blair, Ray Carter, V.N.. Crawford, Ivy W. Grider, R. PL" Blount, Golden Chapman, A. B. Crawford, Sam D. Hampton, Eugene ' Bolton, Cat M. Cheyne, E. H. Crossno, S. J. "Hardgraye, G. L. Boulware, R. T. t Childcrs, J. C. Cummings, Mauoin Harris, Carlcton Bradford, Clyde . •. Chrisp, R. W. Dawson, J. C.*.* "^ Holland, Chester Buefkle, Louis K. ^ ;;-ehristiari;Dr. J, A., Eicher, D. E. " Horton, Dennis , I Brown, Lyle Clark, L. W., Jr. ' Elgin, O.B. Horton, Joe Buckalew, Hollis Clergct, Gus Ferguson, Zeb V. Houston, G." E. •Burke, F. N. Colennian; Adrian Fletcher, W;. E. Hurst, Mrs. Ella B. Biirris, Dorin Colvin, G. B. »;- Foster, Joe ; Jones, Fred Butt, John i^. • - Combs, W. Lee . Fox, Homer W. Rillian, Charles S. .' THE MEN'BEHIND THE LAWS 151 House- of Representatives---co«//««£!rf Langiey, R. L, . , • Northcutt, H. A. Rbuntfee,' M. " ' •Thome, Harvey B. Manef, Ernest ' •' . Nyberg, Leo E. • Rowelli Hendrix Tibbies, Dr. W. O. Mason, R. K. Pilkington, I.L. Rye, John H. Toland, Dr. W. M. McCall, B. B. Proctor, Marcus \V. Sampler, J. Wesley Toriey, H. Kemp McCoIIum, Fred •Raney, Walter W. Silvey, J. B. Undcrhill, Ralph McGraw, B. F. Rea, Ralph Smith, J. Ersldne Ward, Joe H. **McHaney, E. L., Jr. • Rector, Hv M. Stephens, Al J. Warfield, Cafneal • Miller, AJiarcus-B. Reints, Neal . Sykes, J. E. Watson, C. W. Milwce, Minor . ' Rice, W. S; Thomas, H. Steve Wilkes, Luther J. , Mitchell,. Shelby Richardson, 0. G. Thompson," Emory A. Wilkinson, Means > Moore, i. N; Rogers,-v. A. ' Thompson, W. M. - Woolsey, Marlv- ••'. • . STATE OF CALIFORNIA Senate Biggar, George M. Hulse, Ben : Olson, Culbert L. Sea well, Jerrold L Crittenden, B. S.- Jespersen, Chris N., .Parkman, Harry L, •Sharkey, Will R. • Deuel, Charles H. King,'Charles Perry, Harry A. ;, Slater, Herbert W. Difani, Leonard Jos. Knowlahdj William,F. Pierovich, A. L. •' Snyder^ .Bert;B. ^ v*Duval,Walter H. McColl, John B. ' 'Powers, Harold J. Stow, Edgar W. Edwards, Nelson T. McCormack, Thomas ReindoUar, Charles F. •Swing, Ralph E. Fletcher, Ed, McGovern, Walter . **Rich, W.P. ' • •Tickle, Edward; H. Garrison, J. C. McGuinness, Henry Riley, Joe Wagy, J. L , Gordon, Frank L.. Metzger, D. Jack Schbttky?-'Andrew R. Williams, Dan E. Pl^ays, Ray W. - Mister, Frank W.. Scollan, Thornas P. Young, Sanborn 1, Assembly . Anderson, H: Dewey Evans, Herbert j. Laughlin, Frank D.' Phillips, John P. Andreas, Godfrey. A. Eva.ns, Ralph W. Lore, Elmer E. - ReaVes, Fred Boyle, James J. *Ueld, C. Don - . *Lyon, Charles W. Redwlne, Kent H." Brehnan, Jas. F. *Fisher, Charles.W- Maloriey, Thomas A. Richie, Paul "A. Burns, Michael J. Flint, Gene" Martin, Frank G. Riley, Harry B. Cassidy," James M. , Frazier, John E. Mayo, Jesse M. Robertson, -Alfred W. Chatters, Ford A. Fulcher, Clinton J. ,McBride, J. J. • (• Rosenthal,, Ben • , CUw=k, John G. Gatibaldi, James Dv;" McCarthy, John jD. .Scarborough, John ' Corvvip, Gordon W. Gever, Lee E. McMurray,,Patrick J. Scudder, Hubert B. : Cottrell, C. C. Gilbert, Wilbur F. Meehan, Henry P.. Stream, Charles W. „*-*Craig, Edward Gilmore, Joseph P.'. Miller, Eleanor LL.^^ I^Th.ofp.,.=James-E, :- . *Cronin, Melvin I. Glover, .\. Franklin Minard, Claude Turner, Rodney L. ^ Crowley, Ernest C. ' Hawkins, Augustus F Morgan, Geoffrey F. _Utt, James B.. " - Cunningham, Thos.'J. Heisinger, S., L. Jjjielsen, Roy J. ' Voigt;';ErnestO.:-~' •• Dawson,-Kennett B. HornblowerT- Wm. B. O'Donnell, John If. Wagner, Charles J; DeLap,T.H. Hunt, Charles A. Wallace, Ralph W. f • Desmond, EarlD. Johnson, Gardiner Patterson, Ellis E. Waters, Frank J. Donihue, Leon M. * Jones, VVm. Moseley Peterson, Frederick Welsh,-Ralph Louis r Donnelly, Hugli P. Kallam, Clifford R. Pelletier^ John B.
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