NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 995 Ws (3O1.5 M.) (68 Kw.) (Daventry)193 Kc/S (1,554.4 In.) (35 Kw.) (70 Kw.) 8.O P.M

NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 995 Ws (3O1.5 M.) (68 Kw.) (Daventry)193 Kc/S (1,554.4 In.) (35 Kw.) (70 Kw.) 8.O P.M

DECEMBER II, 1931 WORLD -RADIO 1005 (London) (Northern) 1,148 kc,'s (261.3 in.) NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 995 Ws (3o1.5 m.) (68 kW.) (Daventry)193 kc/s (1,554.4 in.) (35 kW.) (70 kW.) 8.o p.m. -Vaudeville.Ernest Shan-10.25 p.m.-" Mosaic "-VII. 12noon. -ReginaldFooftatthe Weather ForecastSecobd General SUNDAY (DEC. 13th) non and Janet Joye, in Impressions,10.4o p.m. -12 midnight.-Dahce Organ. News Bulletin. 3.o p.m. -Church Cantata (No. 159), Ronald Frankau with his Frankau- Music.Henry Hall's Gleneaglesx.o p.m. -Gramophone Records. 9.15 p.m. -Shipping Forecast ; New Bach.Sehet, wir geh'n hinauf gen Optimists, Elsie Otley (Soprano). Hotel Band. 2.0-2.30 p.m. -A Concert.Dinah York Stock Market Report. Jerusalem(Lookye, we mount Leonard Henry, Comedian.The Evans (Soprano), Anita Vaughan9.20 P.M. -National Lecture. Sir the Steep to Jerusalem).Singers : Orchestra, under the direction of (16th) (Contralto). William Rothenstein !` Whither GladysCurrie(Soprano),Betty S. Kneale Kelley, will play duringWEDNESDAY 3.o p.m. -Evensong from Westmin- Painting ? " Bannerman(Contralto),Robert the programme. 10.15 amt. -The Daily Service. ster Abbey. Leeds(Tenor),ArnoldMatters9.0 p.m.-" The Second News." 10.45-11.0 a.m.-" 'The Week in3.45 p.m. -Jack Payne and his B.B.C.10.5 p.m. -The B.B.C. Light Or- (Bass). TheChorusof The9.15 p.m. -Shipping Forecast ;New. Westminster." Dance Orchestra. chestra,conductedbyStanford Bach Cantata Club. John York Stock Market Report. 12 noon, -A Light Symphony Con-4.30 P.m. -The Grsovenor House Robinson.Heddle Nash (Tenor). Field(Oboe),BerkeleyMason9.2o p.m.-" War or Peace ? "-VI. cert. The Northern Studio Or- Orchestra,directedbyJoseph Orchestra : Overture, Preciosa (Harpsichord),HerbertDawson Lord Lloyd,G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., chestra, directed by John Bridge. 15epeMums (Weber).Heddle Nash and Or- (Organ). The B.B.C. Bach Or- D.S.O. : " The Security of the Gordon Green (Pianoforte). ..-The Children's Hour. chestra :I arise from Dreams cf chestra (Oboe and Strings), con- Empire. 5.15-2.15 p.m. -Organ Recital by6.o p.m.-" The First News." Thee, It was a Lover and his Lass, ducted by Kennedy Scott. 9.40 P.m. -Chamber Music.Freder- G. D. Cunningham. 6.3o p.m. -TheFoundations of Hey, ho, the Wind and the Rain 3.45 p.m. -Bible Reading. ick Dawson(Pianoforte). The3.3o p.m. -The Bournemouth Muni- Music. Bach'sEnglishSuites, (Quilter).Orchestra :Serenade, 4.0P.m. -An OrchestralConcert. Catterall String Quartet :Arthur cipalOrchestra,conductor,Sir played by Victor Hely-Hutchinson. Waltz (Vincent d'Indy), Perpet- Catherine Stewart (Contralto). Catterall (Violin), Laurence Turner Dan Godfrey. 6.5o p.m. -German Talk.Mr. Otto uumMobile(JohannStrauss). The B.B.C.TheatreOrchestra, (Violin),BernardShore(Viola),443P.m. -Reginald Newatthe Siepmann. Heddle Nash :0 Mistress mine Lauri Kennedy (Violoncello). (Redgrave Cripps), Diaphenia 7.20 p.m. -'The Weekly Bulletin of conducted by Joseph Lewis : Over- Organ. (Whittaker),PrettyRing'Time ture, Lucio Silla (Mozart). Quartet, No. III, in E Flat Minor5.15 p.m. -The Children's Hour. Special Notices. CatherineStewart :Recit., Thy (Op. 30) (Tchaikovsky). Frederick6.o p.m.-" The First News." 7.30 p.m.-" Can Democracy Sur- (Peter Warlock), And yet I love Hand, Belinda, and Aria, When I Dawson :Sonata in E (Op. 109)6.3o p.m. -TheFoundations of vive ? "-XII. The Rt. Hon. Lord her till I die (Parry), Winter (Bal- (Beethoven). " Our Problem four Gardiner).Orchestra :The am laid in,Earth (Purcell) ; There's Quartet :Quartet Musk. Bach'sEnglishSuites, Eustace Percy : Bells of Aberdovey, The British in E Minor (Op. 83) (Elgar). To -day." . not a Swain on the Plain (Purcell, pliyed by Victor Hely-Hutchinson. Grenadiers (Stanford Robinson). arr.Moffat). Orchestra :Suite,21.0 p.m.-x midnight.-Dance6.5o p.m.-`,' Plays and the Theatre."8.o p.m.-" Yes and Back Again." Nautical Scenes (Fletcher). Music. Mr. James Agate. A Paraphrase by E. J. Kings Bull.11.0 p.m. --x2 midnight. -Dance Catherine Stewart : Lie there, my g.3 p.m.-" The Second News." Music. The Savoy Hotel Or- Lute (Hamish MacCunn) ;The 9.20 p.m. -Shipping Forecast ; New pheans. Almighty (Die Allmacht) (Schu- (15th) TIME SIGNALS (Greenwich) York Stock Market Report. bert). Orchestra :Norwegian TUESDAY 9.25 p.m.-" 'The Way of the World." Dances, No.tand2(Grieg).10.15 a.m.The Daily Service. Sunday: 10.30 a.m ,3.0 p.m., Mr. Vernon. Bartlett. SATURDAY (19th) Catherine Stewart : E'en as a lovely10.45 d.m.-" British and Overseas 9.0 p.m. 9.40p.m. -ARecital. William Flower (Frank Bridge) ; Sea Wrack Dishes "-IX. Mrs. Thirkell. Primrose(Viola), theWireless10.15 a.m.-The Daily Service. (Harty). Orchestra :Selection,11.0-11.5 a.m.-Housewives' News.Weekdays: 10.30 a.m. 1.0 p.m., Singers, conductor, Stanfordx0.45-11.0 a.m.-Housewives' News. Schubertiana (arr. Finck). x2 770On-12.50 p.m. -A National 4.45 p.m., 6.30 p.m., Robinson. 1.0 p.m. -The Commodore Grand 5.15 p.m. -A Recital by Adila Fachiri Service of Prayer for the World 10.3o p.m. -Short Mid -Week Ser- Orchestra,directedbyJoseph (Violin) and Kathleen Long (Piano- Disarmament Conference, relayed 9.0 p.m., 11.30 p.m. vice, conducted by the Rev. W. H. Muscant. forte) : ,Sonata in E Minor, Op. 24 from St. Paul's Cathedral. Elliott, relayed from St. Michael's,2.o p.m. -Ireland v.South Africa. (Sjogren)p; Sonata, No. 3 (Delius).x.0 p.m. -Leonardo Kemp andhisDANCE MUSIC Chester Square. Piccadilly Hotel Orchestra. 5.15-6.0 p.m., each weekday 10.45 p.m. -I2midnight. -Dance A Running Commentary by W. P. 6.0-6.2o p.m. -For the Children. 1.55 p.m. -Experimental Transmis- Music. Jack Payne and his B.B.C. Collopy,onTheInternational 7.55 p.m. -Service from St. Martin - from London andNorthern Rugby Football Match. in -the -Fields. sion for the Radio Research Board Dance Orchestra. 8.45 p.m. -The Week's Good Cause. by the Fultograph Process. National transmitters. 12 midnight -12.5 a.m.-Experimen-3.45 P.M. -The Gershom Parkington Appeal on behalf of St. Martin's2.5-2.30 p.m. -Gramophone Re- talTransmissionfor 'theRadio ,Quintet. Gladys Palmer (Con- Christmas Fund, by the Rev. P. cords. 7.10-7.25 p.m. -Mr. Frank Prewett Research Board by the Fultograph tralto). McCormick. 4.0 P.m. -A Sonata Recital. Nancy The Countryside." Process. 4.45 istm.ReginaldFoortatthe Weather Phillips(Violin),HindsPhillips Organ. 8.5o p.m.-" The News." (Pianoforte). 7.30 p.nt." What is Man ? "-VI. 5.15 p.m. -The Children's Hour. Forecast, General News Bulletin ;4.30 P.M. -The Trocadero Cinema Professor Julian Huxley :" Man 6.o p.m.-" The -First News." Shipping Forecast. Orchestra, directed by Alfred Van and Reality," FRIDAY (18th) 6.25 p.m. -Interval. 9.5 p.m. -Albert Sandler . and The 8.o p.m. -Interval. Park Lane Hotel Orchestra.Thea Dam. 8.x5 p.m.-B.B.C. Symphony Con-ro.x5 a.m.-The Daily Service. 6.3op.m. -TheFoundations of Philips (Soprano). 5.15 p.m. -The Children's Hour. cert,relayed fromThe Queen's10.45-11.o a.m.-Chnstmas Stories Music. Bach'sEnglishSuites, 10.30 p.m. -Epilogue. 6.o p.m.-" The First News." Hall, London.The B.B.C. Sym- -II. played by Victor Hely-Hutchinson. 6.3o p.m.-sTheFoundationsof phony Orchestra (Leader, Arthurrz noon. -A Concert.Horace Ralph6.5o-7.5 p.m.-" The Week in the MONDAY (14th) Music. Bach'sEnglishSuites, Catterall), conductor, Adrian Boult. (Violin), Joan Bonner (Violoncello), Garden." Mr. A. Simmonds. played by Victor Hely-Hutchinson. Roy Henderson (Baritone),Joan Dorothy Hildreth (Pianoforte). 7.10 p.m.-" The World of Business." ro.x5 a.m.-The Daily Service. 6.5o p.m -French Talk.Monsieur Coxon(Soprano),AntoniSala12.45 p.m. -Organ Recital by Walter Mr. Archibald Gordon. 10.45-1 1.0 a.m.-" Great Occasions E. M. Stephan. (Violoncello) : Overture,Der Vale. 7.3o p.m. -Southampton Male Voice in Other Lands "-XIV. Mrs.7.20p.m. -The WirelessMilitary Freischiitz (Weber). Roy Hender-1.30-2.3o p.m. -A Recital of Gramo- Choir, conductor, Arnold B. Wil- Norberg" Sweden." Band, conductor, B. Walton O'Don- son and Orchestra :Three Moods, phoneRecords,by Christopher liams. 12 noon. -A Light Classical Concert. nell.Grace Reynolds (Soprano). of the Sea, for Baritone and Or- Stone. 8.10 p.m.-" The Barber of Seville." Beatrice Richmond (Soprano). The8.3o p.m.-" The New Spiritin chestra (Ethel Smyth). Antoni Sata4.0 p.m.-Moschetto and his Orches- (Rossini). Performed by the Covent Eileen Wright Trio. Literature "-XII. theHon. and Orchestra : Concerto in A tra, from the Dorchester Hotel. Garden Opera Company, relayed r.o p.m. -The CommodoreGrand Harold Nicolson, C.M.G. :". Con- Minor (Schumann). 5./5 p.m. -The Children's Hour. from the Prince of 'Wales Theatre, Orchestra,directedbyJoseph clusions." g.xo p.nt.---" The Second News." 6.o p.m.-" The First News." Birmingham. Act II -A Room in Muscant. 9.0 p.m.-" The Second News." 9.25 p.m. -Symphony Concert:Part6.3o p.m. -TheFoundations of the house of Dr. Bartolo. Conduc- 2.0-2.30 p.m. -Gramophone Re-9.15 p.m. -Shipping Forecast ; New II.Music for Orchestra (Constant Music. Bach'sEnglishSuite, tor, John Barbirolli. cords. York Stock Market Report. Lambert). Orchestra(Soprano played by Victor Hely-Hutchinson:9.0 p.m.-" The Second News." 4.0p.m.-Moschetto andhisOr-9.20 p.m.

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