. I I<W*!P|IW I-' ■ > i' ’ T ' . ' .: ' . ‘ i, : • ■•;■’.■*«*/•-'■ ■>• ■ , Vf • WEDNESDAY. MAY It. 18«4 PAOK TWENTT^EIGHT A m g « Daily Net Pim i XBr the Wmk mSeS S t Mary’s Bpiscopal’ Guild Memt>ere ot Mystic .Review, W. HAIlden of Thomaston pro­ to 9 >m. aAd Mday Bum t will meet tomorrow at 11. Am. WBA, are reminded of the state vided the Tmeheon along with Vocation ExhiBit ARL to • pjn. Town Rejects ^ AboolTown in Guild Hall. The Rev. William rally to Be held Saturday at 1 a tour of the Hallden Machine • m n A L 1 3 , 9 7 4 F. Gender HI will Be a guest at p.m. at PVeJa Mall, IIP Park Company in what has now Be­ In Willimantic Lone Pipe Bid r drO i AudR rtm Harwich HcwpiUl Auxil- the luncheon. Rd., West Hartford. Miss Dolo­ come an annual affair for the 4-H MemBers o t r students. t u y WOl koM its annual raaet- res Hood, state field director, A TocatiMial Institute will Be H is town has rejected the AUCTION few ait 11 Am. Monday in th« The Crippled Children's Com­ is in charge of'arrangements. Model Oolhes May 1 Bid By Kenneth A. Miller •ohrtum or the OoeupaUonal mittee of Manchester Lodge of n si WITHDRAWS held tomorrow and Friday in NORTH Willimantic with 32 religious of 70 Foiey S t fw the install­ Tharapy Building at the hoapi- inks will meet at 7:30 p.m. Fri­ The executive Board of the SHELTON (AP)_ Mayor County 4-H CluB memBers L x x x m , k o . in jcrwENTY-BiGiiT Pa g e s —TWO sicifoiis) taL Report* will Be given and ation ot approximately 05 feet MITHOOIST roL. day at the home. Raymond D. Junior Century CluB will meet Vincent Tisi Jr. says he will orders represented at Booths will model clothes they have ^ ______ / ___________ _ MANCEBSTBII, CONN., 1HUR8DAY, MAT 14, 1964 Moetlon d ofFicera held. ' Mrs. McCarthy, chairman, reminds not run for a third term Be­ and wchibits. made in their 4-H clothing proj­ of 10-lnch pipe at the Highland CHURCH Halea MoCnafTerty, R.N., inirse memBers of the classes installed tonight at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. LawrenBe Decker Jr., 180 cause of the pressures of his Prises for an essay contest ects at the ’IBlland County 4-H Park Reservoir. SOO PARKER ST. ooordlnator of the hospital, will in January and March to at­ private Business and the grow­ on vocations held at parochial Clothing l^vue Saturday at Miller was the only Bidder ■peak OB the puBlic health nurse tend the meeting to provide Laurel St.. Wapping. Mrs. J. Keith Carriere will Be the co- ing burden of the mayor’s of­ schools in the area among Grade the Mansfield State ’Training for the pnriect, and suBmitted SATs, MAY II TCferral program. their support to this p r o g r ^ . fice. 7 and 8 students will Be dis­ School auditorium. a price of $3,234 fOr the work. E v e n ts hostess. le A.M. He announced last night that triButed By the Most Rev. Vin­ ’The. seven outstanding girls However, he didn’t meet speci­ Jet Plows into Tract Mtaa Karin Lilllian Jdiansson, Staff Sgt. George B. Blanch­ cent J. Hines, Bishop of Nor­ who will represent the county daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oke he will not Be a candidate in fications, which call for a Bid ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. MemBers of the RepuBlican wich. at the State Clothing Confer­ bond to accompany the bid. and Toole, Appllaaeas, Tfgiannn. 15 Bank St., was re­ Shelton’s next municipal elec­ Home FnnilalifaigB, I n S ta te Blanchard, 28 S. Alton 8t., was Women’s Club are reminded to The work and history of the ence in June will Be presented,l , ^ e project will soon go out for cently elected secretary of recently assigned to duty at tion. and went on record to say Books, Etc. have food items at the Com­ religious orders will Be ex­ at the close of the program. Tlie• [new bids. Kappa Delta Kappa sorority at sb England Air Force Base, L«. munity Y By 9:30 a.m. tomor­ he does not seek endorsement plained at the Institute with review Starts at 7:30 p.m. The work calls for install­ Refreshments 8<4d Bryant Ooliega, Providence, R. row. Those wishing pickup By the RepuBlican town com­ color slides, i^iotographs, post­ Planning committee memBers ation of the pipes at the Bottom Premises X. Pvt. Andre R. Blais of the service may call Mrs. M. Adler mittee. ers and movies. Include Nancy ’Taylor, Mrs. of the reservoir and will neces- Sponsored By Dorval Charged United States Marine Corps, son DoBkin, 56 Clyde Rd. The Man­ Tisi, elected mayor in 1960, The institute, Being held at John Booth and Mrs. Helen slUte the draining of aBout Methodist Men of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. chester Garden Club plant sale is head of a fuel oil company St. Mary’s School on Valley St, Taylor, Vernon, and Mrs. 500,000 gallons of water stored In 1151 H oldup Blais, 67 WethereE St., recent­ and gas station in Shelton. is open tomorrow frtm 6 p.m. ly completed his recruit train­ will also be held At this time. George Jacquemin, Coventry. there. ing at Parris Island, S.C. WILLIMANTIC (AP)— George J .. Trueman, son of A Coventry carpenter waa Dispute on Cyprus Advertisement- Mr. and Mrs. George Trueman, arraigned today for a | 1 6 1 Experienced Administration. 167 High St., was recently pro­ holdup of the Family Fi­ The Estate Administration moted to engineman third class. nance Co. on Main St. Dept, of Oomiecticut Bank and Me is stationed at Argentia, Exiles Hit Siigar Mill ' . : ~ Newfoundland, with the United Hactor N. Dorval, 44, ot Leka Trust Company can help you States Navy. Front Park, arraatad a faw And the practical and legal an­ hours aftar tha roBBary yeatar- swers, to your family oBjectives day, appeared in Circuit Court and estate planning. By nam­ Donald L. McLagan of 66 Ox­ and hla caaa waa Bound over to ing the Connecticut Bank and ford St., was one of 19 Trinity Superior Court. Trust Oompeuiy as Elxecutor of College engineering students Dorval, picked up while rid­ Cuban Port Raided }Tour estate, you can Be sure of honored at a luncheon given ing Back into WlUimantic from dependaBle and economical yesterday at the WaterBury Coventry, waa charged with Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Karl MIAMI, Fie. (AP) — Exile handling. roBBery with violenge. forces say their attack on a Judge Seerla Dearington con­ sugar mill and port In eastern THE HAGUE (AP) — tinued the ceae to May 26, and CuBa is Just the Beginning in Greece and Turkey agreed reduced Dorval’a Bond from their war <rf saBotage and today to accept mediation $6,000 to $8,000. Dorval posted nerves aimed at toppling Fidel the Bond. Castro’s Communist reg^e. By the North Atlantie Chief of Police Philip M. Rom , The Revolutionary Recovery Treaty Organization sec­ WINTHROP said that $147 waa recovered, j Movement, a military action retary-general of their Bit­ Police found the money Be-: group, said in its "first war ter dispute over Cyprus, s hind the YMCA buUding not far communique” Wednesday that •HOBS FOR MEN from the roBBery scene. a comBined raid By seaBorne souroe at the alliance’s Rom oaid Dorval, who waa commandos and guerrillas al­ spring meeting of foreign carrying a toy pistol, took a caB ready in the hills gained control ministers reported. Back to Coventry after the of the port of PUon for three Greek F o re l^ liOnister Stavw holdup. He was returning to the hours and left the sugar mill ros Kostopoulos agreed to med­ city to get hie car when police, Burning. It said other raids iation cm condition that it would took him into custody, R om would come soon: | not Be confined to ttie Cyprus said. Prime Minister Clastro in a dispute but would cover all Police said that In their in statement acknowledged the a t -, rtidses of Greek-Turklrii rela­ vestigation of the area around tack, but said it came from a | tions. Greece is upset By recent the loan company they discov­ ■hip standing at sea and not Turkish seizure of the property (AP Pbotofax.) ered a shotgun in a ear and from ground forces. of Greek nationals living In for MEN traced the car to Dorval Castro’s angry comment was Turkey and expulsion of a num­ Jet’s ashen path in Las Vegas suBdivision. through the reglatratioa. They Broadcast By Havana Radio Ber of them. p-’-* ' “ 'J were looking for Dorval when aBout 15 hours after the attack, Turkish Foteign Minister Fer- he was stopped on hia way to which the exiles said took place idun Cemal Erkin had accepted pick up the car, they said. at 3:60 a.m. Wednesday. earlier a mediation role tor the Wonderon is, without a doubt, the most North Atlantic Treaty Organlaa^ p-i- The communique did qot give the numBer of the attacking tion. But Kostopoulos until to­ valuable performer in the Summer suit Prison Guards Protest force But listed commandos, day had argued that the Cyprtis SOMERS (AP)-«taite Prison frogmen, comBat engineers, sig­ dispute was not a NA’TO matter, league. / L ^ V i’ Warden Frederick O. Relnrice nal corpa and torpedo units, as the position held By P ru d en t says he is not cveriy con­ Makarioe of Cyprus.
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