... ~ Vol. 61, Number 1 Baruch College, CUNY October 30, 199.1 Police Arrest Two At 23 St. Building By Rafael A. Olmeda~Jr. believed the officer was refer­ At this point, according to A Baruch College student ring to drinking out of the witnesses,~the students felt andhisfriend werearrestedin bottle, so they obtained paper they were being harassed and - front ofthe 23 St. building on . cups and were drinlting out of began to talk back to the p0­ Oct. 22, after analtereation those. Fuchs, who is white, lice, who had called for back­ withpoliceofficersbroughtout says the officer then returned up. '"All I know is you've got · over a two dozen angry stu- and told them that they were five copsherefor zeroreason," · dents complaining about ha­ not allowed to drink at all. James told one ofthe officers. rassment and racism. "He said to move around to Students gathered and asked -Tyrone Greeves, senior, and the otherside ofthebuilding," what was going on,'but the hisfriend Mitchell Fuchs were Fuchs said, adding that the police continued to speak to · arrestedandchargedwithdis- officer did not wanthis super- the first three, who were yell­ orderly conduct and pro y visortoseethemdrinking. But ing that they should be left released, According to Fuchs and James concur that alone. · hewasinfrontof17Le instead ofmoving where they According to one eyewitness, Ave. with Greeves could drink, the three put the an officer asked Greeves to Baruch stu ay and remained in speak to him away from the es. The he building. growing crowd,. butstudents g cer then app ed him not to go. The n a ee a third tim erwasleadingGreevesinto dthe stlll there an streetwhen one ofthe stu­ 8110w ed w tsheldGreeves'otherarm. said Continued on Page 5 e· LeonardJeff- . - .... Speaks at Baruch ~. .' . Audience Complainsof ··~··"Viinecess{jrrse-c4#ity···~-·. By Eric Loyola said, CWe've won a victory In the midst of the contro­ against racism in education versy which surrounded the toni ht ·ust b holdin this visit ofCity College Professor program." . ! LeonardJeffries, theforum on "The BaruchstudentsofAfri­ .~ multicultural education went can descent had to struggle < off with a one hour delay and just to hold this meeting. And ­ ---as not one disruption on Oct. 17. I'm very happy to say that we c Aboutseventyprotestersrep­ Continued on Page 4 resentingstudentsandoutside Jewish groups had gathered on 23 St. in front·ofCitibank. Lalvlarre Walks Out "I think without the rain we would've had200 people,"said MikeHabert,a Hillel member. Overa thousandpeoplefilled On USS Meeting the lower level of the audito­ By Jonathan Loring hour later, LaMarre an- rium andmost of-the balcony. An altercation involving nounced, «We are still two It had taken a little over an CUNY student leaders at- short Ofquorum. I would Iike hour for the students, faculty tempting to block University toadjourn." LaMarre then at­ and their guests to clear the Student Senate Chairman temptedto leave thecafeteria. stepped-up security hurdles JeanC.LQ.Marre from leaving Aston Greene, the College which included metal detec­ a plenary .session held at Community Liaison for the tors and a bag search. Baruch ColIegeon Oct. 241ed USS, said, "He never 'ad­ ~ From the podium, set the Baruchstudentsandadminis- journed the meeting because right side ofthe stage, Adrien trators to wonder if the USB the meeting was never called Percy; Jr., thepresidentofPhi . was stilla.viable organization. toorder," Hecontinued, -with Beta Sigma, warned that any Most of.the USS delegates threats ofharassment and in­ .studentengaginginoutbursts present doubted -LaMarre's dicatiODS of that such, the wouldbeexpelled. Itcouldnot capacitytobechairman ofthe chairman found it in his best be determined by whose au­ U~...1I~ver, the very next interest ofhis own welfare to thority this would be done. day, LaMarre was eertlfiedas - leave that lody to leave the Percy added that contentious­ the re-e1eetedCbaimumof~ environment." ness from an outsider would SeDate by a Student Election Various student .leaders resultinarrest. No uniformed -, ­ .-ReView Committee (SERC). It pre8eJitatthemeeting, denied police officers couldbe seen in bad met to weigh !Jlevalidity anytbreatsweremadeagainst the auditorium. .' ofJ~_~_~Ppeals filed LaMarreuntilheattemptedto Hunter College Professor . on the eteetion proCess which leave'the building. Lorraine Canoe, from the I. oecurredOct. 13. The adion was considered Mohawk Nation of Native 'f '.The .plenary session was .-exceptionally controversial by Americans, gave a traditional .. 8Cheduled tostartat8:00.p.m. 1D8D¥: ~ two delegatH ar- otreri~gthanks.. welcome .. .. ~~aeli~~~at1'l.~-,riYed'Iccmds.-&fter. LaMane· Michelle Payne, who Spoke ·~.iDgtoDAve. AppJosn;nate1yan ~.~ ; e-tiUidOllPalJe6 onbehalfofBaruch's sponsor­ ing elubs of African· descent, , ,- ~ .' . -~ . ",- .. ... • .' .:. t •.• t .: . --------. -_. .0;: -v ' r : 2, 3 CJ) ~ :t (') zQ) S... Q) ~ z - ". "," . (I) C,) t- The Making of theSpringsemesterisOctober Faculty Service ~ • appoint­ Nov. 21-Film:Yeelen <Bright­ • ~ ule a blood donation 20. The 1992_Fall term dead­ m Beauty and The ness) m ment by calling New York line is March 15, 1992. Award ~ ~ Blood Services at 2121468­ Dec. 5 - 2nd ABA Newsletter o Beast distribution & planning 0 2033, ext. 13. The appoint­ ses­ Studentscannominatea fae- C"') sion for Spring'92 semeSter i' ment phone lines will be open EthnicStudies ulty member you feel should CN Q) Walt Disney Pictures and Black History Month. .D- from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and receive a Baruch College 9 0 WBMB Radio present an ex­ Dec. 12 - KwaD.za. celebration . ~ TheBaruchCollegelibraryhas AlumniFacultyServiceAward. CD and end ofsemester party 8. clusive presentation of -rhe Destination: just published a new path. Submit nominations to the ~ Making of Beauty and the finder on "Ethnic Studies:. It Baruch Alumni Office with Beast"onWednesday, October Research Freak? outlines a search strategy for Name, Rank, andDepartment 30th at 1:00 p.m, in the Oak Daytona Beach! researching various ethnic ofNominee as well as why hel Lounge ofthe Student Center. groups, using access tools and • Get a FREE "Official Guide to The Scie~ce and Engineering she should recieve the award. ~ only for Baruch College full-time reference sources such as the ................ ........--...... ........ Spring Break '92" for college Research Semester, offers you Submitby Nov. 15. _ aryardLJElocycLUUUfia Attention Interna­ students. Information on ac­ .the unique opportunity to do 11 of Nominee should have made students Ameriran Ethnic Groups..: If eommodationsandeventsfrom hands-on 'research .withsome a significantcontributionwor­ you areinterestedin discover­ Baruch College'Continuing Studies, in association with Cambridge Educational tional Students . FebruarythroughAprilisalso ofthe nations top scientists·at thyofstudentrecognition and ing how your ethnic group is available. one of six national research emulation; the services ren­ Services offers GMAT Preparation classes. Classes are taught. by Ph.D's and listed in catalogs, indexes and The library is planning an ex­ Call 1-800-854-1234 or write laboratories during the aca­ dered should be above and be­ handbooks, pick up a copy at attorneys who hibit entitled "Learning TO:' P.O. Box 910, Daytona Beach, demieyear. yond the faculty member's (with at least 9 yrs. teaching experience) use actual exams and the Reference Desk on the 6th gether: The Many Faces of FL 32115. Tobe eligible for participation regular responsibilities, hav­ simulated materials to. teach question types and test strategies. Special emphasis is Baruch College Students" for in SERS~ students must have fir ofthelibrary. Thisguide is ingtakenplaceovera period"Of placed on advanced; math and verbal problem solving; guessing, timing, and test later this semester. Interna­ .completedthe sophomore year thelatestin the seriesofpath­ years-on or offcampus. tional students are invited to Law Career Forum atanaccreditedU.S. college or finders published by the lie Send nominations to: pattern techniques. have their pictures taken and university and be a U.S. citi­ brary. Baruch Alumni Office be interviewed on October 31 The Law Department at zen or permanent resident. Room 907, 135 E. 22 St. andNovember7between12:30 Baruch College is pleased to alien. They must be working 387-1145 ix n w -h r i n and 2:30 in room 426 of the announce that its second an­ toward a degree in computer 24th streetbuilding. Thefirst nual Law Careers Forum will science, engineering, environ­ Tuesdays & Thursdays, Nov. 12, 1~, 19, 21, 26; Dec. 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19; Jan. twenty students to arrive will be held on November 7, 1991 mental or life sciences, math­ 2, 7, 9, 14, 16 (3:30-5:3Opm) ($95) Call Harvey Jackson at (212) 387-1630 be the Participants. at 1:00 p.m. in the Emanuel ematics, or physical sciences. SaxeLecture Hall,Rm4 North A limitednumber of appoint­ ,':.~ at 17 Lexington Ave. mentsarealsoavailablewithin ,~-- ~ Editorials: 1.0 BloodDrive There will be expertsin enter­ six months after graduation tainmentlaw,criminaldefense for students not enrolled in law, public interest law, hi­ graduate school. Guidelines Letters/Op-eds: 11 The New York Health & tech litigation and more. Stu­ suggestan overall grade point Racquet Club is encouraging dentsconsideringlegalcareers average of3.0orhigher, based blood donors by offering one Perspectives: 13 should attend. onA=4_0. free bonus month to be added While in the program, SERS to the membership of every participants will receive
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