Form IV-A Short-term Inter-State Transactions of Electricity by Trading Licensees ( RTC*) Name of the Trading Licensee: NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LIMITED Licence Details (No & Date) : Category-I ; No.6/Trading/CERC Dated 23rd July,2004. Month: Dec-16 Period of Power Delivery Time of Power Delivery Purchased from Sold to Trading Scheduled Purchase Price Sale Price Sr.No Start date End date Start Time Name of the Name of the Margin Remarks End Time (HH:MM) Volume (Mus) Category State Category State (Rs/Kwh) (Rs/kwh) (DD/MM/YYYY) (DD/MM/YYYY) (HH:MM) Seller Buyer (Rs/kwh) A Inter State Trading Transactions 1 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 11.842 Malco Energy IPP Tamilnadu Telangana Dist. licensee Telangana 4.603 4.633 0.030 2 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 16.927 SEL Copper IPP Tamilnadu Telangana Dist. licensee Telangana 4.603 4.633 0.030 3 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 10.915 APPCC Dist. Licencee Andhra Pradesh Govt. og Goa Dist. licensee Goa 4.420 4.490 0.070 4 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 18.600 BYPL Dist. Licencee Delhi UPCL Dist. licensee Uttarakhand 2.620 2.640 0.020 TOTAL 58.284 B Inter State Trading Transactions through Swapping or Banking Arrangement: NIL C Cross Border Transactions Sale Price 1 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 35.799 BALCO IPP Chhatisgarh NEA Distribution licensee Nepal 3.150 3.600 0.07 * 2 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 21.470 BYPL Discom Delhi NEA Distribution licensee Nepal 3.150 3.600 0.07 * Total 57.269 * Sale rate is inclusive of NVVN trading margin, transmission charges, transmission losses etc. Form IV-B Short-term Inter-State Transactions of Electricity by Trading Licensees ( Peak*) Name of the Trading Licensee: NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LIMITED Licence Details (No & Date) : Category-I ; No.6/Trading/CERC Dated 23rd July,2004. Month: Dec-16 Period of Power Delivery Time of Power Delivery Purchased from Sold to Trading Scheduled Purchase Price Sale Price Sr.No Start date Margin Remarks End date Start Time End Time Volume (Mus) Name of the Name of the (Rs/Kwh) (Rs/kwh) (DD/MM/YYYY Category State Category State (Rs/kwh) (DD/MM/YYYY) (HH:MM) (HH:MM) Seller Buyer ) A Inter State Trading Transactions : NIL B Inter State Trading Transactions through Swapping or Banking Arrangement : NIL C Cross Border Transactions NIL * Peak = Peak Period (Evening Peak from 17:00hrs to 23:00hrs). Peak period may be revised by the commission Form IV-C Short-term Inter-State Transactions of Electricity by Trading Licensees ( Other than Peak & RTC) Name of the Trading Licensee: NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LIMITED Licence Details (No & Date) : Category-I ; No.6/Trading/CERC Dated 23rd July,2004. Month: Dec-16 Period of Power Delivery Time of Power Delivery Purchased from Sold to Trading Scheduled Purchase Price Sale Price Sr.No Start date End date Start Time End Time Name of the Name of the Margin Remarks Volume (Mus) Category State Category State (Rs/Kwh) (Rs/kwh) (DD/MM/YYYY) (DD/MM/YYYY) (HH:MM) (HH:MM) Seller Buyer (Rs/kwh) A Inter State Trading Transactions : 1 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 18:00 24:00 9.267 BYPL IPP Delhi BSPHCL Holding Co. Bihar 2.680 2.700 0.020 B Inter State Trading Transactions through Swapping or Banking Arrangement : NIL C Cross Border Transactions : NIL Long-term Inter-State Transactions of Electricity by Trading Licensees (RTC) Name of Trader: NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN) Licence Details (No & Date) : Category-I ; No.6/Trading/CERC Dated 23rd July,2004. Month: Nov-2016 FORM IV-D Actually Scheduled Volume Purchased From Sold To Purchase Price Sale Price Remarks *Wtd. Wtd. Avg. NVVN- NVVN- Total Avg.Rate Bundled Bundled Trading Period of transaction Rate of Solar Coal Bundled of NVVN- Power Power Margin Sr. No. Name of Name of NVVN-Solar Power Power Power Category State Category State Coal Rate Rate Seller Buyer Power Power Date From Date To MUs MUs MUs Rs / kWh Rs / kWh Rs / kWh Rs / kWh Rs / kWh Inter-State & Intra-State Trading Transactions 1 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 13.338 70.597 83.935 Solar JVVNL Distribution licenseeRajasthan 2 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 10.671 56.477 67.148 Projects JdVVNL Distribution licenseeRajasthan 2.908 4.136 4.206 0.07 3 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 9.337 49.418 58.755 located in AVVNL Distribution licenseeRajasthan 4 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 4.921 20.562 25.483 Rajasthan, PSPCL Distribution licenseePunjab 2.902 4.396 4.466 0.07 NVVN- 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 11.355 48.453 59.808 Punjab, UPPCL Distribution licenseeU P 2.909 4.377 4.447 5 Solar 0.07 6 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 2.680 9.245 11.925 Power Uttar DVC Government DVC 3.521 5.121 5.191 0.07 7 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 2.688 8.424 11.112 from Solar Pradesh, GRIDCO Distribution licenseeOrissa 3.573 5.282 5.352 0.07 8 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 6.362 27.862 34.224 Projects Karnataka, WBSEDCL Distribution licenseeWest Bengal 3.262 4.633 4.703 0.07 9 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 0.629 2.769 3.398 (JNNSM Orissa, APDCL Distribution licenseeAssam 3.276 4.638 4.708 0.07 10 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 2.694 13.304 15.998 Phase-I) Andhra MSEDCL Distribution licenseeMaharashtra 2.603 3.956 4.026 0.07 & Generator 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 3.297 15.861 19.159 Pradesh, CSPDCL Distribution licenseeChhatisgarh 10.6374 2.604 3.987 4.057 11 NVVN- s 0.07 12 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 3.231 17.921 21.152 Tamil TSSPDCL Distribution licenseeTelangana Coal 2.947 4.122 4.192 0.07 13 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 1.349 7.481 8.829 Power Nadu, TSNPDCL Distribution licenseeTelangana 14 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 0.992 7.424 8.416 from Maharash APEPDCL Distribution licenseeAndhra Pradesh 2.947 3.854 3.924 0.07 15 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 1.902 14.240 16.142 unallocate tra APSPDCL Distribution licenseeAndhra Pradesh 16 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 0.460 2.803 3.262 d quota of & TANGEDCO Distribution licenseeTamil Nadu 2.945 4.029 4.099 0.07 NTPC 17 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 4.458 18.623 23.080 Northern BESCOM Distribution licenseeKarnataka Stations 18 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 1.276 5.332 6.609 Region = GESCOM Distribution licenseeKarnataka 19 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 1.815 7.583 9.398 FGUTPS- HESCOM Distribution licenseeKarnataka 2.948 4.433 4.503 0.07 20 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 0.748 3.125 3.873 1,2 &3, MESCOM Distribution licenseeKarnataka 21 01-Nov-16 30-Nov-16 1.031 4.307 5.338 NCTPS-2, CESC Distribution licenseeKarnataka Total 85.235 411.810 497.044 RhTPS-1,2 * Wtd. Average Rate for Power from NTPC Stations as per CERC tariff based on scheduled energy by Discoms. Month: Dec-16 Period of Power Delivery Time of Power Delivery Purchased from Sold to Scheduled Sale Price Sr.No Start date End date Start Time End Time Name of the Name of the Volume (Mus) Category State Category State (Rs/kwh) (DD/MM/YYYY) (DD/MM/YYYY) (HH:MM) (HH:MM) Seller Buyer 1 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 205.316 CSPDCL Distribution licenseeChhattisgarh KSEB Distribution licenseeKerala 4.360 2 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 07:30 18:30 1.003 JCFPL IPP Gujarat Govt. of GOA Government GOA 7.990 Solar Power TOTAL 206.319 B Inter State Trading Transactions through Swapping or Banking Arrangement NIL C Cross Border Transactions 1 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 143.782 NTPC Stations Generator ISGS NVVN A/c BPDB Nodal agency for Bangladesh #2.5462 2 01-12-2016 31-12-2016 00:00 24:00 49.060 TSECL DISCOM Tripura NVVN A/c BPDB Nodal agency for Bangladesh 5.5424 TOTAL 192.842 # As per CERC notified tariff of respective stations Form IV-E Intra-State Transactions of Electricity by Trading Licensees Name of the Trading Licensee: NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LIMITED Licence Details (No & Date) : Category-I ; No.6/Trading/CERC Dated 23rd July,2004. Month: Dec-2016 Sr. No. Total Transacted Volume (Mus) State 1 3.600 Odisha Long Term Transactions NIL 1 2 3 Form IV-F Day Ahead Power Exchange Transactions of Electricity by Trading Licensees Name of the Trading Licensee: NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LIMITED Licence Details (No & Date) : Category-I ; No.6/Trading/CERC Dated 23rd July,2004. Month: Dec-2016 Form IV-F Purchase from Sold to Margin Date of Total Scheduled Sl No Name of Seller / Name Name of Buyer / charged Delivery Volume (MUs) State State of PX Name of PX (₹/kwh) 1 01-Dec-16 0.080050 IEX CIL Rajasthan ≤0.04 2 01-Dec-16 0.072000 IEX GNFC-D Gujarat ≤0.04 3 01-Dec-16 0.017500 Govt. of Goa Goa IEX ≤0.04 4 01-Dec-16 0.220000 IEX Govt. of Goa Goa ≤0.04 5 01-Dec-16 0.029600 NLC TS-I Exp Tamil Nadu IEX ≤0.04 6 01-Dec-16 0.534400 NLC TS-II STG I Tamil Nadu IEX ≤0.04 7 01-Dec-16 0.204975 NLC TS-II STG II Tamil Nadu IEX ≤0.04 8 01-Dec-16 0.259685 NSPCL-Bh Chhatisgarh IEX ≤0.04 9 01-Dec-16 0.074400 IEX NMMH Karnataka ≤0.04 10 01-Dec-16 0.000000 BGTPP Assam IEX ≤0.04 11 01-Dec-16 0.000000 FGUTPS-I Uttar Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 12 01-Dec-16 0.000000 FGUTPS-II Uttar Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 13 01-Dec-16 0.017525 FSTPS-III West Bengal IEX ≤0.04 14 01-Dec-16 0.212660 Gandhar GPS Gujarat IEX ≤0.04 15 01-Dec-16 0.000000 Kawas GPS Gujarat IEX ≤0.04 16 01-Dec-16 0.842353 KSTPS-III Chhatisgarh IEX ≤0.04 17 01-Dec-16 0.000000 NCTPS-II Uttar Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 18 01-Dec-16 0.042250 RhSTPS-I Uttar Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 19 01-Dec-16 0.052750 RhSTPS-II Uttar Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 20 01-Dec-16 0.067750 RhSTPS-Iii Uttar Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 21 01-Dec-16 0.061500 SSTPS Uttar Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 22 01-Dec-16 0.053690 SIL Andhra Pradesh IEX ≤0.04 23 02-Dec-16 0.092850 IEX CIL Rajasthan ≤0.04 24 02-Dec-16 0.072000 IEX GNFC-D Gujarat ≤0.04 25 02-Dec-16 0.400000 Govt.
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