[ JM_- 2_0_16-JJ ~~ S~q)1 / QUESTION BOOKLET Wl{~/ ./CODE: 11 SR.No. 600961 ~1{Tifrtt~1 Number of Pages in Booklet: 32 ~ if !f~-;flrtt ~ I Number of Questions in Booklet: 120 wr~I Time: 2.00 <R: I Hours ~ I Maximum Marks: 120 Fr INSTRUCTIONS ~ 1. Answer all questions. 1. B"'l,' q~-;ft<l; \3W ~ 1 2. All questions carry equal marks. 2.B"'4't q~-;ft<l; ~ ~~, 3. Only-one answer is to be given for each question. 4. If more than one answers are marked, it would be 3.~ ];f~~ COTm J:('ll m \3W~' 1 treated as wrong answer. 4. J:('ll il ~ \3W 0 em ~rr if ];f~~ <t \3W 9it lJWf l1RT 5. Each question has four alternative responses marked ~I serially.asL, 2, 3, 4. You have to darken only one circle 5. ~ ];f~~ <t ~ ~ \3W ~ 'lit ~, ~ ~~T: 1, 2, or bubble indicating the correct answer on the Answer 3, 4 ~ WIT 'l'TI % 1131'Ri~ 9it @ \3W ~ ~ ~ Sheet using BLUE BALL POINT PEN. \Ri'f il ~ J:('ll m ~ CJOlB 9it \3W-~ 1R ~ 6. After opening the envelope Ehecandidate should ensure ol1\if ~ iR il 11W '!W1T % 1 that Serial Number of the Question Paper and Answer 6.];fH-1:f:'\ ~ ~ \3W ~ <t ~ em BIB ~ 1R Sheet must be same. In case they are different, a WfID~ ~ ~ '1i\ # fit ~ i3ffi" ~ 1R cWt candidate must obtain envelop of another set of ~ ~ %;;IT ];f~~-1:f:'\ ~ 11\ ~ %, ~ ~ Question paper & O.M.R. Sheet of the same Serial ~ m ill c\T~ il fI11R ~ cj) q~~-1:f:'\ ~ ~ Number. Candidate himself shall be responsible for 'liT ~ ~ ~ '1i\~' it=rr -n 'fiB 1R ~ro ensuring this. 131~ em l?rft 1 7. Mobile Phone/Bluetooth Devices or any other electronics gadget in the examination hall is strictly 7.~ ~~~ ~ 131~ ~8Cf{If.1ij) <M '8 WfID dealt as per rules. ~ ii m ~ ~ %1 ~ M \l1R:l~ cj) qm W 8. Please correctly fill your Roll Number in O.M.R. Sheet. ~ ~ wmr ~ % ill ~ ~ cili &ru A44Ij*1l,( 5 Marks will be deducted for filling wrong or iJiW: ~ <8 ~I incomplete Roll Number. 8. ~ \WFlT fR;r ~ '*.1:(11.I31T'\.~ 1R "ffiCi"-lRt ~ 9. If there is any sort of ambiguity/mistake either of @ ~ 1 lJWf 4T ~ fR;r ~ 'lf0 11\ 5 i3i'li ~ printing or factual nature in Hindi and English Version ~ifil~~il'liR~1 of the question, the English Version will be treated as 9.<lK M];fH cj) ~ ~ ~~ ii M W!iT'( em standard. ~ ~ 4T (j"v:rrfI1ij) ]:fij)T'( 'fit ~ iT ill ];fH·COT ~ Warning ; If a candidate is found copying or if any ~ "4F<! irrr I. unauthorized material is found in his/her possession, F.I.R. ~ : \WT'( ~ 131'Ri~ ~ ~ ~ 'Jffill 4T ~ would be lodged against himlher in the Police Station and % qm il ~ GFm~ ~ ~ \iffcft ~, ;m 131~~ cj) ~ he/she would liable to be prosecuted under Section 3 of ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ 0ffi-W'T ~ the State Prevention of Unfair means Act, 1992 and wRf em UiJi~ ~, 1992 <8 11m 3 c;cjcili ~~R cj) C'ffi(l Board Regulations. Board may also debar him/her ~ <8 ~ 1 mq ;ft cili Q:B 131~~ 9it ~ ii permanently from all future examination of the Board. iff ,ffi'IT cili <Fr \1IWf 1:fflW>3TI il fclc!Mo '1i\ WOOf % 1 ~ q&rr ~ 9it q.r Qij) ~ ~ ~ Qij) %f ~ ~ 1 Do not open this test bookletuntil you are asked to do so. 11 - .:. 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111 JM 1) Under the guidance of which archaeologist excavation work was undertaken at Rang mahal1952 AD. ? 2) RC\garwal 3) Hannarid 4) VN. Mishra 1) ~ (1952~) if fctB g{'f1~Rt~ ~ ~~R if ~ cm4 fctm 'Fn"? i) ~.~.~ 2) 01l1.m.~ 3) ~'""iIRg 4) cIT.~.fll.!31 2) From which archaeological site inRajasthan has the coin of 'Apollo Dotus' found? 1) Sunari 2) Raidh 3) Rangmahal 4) Baror 2) ~ ~ fctB 9:{ldIRciCfj ~ -?r i3"1q((i1lg(~B Cf)f ~ ~ &i3lT? 1) wrrn 2) ~ I 3) (lP""IlWt 4) crm 3) 'Whichkingdom was famous with the title of Bara-Kotadi ? 1) Aamer 2) Bhinmal I 3) Sirohi 4) Kotah 3) "QHlqi)d)" ~ ~ -?r ~ ~ ~ m? 1) ;miR 2)~ 3) fui'rtT- 4) citcr 4) The Bikaner rular karan singh was the contemporary of which mughal rular ? 1) Jahangir,Shahjahan 2) Shahjahan,Aurangzeb 3) Akbar, Jahangir 4) Aurangzeb, ShahAlam 4) ~ ~lTW-I? GfjOrif1t? ~~ T"ffi -mITE &l Bl""ICfjt~"I"I~"? 1) ~, ~~ 2) ~~, ~(llzittSl i 3) ~, ~ 4) ;jfHlIzittSl, ~m-~ 5) The span of the reign of Maharana Rajsingh was :- I 1) 1652 - 1680 AD 2) 1632 -1650 AD 3) 1682 - 1698 AD 4) 1712 -1740AD 5) G~I(IOII {I\ilro~ Cf)f ~ml"I" 'Cfiffi m%? 1) 1652-1680 ~ 2) 1632-1650 ~ 3) 1682-1698 ~ 4) 1712-1740 ~ 3 JM 6) "This is that fort the gate's of which no invador could break open" This quotation of Hasan Nizarni refers to which fort in Rajasthan? 1) laisalmer Fort 2) Jolor Fort 3) Chittor Fort 4) Taragarh (Bundi) Fort 6) "~D:m fcm;n % I ~ ~ ~ ,J\I>tJYUICbI{l~ ~ VcbT", ~ ~ CfiT ~ Cf?~ ~ ~ fcfJn fcI?#r ~ em- if %? 2) ~ CfiT fctffi 4) ~ (~)~ 7) The 'Mantra-Rajprakash' is the collection of the spiritual ideas of which sant? 1) Sant Laldas 2) Sant Sundardas 3) Sant Charandas 4) Sant Haridas 7) "~ {1\J1~Cf)I~T"W ~ ~ ;m~ fcrqRi CfiT ~ ~? 1) ~ i;i11i;i1C::I'8 2) ~ ~{C::Pd 3) ~ 'CHU1C::W 4) fRr ~ 8) The lehariya 'Samundra lehar' is dyed in which place? 1) Jaipur 2) Jodhpur 3) Chittor 4) Kotah 8) "~ ~" -;:yp:f CfiT ~ q%f "MT \lffilT %? r 1) ~ 2)~ 3) fuffi~ 4) ~ 9) Who was the author of the famous 'Kayabeli' ? 1) Soordas 2) Rahim 3) Dadu dayal 4) Pratap Singh 9) ti>~m~"Cf)I;qI~Ril" ti~ ctt {'CFfT fcR:R q5t? 1) WGR1 2) ~ 3)~~ 4)\:1(1lqro~ 10) The Festival of Kalayanji in Diggipuriin Malpura tehsil is dedicated to which formofgbd ? 1) God Vishnu 2) GodShiva 3) GodLaxman 4) Godlndra 10) ~ ~ if ~ ~lJllg{l if Cf)~I%rtl CfiT ilw fcnB ~ ~ ~ if lRTZIT ~ ~? 1) 'o/ICfR ~ 2) ~ fuq 4) 'o/ICfR ~ 4 JIVl 11) The birth place of 'Rammat' play is in which part of Rajasthan ? I) Bikaner.Jaisalmer 2) Nagour, Barmer 3) Jaipur, Bharatpur 4) Alwar, Sikar 11) ~~~ ~if ~~q)f~ £31T? 1) ~, Jl(l~ih 2) <WfR, ~ 3)~,~ 4) ~,OO 12) About which ruler did historian Dr. Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha say that he got easil y carried away by hearsay? 1) RaiSingh 2) JaswanthSingh 3) AjitSingh 4) Sajjan Singh 12) ~Rt6RlChI < if. -rftU~mtl <If.l~ ~ ~ fcnB ~ c5T "Cf)R Cf)T CfJUIT" "Cf)"QT? l)~ 2) ~~ 3) Jl\ifrcr fm" 4) ~ 1m 13) Who was the author of the Books 'Tidorav' and' Alekhu- Hitlar' ? 1) Annaram sudama 2) VijaydanDetha 3) Shiv charan bharatiya 4) Chandra prakash deval 13) "dhilwf' "~~"~ rtt"fCRT ~ ctr~? 2) MIJ1IIc:I'i e:m 4) f.l'1\SlChI~T ~ 14) Who gave the suggestion that a confederation of Rajput ruler of Rajasthan be formed? 1) Co!. Tod 2) Charles metcalfe 3) Capt. Steewert 4) SirAmold 14) "~€n ~ ~~ Cf)T ~ ~ CAT ~ IJ1T1:!; I" ~ ~ ~ ~? 1) ~cfu 2) ~ ~cChIlf) 3)~~ 4)W~ 15) Who established the Bundi Prajamandal ? 1) JagnnathAdhikari 2) Harinarayan Sharma 3) KantiIal 4) Ganga Prasad Shastri 15) ~ >l1J11l"l0s~ rtt ~ ~ c6t? 1) ij{TFif~ ~ 2) 6R'"tWlIOI ~1l1f 3) tt51r.n{i1I~ 4) *n >mTG:~lTCit 5 JM 16) When did 'Matysasangh' become a part of Rajasthan ? 1) 14January 1949 2) 1November, 1956 3) 25 March, 1948 4) 15 May, 1949 16) "~®" ~ Chl \% 3trr ~ CRl"? 1) 14 \iAGlfr, 1949 2) 1 ~, 1956 3) 25 lfrCf, 1948 4) 15~, 1949 17) In the following which literary work was not written by Pt. Vishweshwar nath Reu ? 1) Coins ofMarwar 2) History of the Rastra Koots 3) ltihas Nimbas 4) VishweshwarSrnriti 17) ~!T~ q. m~~~CR~~ B IDn ~ Wr&rTfm~? 1) ~ i3TfqJ ~ 2) mtr i3TfqJ ~ {1G(~<;{l 3) ~ ~ 4) m~it~CR~ 18) When was' Ijlas Khas' set up ? 1) 1877 AD 2) 1875 AD 3) 1892AD 4) 1862AD 18) "~f '{Sffi1" ctr ~ cpq rt? 1) 1877 ~ 2) 1875~ 3) 1892 ~ 4) 1862 ~ 19) Which code does not match? State (1857) Ruler (1857) A) Dholpur ShambhuSingh B) Karauli Madan Pal C) Banswara LaxmanSingh D) Kotah Ram Singh II 1) A) 2) B) 3) C) 4) D) 19) ~ we ~ ..,-tt %? ~ (1857) ~TfBGf) (1857) A) ~ ~~ B) cpfu;TI l10f qwr C) iSll"-1Cl131 B&<iUT fW; D) Wr -wl" fm- ~ 1) A) 2) B) 3) C) 4) D) 6 JM 20) When did the massacre of Nimuchana of Alwar? 1) 1925 AD 2) 1935AD 3) 1927 AD 4) 1921 AD 20) ~ CflT ~ $1'Ll16hI03 ~ ~i31T? 1) 1925 ~ 2) 1935 ~ 3) 1927 ~ 4) 1921 ~ 21) Districts of Rajasthan whose entire political boundary touch with neighbouring districts - 1) Rajsamand, Dausa 2) Banswara, Tonk 3) Karauli, Bhilwara 4) Ajmer, Jaipur 21) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {1\Jj·f,m6h ~ ~ fJwIT c€r ~ fr· WTill ~ - ~ ''\," 1) {1\JjBlOi~, cfrm 2) iSllBcHi=?I, CTCfl 3) ~, .q)('ij q Ii=?I 4)~,~ 22) The fault at which the Aravalli and the Vindhyan ranges meet is called- 1) GreatBoundaryFault 2) Main Boundary Fault 3) Main Central Fault 4) Delhi Fault 22) ~ om fcr.JtZR it f?wr;:r-~ CflT 'lj~TCh5('ijI(1l ~ - 1) ~ ~ 'lj~T 2) ~"ffitIT 'lj~T 3) ~ ~ 'lj~T 4) ~. 'lj!?T 23) Plateau not related with Aravalli mountains is - 1) Lasadia 2) Bhorat 3) Oriya 4) Malwa 23) ~ qcffi -€t ~ ~ .,m ~ - 1) ('ijIB~;q1 2)~ 3) ~ 4)~ 24) Approximately pow much part of the total area of Rajasthan.iscovered byThar desert ? 1) 41 percent 2) 61 percent 3) 63 percent 4) 56 percent 24) ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiTWP1<T ~ 'l1rT m{ ~ it ~.
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