MUELLERIA National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Title and Author pp Volume 1(1), 1955 Foreword JS. Turner 3 Preface AW. Jessep 5 New species and varieties of Stylidium from Western Australia. R. Erickson & JH. Willis 7 A new species of Eria (Orchidaceae). TE. Hunt 21 Systematic notes on Victorian Compositae - 1. (Olearia ). JH. Willis 24 The Eucalyptus species of Cavanilles. AK. Cameron 34 A new species of Pestalotiopsis (Fungi Imperfecti) on Pittosporum bicolor. AB.Court 43 Changes in the nomenclature of three Victorian monocotyledons. JH. Willis & AB Court 45 Robert Brown's Bass Strait journal of April/May, 1802 (A transcription). JH. Willis & CI. Skewes 46 Robert Brown's collectings in Victoria. JH. Willis 51 Notes on the growth of an English elm. PF. Morris 54 The present position of muscology in Victoria (a centennial review). JH. Willis 55 A remarkable lichen from arid Australia. P. Bibby 60 A bibliography of the Australian baobab. JH. Willis 61 Recent changes in the nomenclature of three Australian conifers. PF. Morris 64 Volume 1(2), 1959 Australian species of the fungal genus Cordyceps. JH. Willis 67 Orthography of certain species Epithets. JH. Willis 90 Reduction of the lichen genus Bibbya. JH. Willis 91 Notes on the vegetation of Eucla District, WA. JH. Willis 92 Plants of the Recherche Archipelago, WA. JH. Willis 97 New species and varieties of Ptilotus R. Br. (Amaranthaceae). G. Benl 101 Reinstatement of Calotis suffruticosa Domin (Compositae). GL. Davis 109 Two new Australian species of Brachycome Cass. (Compositae). GL. Davis 111 Studies in Mimosaceae Part1. AB. Court 114 Volume 1(3), 1967 Systematic notes on the indigenous Australian flora JH. Willis 117 Typification of eight Victorian species names in Eucalyptus JH. Willis 165 New cultivar in Leptospermum JH. Willis 168 Aquatic Angiosperms (Records of four introduced species new to Victoria) Helen I Aston 169 Correction (re Brachycome ) 174 Australian Characeae which survived the Armidale Fire RD Wood & MB Williams 175 Supplementary descriptions for two Victorian desert lichens Rex B Filson 197 A bibliography of "Blackfellows bread", Polyporus mylittae Cooke & Massee JH. Willis 203 A bibliography of the "Ghost fungus", Pleurotus nidiformis (Berk.) Sacc. JH. Willis 213 Notes on the development and structure of the "Basket fungus", Clathrus gracilis (Berk.) Schlechtendal EJ Semmens 219 Further Cordyceps collections in Australia JH Willis 223 Bibliographia Huntiana Ann Mozley 224 Tortula pagorum in Australia DG Catcheside 227 A collection of plants from the Victorian Pyrenees in 1840 JH Wilis 231 Tristania lactiflua or T. lactiflora ? JH Willis 232 The late Raleigh Adelbert Black (1880-1953) and his private Herbarium JH Willis 233 Book reviews and notices JH Willis 239 General Index 251 Volume 2(1), 1969 The genus Villarsia (Menyanthaceae) in Australia. HI. Aston 3 A review of the genera Teloschistes and Xanthoria in the lichen family Teloschistaceae in Australia. RB. Filson 65 Volume 2(2), 1971 Otto Carl Berg's types of Myrtaceae in the National Herbarium of Victoria. JA. Anderson 119 Additions to the Flora of the Northern Territory. JR.Maconochie & N. Byrnes 133 A new combination in the genus Bossiaea Vent. (Papilionaceae). AB. Court 139 A new species of Mountain Heath from Tasmania. AM. Gray 143 Further collections of two little-known Stylidiaceae from the Northern Territory. JR. Maconochie & SA. Parker 145 Colourless algae of the flagellate genus Monosiga from Victoria, Australia. BV. Skvortzov & M. Noda 147 Volume 2(3), 1972 A new species of Orchidaceae from Victoria. DL. Jones 151 Notes on Australian Acacias I. AB. Court 155 Notes on two species of Cenchrus (Graminae) in Australia. JD. Twentyman 164 The flora of Ulupna Island Reserve. TB. Muir 169 Studies in Australian lichens II. The alpine lichen Thamnolia vermicularis (Sw.) Schaer. in Australia. RB. Filson 180 Preliminary notice on the Sonder Collection in the National Herbarium of Victoria. AB. Court 188 Volume 2(4), 1973 Two new species of Archidium from Victoria, Australia. IG. Stone 191 General Index 214 Volume 3(1), 1974 Studies in Antarctic lichens I: Notes on Caloplaca citrina (Hoffm.) Th.Fr. and Physcia caesia (Hoffm.) Hampe. RB. Filson 1 Studies in Antarctic lichens II: Lichens from the Windmill Islands, Wilkes Land. RB. Filson 9 Taxonomy and distribution of Rubus fruticosus L. agg. (Rosaceae) naturalised in Victoria. RL. Amor & BA. Miles 37 A yellow form of the Tasmanian waratah, Telopea truncata (Labill.) R. Br. AM. Gray 63 The status of Bedfordia on the Australian mainland. AM. Gray 64 Book review: Aquatic plants of Australia. A guide to the identification of the aquatic ferns and flowering plants of Australia, both native and naturalised. HI Aston 67 Book review: Noxious weeds of Victoria. WT. Parsons 68 Volume 3(2), 1975 James Hamlyn Willis. A biographical sketch. Anonymous 71 Four new species of plants endemic in the Macdonnell and George Gill Ranges, Central Australia. JH. Willis 89 Grevillea willisii (Proteaceae), a new Victorian species. RV. Smith & DJ. McGillivray 102 A fruiting occurrence of Bryum algens Card. in east Antarctica. RB. Filson & JH. Willis 112 Studies in Antarctic lichens III: Notes on Rinodina olivaceobrunnea Dodge& Baker, from the Antarctic and moss-inhabiting species of Rinodina from other parts of the world. RB. Filson 117 Trachycarpidium in Queensland, Australia. IG. Stone 122 Studies in Antarctic lichens IV: Notes on Umbilicaria aprina Nyl. RB. Filson 130 A new Grevillea species from western Victoria. WM. Molyneux 141 Studies in Antarctic lichens V: Lichenes Antarctici Exsiccati, Fascile I, with additional notes on the taxonomy of each species. RB. Filson 146 Book review: WR. Guilfoyle. RTM. Pescott 159 Book review: The kew record of taxonomic literature relating to vascular plants for 1971. Anonymous 160 Book review: Poisonous plants of Australia. SL. Everist 161 Book review: Author and classified catalogues of the Royal Botanic gardens library, Kew, England. Anonymous 163 Volume 3(3), 1976 A new Corybas species from South Australia. DL. Jones & RC. Nash 165 An analysis of the flora of Victoria. JH. Ross 169 Hypecoum pendulum L. (Papaveraceae) in Australia - a new introduction. HI. Aston 177 Australian lichenology: a brief history. RB. Filson 183 Caladrinia volubilis Benth. in Victoria and South Australia. MA. Todd 191 A new combination in Flemingia W.T. Aiton (Papilionaceae). JR. Maconochie 198 The species of Adonis L. naturalised in Australia. PM. Kloot 199 A note on the relationship of Eucalyptus risdonii Hook.f. var elata benth. to Eucalyptus delegatensis R. T. Baker. AM. Gray 197 The correct citation fro Typhonium liliifolium. TB. Muir & D. Sinkora 208 Volume 3(4), 1977 The species of Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae) naturalised in Victoria. HI. Aston 209 The herbaceous species of Echium (Boraginaceae) naturalised in Australia. CM. Piggin 215 A new species of Lastreopsis (Aspidiaceae). DL. Jones 245 A new combination in Pultenaea juniperina Labill. (Papilionaceae). MG. Corrick 249 Placynthium (Ach.) S.F. Gray, a genus of lichens previously unreported from Australia. WA. Weber 250 Index to Volume 3 251 Volume 4(1), 1978 The published works of Ferdinand JH. Mueller (1825-1896) DM. Churchill, TB. Muir & DM. Sinkora 1 Volume 4(2), 1979 An index to the new taxa, new names and new combinations published by Ferdinand JH. Mueller. TB. Muir 123 A new species of Apteropteris (Hymenophyllaceae) from Tasmania. AM. Gray & RG Williams 169 A conspectus of new records and nomenclature for vascular plants in Victoria during the period 1970-1977. MA. Todd 173 Pomatocalpa marsupiale (Orchidaceae), a new record for Australia. B. Gray 201 Book review: Plant taxonomic literature in Australian libraries. NT. Burbridge 204 Volume 4(3), 1980 New or noteworthy Australian Euphorbiaceae - II. HK. Airy Shaw 207 An alphabetical check-list of native Australian Euphorbiaceae. 243 HK. Airy Shaw A new species of Templetonia (Papilionaceae) from Western Australia. JH. Ross 247 The herbarium and plant collections of Norman. A. Wakefield (1918- 1972). H.Aston 251 Studies in Australian Centrolepidaceae I: The scapeless species of Centrolepis Labill. DA. Cooke 265 A new Australian lichen: Cladonia kuringaiensis. AW. Archer 273 The occurrence of Phyllocladus aspleniifolius (Labill.) Hook. F. in Victoria, prior to 1100 BP. DM Churchill& JR Dodson 277 Hydrocleys nymphoides (Butomaceae) in Australia. HI. Aston & SWl. Jacobs 285 Book Review: Lichens of South Australia RB. Filson & RW. Rogers 295 Book Review: Descriptive notes on Papuan plants (fascimile). F. von Mueller 295 Book Review: Kosciusko Alpine flora AB. Costin, M Gray, CJ. Totterdell, & DJ. Wimbush 296 Volume 4(4), 1981 New species of Schoenus (Cyperaceae) and Trithuria (Hydatellaceae). DA. Cooke 299 Studies on Macquarie Island lichens I: General. RB. Filson 305 Studies on Macquarie Island lichens 2: The genera Hypogymnia, Menegazzia, Parmelia and Pseudocyphellaria. RB. Filson 317 Vegetation of the Gippsland Lakes catchment. PK. Gullan, NG. Walsh & SJ. Forbes 333 Dates of publication of Australian pharmacy journals in conenction with taxonomy. TB. Muir 385 Notes on Templetonia R. Br. (Papilionaceae) JH. Ross 389 Pollen-ovule ratios, breeding systems and distribution patterns of some Australian Gnaphaliinae (Compositae: Inuleae). PS. Short 395 Notes on a little known publication by Sonder on the marine algae of the New Hebrides. DM. Sinkora 419 A new species of Grevillea (Proteaceae) from Victoria. RV. Smith 423 A conspectus of new records and nomenclature for vascular plants in Victoria 2. 1978-early 1980. MA. Todd 429 Book review: Acacias of South Australia DJE. Whibley 439 Book review: Flora of New Zealand. Volume 3, Adventive cyperaceous, petalous and spathaceous monocotlyedons. AJ. Healy & E. Edgar 440 Volume 5 (1), 1982 A revision of the genus Templetonnia R. Br. (Papilionaceae). JH. Ross 1 The nomenclature of some Australian lichens described as Lecanora and Placodium by Muller-Argoviensis. RW. Rogers 31 New Australian species of Nymphoides Seguier (Menyanthaceae). HI. Aston 35 Vegetation of East Gippsland. SJ. Forbes, NG. Walsh, and PK.
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