DrDr N.B.V.ChalapathiN.B.V.Chalapathi RaoRao Senior Scientist (Entomology) Horticultural Research Station DR YSR HU, Ambajipeta - 533 214 Major Pests of Coconut Common Name Scientific Name Coconut Black Headed caterpillar Opisina arenosella Rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros Red Palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Slug caterpillar Macroplectra nararia Eriophyid Mite Aceria guerreronis CoconutCoconut blackblack headedheaded caterpillarcaterpillar ((OpisinaOpisina arenosellaarenosella Walker)Walker) Severe in coastal, back water tracts and coconut fish pond eco- systems. Infests palms of all ages. Alternate Hosts – Palmaryah, Talipot palm, wild date and ornamental Palms Infestation starts from outer whorls Larva feeds on the chlorophyll being in the galleries between leaf folds Dried up patches on the upper epidermis Alternate Host – Palmaryah CBHC on Palmyrah CBHC on wild Date palm Life stages of Coconut Black Headed Caterpillar Eggs Larva Pupa Adult Severe Infestation of coconut black headed caterpillar- Gachakayalapora village November 2012 Severe Infestation of coconut black headed caterpillar- Goganamatam village CBHC incidence on fish pond bunds – S.Yanam Incidence of Black headed caterpillar on nuts List of parasitoids Stage of the Host Scientific Name Larva Bracon hebetor Say Larva Goniozus nephantidis Mues Brachymeria nosatoi Habu / Pupa Brachymeria spp. Brachymeria nosatoi Habu, a host specific pupal parasitoid brought from West Coast and introduced in East Coast successfully. Parasitisation of O.arenosella by G.nephantidis Goniozus nephantidis parasitoid recovery List of predators Cardiastethus exiguus Parena nigrolineata Spiders Recovery of the gardens affected by black headed caterpillar RhinocerosRhinoceros BeetleBeetle (( OryctesOryctes rhinocerosrhinoceros Linn)Linn) Palms aged 3 – 10 years are more prone to attack Affected frond when fully opened shows geometric cuts Round to oblong holes on unopened spathes and spindle leaves. Repeated infestation to the growing point may lead to death of the seedlings. Injured portion may attract red palm weevil and fungal infection. Petiole Leaf Rhinoceros beetle infesting coconut palm RHINOCEROS BEETLE ORYCTES RHINOCEROS Rhinoceros beetle damage Damage symptoms Red palm weevil in rhinoceros damaged palm Rhinoceros damage through soil Life stages of Rhinoceros beetle Larva Eggs Pupa Adult IPM of Rhinoceros beetle d Sanitation d Mechanical hooking of beetle and leaf axil filling (NSKP 100g + 150 sand) d Release of baculovirus inoculated beetles @ 10 – 15 / ha. d Treatment of breeding sites with Metarhizium anisopliae @ 1 litre / 1 mt 3 ( 5 x 10 11 Spores / mt 3) d Establishment of rhinolure traps @ 1 trap / 2 ha. Studies on pheromone lures - Aggregation pheromone - rhinolure (Ethyl - 4 methyl octanoate) NPM CPCRI rhinolure Rhinoceros beetle collection from coconut logs at Ambajipeta Rhinoceros beetle collection from vermicompost pits Grubs of rhinoceros beetles in manure heaps RedRed palmpalm weevilweevil (( RhynchophorusRhynchophorus ferrugineusferrugineus OlivOliv)) d Infested palm shows yellowing and later wilting of leaves d Pencil size circular holes on the trunk and oozing of brownish viscous fluid. d Presence of chewed up fibrous material in the leaf axils Red palm weevil infested palm Toppling of the crown or falling of the palm LifeLife stagesstages ofof redred palmpalm weevilweevil Pupa Larva Adult Red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Crown damage by Trunk damage by red palm weevil red palm weevil Red palm weevil life stages from an affected crown Rhinoceros beetle grubs Red palm weevil life stages Red Palm Weevil Infestation Grub & pupal stages of red palm weevil RED PALM WEEVIL ADULT IPMIPM ofof redred palmpalm weevilweevil d Remove and destroy pest affected dead palms d Avoid injuries to the trunk. d Timely treatment of palms affected by rhinoceros beetle or bud r ot or lightening. d Chisel out affected trunk region and burn it. d Smear the wounded portion with coaltar . d After cleaning, fill the tunneled portion of trunk with cement and sand mixture to give strength to the palm. d Root feeding of Monocrotophos 36% SL 10 ml +10 ml water d Arrange pheromone traps and monitor the traps regularly. Root feeding technique EriophyidEriophyid mitemite (( AceriaAceria guerreronisguerreronis KeiferKeifer )) 1st report : 1960 Guerrero state of Mexico A cause of concern in many Asian and Pacific countries. KERALA INDIAINDIA 1998 TAMILNADU, KARNATAKA 1999 ANDHRA PRADESH Cream coloured, worm like with two pairs of anterior legs SEM of coconut Eriophyid mite (Aceria guerreronis K.) SEM of coconut Eriophyid mite (Aceria guerreronis K.) IPM and INM Package Adoption of phytosanitary measures. Root feeding of Azadirachtin 1% three times in a year Application of RDF i.e, 1.0 kg Urea, 2 kg single super phosphate and 3½ kg muriate of potash / palm / year. Raising of green manure crops in the coconut basins (like sunnhemp, cowpea, Calapagonium). Recycling of biomass generated within the coconut system by vermicompost method. Recommended level of irrigation during the summer months. Soil moisture conservation- Mulching the basins (2m radius) with coconut leaves Management of eriophyid mite in coconut gardens Neem Cake Fertilizers Green manure Irrigation Root feeding of Azadirachtin d Growing of intercrops like banana, yam, cocoa and turmeric or vegetables NaturalNatural EnemiesEnemies ofof MiteMite Predatory mites: Fungal Pathogens: c Bdella indica c Hirsutella thompsonii c Amblysieus largoensis (Acereogenous fungus) c Neoseiulus mumai c Hirsutella nodulosa c Neoseilus paspalivorus c Verticelium lecani c Phytoseiids c Fusarium sp. c Tarsonemid – Supotassonemus sp.c Pencillium sp. c Aspergillus sp. Bacteria: c Pseudomonas c Actinomycetes H. thompsonii in PDA medium H. thompsonii emerging from dead mite Talc formulation 20 g / litre / palm containing 1.6 x 10 6 cfu with a frequency of three- sprayings per year Healthy Bunch Life stages of slug caterpillar larvae eggs Pupa Adult 200 w Light trap Pupae of slug caterpillar in the crown Sticky trap at 1.5 feet Window B.T at 10 feet Water pan at 1.5 feet Window B.T at 4 feet 200 w Light trap U.V. light trap (Acrylic) U.V. light trap (Metallic) Co existence of Palmyrah palms with Coconut palms in the field bunds/gardens Pupal stages on Palmyrah Adult moth on Palmyrah Macroplectra nararia Slug damage on Palmyrah palm Removal of infested Palmyrah leaves Fresh incidence of Slug caterpillar along with Coconut black headed caterpillar Slug caterpillar on cocoa and banana [intercrops in coconut] Incidence of Slug caterpillar in West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh Slug incidence on coconut palms on paddy field bunds in Veeravasaram village Slug incidence on coconut palms on fish pond bunds in Nela pogula village Severe incidence of coconut slug caterpillar was recorded in Podouru, Veeravasaram. Penumantra and Palakoderu mandals of West Godavari Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson fungus infected slug caterpillars Chirutapudi village December 2012 Acknowledgements NFCCI, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune Euplectrus sp Larval parasitoids on slug caterpillar identified Goganamatam village January 2013 Euplectromorpha sp Acknowledgements : IARI, New Delhi; NBAII, Bangalore Pupal parasitoid Eurytoma monemae Pupal parasitoid Praestochrysis sp Ceranisus menes sp Parasitisation of coconut slug caterpillar by Ceranisus menes belonging to family Eulophidae ( Hymenoptera ) was observed in March - April 2015 Parasitisation of coconut slug caterpillar by Ceranisus menes and its culture collected in the laboratory Coconut leaf eating caterpillar Phalacra sp Coconut leaf eating caterpillar Phalacra sp life stages Eggs Early instar larvae Grown up larvae Pupae Adult Moth Coconut trees defoliated by Phalacra sp Life stage of new leaf eating caterpillar Damage symptoms on coconut Symptoms on Banana [intercrop] Oil Palm Web worm Acria sp life stages eggs larva Pupa Adult Moth leaf eating caterpillar Acria sp Rat damage Damage to tender nuts by monkeys Visakhapatnam district Bat Damage Termite incidence ThanksThanks youyou Horticultural Research Station, DR YSR HU , Ambajipeta – 533 214 .
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