1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1519 came retirement from public life, receiving in private station ASSISTANT SURGEON IN THE NA. VY. from his fellow-citizens the honors which were due to him as the Ransom E. Riggs, a citizen of South Carolina, to be an assistant first and greatest citizen of his State. The end of his glorious surgeon in the Navy, from the 19th day of January, 1903, to fill a life came on the 14th of November, 1832, he having rea-ched an age vacancy existing in that grade on that date. almost unprecedented among the men of his time, almost 96 years. He was the last survivor of the signers of the Declaration PROMOTIONS IN THE NA.VY. of Independence. 1. Commander Charles C. Cornwell, to be a captain in the Navy · Such was the character, such were the services of the two from the 10th day of January, 1903, vice Capt. George W. Mel­ Marylanders whom our statues typify as the best product of the ville, retired. manhood of our soil. They have passed away, but they shall be 2. P ay Inspector Samuel R. Colhoun, to be a pay director in the ever remembered, and their fame will extend into the distant Navy from the 22d day of November, 1902, vice Pay Director Ar­ future. Their influence has not ceased. True it is, the prin­ thur Burtis, retired. ciples which they evolved and for which they struggled seem 3. Pay Inspector John N. Speel, to be a pay director in the at present to be obscm·ed by an eclipse. If it be so, would Navy from the 11th day of January, 1903, vice Pay Director it not be well upon this occasion to call a halt in the fateful William J. Thomson, retired. march, would it not be well to look backward, and, if necessary, MIDSHIPMEN TO BE ASSISTANT NAV A.L CONSTRUCTORS, retrace our steps until we may stand again in that altitude where 1. Julius A. Furer. our vision will become bright and clear, where the flash light of 2. William B. Fogarty. an indiscreet ambition, of a desixe for "world power," for terri­ 3. Sidney M. Henry. torial expansion and colonial aggrandizement shall forever pass 4. Lewis B. McBride. _ away, and in its stead we shall see again that light which led us These nominations are made in lieu of those of January 8,1903, for a century and a quarter in honorable history and glorious which are hereby withdrawn. achievement as a nation? We shall march to the music of the song of the great Declaration for which Charles Carroll and John CONFIRMATIONS. Hanson lived and labored throughout many years, and realize, Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate January 31,1903. as did they, that our s~rength as a nation depends upon the ex­ emplification of the grandest doctrine ever promulgated to men­ SURVEYOR OF CUSTOMS. that they shall be free and govern themselves, under God, ac­ 'Sidney 0. Weeks, of New York, to be surveyor of customs for cording to their own consent and pleasure. [Applause in the the port of Patchogue, in the State of New York. galleries.] COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. Mr. HOAR. Mr. President, I ask that an order be made that the Senator from Virginia [Mr. DANIEL] be permitted to put into Peter Dippel, of New York, to be collector of customs for the the RECORD and into the account of the proceedings of this day, district of Sag Harbor, in the State of New York. when published otherwise, the remarks he had intended to make. James Low, of New York, to be collector of customs for .the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Massachu­ district of Niagara, in the State of New York. setts asks unanimous consent that the Senator f1·om Virginia [Mr. POSTMASTERS. DA.NIEL] "may be permitted to publish in the RECORD and make • GEORGIA. • part of the record of this day's proceedings the speech which he Ida R. Wimberly, to be postmaster at Abbeville, in the county had prepared and had intended to have made, but which he has of Wilcox and State of Georgia. been prevented from doing by sickness. Is there objection to the John B. Crawford, to be postmaster at Cairo, in the county of request. The Chair hears none, and that order is made. Thomas and State of Georgia. Mr. WELLINGTON. Mr. President, I ask that the concurrent Alfred B. Finley, to be postma-ster at Douglas, in the county of resolution offered by my colleague be adopted. Coffee and State of Georgia. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the adop­ Cicero C. Alexande_r, to be postmaster at Harmony Grove, in tion of the concurrent resolution offered by the Senator from the county of Jackson and State of Georgia. · Maryland [Mr. McCmu.s]. John C. Massey, to be postmaster at Hartwell, in the county The concurrent resolution was unanimously agreed to. of Hart and State of Georgia. Mr. WELLINGTON. I now move that the Senate adjom·n. Newton T. Jones, to be postmaster at Pelham, in the county of The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 17 minutes Mitchell and State of Georgia. p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, February 2, 1903, at Job R. Smith, to be postmaster at Winder, in the county of 12 o'clock meridian. Jackson and State of Georgia. Samuel M. Davis, jr., to be postmaster at Calhoun, in the county NOMINATIONS. of Gordon and State of Georgia. Edward Y. Swanson, to be postmaster at Monticello, in the Executive nominations received by the Senate January 31,1903. county of Jasper and State of Georgia. CONSUL. MARYLAND. William R. Reese, to be postmaster at Crisfield, in the county William H. Bishop, of Connecticut, to be consul of the United of Somerset and State of Maryland. States at Genoa, Italy, vice Richmond Pearson, appointed envoy Milton S. Lankford, to be postmaster at Princess Anne, in the extraordinary ana ~inister plenipotentiary to Persia. county of Somerset and State of Maryland. COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. MASSACHUSETTS. John M. Holzendorf, of Georgia, to be collector of customs for James 0. Hodges, to be postmaster at Mansfield, in the county the district of St. Marys, in the State of Georgia, to succeed Budd of Bristol and State of Massachusetts. Coffee, whose term of office has expired by limitation. PENNSYLV A.NIA. John Rosier, of Virginia, to be collector of customs for the dis­ Arthur M. Roy, to be postmaster at Wellsboro, in the county' trict of Tappahannock, in the State Virginia, to succeed Thomas of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania. C. Walker, whose term of office has expired by limitation. George A. Lukehart, to be postmaster at Dubois, in the county SURVEYORS OF CUSTOMS. of Clearfield and State of Pennsylvania. - _ Jeremiah J. McCarthy, of MassaChusetts, to be surveyor of customs in the district of Boston and Charlestown, in the State of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Massachusetts. (Reappointment.) Charles H. Senseney, of West Virginia, to be surveyor of cus­ SATURDAY, January 31, 1903. _toms for .the port of Wheeling, in the State of West Virginia. The Honse met at 12 o'clock m., and was called to order by the (Reappointment.) Speaker. ASSISTANT TREASURERS. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. HE...--my N. COUDEN, George A. Marden, of Massachusetts, to be assistant treasurer D. D. of the United States at Boston, Mass. (Reappointment.) The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. William S. Leib, of Pennsylvania, to be assistant treasurer of The SPEAKER. The Chair lays before the House a privileged the United States at Philadelphia, Pa., to succeed John F. Fin­ bill. - ney, whose term of office has expired by limitation. The Clerk read as follows: A bill (S. 7063) permitting the building of a dam across the St. Croix River COLLECTOR OF INTERN A.L REVENUE. at or near the village of St. Croix Falls, Polk County, Wis. Peter E. Garlick, of New York, to be collector of internal reve­ B_e it enactef!., ~tc.,_ That the consent of Congress is hereby granted to St. nue for the Twenty-first district of New York, to succeed Charles CroiX Falls WISConsin Iml>rovement Company, a. corJ?ora.tion organized un­ der the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and to St. CroiX Falls Minnesota Im­ C. Cole, resigned. provement Company, a corpora.tionorganiz~d under the laws of the State of 1520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 31, Minnesota, or either of them, their an<J-each of their successors or assigns, to H. R. 15549. An act granting an increase of pension to John build a dam across the St. Croix River a tor near the St. Croix.. Falls, so called, in said river, and all works incident thereto in the utilization of the power Wright; thereby developed: Pnn:ided, That the plans for the construction of said dam H. R. 12812. An act granting an increase of pension to Otis T. and appurtenant works shall be submitted to and approved by the Chief of Hooper; Engineers and the Secretary of War before the commencement of the con­ struction of such dam: .And pnwidedjtt1-ther;.That ~:~aid St. Croix Falls Wis­ H R. 3907. An act g1·anting an increase of pension to John H. consin Improvement Company and said St. vToix Falls Minnesota Improve­ Sara; m ent Company or either o! them, their and each of their successors or as­ H. R. 15648. An act granting an increase of pension to Lester H. signs shall not deviate from snch plans after such approval either before or after the completion of the structure unless the modification of said plans Salsbury; shall have previously been submitted to and received the approval of the H.
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