DIRECTORY OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS AVAILABLE FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORK DESCRIPTION AND DISCLAIMER This is a directory of individual members of NZAA who have indicated that they are available to carry out archaeological work. NZAA makes no representation, recommendation or warranty regarding the standard or level of competence or suitability to give archaeological advice of individual members listed in the Directory, the information in the Directory or the information, advice, guidance or services provided by any member listed in the Directory. Membership of NZAA does not involve registration of professional archaeologists and NZAA does not oversee professional standards for archaeological work. Members must however abide by the NZAA Code of Ethics as per Schedule 1 of NZAA’s Constitution. NZAA also endorses the Professional Code of Ethics which is available at http://www.nzarchaeology.org/profes.htm#code. Information and advice on archaeological standards, practice, and legislation in New Zealand is available from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (PO Box 2629, Wellington, Phone (04) 472 4341). It is the responsibility of the individuals listed to ensure contact details are correct and up to date on the Directory and to request changes. Changes in details associated with NZAA membership will not automatically result in corresponding updates to the Directory. Last updated: June 2019. Name Contact Details Areas Available for Work Adamson, Dr Janice Archaeology Solutions Limited Nationally, Auckland, PhD., Auckland PO Box 48134 Northland, Coromandel, 103 Connell Street Taranaki Blockhouse Bay AUCKLAND and 145 Waimaire Road Matarangi COROMANDEL PENINSULA ph: 09 6267860 mob: 021 286 9511 email: info@archaeologysolutions.co.nz Bader, Dr Hans- Archaeology Solutions Limited Nationally, Auckland, Dieter PO Box 48134 Northland, Coromandel, Ph.D., Phillips 103 Connell Street Taranaki Universitaet Marburg Blockhouse Bay AUCKLAND and 145 Waimaire Road Matarangi COROMANDEL PENINSULA ph: 09 6267860 mob: 021 626 789 email: info@archaeologysolutions.co.nz Barker, Tom ph: 0211604838 Thames, Coromandel, MA (Archaeology) email: Tomgwbarker@gmail.com Hauraki, Nationally Bell, Alex MA Bell Heritage Northland (Distinction) Otago E: a.c.bell@outlook.com T: 0226246297 Brown, Adina and Plan Heritage Limited Auckland, Nationally John BA, BSc, MA 48 Lake Road and MSc Devonport AUCKLAND Built Heritage, E: info@planheritage.co.nz Planning, T: +6494458953 Conservation JB: +642102973641 | AB +642102973633 Management & www.planheritage.co.nz Archaeology Briden, Shar Absolute Archaeology Ltd. Otago 225 Hillingdon Street Normanby Dunedin Email: sharbriden@xtra.co.nz 0274911545 Bruce, Ivan 33 Scott St Taranaki, Whanganui, MA Hons Motoroa Northland NEW PLYMOUTH ph: (06) 751 1645 mobile (027) 488 8215 email: itmustbesointeresting@xtra.co.nz Cable, Nicholas Opus International Consultants Ltd Nationally M.A. (Distinction) Otago, 20 Moorhouse Avenue Christchurch PG Cert. (Hist. Arch.) PO Box 1482 Leicester, OP Cert. (Env. Christchurch 8140 Man.) ph: 0277058330 email: nick.cable@opus.co.nz Name Contact Details Areas Available for Work Callaghan, Elisabeth Northern Archaeological Research Ltd Nationally, with expertise M.A.Hons. Auckland, PO Box 32-585 in PGDipTchng Auckland Devonport Far North, Bay of Islands, AUCKLAND Northland & Auckland Specialisations: Far archaeology. North, Bay of Islands, 19 Kotare Drive, Northland, Auckland Coopers Beach, Mangonui, FAR NORTH ph: 09 446 0586 mob: 021 1857 384 email: nrthnar@xtra.co.nz web: www.nrthnar.com Campbell, Dr CFG Heritage Nationally Matthew 132 Symonds Street, Auckland Northland, Auckland, Bay M.A. Otago, of Plenty, Waikato, Ph.D. Sydney P.O. Box 10015 Hawke's Bay Dominion Road AUCKLAND 1024 ph: (09) 309 2426 mobile: (021) 437 555 email: info@cfgheritage.com www.cfgheritage.com Carpenter, Jonathan Geometria Ltd Nationally M.A. (Hons) 51A Norfolk Street PO Box 1972 WHANGAREI ph: (09) 430 0068 mobile: 021 893 063 email: jono@geometria.co.nz web: www.geometria.co.nz Carter, Gaylynne, Dr Archaeology Hawke’s Bay Ltd. Napier (PhD, MRes, MSc, East North Island BSc (Hons)) ph: 021 526 923 Nationally email: contact@archaeologyhb.nz web: www.archaeologyhb.nz Cawte, Dr Hayden Underground Overground Ltd. Christchurch; West Coast; (PhD) 8/31 Stevens Street Kaikoura; North Island Waltham Christchurch ph: 0800 654 686 cell no. 027 600 6152 email:hayden.cawte@underoverarch.co.nz Cawte, Sheryl Faunal Solutions Ltd/ Nationally, Otago, B.A. (Hons) New Zealand Heritage Properties Ltd. Southland and Canterbury M.A. in Archaeology Salisbury House 106 Bond Street Dunedin 9016 New Zealand Mobile: (027) 407 0919 fax: +64 3 477 3928 sheryl@faunalsolutions.co.nz sheryl@heritageproperties.co.nz email: info@heritageproperties.co.nz Web: www.heritageproperties.co.nz Name Contact Details Areas Available for Work Chester, Dr Pamela 36 Woodland Road Nationally, Johnsonville Wellington WELLINGTON ph: (04) 478 1048 mobile: 027 6125805 fax: (04) 478 1038 email: pchester@actrix.co.nz Clough, Dr Rod Clough and Associates Ltd Nationally (PhD London, MA 321 Forest Hill Rd Auckland) Waiatarua AUCKLAND 0612 ph/fax: (09) 814 1946 mob: 027 4850 059 email: heritage@clough.co.nz web: www.clough.co.nz Conroy, Stephen 101 Valley Road Auckland, M.A. (Forensic Mount Maunganui Bay of Plenty, Arch/Bioarchaeology) Nationally Ph. 0275157351 Specialisations in Email: swc10s@gmail.com Human Remains; Fieldwork; Research Cruickshank, Arden CFG Heritage Nationally, Auckland, MA (Hons) Auckland 9B Cullen Street Waikato, Coromandel, Paeroa, 3600 Bay of Plenty Specialisations: Pre- European P.O. Box 10015 archaeology, Lithics Dominion Road AUCKLAND 1024 ph: (09) 309 2426 mobile: (021) 262 1597 email: arden.c@cfgheritage.com web: www.cfgheritage.com Cunliffe, Emily Opus International Consultants Ltd Nationally, Wellington, M.A. (Otago) L8 Majestic Centre Kapiti Coast, Wairarapa 100 Willis Street Wellington ph: 04 471 7012 mob: 021466895 email: Emily.cunliffe@opus.co.nz Dodd, Andy Subsurface Ltd Nationally, Kāpiti- MA (Otago); PGDip P O Box 31, Horowhenua, Wellington, (Flinders, AUS); Paekakariki Wairarapa, Whanganui- ADAS1 (Huntly) KAPITI COAST 5258 Manawatū, Taranaki ph: (04) 902 3290 mob: 021 148 3290 email: andyj.dodd@gmail.com Druskovich, Brent 10a Domett Avenue Nationally M.A. (Hons), B. Com. Epsom Auckland AUCKLAND 1023 Northland ph: (09) 638 9421 Coromandel mob: (027) 4905 336 Waikato email: brentdruskovich@gmail.com Name Contact Details Areas Available for Work Farley, Glen Clough and Associates Ltd Nationally (M.A. Auckland) 321 Forest Hill Rd Waiatarua AUCKLAND 0612 ph/fax: (09) 814 1946 mob: 021 077 5473 email: glenfarley@clough.co.nz web: www.clough.co.nz Felgate, Dr Matthew Mātai Taonga Ltd Auckland, Northland 141 Verbena Rd, Birkdale AUCKLAND 0626 mob: 022 1095989 email: felgate@xtra.co.nz Foster, Deb Archaeological Consultancy Nelson 55 High St Tasman Marlborough Motueka 7120 Kaikoura West Coast New Zealand ph: 03 528 6445 mob: 027 241 7837 email: mamakunelson@xtra.co.nz Foster, Russell Russell Foster and Associates Auckland 18 Rarawa Street Northland Mt Eden Waikato Auckland 1024 ph/fax: (09) 630 1041 mob: 0274 501172 email: rfoster@ihug.co.nz Gallagher, Brigid Mishmish Heritage Nationally 196 Seaforth Road Bay of Plenty Waihi Beach Western Bay of Plenty 3611 ph: 07 8634576 mob: 0210316673 email: brigid@mishmishproductions.com Gibb, Russell Geometria Nationally 120 Williamson Ave Grey Lynn PO Box 68653 Newton AUCKLAND 1145 ph: (09) 376 2061 mob: 021 404 408 email: Russell@geometria.co.nz Name Contact Details Areas Available for Work Grieve-Rawson, HPFS Solutions Nationally Susanne 989 South Road BA, MA PHD RD12 candidate (Victoria Hawera 5672 University) Phone: 0220337455 Specialisations: Email: hpfssolutions@gmail.com Preservation, Website: HPFSSolutions.com conservation, Planning, material culture, maritime archaeology Grouden, Victoria Capital Heritage Limited Wellington 139 Park Road Kapiti Coast Hutt Valley Belmont LOWER HUTT 5010 mob: 021 035 3193 email: victoria@capitalheritage.co.nz Gumbley, Warren 7 Plunket Terrace Thames/ Coromandel, M.A. (Distinction), HAMILTON 3216 Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Otago Nationally mob: 0274 712 165 ph: 07 856 9071 email: warren.gum@clear.net.nz Habberfield-Short, Strata NZ Ltd Canterbury, Dr Jeremy 11 Lucas Lane Marlborough, Tasman & PhD Environmental Hillsborough North Otago Science and Christchurch 8022 Management; BA (Hons) Anthropology E: strataheritage@gmail.com Ph. 03 379 7779 Mob. 0224 987 254 Harlow, Dianne Architage Heritage Consultancy North Island M.A. (Hons) 13A Calypso Place Rothesay Bay Auckland 0630 New Zealand ph: (09) 478 4787 mob: 021 968 444 email: architage@ihug.co.nz Harsveldt, Patrick Opus International Consultants Ltd Horowhenua, Kapiti MA Otago, BArch L9 Majestic Centre Coast, Manawatu, (Wellington) 100 Willis Street Wairarapa, Wellington, Wellington 6011 Nationally ph: 0274983078 email: patrick.harsveldt@wsp-opus.co.nz Hickey, Megan Underground Overground Archaeology Ltd Christchurch. M.A. (York) P.O. Box 388 South Island. Christchurch 8140 Ph. 0800 654 686 Mob. 027 3875579 megan.hickey@underoverarch.co.nz Name Contact Details Areas Available for Work Hoffmann, Andrew J 33 Tramway Road Thames/Coromandel, Elderly Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hamilton, 3214 Nationally ph: 07 853 5332 mob: 027 575 1859 email: ajarchaeology@gmail.com Holmes, Peter CFG Heritage Ltd Nationally, Northland, M.A. Auckland 1998. Welcome Bay Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Tauranga Hawkes Bay ph: 07 544 5493 mob: 021 204 2785 email: peterdholmes@xtra.co.nz
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