■" ' - Correspondence Baltimore Countt Union. fPUsjcellatxejcms. Jaljes of WCQpzvtvi. ytaraegg stSaro. i & fs£isc£llanjeoti£. Simz Sables. SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. Bmith'a™by at WILSON KENNEY CO„ Glow-Worm’s Lamp—An Ingenious COCKEYSVILLE aTw. prorenTAmßAnSom The PRIVATE ALE. WT““ 18medley Bow, Towson. For the West and North. Galvanometer—Brain Development— *8 Office—No. TOWSON AND LUTHERVILLE. WE RECOMMEND leave • Plague- —— Trains Calvert Station as follows Smoke Annihilated—Peanut Between 16 and 17 Acres of on A W JPKRRIB _ _ Land Green . THE USE OF 4.40 A. M.. dally (Union Station 4.44 A. M.) for Colorsfrom Molasses—An Electric Lamp & A. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Williamsport and Lock Haven. Milling Supply Co. , Spring avenue oppositeFifth avenue, just 6 Smedley Bow, Towson, Md. ( for Vehicles—The Poison of Tarts—The north No. Coal, Lumber, Mill Work, Hardware. Paints 8.45 A. M. (Union Station 8.55 A. M.) daily, for Hottest Heat. Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Druid Hill Park and within the limits of Balti- ■\TTILLIA.i. 8. KEKCH, Jr., S- A. FOUTZ’S AT LAW, Louis. To the absolutely nothing is MEAL, , W ATTORNEY Hay, Grain and Mill Feed. 8.45 A. M. (Union Station 8.56 A. M.)daily, for statement that FLOUR, more city. Theimprovements are only ordina- Office—Smedley Bow, Towson, Md. Buffalo (via Emporium Junction) with — through i ry. It a on STOCK! — known of the glow-worm Dr. T. L. Phi peon has fine front Green Bprlngavenue, —FUL.L. —LOW PRICES! Buffet Parlor Car, and Coach; Erie dally and lays well and Is susceptible of into T7UBANK I. DUNCAN, division „ week-days. takes exceptions, showing that the phosphores- Building LAW, Buffalo Lots; has one of the finest Building Jj ATTORNEY AT ALSO A STORE FOR CENERAL MERCHANDISE AT LUTHERVILLE. 11.44 A. M. (Union Station M.) dally, cent organs of the glow-worm and the fire-fly AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, Sites in that section. All high and rolling. Towson, Md. June 3—l2m 11.55 A. A Office—Piper Building, PotJets’ Pittsburgh and Cleveland; Uenovo and Elmira hare been the subject of numerous inquiries. never-failing stream passes through the proper- ‘Ciiiin-AND- week-days. Annex taxation—6o cents on light to the ty. the SIOO. For VTOAB E. OFFUTT, ... I. P. M. (Union Station) dally. The source of the proves be not AT CITY PRICES. further particularsaddress LAW, Limited for organs sub- ATTORNEY AT Pittsburgh,Chicago, Cleveland. Toledo, Detroit, themselves but a white unctuous LONGNECKER BROS., Money to Loan. Smedley Row, Towson. \ Louisville, Phip- Aug. Estate, Towson, Cincinnati. St. Louis. stance known as “noctilucine,” and,as Dr. 13.tf Real Md. 5.00 P. M. (from Union .-tation) daily. “The Pennsylvania Special” 17hours son thirty years ago this OATS, AND rpHOMAS J. HUNTER, „ . to Chicago. himself showed that WE BUY WHEAT, CORN, RYE Frank J. Duncan, Attorney at Dave, flsb, Towson. X ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWSON. Md. SOUTHCOMBS 5.00 P. M.daily (from Union Station) for Pitts- a decaying “Stock Food” substance is special product of BARLEY. burgh. Chicago, Nashville, (via Cincinnati and it is regarded as the probable light giving mate- DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs Louisville,) Bt. Louis and Williamsport. J. TIMANUS, _. „ vegetable phosphore Sc AT LAW, 7.00 P. dally (from Station) rial inall animal and sconce. Consisting of Acres JOHNATTORNEY COUNSELOR * M.. Union for Chi- |H 28k AS Towson, Md. HATS cago and Cleveland. Luminous bacteria, the tiny organisms that give Piper Building. FOR Wise Heads Wear Them. 8.30 P. M., daily (from Union Station) for light large AGENTS BEST BRANDS OF Tbe home of the late August and Fredericks A. WILLIAMS, “POULTRY FOOD" burgh, and St. Pitts- to areas of the sea’s surface,certain Dwelling, STEVENSON Cincinnati Louis. fungi and other living forms seem to produce FERTILIZERS. Wirsing, with Barn, Granary and O ATTORNEY AT LAW, For Chickens, Turkeys, Ducksand Geese. 8.30 P. M. dally (from Union Station)for Buffalo all necessary outbuildings; four and one- Belalr, Harfordcounty, Md. (via Emporium Junction) with through Buffet noctilucine. The material has a complex com- half miles from Boundary avenue and two hun- 113 N- Liberty Sleeping Carand Coach. yards from the road Street, position, glows in the dark like phosphorus, and dred Belalr ; five minutes' h. russet, 9.00 P. M. dally (from Union Station.) car; an Liniment for Man and Beast Pitts- Is made by oxidation. Artificial —Cockeysville, 22 B. walk to street abundance of fruit and a Robert ATTORNEY AT LAW, i burgh, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Erie and luminous slow C. A P. Phone never failing spring and dairy. Must be sold to Office—Piper Building,Towson, Md. Baltimore, Md. Rochester. organic substances of similar nature are now Ju!yßtDec.3t close an purchasers Formerly Baltimore and Holliday Sts. estate. Prospective can Oct. y 11. P. M. (Union Station 11.65 P. M.) dally secure information by addressing 22.—1 Pittsburgh, Chicago, known. ESTABLISHED 1870. further GKASON, Toledo, Rochester, Erie; **• FRANK I. DUNCAN, Trustee, JOHN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleveland except Saturday. The novel and highly sensitive galvanometer June 24—tfl Towson, Md. Office—Law Building. Towson, Md. For Annapolis, 7.31 A. M., and 3.40 P. M. week- & days. Sundays. 8.50 A. M. of M. Blntboven consists of a silver quartzfiber XTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. c. slingluff, Arthur Son -3>. John From President Street. stretched like a violin string between the poles ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAIER’S contains 244 ACRES, 19 miles fromfji Fielder 6.15 A. and 6.25 P. M., week-days, for a powerful electromagnet. The passage Farm Fidelity Building, (3d floor,) Baltimore. M. Phila- of Baltimore and within two miles of Finksburg BUILDERS^ delphia. throughit of a small current causesthe wire to Station, W. M. R. B. Tbe dwelling contains 18 T. ROBERTS, From Union Station. be deflected perpendicular to the field, and the rooms; splendid natural flow water supply at WILLIAMATTORNEY AT LAW, UNDERTAKERS,^ For Philadelphia and New Tork. tbe house and barns. The improvements in ad- cor. iga, deflectioncan be measured directly by a micro- are cow 227 St. Paul Street, Sarat Baltimore. *5.03 P. M. "Congressional Limited,’’ daily PAINTS dition to the dwelling two barns, barn, York only; 1.48. lO.Ot (*11.06 New PREPARED 7.55, scope carrying a micrometer or it can be photo- corn etc. Tbe farm is being limed for tbe New’York STRICTLY PURE house, ENRY SHIRK, Fork, Baltimore County, Md. V/vy- A. 61., *12.06. *140,4.20, *5.45,7.50 and graphed with a suitable scale to show the curve. ARB second time in the past few years. This farm is LAW, only) 11.25 ATTORNEY AT ALWAYS ON HAND P. M. week days. Sundays. 1.48 and *lO 02 A can regulated by adjusting adapted for a stock farm and dairy business. It 6 Lexington Street, Baltimore. M. *12.05,1.00, *4.20, *5.45, 7.50 Thesensitiveness be contains bountifully E. and 11.25 P. M. the length of wires. PAINTS. much meadow land and is For Philadelphia only,,8.40, A the LEAD AND ZINC supplied with water. Persons desiring property MAULSBY SMITH, A Stock of Our Own Build of Carriages of Different Kinds. M., 1.06, 8.04, *6.35, •** of thisdescription willpleaseaddress tbe under- 4.57, 6.46 P. M. week-days. • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sundays 6.35,7.65 M., signed for further particulars. Painting and Repairing Done in tbe Best Manner. Note.— Look for the name S. A. FOUTZ A. 3.04, 4.57, *8.35 and 6.15 The mathematical aptitude of boys and girls of terms and 12 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore. M No. 121 LONGNECKER BROS.. Work Sent for and Returned Free of Charge. PANSY. Accept no other. P. 8 to IS compared by Prof. Mercante, Guaranteed Equal to the Best. and the change, 8.40 week-days has been V. Feb. 18—tf Real Estate, Towson, Md. T. LAWRENCE, For Boston.without A.M. ofBuenos Ayres, by tests of quickness In read- *-Owing to a demand fora lower-priced work than our own build, we are carrying a stock of a and *6.35 P. M. daily. • ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWSON, grade Work, as andprincipal ing operations. JM. Md. good of Factory such BUGGIES, RUNABOUTS, CARRIAGES AND PLATFORM OUR GOODS ARE ABSOLUTELY PURE For Delmar intermediate points numbers and in arithmetical A -MANUFACTURED BY- farm and store stand at MARKET WAGONS. This will not in any way interfere with our own build of work. on Delaware Division. 6.35, 7.65 A. M. 2.80 curious discovery is that an abnormal activity Truck PRIVATE SALE. SCOTT OFFUTT, pff“Md. Phone—Belair Exchange. Apr. 22—ly AND PRODUCE RESULTS. and 4.67 P.M. week-days, 7.50 P. M.daily. • ATTORNEY AT of memory exists at about 13, followed by a T LAW. For Washington, Express.2.26,,, Thefarm contains 10k ACRES,situated on tbei Office—Smedley Row, Towson, Md. j 7.43,8.45,8.65,9A2, 10.34 A.M.. 12.05,12.48,1.63,2.12 depression, by ~ period of intellectual and at U a JOHN G. MAIER’S SONS, Belalr road. In the village of Perry Hall,tX 2.45,3.40,3.50,5.10,5.19,6.26,6.00,6.05,7.16,7.29 (7.36 sudden leap increative Imagination and reason- miles from steam railroad and near P.
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