77i/5 Issue: 1989 Gift Guide • • o IEWESTFIELD LEADER Westfidd Since 1890 U5PS iK»0 Published ONE-HUNDREDTH YEAR, NO. IB Second Clui Poult* P«d WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1989 20 Pages—30 Cents •[Wnilkld.NJ, Every Thursda Police Have No New Leads in Local Executive's Murder As of press time, there were remained on his wrist. stilJ no new leads into the "execu- Lt. John Dempsey of the Mor- tion style" murder of Robert E. ris County prosecutor's office in- Wunderle, a resident of Canter- fered that the killing may have bury Road in town. been "professional" because of The body of the Supermarkets the style in which the victim was General Corp. executive was shot. found Thursday morning, Nov. The executive's company car, 1G, in a drainage ditch, adjacent a 1989 Mercury Grand Marquis to Ihe Rockaway River in Rock- LS with license plate EXC-26V, away Borough, Morris County. has still not been recovered. Investigators said he had been Investigators said that there killed by a gunshot wound to the were no signs of struggle in the heart, probably ' shot at close area where Mr. Wunderle's body range, because of gun power was found. He was apparently residue on his skin and clothing. dressed neatly in a business suit Reports have confirmed that he and raincoat when his body was also had been shot in the upper discovered in the drainage ditch. portion of his left ear. According to Westfield's Lt. According to investigators, Mr. Det. Bernard F. Tracy, "we are Wunderle, 45, was last seen at his assisting Morris County in the in- _ Robert E. Wunderle office in Carteret at ap- vestigation." and Sam H.. both at home; his proximately 8:45 p.m., Wednes- A viewing was held from 2 to 9 father, Haroid Wunderle of Can- day. Autopsy reports indicate p.m. Monday, Nov. 20 at Gray ton, Ohio; a brother, William of that he was murdered shortly Funeral Home and a Mass was Ashtabula, Ohio; and a sister, afler midnight that evening. conducted yesterday at St. Janet also of Ashtabula. According to Morris County of- Helen's B.C. Church in Westfield. Mr. Wunderle was employed as ficials, a motive for the killing A burial followed at the Fairview executive vice president of PILGRIMS AND INDIANS gather together in Randi Citron's class at Wilson School for a Thanksgiving has not yet been determined. Cemetery. Supermarkets General Corp., the festival and a "Happy Thanksgiving" greeting to Weslfield Leader readers. The Pilgrims are depicted on Although Wunderle's wallet was In addition to his wife, Sue, he parent company of the Pathmark a special bulletin board created by Betty Dessino, aide. Indians, pictured left to right, include Justin missing, a fairly expensive watch is survived by two sons. Max S., stores. Frasicr, Nicole Yen and Stefan Mogielnicki. Tree Lighting Ceremony Board of Health Schedules Zoning Board To Hear Blood Pressure* Screening Amoco Appeal Dec. 18 First December Sunday The Westfield Board of Health produces no symptoms. will conduct a free blood Individuals should be screened The Westfield Area Chamber p.m. A Chamber member will in- pressure screening on Thursday, for high blood pressure if they An application for a use application of Mr. and Mrs. of Commerce will again sponsor troduce local officials and invite Dec. 7, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 are 35 years of age or older; are variance by William E. and Gar- James C. Heimlich, 235 the annual tree lighting cere- Mayor Raymond W. Stone to noon. The program will be held at not under a physician's care for rett J. Wishbow (Amoco Oil Com- Massachusetts St., for the con- mony, set for Sunday, Dec. 3, at throw the switch to light the tree. the Westfield Community Center, high blood pressure; have a fam- pany), 416 Soluth Ave., has been struction of a two-car garage, the Westfield Train Station on As the tree is illuminated, Santa 558 West Broad St. mily history of high blood1 postponed. The postponement contrary to a side yard violation. North Avenue. Live holiday Claus will arrive on a fire truck. pressure; have not had a blood came as a result of there not be- The board denied the following music and Christmas carols will He will greet the assembled More than 23 million pressure test in more than a ing enough board members pre- applications: Roanne Bradley, herald Santa's arrival at this youngsters and distribute candy Americans have high blood year; and have stopped taking sent at Monday night's public 531 Wychwood Rd., for permis- festive event which begins at 5 canes. pressure and many are unaware blood pressure medication meeting to hear the use variance sion to erect a second floor bed- p.m. Members of the Westfield Com- they have it. In most cases, high without their physician's ap- application. room contrary to a side yard Ceremonial lighting of the huge munity Band — a dozen or more blood pressure is painless and proval. The applicants are seeking per- violation. The Andrew and evergreen tree is planned for 5:15 [continued on the lull p»9« °l thl» ucSon] mission to remove an existing Patricia Praschak, 9 Starlite Ct., building, canopy and pump for permission to keep an illegal- islands in order to erect a- new ly constructed storage shed. Citizens' Input Welcome pump island and canopy with an The application of Jay attendant kiosk and an Bertelson, 1545 Rahway Ave., for automated car wash, contrary to a second story will be continued On 1990-91 School Budget the requirements of the Land Use on Dec. 18. Ordinance, which states that no Westfield citizens interested in development process this month. lot shall contain more than one participating in the development "Setting a school budget is a plan principal structure. Variances Holiday Closing of the 1990-1991 school budget are of action to meet goals and will also be sought with regard to welcome to attend a public priorities of the school district. entrances and egresses, and pro- For the Library meeting of the Westfield Board of The meeting Tuesday will be posed free standing signs. Education's Finance Committee open to the public for input. In- In other business, board ap- The Westfield Memorial on Tuesday (Nov. 28). terested Westfielders are urged proved the appeal of Elizabeth A. Library will close Wednesday, The meeting will be held in the to attend," he stated. Nichols, 808 Grant Ave., for per- Nov. 22 at 5 p.m. and Thursday, Board Meeting Room at 302 Elm While citizen input is needed mission to erect a carport and a Nov. 23 for the Thanksgiving holi- St.', at 8 p.m. and welcomed by the Finance two story addition to her home. day. The library will re-open Fri- day, Nov. 24 at 10 a.m. "Westfield residents with (continued on ths last page oi This section) The board also approved the specific ideas, concerns, sugges- tions and questions about school spending have the opportunity now while the budget is in the development stage to conv rf* municate with Board members," said Board Member G. Bruce A LITTLE LIGHTING MUSIC — The Westfield Community Band is McFadden, chairperson of the practicing holiday tunes they will play during the annual tree lighting Finance Committee. ceremony. Band Director Elias Zareva is pictured in the foreground. McFadden noted that the committee has held two meetings Recycling Information since beginning the budget There will be curbside pick-up removed. (Labels, styrofoam, of recyclables in Westfield on the metal rings and plastic do not Schools Closing following days during the month have to be removed). Glass con- of December. tainers must be placed at the For Thanksgiving North of railroad tracks — curb in sturdy, reusable con- Thursdays, Dec. 14 and 28. tainers. Only bottles and jars will Alt Westfield Public Schools South of railroad tracks - Fri- be collected — residents should and offices will close today (Nov. days, Dec. 1, 15 and 29. not set out window glass, dishes, 22) after a four-hour session for Union County Utilities Authori- Pyrex, mirrors or crystal. the Thanksgiving recess. ty officials remind residents to Aluminum beverage con- Classes in the nine public set out their recyclables, tainers must be well rinsed and schools will end at 12:30 p.m. to- (aluminum cans, glass bottles placed in a sturdy, reusable con- day and resume at the usual and jars and newspapers) by 7:30 tainer. Tin cans, paint cans and starting times on Monday (Nov. a.m. the day they are scheduled spray cans cannot be collected. 27). for collection. Residents should Glass and aluminum re- prepare their materials ac- eyclables must be set out in cording to the following guide- separate containers. Materials lines: placed in plastic or paper bags Today's Index Newspapers must be clean and will not be collected. tied in bundles thai are no more Tor missed pick-ups, residents Business Guide 15 than eight inches thick. Bundles may call 753-7276. Classified 18-19 Glass bottles and jars and Editorial 4-6 should not include shopping bags, Obituaries 10 Photo by W. A. Burke magazines, telephone books or cardboard may be taken to the Public Notices 16 HIGH WINDS on Monday, Nov. 20, beginning at approximately a p.m., brought trees and wirus down In junk mail. Lamberts Mill Road Con- Religious Services 14 Westfield iincl surrounding communities. Shown above are properties on Kinbrco Ctcseent, which fell the Glass bottles and jars must be servation Center, Saturdays and Social 7-9 impact of the storm.
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