Today: Register's All-County Football Team -SEE STORY PAGE 11 Weather Mostly sunny and cold today, COUNTY high in mid 30s. Fair and cold THEDAILY tonight, low In low 20s. Increas- ing cloudiness continued cold to- morrow, high in low 40s. Sun- EDITION day's outlook, cloudy and cold I J With chance of rain. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS VOL. 90, NO. Ill RED BANK, N. J, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Pre-Winter Snow Snarls Traffic With winter still officially three sult of the slippery roads. Com- night when an icy coating formed yesterday and employes were dis- terially to the traffic snarl. Many A similar snarl occurred on theminutes late and buses from the tion cleared for traffic this morn- weeks away, the shore area yes- muters ran into long delays on roadways. Motor traffic was missed. The fort reopened for drivers, some police said, were Ravine Drive hill at Matawan metropolitan area were reaching ing. terday was blanketed with three homebound trips last night. snarled at many places where business as usual this morning. attempting to drive without prop- and on a half-dozen other heavi- shore destinations as much as The snowstorm swirled across to five inches of snow that 2'/2 hours late. Normal schedules Hilltop Academy in Matawan cars were unable to negotiate Clear and continued cold erly cleaning their windshields ly traveled roads. the eastern seaboard and dumped snarled transportation and made and Howell Township schools hills because of the iced pave- weather today was the forecast. and windows, adding to the driv- State, county and local road were reported restored this morn- to 12 inches on an area driving treacherous. were reported closed today. ment. The temperature was expected to ing hazard. crews worked through the night ing, and the New York and Long up Police of the area reported a Driving became extremely haz- Fort Monmouth closed down go into the high 30s today, how- New Shrewsbury Police Chief scraping and sanding roads to Branch Railroad reported all stretching from Virginia to New rash of traffic accidents as a re- ardous throughout the area last civilian operations at 3:45 p.m ever, promising to melt away a James A. Herring reported traf- untangle the tieup. As a result, trains running on time. York. Heaviest accumulations good part of yesterday's snow fic jams on several roads. By conditions were improved, but Wilbur Lafaye, cooperative were recorded in Virginia and accumulation. The temperature 3:1:45 p.m., he said, Newman still hazardous in some areas, weather observer at Monmouth Maryland, with some central New is expected to drop into the teens Springs Road traffic had come this morning. Beach, reported 3.3 inches of Jersey localities registered up to in interior areas of the county to a complete standstill because Police of almost all munici- snow fell there between 11:30 eight inches. tonight, with lows in the 20s near- of inability of eastbound cars to palities reported pulling or push- a.m. and 10 p.m. Accumulations er the coast. get up the hill near Hance Road. ing cars stuck in snow or on ice.of up to five inches were report- At least three fatalities were Police in several area munici- Dismissal of Fort Monmouth em- Trains during the commuter ed in some inland areas. blamed on the snow in New Jer- palities complained of cars with- ployes at that hour added to the traffic hour last night were re- The Garden State Parkway re- sey. out snow tires which added ma- pile-up, he said. ported running as much as 50 ported two lanes in each direc- (See STORM, Pg. 2, Col. 1) For State Roads, Commuter Programs Asks $183 Million Grant TRENTON (AP) - The state budget bureau. All budget re- The transportation depart- complete interstate highways in states insofar as actual physical Transportation Department wants quests are subject to approval by ment's request was about $10 mil- the state by 1974-75. completion is concerned." He $183 million in state funds next the budget bureau, Gor. Richard lion less than the budget propos- "It has become publicly rec- said New Jersey would be year for highway and commuter J. Hughes, a Democrat, and the al that was made in 1966 for the ognized throughout the nation 'neither first nor last" in com- programs. legislature, which will be con- current fiscal year. The depart- that it is no longer possible to pleting its interstate roads. If approved, it would mean an trolled by 3-1 Republican majori- ment was created last year in a complete the interstate system Federal funds pay for 90 per increase of $42 million over the ties next year. The transporta- reorganization of the old highway according to the original 1972 cent of the cost of interstate present budget. tion requests have been trimmed department. schedule," he said. highways and the state provides Transportation Commissioner substantially in previous years Goldberg estimated that New But the commissioner said he is the remaining 10 per cent.. David J. Goldberg testified Thurs- before being submitted to the Jersey would receive $144 million confident that New Jersey's por- Goldberg said the outlook for day that the "department now legislature. in federal aid next year includ- tion of the system will be com- federal aid for state and local IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE IT — Suggesting the strong possibility of an has an annual capacity for state Goldberg said the department ing about $120 million to help pleted "in the median group of (See GRANT, Pg. 2, Col. 4) highway work of more than $180 was asking for $55 million for the approaching White Christmas was the appearance of Broad St., Red Bank, last night. million." He said charges that maintenance and operation of Th» storm that swept up from the south was the season's largest ... so far. the state has a large backlog of state highways, $60 million for unused funds were unfounded be- construction of new state high- Damage May Exceed $200,000 (Register Staff Photo! cause he said most of the money ways, $32 million for state aid to has already been committed to local roads and $30 million for building New Jersey roads in the new railroad equipment-and im- federal interstate system. provement of existing facilities. The budget requests were sub- The budget requests cover the Expected to PusK mitted to the state Treasury De- 1963-69 fiscal year which begins partment at a hearing before the July 1. For Expressway Today Marlboro Mayoralty To Resume Monday WASHINGTON — Sen. Clifford lation to a degree that would be allow shifting of approved routes P. Case, R-N.J., is expected to go unacceptable to the Johnson ad- within states just so that changes By WILLIAM L. HAGEMAN lo made their inspections. Mr. Rigolo is going ahead with to bat today before the Senate ministration. did not increase costs in the par- Is Going to McCue RED BANK — Classes will re- Administrative personnel con- preparations for structural test- Public Works Committee for the A spokesman for Senator Cas> ticular states. sume Monday' at Red Bank High tinued their work yesterday, a ing, and will then prepare specifi- FREEHOLD — Incumbent Marlboro Township Council- School in'all'but three or four fire watch of custodians stood by cations for renovations. Central New Jersey Express- expressed surprise that the bill Amendments being discussed man Charles T. McCue yesterday was confirmed the official way System. was On today's committee by senators from the states of rooms damaged by yesterday's throughout last night, and col There has been some discus- mayor of Marlboro as of Jan. 1. early morning fire, according to lege board examinations will be Chairman Jennings Randolph, agenda but declared that the New Washington and Arizona, among His contention that the official vote tally for District Two sion among Board of Education Jerseyan will press for favorabli Dr. Robert C. Hoops, superinten- held as scheduled tomorrow, Dr. members about redesigning the D-W.Va., has scheduled a discus- others, however, would add sev- was inaccurate proved correct yesterday during a recount dent Hoops said. ilon at a morning executive ses- action. eral thousand miles to the sys- of the machine and absentee ballots,. woodshop area, but no decision tem. The two-alarmer, fought by 250 After his final inspection, Fire has been reached on that. sion on a bill sponsored by Rep. Sen Harrison A. Williams, Jr., Mr. McCue maintained that he had received 142 votes in volunteers from 1:30 to 4 a.m., Chief Frank C. Mazza listed the James J. Howard, D-N.J., to House supporters have warned D-N.J.r who has also promised that district but that only 132 were recorded. wrecked the first floor woodwork- cause of the fire as undetermined, Some 15 to 20 power tools were modify the federal Interstate backing for the measure, was un-that if any such amendments are He was named the unofficial winner election night, Nov. ing shop and damaged other and police said they found no evi-destroyed by the intense heat of Highway System to include a available for continent. tacked on that the administration 7, but official figures presented later to the county election rooms near it. dence of arson, although under- the fire in the shop. The heat cross New Jersey freeway and Mr. Howard, and 20 co-spon- will withdraw its endorsement board indicated that he tied with incumbent Mayor Walter writers' are continuing their in- melted door kickboards and The school was closed yester- warped the surfaces of table work in seven other states.
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