' Vote Agcdn Results? This Week THE RICE THRESHER Next Month AN ALL-STUDENT NEWSPAPER FOR 51 YEARS Volume 54, Number '24 RICE UNIVERSITY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1967 Topazio selected Faculty accepts calendar revision; Humanities dean feasibility of Jan-plan to be studied The faculty gave tentative begin on Friday, December 13 approval Tuesday to a revised with a one day reading period in a recent action calendar for the 1968-69 aca- preceding. The second semester Dr. Virgil Topazio has been demic year which would sched- would begin on Monday, Janu- named Dean of Humanities, and ule first semester final exami- ary 6, with finals beginning Social Science, effective June 1. nations before the Christmas Tuesday, April 29 (again only He replaces Dr. Edward Nor- holidays. The revised calendar a one-day reading period) and beck, who will take a one-year will not become effective until Commencement Saturday. May sabbatical to continue research it is approved on a second vote. 17, 1969. and writing' for a book. Thresher Photo by Richard Sawyer Study Jan Plan In a brief telephone inter- SMILES—Newly-elected cheerleaders Linda Pike and Santira The 1968 fall semester would The calendar for next year view Wednesday, Topazio pre- Leigh are promoting Friday's Blue-Grey same as the first of begin on Thursday, September (1967-68) will remain as it is, ferred not to outline any pre- their new duties. See story on page 8. 5, and final examinations would with first semester classes be- mature proposals for the office, ginning Monday, Sept. 18 and but he generally described the Commencement on .Saturday. new appointment as an oppor- June 1, 1968. tunity to build up the humani- Senate hears Election committee ties at Rice. BY KAREN SAGSTETTER abolish class offices, except passed early Tuesday night. Possible future adoption of c. '•Jan'' plan will be considered "It is recognized by the ad- Thesher Reporter those of the senior class, would Under previous provisions, by a special committee to be ministration as well as by the The new Student Senate met then make the classes dependent the Election Committee was re- appointed by the Faculty Coun- faculty that the humanities for the first time Tuesday, April organizations of the Student quired to "certify to the Stu- cil. have not kept pace with the 11 and approved April 20 as the Association. dent Senate the validity of each sciences here," he said. date of the next election. In the event that the classes election and request its approv- The faculty also gave first vote approval to change the Topazio, who has been at Rice The following offices will be wish to organize for any pur- al in whole or in part by the degree awarded at the end of for two years, is professor of contested: Student Association pose, they would be legally able Senate." the five-year engineering pro- French and chairman of the vice-president, Student Associa- to do so, but formal election of Majority Questioned gram from a B. S. to a Master French Department. His field tion treasurer, one fifth year class offices for freshman, A written report prepared by of Engineering. The change it- of interest is 18th Century Honor Council post, chairman sophomore, and junior classes the election committee prior to degree is designed to give ap- French literature. of the Inter-College Court, sen- would be eliminated beginning the meeting certified the valid- propriate recognition to the He graduated from Wesleyan ior class president and secre- in the spring of 1968. ity of the election of Darrell competence attained by students University in 1943. His M. A. tary-treasurer; junior class vice The other referendum would Hancock as Thresher Editor, in the Rice five-year program. (1947) and Ph.D. (1951) de- president and secretary-treas- raise the blanket tax appropria- and recommended that the Sen- grees are from® Columbia Uni- urer; sophomore class president tion for the Senate from SI.75 No Thesis ate approve the election. When versity. and secretary-treasurer. per person to S2.50. Several changes in the cur- Charles Schade, election com- He lectured at Columbia in A run-off between Liane Run- Election Referred riculum requirements for the mittee chairman, made his mo- 1947-48, joining the University die and Joe Mims for Student The old Senate approved the new degree were given final tion of approval, however, he of Rochester in 1948, where he Center Board chairman will also results of last week's all-school approval by the faculty on a did not recommend approval in remained until coming to Rice be held. The editor of the Cam- election, except in the race for special 2/3 vote, and take ef- this race. in 1965. panile will be elected. Thresher editor. That contest fect immediately. These changes Topazio has published two Classes Challenged was referred to the Inter-Col- The election committee's writ- concern mainly elective choices books and 13 articles for schol- Two referenda will appear on lege Court for an opinion, ac- ten report explained their de- in the sophomore and fifth arly journals. the ballot. The amendment to cording to a by-law change cisions on the two issues for years. which the election had been The present graduate pro- contested. The first, issue con- gram leading to the Master of cerned a majority vote. Science in Engineering will Hancock's plurality had been continue. No thesis will be re- TISA adopts student Bill of Rights nine votes, but since nine write- (The annual state convention concerning higher education and as Intercollegiate Student As- quired for the proposed r.ew in ballots had been cast, he had of the Texas Intercollegiate student rights, TISA adopted sociation, in order to promote Master of Enginering degree. apparently only received exact- Student Association was held resolutions at its annual con- justice and to better insure the Registrar James C. Morehead ly half of the votes, and lacked April 5-8 in McAllen, Texas. vention defining its positions quality of the communities of reported that the Faculty Cms:- - a majority by one vote. The Rice was represented by Ron on several academic and poli- the colleges and universities of cil had approved continuatio: committee decided, however, Bozman and Warren Skaaren, tical issues, and took steps to the State of Texas do ordain of the self-scheduled finals sys- that as at least five of the both sophomore representatives make these positions known to and establish this Bill of Rights: tem. but without the extension- write-in votes had been im- to the 1967-68 Student Senate the public and the state legis- Peaceful Assembly in courses covered which h:id properly cast or cast for ineli- from Hanszen College. Their lature. been requested by the Studc-r.- 1. Students shall have the gible candidates, according to report on the business activi- Se.nate. A "Bill of Rights for Texas right to peaceful assembly and precedent set in 1961 they ties of the conference follows. Dr. James S. Fultor: : ep- >; •? Students" was approved by the petitioning of their administra- should lie disqualified and not —ed.) as chairman 'of the O-iv.mer. annual convention, consisting of tion for redress of grievance. counted as "votes cast.'' In its role as spokesman for the following points: 2. School administrators or Review - Com m i t tee. The facility voted to continue i he t'-onmerce Texas college students on issues We. 'he students of the Tex- employees will not have the Elect ioneering V projrrani, which will be I ewe . right to search or seize anything Hancock's majority tins ho- from a student's room or person S.v S !•'.N AT!•; )>• attain after throe veer-. Symposium on Selective Service without a warrant. 3. Disciplinary proceedings should be instituted only for a Off-campus living rights extended to reveal real rights of recruits violation of standards of con- The chief administrator of declaring his intent to enter duct defined in advance and the Selective Service for Texas, either the military or non-mili- published through such means by committee to all women students Col. Wm. B. Sinclair will key- tary service and would have as a student handbook or a gen- The Undergraduate Affairs reviewed for accuracy by th note "Soldiers in War and some freedom as to when he erally available body of univer- Committee, meeting Wednes- Undergraduate Affairs Com- Peace: A Symposium on the would enter. sity regulations. Offenses will day, approved a policy permit- mittee before it is distributed. ting all undergraduate women S. A. President Jerry Hafter's Manpower Needs of the U.S. Speaking in tandem with be clearly defined. No student except freshmen, regardless of original letter to Dean of Un- Armed Forces" on the Rice Eberly will be James Gerhardt, shall be compelled to witness dergraduate Affairs M. V. Mc- campus next Thursday. professor of political science at against himself. Disciplinary age, to live off campus provid- Enany stated that he felt '"'these Col. Sinclair's topic will be Rice. Gerhardt did his doctoral action will be meted out by a ing they have secured parental "How College Students are dissertation at Harvard Univei-- board of which at least 50% of permission. policies are of general interest Drafted in Texas." He will de- sity on the Selective Service. the members will be students. Last spring a similar pro- to all students, particularly since student judicial bodies are scribe the formulas which local He contends that the nation- Students will have the right to posal was approved all owing- obligated to enforce all 'univer- draft boards use in selecting al service may have desirable counsel (legal, student, or oth- women students to live off draftees and the various ave- characteristics but it cannot erwise) before any disciplinary campus providing that they at- sity regulation.' nues for appeal.
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