'4....... k TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1961 Average Daily Net Press Run iiaiurtfTBtrir Stipning For the Week Ended The Weather Jme 8, 1961 Foreennt of U. 8 . VFeatIwr Bara** tractor 18 Russell B. MUlsr of A b o o t T o w n Two Boys Swept ZBA Allows « Maachsstsr. ^ 13,3.30 Shower* or eenttered thonder- On Miw 15, th# Town Planning FREE ’DojvEBfl eterme tonight. Low in eOe. Thar*- Through Culv<vert Commission granted a sono Member ot the Audit day moetiy clondy, warmer, more H m W aA wUl mMt at • o’clock change from Reeldenoe Zone A to m Bpreau of OrculntloB A t TI PARKADE humid, ecattered ehowers. High 98. .UMlgtet at 04d BVlowa Hall. Sliea Biiildifig Residency Zone C. Two boys playing in a brook Manchetter-^A City of Village Charm "Conetnictlon of the building LlOQin DRU8 H m ilTiBC Sa«la Patrol ofBoy during yestenlay’s stonn were A new 3,400 square foot two- will not begin unUl we have 80 caught in a whirlpool and Scout ‘Troop 188 attended the A ll- level red brick office building wilt per cent contracted occupancy,” VOL. LXXX, NO. 257 (TWENTY PAGES) Star baaObaU came at Penway swept through a culvert under MANCnaiESTER,. CONN., W EDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1961 (Clnerifled AdrerMring an Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS the roadway. They suffered soon be constructed at 351 B. Cen­ Atty. Shea said today. •^‘Thls Park. Bobton, M an., yesterday. should be about early /a ll,” he n » boys who made the trip were only scrapes. ter St. at an estimated'cost of ^ r t Reavlel, IS, of 55 Con­ added. "W e have about’ 50 per Donald Paterson, Tlieodore Sage 8100,000. cent ■ now.” aad David Pierson. Samuel Pier- way Rd., and Jason Howroyd, The Town Zoning Board of Ap­ CEMENT 28,000 Facink Call 12, of 81 Conway Rd., put on Features of the new building and Roy Conyers were cbape- peals (ZBA) last night approved State News their bathing suits and started Buph a building request In the will Include air-conditioning in .W. a ENGLAND to play in the flooded street. Residence C Zone after a second each office, a lobby-reception area, , They decided to try the public hearing within two months switchboard service for occupants, LUMBER CO. Mambers of Sunset Rebekah brook near their home which of a similar request from Atty. a conference room imder the lobby, Roundup Liodfo may send vacation pack­ had swollen to about six feet and maybe electric heating faclli- East Reds Tighten Controls Francis C. Shea. A second hear­ e Open All Day Saturday s ages to Mrs. Edith W . Smith, 136 in depth and was a raging cur­ tiee. Shea said. Air Guard Put ing was allowed because of sub­ Pine 8t„ of Mrs. P. Frederick rent, police said. stantial changes in the plans. Mietcner, 34 Trotter St. Both were sucked under and In making their decision unan­ « 4 t ttie OresB”—MI 8-41301 Sen. Bush Loses through the conduit. On the imous the ZBA members set down Tbe Ooldea Age Club of Man- other side both managed to conditions that a sidewalk must PubKc Records On 2 Proposals make the bank. They then be placed from the entrance of On Alert Basis diooter vrill hoM Its final outing went directly to their homes. at Oompounoe, niuawday, a 950 square foot reception and Admlnlstiator’s Deed Washington, Aug. 2 (/P)— Aug. 8. A 1 ^ wUl leave Orange lobby addition of the main build­ ing to the street. John Fi Shea Jr., administrator By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^states and the District ot Colum- Two amendments offered by On Rail Points into Berlin Mali promptly at 11 a.m. D o f I to Hold The building will not create or for the estate of Harlan H. White, The Air Force has alerted bia. This included National Guard Sen. Pre.scott Bush, R-Conn., late of Joplin, Mo., to Mary B. increase a Are or traffic hazard, KEEP COOL 28,000 men in 71 Air National units in 26 states and the District to trim the $5 billion Welfare Picnic Aug. 8 nor hamper traffic circulation, and Erdln of E^ist Hartford, property and Air Force Ready Reserve ‘Wolf Pack’ Back, will not be detrimental to the off Hudson and Williams Sts. Guard and Air Reserve units units in five states, two of which and Labor Departments neighborhood or will depreciate for a possible call to active were hot involved in the National money bill have been killed West Tour Ends Members ot St. Margaret’s Cir­ Guard alerts. cle, Daughters of Isabella, will surrotmding property, the ZBA duty as a part of the defense by the Senate. members agreed. buildup to meet the Berlin The message to governors and One proposal yesterday woulh ' Fulbright Gets Blast hold a picnic box hmch at Center Continental Air, Command Head­ ‘} ? i A much-traveled "W o lf Pack’ Springs Lodge Aug. 8 at 6:45 p.m. The building site will also in­ have cut out the 844,659,000, in-1 clude a 3,680 square foot parking crisis. quarters yesterday said: arrived in Mancheator ai 2:80 this A brief bueinees meeting wlU be The announcement yesterday crease the appropriation commit-1 area. FANS "This is only an advlsor.v no­ tee had voted in President Ken- ^ afternoon. held at 6:80. NOTICE came after President Kennedy Architect for the new building tice. Certain Air National Guard nedy'i request for funds for gen- ’Ihe pack included 31 high echool Games will l^e played. Gueete is Edmund VanDyke Cox of Glas­ signed legislation authorizing him units may be ordered to active For Negotiation Idea may be invited. I eral research activities of the Na- boys and three leaders, who toured tonbury, and the building con­ DR. JACOB SEGAL 0 « t Om To'iUght A t to cal! to active duty up to 2,50.000 duty to augment the present ac­ Mrs. Dorothy Kenny, chaliman, reservist,*! and-extend active duty j Uonal Institute of Health. That' f 5T''# the United States for the past tive fpree. The following .tactical , was defeated 50-37. will be aaatoted by Mrs. Vincent MonehMfPtr tours and enlistment.s by one year. and standby and-or technical units By CARL HARTMAN month with the Phimey-Hunt Borelio, Mrs. Robert Kerr Jr.. Mrs. 413 MAIN ST. It follows Air Force announce­ Bush's second amendment to cut j the 880 million allowed by the ^ caravan. Peter Plikaitls Sr,. Mre. Joseph Surpluf SoIm C o. ment Monday that four Air Force (Continued on Page Two) Berlin, Aug. 2 (TP)—Tightened Communist police controls The group, veteran o# the Rocky Twaronite, Mia. laien MonaegUo, Personal Notices bases, slated to be retired from ac­ appropriations committee for re­ at rail points entering Berlin were reported by West Berlin Mountalna, the United States’ Mre. Vera Daniels and Mrs. Jo­ IS HAVING OFFICE 169 N. MAIN ST. tive use, would remain on active search on neurology and blindness officials today amid new threats from Red East Germany. moet beautiful lakes and tourist seph ’Toneki. A t D«pot Square Status to provide facilities for con­ back to the 854.1 million proposed Reservations may be made with tinued operation of B47 jet bomb­ Slate Radar Group by Kennedy was defeated 58-25. , ‘‘Some day we will lead all Germany, eVen if you do not un- attractions throughout the country In Memoriam Open Dally to 9 PJH. and Canada, arrived in three sta­ Mrs. Kenny, 89 Oak St., or any In lovinf memory of Marsaret Jonea HOURS AS USUAL ers which will be retained in .serv­ i After voting on these and oth- !derstand that today,” wrote Gerhardt Eisler, top East Ger­ 2 J. FARR—MI 8-7111 tion wagons sloganed the ’W o lf member of the committee by who passed away August 1, 19S9. ice. Prepared for Duty i er amendments, the Senate ad- man propagandist, in the Berliner Zeitung. pack.” Saturday. She has not left as we thought. Some 240 bombers and tankers ' joumed. Sen. Mike Mansfield, Eisler’s editorial in the East Berlin newspaper declared; Nor has she traveled far. slated to give way to later model Hartford, Ang. 2 iVP' The only Montana, Senate'majority leader, ‘‘Our fist to those who believe their reactionary backward- Just entered God's most lovely room, aircraft will continue in u.se in­ said the final vote on the bill for And left the door ajar. Air National Guard unit in Con­ jness gives them the right to treat our security and the in- Walter Wakefield looks over a model of one of the 4-apartment units planned in the housing, for stead of being deactivated in the the two departments would come elderly project. The Rev. David G. Jakheimer, housing authority chairman, points out features of Charles Jones and family. Read Herald Advs. next few months, necticut notified so far to be ready todaj-. , terests of our citizens disgracefully.” IL Wakefield submitted the winning title for the project—Franklin Park. (Herald photo by O’Con­ 'The 64 Air National Guard and for a possible summons to active West Berlin officials said they had eyewitness reports of nor).., seven Reserve alerted yesterday service is one that does its fight­ Indians Content increased Communist police controls over railways in areas --------- fly tactical fighters, reconnais­ ing on the ground with radar. sance planes and transports. Abo\it Los Angeles, Aug. 2 (.P) — An I of East Germany surrounding the city.
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