(DERBY.] NORTH WINGFIELD. 142 POST OFFICE Mellors. John, farmer k timber mer- Robinson George, farmer & miller "\Vatts Brell, f.trmer, Swathwick chant, Birdholme Rutherford Jeflse, stone merchant Wbyatt Wm. wh£"elwrigh t, N ethPrmoor P.trke Jot.epb, farmPr, Hillhou~es Simpson Ellen (Mrs.),trmr. Sla,epitdale Wilson Thomas, farmer, Birkin lane Pearcf' Joseph, f11rmer, Hillhouses Turner Edward, farmer, Harper'~> bill Wingerworth Iron Company Pike Waiter, farmer. Birdholme Turner William, farmer, Swathwick Youug Wllliam, farmer, Harper's hill Revell Joseph, 'Barley Jllow,' Hillhses Watson Thomas, farmer, Swathwick PosT 0FPICE.-W. I. Fletcher, reeeiver. Letters received from Chesterfield 9 a.m. & dispatched 4 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Chesterfield 1\TO:R.TB 'W':INGF:IBLD, a township, extensiYe and fast (Colliery Company; ah.o a Mechanics' Institute, with a good improYin~ parish, celebrated for it~ mo<~t extensive coal, selection of book~. l1me, and ironstone beds, contained, in 1851, 668 iuhahit- CLAY CRoss, or Clay Lane, is a township with 2 278 ants in the township, and 4,351 in the parish, with 7,603 inhabitants; 600 at least 11reemployed at the extensive Clay acrt><~. It i" situated on an emir.encP, 4 miles south of Clws- Cros~ colliery und irouworks. 'fhe North 1\fidlaud railway terfield, 20! north of 0Prhy, and 154 from London, in the passes through the midst of the works, and has a station Hundred of 8ca.rsdale and Union of Cbe.. tertield. The here. A new church is erected, dedicated to St. Bartholo­ churcb of St. Leonard is an old stone building, with t~quare IDPW; the Rev. John Oldham, M.A., incumbent. tower and 6 beJiq, and cof!lains several monnment8, amon~r<~t TUPTON is a township with 270 inhabitants. Tupton whirh are two to the Holland fdmily, of Ford Hall. The Hall is the !'eat of Ur. Packman. living is a rectory, in tht' patrona.!e of G. H. B·trrow, E~q., STRETTON is a town~">hip with 465 inhabitants. value £772, and enjoyed by tht' Rev. Edward Waiter Lowe, PILSLEY is a township with 403 inhabitants. M.A. There is a chapel for the Methodi~t New Connexion, WoonTHORPE is a town .. hip with 267 inhabitants. and a new Wesleyan chapel is now completed. There is a TIMBERJ,AND HousE, Holmegate, Dane's Moor, Hand- school on the British system, supported chiefly by the ley, South Hill, and Williamsthorpe, are other ph{ces. GENTRY. Drahble Thomas, shopkePper 1\Iawby Thomas, grocer, Clay cross llinns Charlt's, t!~q. Hall, Clay cross Draycott \.Ym. beer retailer & farmer May Mary (1\frs.),shopkpr. Woodtborpe Clay John Wdkin-on, e:::.q. Clay cross Elliott George, farmer, Stretton MetcalfRichard,' Rose~Crown,'Tupton Elliott 1\Ir. Thomas, sen. Clay cross Elliott Thomas, miller, Clay cross Metcalf Richard, butcher, Woodthorpe Frog~att Mr. J c,lm, Clay cross Elliott William, nail maker, Tupton Milner Arthur, farmer, Stretton Gratton John, esq. Timberland houqe, El lis Elizabeth (1\Irs.), 'Rose~ Crown,' Milnes.Mary( Miss),dressmaker,Ciay crs Stretton Clay cross Milnes Thomas, farmer, Stretton Lowe Rev. Edwd. Walter,M.A.[rectorl FarnsworthAnn(Mrs.)&Jobn,farrners, Mottershaw Joseph, shoemaker OJdham Rev. John, M.A. [incumbent], WilliamGthorpe Motter~l1aw Richard, shoemaker Clay cross Foukes Alfrt>d, station master, Strettor1 Monntney Richard, hatter, Clay cro<~s TRADERS. Fo~ Francis, farmer, Clay cro,s Nadin Isaac, '"'White Hart,' Station, Ash more Henry, linen maker & farmer, Godber John, farmer, "\Villiamsthorpe Tu pton Holmegate, Clay cross Godber William,farmer,Williamsthorpe Norton Benjamin, farmer, Tupton Bacon James, farr11er Goostrey John, blacksmith, Clay cro11s Parker Ge()rge, shopkeeper, Clay cro'~s Bamford James, grocer, Clay cross Gratton Joseph, surveyor, Timberland Parker Josepb, farmer, Pilsley Bamford Mary Ann (M1ss),shopkeeper, house, Stretton Parker Samuel, wheelwright, Tnpton Clav cross Greatorex Henry, !!Tocer, Clay cross Platt~ Joseph, farmer, Newmarket, Banks JogeplJ, wheelwright Gregory George, ~Royal Oak,' Wood- Clay cross Barton James, Railway inn, Stretton thorpe Plumb-, stationer, Clay cross Beast~toll John, bootmaker & beer rl:l- Hallows Thomas, builder, Woodtborpe RhodesRicbard,beer retailer,Clay cross tailer, Clay cr~s Hard wick Samuel, 'White H(}rse,' Ripley Dan, miller, Woodtborpe Bennett Georg~>, shopkeeper, Clay cross Stretton Roberts Samuel, butcher, Clay cross Bennett Thomas, shopkeeper, Tupton Harwood Edward B. farmer, Hill Rohinson Joseph, grocer, Clay cross Binks Sarah (Mrs.), furmer, Dane's hou;~e, Tupton Rooth Jeremiah, carrier, Clay croKs moor, Clay cross Haslem William, shoemaker, Clay cross Rooth John, farmer, malt8ter &:. cattle Bonsall James, beer retailer, Clay cross Hays Joseph, farmer & coalmaster, dealer, Stretton Booth James, shoemaker, Tuptoa Clay cross Sampson Luke, farmer, Pilslev Bower TLomas, farmer, Pilsley Rays Samuel, beer retailer, Clay cross Saunder:::.on Wm. hairdresser,Ciay eross Bower Thomas,' White Hart • Hayward Henry, tailor, Clay cross Simpson Richard, ~rocer, Clay cross Bradley Francis, farmer, Hand]ev Hazeldine Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Slack Matthew, farmer, Stretton Bradley George, farmer, Southbill Clay cross Slack William, butcher Clay cross Bradley Henry, farmer, Handley Hill Thomas, wheelwrigllt, Stretton Smith John, farmer,Hoiingate,Clay crs Brailsford Jeremiah, frmr. Woodthorpe Hodgkinson Thomas, joiner, Clay cross Spencer James, farmer, Stretton Brailsford Pan!, farmer, Woodthorpe Hodgkinson William, farmer, Tupton StanleyThomas,boys' schooi,Claycross Bramley Hosea, ~rocer & bkr.Claycrs Hodgson Joseph, farmer, Parkhonse, Sterland Jolm,butcher&fctrmer,Stretton Bramley Samuel, grocer, Clay croqs Pilsley Stoppard Joseph,blacksmith,Woodthrp Brassiugton Josepb, farmr.Woodthorpe Hmlgwn Robert, farmer, Woodthorpe Taylor Henry, shopkeeper, Stretton Brocksop Henry, farmer&; cow jobber Holbrook Edward,' WhUeBear,'Strettn Taylor James, farmer, Handley lodge Brocksop Martba (1\Iiss), girls' school, Holehouse John, basket maker, Pilsley Taylor Pettr, butcher, Clay cross Clay cross Holmes John, butcher & constable, Taylor William, farmtr, Stretton Brown Frar.cis, farmer Clay cro;;s Tbelwall John, baker, Clay cross Brunt John, farmer, Tnpton Holmes John, shoemaker, Clay cross Thorpd Richard, farmer, Stretton Bunting Job, shoemaker, Stretton HolmesJoseph,grocer&tallow chandler, Tborpe William, farmer, Stretton lmll, Carline William, farmer, Tupton Clay cross Clay cross Clay Cross Colliery Company(Cbarles Holmes Joseph, shopkeeper, Tupton Topbam John &Wm.drapers,Clay cross Bi1m<~, esq. manager), Clay cross HopkinS<In John, farmer, Stretton Unwin Thomas, tailor Clay Simpson, blacksmith Hopkinson Thomas, farmer, Coldwell, VardyPhilip,'ThreeHorseShocs,'Strttn Clayton Robert, farmer, Pilsley Clay cross Wain Charles, tailor, Clay cross Cleg~ Abraham, coalmaster, Clay crs Howe "\Villiam, engineer, Clay cross Walker Joseph, !lhoemaker, Tnpton Cocking John, wheelwright, Tupton Hoyle James, inland revenue officer, Waiters John, wheelwright Cocking- Joseph, timber mrchnt. Tuptn Tnpton Wetton Tbomas, farmer, Pil~ley Cooke Richard, ll!!ent to Wingerworth Hoyie Maria E. (~Iiss), school, Tupton WhartonGeorgt>,hlacksmith,Ciay cross coal corn pany, Tupton Hudson John, master of N ationalsehool, "rbite George, farmer, Stretton Cowley Thomas, farmer & maltster, Clay cross White Samuel, farmer, Woodthorpe Clay cross Hnut Abrabam, parish clerk Whitworth Wm.beerretailer,Clay cros;& Croft William, farmer, Woodthorpe Jobuson George, f,umer, Stretton Wilhourn John, farmer, Tupton Crofts Joqeph, draper, Clay cross Johnson James, 'Three Horse Shoes,' Wilbraham Jolm, New inn, Clay cr!>sS Cults .Tames, farmer, Str£"ttou Pilsley Wilson Edward, farmer, Pilsley Dannah Joseph, farmer, Pilsley Limb William, beer retailer Wilson Ht'nry, farmer, Pilsley Dore Richard, farmer Loma8 Henry, farmer, Holmegate Wil~on Richard, farmer, Stretton Dore Samuel, beer retailer, Clay cross Lomas William, farmer, Stretton Wilson William, chemist & droggist, Dore William, 'George t Dragon,' Mackarsie William John, surgeon, Clay Clay cross Clay rross cross Wilson William, butcher, '\Voolltborpe Dove Thomas, cheml<>t, dru!!gist & Marsh Robert, shoemaker, Stretton Wi!qon William Henry, land surveyor, postmaster Mat her John, farmer, Topton Manor house, PHsley .
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