No. 8 151 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 11 FEBRUARY 1960 ERRATU M published in Gazette, 29 July 1926, Vol. II, page 2351 , and s ct ion 15 , Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Act 1954, is required for settlement purposes; and in accordance with the IN the notice appointing Judge Eric Francis Rothwell to be a provisions of the said Act such land shall , from and after the Commission to hold an inquiry into the fire at the prem ises uay of the gazetting hereof, cease to be provisional Stale of Arthur Barnett Ltd., Dunedin, published in Gazette, 4 forest land and shall become Crown land avail able for sale, February 1960, No. 7, page J3.3 , for the words "origin or lease, reservation, or other dispositio n un der the provisions spread of the fire", where they a,ppear in paragraph 3 of the of the Land Act 1948. Order of Reference, read the words "deal with the fire" . SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAN D DrsmrcT Land Set Apart as Provisional State Forest Declared to he Subject to the Land Act 1948 PART Section 4 a nd Lot 1, D.P. 17639, being part Section I , Block VI, Mangawhero Survey District: Area, 830 acres and IO perches, more or less. As shown on the plan mar ked L. OOBHIArM, Governor0 General and S. 6/12/IA deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey at Wellington, and thereon coloured A PROCLAMATION yellow. (S.O. Plan 24467.) PURSUANT to subsection (2) of section 19 of the Forests Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Act 1949, I, Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, General of New Zealand, acting on the joint recommendation -th.is 4th day of F ebruary 1960. of the Minister of Lands and of the Minister of Forests, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the [L.s.l C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. Schedule hereto, being provisional State forest reserve set Goo SAVE TIIE QUEEN! apart by Proclamation dated the 13th day of February 1922, and published in Gazette, 16 February 1922, Volume I, page (L. and S. H.O. 6/12/ 1; D.O. 8/ 3/ 185) 461, is required for settlement purposes; and in accordance with the provisions of the said Act such land shall, from and after the day of the gazetting hereof, cease to be provisional State forest land and shall become Crown land available for sale, lease, reservation, or other disposition under the Crown Land Set Apart for Road in Block XIV, Maungataniwha provisions of the Land Act 1948. Survey District SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT OOBHAM, Governor-General SECTION 24, Block II, and Section 10, Block Ill, Maunga­ A PROCLAMATION karetu Survey District: Area, 521 acres 3 roods 20 perches, PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Charles · John, more or less. (S.O. Plan 24494.) Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of New Zealand, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown land described General, and issued under the Seal o.f New Zealand, in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for road; and I th.is 4th day of February 1960. also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the I 5th day of February 1960. [1..s.] C. F . SKINNER, Minister of Lands. Goo SAVE TIIE QUEEN! (L. and S. H.O. 10 / 95 / 37; D .O. 15 / 180) SCHEDULE NORTII AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of Crown land containing 37 · 1 perches, situ­ Land Set Apart as Provisional State Forest Declared to be ated in Block XIV, Maungataniwha Survey District, Auck­ Subject to the Land Act 1948 land R.D., and being part bed of the Man,gamuka River ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the pl an marked P.W.D. 159258 (S.O. 40357) deposit ed in the office OOBH'l\!M, Governor-General of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured A PROCLAMATION sepia. PURSUANT to subsection (2) of section 19 of the Forests Act Given under the hand of H is Excellency the Govcrnor­ 1949, I, Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, General of New Zealand, acting on the joint recommendation this 4th day of February 1960. ot the Minister of Lands and of the Minister of Forests, [L.s.] H. WATT, Minister of Works. hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto being portion of provisional State forest set Goo SAVE TH E QUEEN! apart by Proclamation dated the 26th day of July 1926, and (P.W. 70 /J / I /0; D .O. 1 / 1 / 0) 152 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 8 Crown Land Set Apart for Road and for the Use, Convenience, SCHEDULE or Enjoyment of a Road in B/iock IV, Cheviot Survey District SouTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of Crown land containing 33 · 9 perches, situated in Block III, Rangitaiki Upper Survey District, being Lot 5, COBHAM, Governor-General D.P. S. 5612, being part Allotment 259, Parish of Matata. A PROCLAMATION Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ PuRSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Charles John, General, and issued under the Seal f New Zealand, Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of New Zealand, this 4th day of February 1960. hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown land descrrbed [Ls.] H. WATT, Minister of Works. in the First Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for road, and Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! the Crown land described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for the use, convenience, or enjoyment of a ('P.W. 3,1 /,1822/'1; D.O. 39/ 107 /2/0) road; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and a,fter the 15th day of February ·1960. Public Reserve Set Apart for a Public School in the City of Nelson FIRST SCHEDULE CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT OOHHAJM, Governor•General ALL those pieces of land situated in Block IV, Cheviot Survey A PROCLAMATION District, Canterbury R.D., described as follows: PURSUANT to the· Public Works A:ct 1928, I, Charles John, A- R. P. Being Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of /New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the public reserve descr,ibed 0 2 26 ·2 Part Crown land; cofornred sepia on plan. in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for a public school; 1 ,o 21 } and I also declare that this P'roclamation shall take effect on D 1 15 Parts Section 25; coloured blue on plan. 1 0 35·4 and after the 15,th day of February I 960. 3 f f I:1} Parts Section 26; coloured orange on plan. SCHEDULE NELSON LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing I rood 14 · 9 perches, situated SECOND SCHEDULE in the City of Nelson, Nelson R.D., being Lot 16, D.P. 3438, CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT being part Section 16, Suburban South, Block IV, Waimea ALL those pieces of land situated in Block IV, Cheviot Survey · Survey District. Part certificate of title, Volume 60, folio District, Canterbury R.D., described as follows: 187, Nelson Land Registry. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ A. R. P . Being General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, 0 1 25 · 3? Parts Section 25; coloured blue, edged blue, on this 4th day of February 1960. 0 0 21 ·7f ,plan. [L.s.] H. WATT, Mini~ter of Works. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 160726 (S.O. 9456) deposited ,in the office Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured (P.W. 31 / 2178; D.O. 13 /4 / 51 /0) as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Land Taken for a Public School in Block Vlll, ·rhis 4th day of February 1960. W aipaoua Survey District [Ls.] H. WATT, Minister of Works. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! OOBHAM, Governor-Genera1 (P.W. 70 / 13/51 / 0; D .O. 40/51 /12) A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Charles John, Viscount Cobham, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the · Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a public school; and I Crown Land Set Apart for S.tate Housing Purposes in the also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and City of Christchurch after the '15th day of February 1960. SCHEDULE COBHAM, 1Governor-G~neral NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT A PROCLAMATION ALL that piece of 'land containing 5 acres, sirtuarted in Block PURSUANT to the Public Works Aot 19128, I, Oharles John, VIII, Waipaoua Survey Dis1trict, Auckland R.D., and being Viscount Oobham, ,the Governor-General of New Zealand, Section 24. hereby proclaim and declare that the Cm,wn land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for State housing Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ purposes; and I a-lso declare thait ~his Prodamation shall take General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, effect on and after the 15th day of February 1960. this 9th day of February 1960. [L.S.] H. WATT, Minister of Works. Goo SAVE THE QU EEN! SOHJEDULE (P.W. 31 /12204; D.O. 50/ 23/11312/0)• CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT Au, that piece of Crown land conta:ining 2 roods 30 perches, situated in the ·Oity of Qhri.s,tchurch, Canterbury R.D.; as the same is more pa11ticulady delinealted on the pfan marked Additional Land Taken for a Secondary School in the P.W.D.
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