be tat A QUARTER OF A CENTURY TERMS- 1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE S I1HLING GALT,EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ESTABLISHED OVER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1916 NO. 26 \TOT,. XXXVIII .EMMITSBURG, MARYLAND, PERSONALS. FROM THE COUNTY. STATE CONDENSED. LOCAL BREVITIES. last Friday Miss Marion Hoke entertained at Mr L. E. '0( tter is visiting in Balti- Fire, thought to have been caused As the result of a fight William R. Ripple and Five Hundred Thursday afternoon. more. by a spark from a thrashing engine, night between locomotive firemen at Messrs. Charles R. Hoke and W. D. destroyed Saturday the large bank barn Manse Wolford, Mr. Samuel Rowe is having the ex- the Western Maryland Railway power Cell flower were in Frederick on Mon on Mrs. Arthur Potts' term, near New terior of his residence on West Main at Ripple died Sat- da Market, entailing a loss of about $3,- shops Hagerstown, street, repainted. urday morning at the Washington Hos- Mr. Walter Peppler, of Forrest Park, 000. The blaze was discovered by Mrs. Mr. J. M. Kerrigan is having a new pital, Hagerstown, from a fractured Md., st ent the week end with Mr and J. E. Kinsey, wife of the tenant. Two slate roof put on his residence on East skull. Mrs. A M Peas rson. He was accom- calves, about 75 tons of hay and 500 Main street. palied home by Mrs. Peppier who spent bushels of wheat also were lost. The The reassessment of Washington Misses Carrie and Eva Rowe enter- the past week with her parents. farm had recently been sold to Eugene county property will begin, Monday, tained their friends at "Five Hundred" ap- Mrs. 0 A. Horner and Miss Eliza- Sponseller, of Frederick. October 9. The assessors recently on last Thursday evening. returned to their home, pointed by the County Commissioners beth Horner Speeding at lively rate, four Bruns- Friday. Almost all of these who went down A dog belonging to Boyle Bros., was after having spent the summer have been ordered to appear on the Monday, wick men were tossed from their auto- The feature of the early stock market were more or less hurt run over and instantly killed by a large in Lynn. Mass date and receive instructions. months mobile near Jefferson Tueseay morning was the extraordinary demand for Convoyed by the United States bat- touring car on Sunday evening. and Mrs. Daniel Dubel and daugh- made by Mr. shortly before 1 o'clock when the left securities of practically all the iron and tleships Minnesota and Vermont, the in- Arrangements are being Mr. Luther Wertz has returned to his Anne, of Hagerstown, spent Sun- houses ter, rear tire bursted, turning the car en- steel manufacturing companies. terned German cruisers Kronprinz Wil- which St. Michaels, its business home near Emmitsburg, from the Cham- day with Mr. and Mrs James Hospei- Friedrich arrived and residences will be lighted by elec- tirely over. The injured are Joseph The University of Pennsylvania beim and Prinz Eitel bersburg hospital, where he underwent horn. navy yard from tricity furnished from the municipal el- Helzer, Thomas Longbrake, and Mes- opeeed its one hundred and seventy- at the Philadelphia an operation for appendicitis. Miss Thompson, of Charlestown, W. ectric plant at Easton. The town of srs. Smith and Kidwell. sixth academic year with a total enroll- Norfolk. Bishop John G. Murray is to be a Va., is visiting Mrs. Robert Gillelan. Royal Oak too probably will be lighted Work on clearing the site for the ment of 8,700 students. Monday. delagate from Maryland to the Protes- Mr. Joseph Topper, of Syracuse, N. with electricity furnished in Easton, as new Frederick postoffice was commenc- Three-hundred and fifty-four retired tant Episcopal church convention to be Y , is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Col. William P. Evans, U. S. A., re- well as private farmhouses on the line ed Monday morning and is to be com- at the Minnesota school teachers got their first held in St. Louis on October 11. Jacob Topper. tired, died at Washington which is to be built between Easton pleted within 30 days. There are four pension from the state fund. Minnesota Hotel Miss Faenie Hoke has returned from Soldiers' Home, of which he was quart- and St. Michaels. The exterior woodwork at Pa. buildings to be demolished He saw service in the Indian is one of 33 states in the Union now pen- Mondorff is being repainted. The back a visit to her sisters in Carlisle, ermaster. An inspection of two rooms at the A general reduction of the electric in Porto Rico and the sioning their teachers. buildings are also undergoing extensive Miss Lillian Gelwicks, of Detroit, campaigns, Maryland Avenue School, Cumberland, light rates throughout Frederick county Phillippines. Henry Ford, automobile manufactur- repairs. Mich , is visiting her mother, Mrs. last Friday revealed that 20 pupils out has been ordered by the board of direc- er and peace advocate, reiterated to a delight- Daniel Gelwicks Sir William Henry Dunn was elected of 100 were infected with diptheria Miss Belle Rowe tendered tors of the Hagerstown and Frederick President Wilson at a conference at on East Mr. Gordon Propf, of Westminster, Lord Mayor of London. germs. Eight fully developed cases ful porch party at her home Mrs. Railway Company. The new schedule Shadow Lawn that he was supporting Eleanor Md., visited his parents, Mr. and Colonel Roosevelt made vehement have been discovered in this school dur- Main street, in honor of Miss of rates soon will be filed with the Pub- him for re-election, although a Republi- Thursday Edwin Chrismer this week. written protests to Chairman Willcox of ing the last week. Hack, of Baltimore, on last Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dukehart, Mr. lic Service Commission and will become can in the past. Mr. Ford spent several evening. the Republican National Committee John Anti has instituted suit at Hag- and Mrs. Clarence Sanders and Miss effective November 1. In Frederick hours with President Wilson and took unusually against the circulation of his portrait erstown against the Cumberland Valley Although there was an Katie Dukehart, of Rouzerville, spent city proper the maximum rate will be lunch with him. night along with those of Charles E. Hughes Railroad Company for $15,000 damages large crowd in town Saturday Sunday here with relatives. reduced from 10 to 9 cents a kilowatt and no and William H. Taft on a campaign Eight persons were killed and more for personal injuries received one year there was little if any disorder Mr. Alexander Colliflower who spent hour. With the discount of this will were two button. than 53 injured, several probably fatal- ago Friday while working at the com- arrests were made. There last week with his parents, Mr. and make the net rate approximately 8i a on duty. William Knoblock,the prisoner who es- ly when a switch engine pushing two pany's icehouse in Hagerstown. He policemen and one constable Mrs. W. D. Colliflower, has returned kilowatt hour, or the same rate as now caped from the Federal penitentiary at freight cars crashed into a crowded fell into a cavity in the layers of ice The Pennsylvania quarantine was to Altoona. in effect in Baltimore city and within De- Atlanta, Ga., in company with Robert street car at Forest avenue and and was seriously hurt. lifted at 12 o'clock Sunday night. This Mrs. J. M. Kerrigan has returned one-half cent a kilowatt hour of the Fay, convicted of conspiring to destroy quinder street on the East Side, in De- means that all automobiles, whether from a visit to Baltimore. rate in Hagerstown. The new rates Chief Judge Albert Constable, chair- ships carrying munitions to the Entente troit, Mich. containing children or not, will be able Mr. Guy Sebold, of Baltimore, is are on the sliding scale, running from man of the committee of the Diocese Allies, was arrested in New York. women of New York to pass over the Mason—Dion line visiting his father, Mr. John D. Sebold. 9 cents to 4 cents a kilowatt hour In Several hundred of Easton, Protestant Episcopal Church, many of them promin- without being "held up." Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Fox, of Balti- Middletown, Braddock Heights, Myers- Suit for $8,000.000 damages was filed and other cities, appointed to help raise the $5,000,000 in civic affairs as well as social Sewing Club opened its season more, spent Tuesday in Emmitsburg. ville, Walkersville, Jefferson and other in Ch'cago against the America Tele- ent pension fund for the relief of aged cler- The a breakfast in New home of the Misses Messrs. H. M. Warrenfeltz and J. W. sections of the county served by the phone and Telegraph Company by the circles, attended gymen, called a meeting of the com- when it met at the honor of a corps of 25 Mary Eckenrode Tues- Kerrigan spent Thursday in Harrisburg. Security plant of the Hagerstown and Chicago Tunnel Company, which oper- York City in mittee in the Courthouse at Easton, Bernadette and women speakers who later boarded the The club will meet once Mr. and Mrs. J Stewart Annan, Frederick Railway Company the maxi- ates an automatic telephone company last Friday. day evening. women's campaign train for Hughes the winter months. Misses Anna and Alice Annan motored mum rate will be reduced from 12 to 11 here. The suit, which charges breach George I. Richardson, died at his res- a week during for a month's campaign tour of 28 to Harpers Ferry, Staunton and Middle- cents a kilowatt hour, with a sliding of contract, is the outgrowth of the idence in Lutherville, Md., Sunday from The mahogany fixtures for the new States.
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