L. N. STEBE OPTOME'l,RIST & OPTICIAN 3 Main St. People's National Bank Building Stamford THE STAMFORD SAVINGS BANK JliNCTION MAIN AND BANK STREETS Incorporated, 1851 Assets, Over $10,000,000.00 Four Per Cent Per Annum allowed on all deposits from the first day of each month REGULAR DEPOSITORS, 11,444 Xmas Club Depositors, 2,551 Low-cost Transportation Star -~Cars DURANT CARS STAMFORD-DURANT COMPANY CLARK'S HILL, 72:J Main St. Telephones 1190-11~9 RIVERSIDE SERVICE STATION POST ROAD, Tel. 860 SOlJND BE. CH THE FAIRBANKS ELECTRIC CO., Inc. 438 ATLANTIC STREET STAMFORD, C01 'N. TELEPHO... 'E-56 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical appliances of every description for all cla!'ses of service v:_Ct:t:l\1 CLEA!"1ERS \YASHL 'G :\LH'HINES FIXTLTRES COOKI. 'G RANGES RADIO APPARATUS A ... 'D SUPPLIES CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK OF STAMFORD, CONN. DEPOSITS $7,500,000.00 Four per cent interest paid on all deposits. Interest begin,· on the first of every month. CHARLES D. LOCKWOOD, President JOH ... ' E. KEELER, Vice President. CLAYTON S. PURDY, Secretary and Trt>asurer Open Friday Evenings from 5 until 8 BENJ. LOCKWOOD REAL ESTATE -AND­ T • ~) I")~ 2 The Stamford Trust Company 300 MAIN STREET floor, and also a spacious Vault for trunks and silver. YOUR BUSINESS IS INVITED -.T • •d • I('It") ;_) 2 The Stamford Trust Company I 300 MAIN STREET I L ~ STAMFORD -- CONN . Transacts a general banking business, specializes in the ad­ ministration of estates, handles ,, trust funds, and maintains a Savings Department for the convenience of customers. A Safe Deposit Vault, second to none, is located on the main floor, and also a spacious Vault for trunks and silver. YOUR BUSINESS IS INVITED ~~~~Oi1Mii~l~1~~i ~ i ir=========a=== 3 0231 00218 9368 HARDWARE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS MACHINISTS' TOOLS BUILDERS' HARDWARE AND MILL SUPPLIES Sherwin -Williams Paints and Varnishes OIL, VARNISH, WINDOW GLASS House Furnishing Department Eddy Refrigerators, Mirro Aluminum Ware, Lisk White Enamel Ware Florence Oil Cook Stoves Mueller One Pipe Heaters Full Line Galvanized Ware GOOD S DE LIVERE D I N N OROTON AN D DA RIEN FRANI( M. WEST 18 PARK ROW STAMFORD, CONN. FORM E RLY 79-83 ATLANTIC STREET 4 D. MAHER SONS DEALERS IN COAL and WOOD Blue Stone for Walks and Drives Building Material Telephone 130 ERNEST J. DRENCI(HAHN GRAVEL, SAND, STONE, CINDERS TOP SOIL, RED CLAY HEAVY TRUCKING GRAVEL AND CINDER ROAD B ILDING A SPECIALTY CONCRETE BLOCJ<S FOR CELLARS Post Road and Riverside A venue Riverside, Conn. TELEPHONES: SOUND BEACH 687, GREE1 WICH 2298-\"'r- Telephone 101 Sound Beach PEllNA BROTHERS General Contractor s Mason Work, Excavating, Road Building and Grading P. 0. Box 152 RIVERSIDE, CONN. 5 W. B. HUSTED Carpenter and Builder Prompt Attention to Jobbing Sound Beach A venue Sound Beach, Conn. TELEPHONE 195 C~ H. I(NAPP Plumbing and Tinning GAS AND STEAM FITTING TELEPHONE SOUND BEACH 208 SOUND BEACH CONNECTICUT W. F. JONES Painter and Decorator Paper Hanging Estimates Furnished. TELEPHONE 59-3 Palmer's Island Sound Beach, Conn. TEL. 844-W BOX 518 Contractor and Builder D. H. BLi\CI(MAN Estimates Submitted - Jobbing Promptly Attended To Sound Beach Ave., SOUND BEACH, CONN. WILLIAM J. RAY GEORGE A. MERRITT Tel. 305 Sound Beach Tel. 1193 Greenwich RAY & MERRITT PLUMBING - TINNING - HEATING Sound Beach A venue Sound Beach, Conn. Jobbing Promptly Attended To Estimates Furnished DAVID WOODHOUSE General Contractor APPRAISALS High View Ave., SOUND BEACH, CONN. Tel. Conn., 109-12 S. B. l(ARL C. HAUGEN Contractor (STAMFORD) SHORE ROAD Tel. 537 SOUND BEACH OSCAR l(ROI(STEDT Architect & Builder FOREST A VENUE SOUND BEACH 7 SERVICE GARAGE A. M. BACON, Proprietor AUTO REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS AUTO SUPPLIES-- AUTO STORAGE TELEPHONE 140 SOUND BEACH Arcadia Rd. Sound Beach, Conn. CAVANAUGH BROS. GARAGE AUTO LIVERY EXPRESS Off Riverside Ave., Opp. Riverside R. R. Depot Tel. Sound Beach 96 RIVERSIDE, CONN. CARMICHAEL'S GARAGE R. V. CARMICHAEL AUTO REPAIRING GASOLINE and OILS TIRES and TUBES GOODYEAR SERVICE STATION Post Rd., Riverside Tel. 840 Sound Beach FRi\NI( P. FI0 RITO LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING GARDENER AND GREENHOUSE WORK GARBAGE AND ASHES COLLECTED P. 0. Box 129 ADAMS CORNER, RIVERSIDE Tel. Sound Beach 331 8 Sound Beach Pharmacy Sound Beach, Connecticut E. S. DONOVAN Telephone Sound Beach 19 SHORELANDS GARDEN FRANK S. HARTWRIGHT, Proprietor FLORIST Potted Plants - Cut Flowers - Bedding Stock SHORELANDS ROAD, SOUND BEACH, CONN. Telephone 492 SHOREHAME CLUB J. H. COOK SHORE ROAD Tel. 32 SOUND BEACH JOHN Cs JANI(OVICH BAKERY SOUND BEACH AVE. Tel. S. B. 9 RENNIE RIDING SCHOOL ALFRED RENNIE Lessons in Horseback Riding Shore Road Tel. 285 Sound Beach Telephone 34 7 CHAS. ANDREWS Contracting Floorlayer Screen Enclosures and Jobbing P. 0. Box 111 Cor. Park Ave. and Raymond Sound Beach, Conn. D. A. BERNSTEIN Authentic Antiques Adams Cor., Post Rd. Tel. 851 SOUND BEACH, CONN. Phone Sound Beach 38 Sound Beach Tailor and Furrier CLEANING, REPAIRING, and DYEING CALL FOR and DELIVER MARTIN MICHA SOUND BEACH AVE. Proprietor SOUND BEACH, CONN. 10 WILLIAM GROSSBERNDT Contractor and Builder 26 WOODROW ST. STAMFORD Tel. 1415-2-1 Telephone Sound Beach 528 CAIRN TERRIERS Robbinscroft Kennels Est. 1913 PUPPIES FOR SALE FROM IMPORTED STOCK MRS. HENRY F. PRICE BREEZEMONT AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CON . Ford Cars Ford Trucl\:s Fordson Tractors Dutee Wilcox Flint, Inc. 676 MAIN STREET, STAMFORD Tel. Stamford 2058 C. De Witt White Co. Publishers of To·wn Directories Radio Publications 1311 SMITH ST., PROVIDENCE, R. I. 11 WILLIAM B. PIERCE ALBERT B. TRACY PIERCE and TRACY ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEERS Rooms 409-410 Washington Building COR. BANK and MAIN STREETS STAMFORD, CONN. P. 0. Box 312 Phone Connection AGENTS FOR DEVOE'S PAI~TS THE COLMAN PAINT & WALL PAPER CO. I. H. COLMAN Wholesale and Hetail Dealers in PAINTS, VARNISHES AND WALL PAPERS "One of the things we know we know - is paint" Office and Salesroom: I 03 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich, Conn. Phone 1843 'Varehouse: 18 Sherman St., Stamford, Conn. Phone 538 Office: Phone 1687 Greenwich Cos Cob Coal and Lumber Co., Inc. Sewer Pipe, Lath, Building Material, Cord Wood, Kindling Wood, Red Ash Anthracite Cement, Cinder Block Yard: Strickland Road COS COB, CONN. FEEI(S & RUTZ Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Workers Chambers Fireless Gas Ranges Kerosene Oil Hot Water Heaters 35 ATLANTIC ST., STAMFORD. TEL. 402 12 THE PARSONS EN~~~LE:~NG co. ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS-SUBDIVISION EXPERTS -REALTORS- Real Estate of All Descriptions GENERAL INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS 30 PARK ROW STAMFORD, CONN. Phones 2401-2402 FARM SURVEYS SEWER SYSTEMS MAPPING HIGHWAYS LOTS LOCATED DRAINAGE L. BRONIFIELD, JR. ENGINEER and SURVEYOR ELECTRIC BLUE PRINTING Telephone 2690 (115) 434 MAIN STREET STAMFORD, CONN. ROY LOCI(WOOD GARAGE BUICK SALES and SERVICE Elm St. and St. Johns Pl. STAMFORD, CONN. Phone 2620 Stamford Steam Laundry, Inc. Office 10-12 Summer Place STAMFORD, CONN. Telephone 249 THE SOUND BEACH AND RIVERSIDE CONNECTICUT DIRECTORY 1925-26 CONTAINING A Complete House, Business and Street Directory of Sound Beach and Riverside, Conn. ALSO Churches, Post Offices, Fire Department, Etc. PRICE, $2.50 C. De WITT WHITE CO., Publishers 1311 Smith Street, Providence, R. I. Copyright 1925, by C. De Witt White Co. (i,.:O, GEORGINA B. DAVIDS Property in Riverside and vicinity Address: Riverside, Conn. Telephone: Sound Beach, 123 14 SOUND BEACH AND RIVERSIDE INDEX TO CONTENTS Abbreviations . 25 Business Directory (Local) . 79 Business Directory (Out-of-Town Patrons) . 90 Churches . 22 Fire Department . 23 Library . 22 Post Offices . 21 Resident Directory . 25 Street Directory . 18 11>e MONEY we lend youlatheeam• - other rnone:y but the SERVIC£ eernc..- ~- :rou Ia dUJerent from other ! \r~: ~-=tr;.e;:,1:J: &£~'!:.i"t!': ~~':: Beaeficial Loau Society ap.n9to&.ao Sonw~,,., Llc:eAee<f1>y the State aa4 Boaded to the Public LA SARETTE CORSET SHOP Corsets Fitted Free by Expert Corsetiers STAMFORD THEATRE BUILDING, STAMFORD, CONN DRY GOODS P!/iutf{tem4 and Women's Apparel ~ 205-211 An.ANTIC ST SOUND BEACH AND RIVERSIDE 15 PUBLISHERS' NOTE The information contained in this directory was se­ cured by actual canvass and was compiled in such a way as to make it as reliable and accurate as possible. While the Publishers will in no way be held responsible for any errors that may occur, they will be glad to have any in­ accuracies called to their attention, so that they may be corrected in future editions of the book. C. DeWITT WHITE CO., Publishers. UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW In Force on an after July 1, 1909 Section 28-That any persons who wilfully and for profit shall infringe any copyright secured by this Act, or who shall knowing­ ly and wilfully aid or abet such infringement, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeamon, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding one year or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dqllars, or both, in the discretion of the court. HARRY C. FROST REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE SHORE ROAD Telephone 165 SOUND BEACH, CONN. THE TITLE INSURANCE AND MORTGAGE CO. Guaranteed Mortgage Certificates-$100.00 up People's Bank Building, STAMFORD, CONN. 16 SOUND BEACH AND RIVERSIDE INDEX TO SOUND BEACH AND RIVERSIDE ADVERTISERS Andrews, Charles . 9 Bacon, A. M. 7 Berstein, D. A. 9 Bertolf Brothers . side lines Blackman, D. H. 5 Carmichael's Garage . 7 Cavanaugh Brothers . 7 Davids, Georgina ............. ..... .... head lines Drenckhahn, E. G. 4 Fiorito F. P. 7 Frost, Harry C. foot lines Haugen, K. C. 6 Husted, W. B. 5 Jankovich, J. C. 8 Jones, W. F. 5 Knapp, C. H. 5 Krokstedt, Oscar . 6 Lockwood E. Benjamin, side and head lines, also front cover Maher, D.
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