▼ A ■ =j*-igEr-»y ^ • >• . ' ■* t - FRIDAY,,APRIL 3, 1938 f»AGE EIGHTEEN ^ T>e Weather Average Daily Net Preas Ron iffiaurlitBter lEu?uing lii^ralb ■•v'- Forecast, of V. S. W eatter Bnrean /• --- 7---- Fqr thB Wm R Eaded • —- March 28.* 19SS The daught^. thkir fourth efuid,'ei Sam Diamond, owner bt,the Ar- th* Florist, AUeson's, E. 'A. John­ S {Scattered showers tonight. Low son Paint Co,., Leonard's Shoes, bom Tuesday at the St.^rancia my and Navy Store on^Maln Sfi. Aunday morning fair, after­ About T o ^ street^ has just retiim.ed from, two Main Street Art Contest House's, Popular Market, iFirsL THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB 1 0 ,9 3 3 Hospital to Mr. and M j^ Harold noon partly cloody, cooler. F, Wals, Jr., o f F e r n d ^ drive, h u years service in the XJ,^. Arnjy, National’ Bank, Burton's, W. T. Member of the Audit Grant Co.. Marlow's. Savings Bank lUv. John R. Neubort. minister beep named Nancy Goddard WaU. one-year ot'Whleh was spent Bureau of ClrculatlonB Manchester— A City of Village Charm Germany, ifle r ■ taking his basic' To Highlight Cancer Drive of Manchester, McGill-Converse, ot the Community Baptist Church \ The Waddeil P T ^ will hold a training in Texas. During his ab­ SherwihWilliams Co., Gartner’s, OB C u t ’ Center street, will be the food sale at the J. .W. Hale Pe- sence the store w a s run by his School. Knobler is confident that Harrison's, Watkins HlfoUiers, (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE nVE CBNT8 principal speaker at the sunrise Fhr^ MHS Students to Hale's, Hartford /Gas Co., (CUssifled Advertistaig on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1953 partmcnt S>Stdrc'l tomorrow morning manager, Henry Pelletlere.' the favorable response by students / service Caster morninf; at 6 Copley’s. Wlllton's Gift Shop and VOL. LXXIL-NO. 157 starting ^ 10 o'clock. Take to Brushes April and merchants is an indication of o'clock in Center Church. AI- The Duplicate Bridge Club will the success of the contesj. Triple JC Stores. ^ | “ though sponsored by the ^ Pro­ hold a master point garne tonight, 8, Pphu Up Windows ITie windows will be judged ac­ T W Manche.rter Registered The project, which has already testant youth o f the community, at 8 o’clo«-k in Tinker Hall. Win­ created state-wide interest, may cording to originality, aptness of EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Nufscs Association is sponsoring a the service (a open to adl adults ners in the last session were state official* of the American become an Integral part of future idea and execution. Three prizes 20 REGULAR GAMES— 3 SPECIALS who wish to attend. (ge sale to be^lield Thursday, George Siemsen and Harold Hills. state cancer campai^s. will be awarded. at the Community Y, Cancer Society wUl be on hand In STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP 52, Mrs. Ernest Ungerer, i9 't , and Manchester to witness m Main Slutaky said. "The incorporation Contest judges Will be announced St 6 p. m, Mrs. Mary A son w u born April 1 to Mr. Mrs." Robert Lathrop and- Mrs. street art contest- oh Wednesday, of this project on a national basis St' a later dale. 'erud is chairman of the commlt- and Mrs. Gerald Donova^ of Joseph McVeigh, 49. April 8, for.the pronsoUon of Man­ ii; quite possible if the enthusiasm ee in charge. A m u . Iowa, and has been/nameil chester's annual CanceV. Crusade. and widespread interest already Clayton Hue. They l ^ e k ^ ST"' , Miss Norma L. Strong, daughter Arthur Slutsky, state 'publicity demonstrated continue;. It is. a yeartold daughter, . B ^ a rs. Mts, Henry George School of of Mr. and ^ rs . Ernest F. Strong director, will be among th (^ who youth crusade, and any .youth par­ I^novan wu the ^rfher ^iss Social 'Science is offering free as a of 118 Pitkin street, is home for will see 40 students of Manchester ticipation in such a vitally Impor­ Barbara Hue, ahd/her hushknd is publW^ aervice ■ course in funda­ the Easier vacation from West­ High School Mage a’ major dembn- tant campaign ran emphasize to attending the t^ versity ^ Iowa. mental economics starting Mon­ brook Junior College. Portla’nd,- Stration of: their skill and ingerb the community the urgency o f the PAI^ER day, Tuarday and Wednesday of Me. A senior majoring in the re­ Ulty in the first such project un-^ cancer problem." next weiek at Morse College, 183 tailing course, she was recently deptaken for the Cancer drive. \The following Manchester mer- COLlEOTION Ann streets, Hartford, Room 502, named to the dean's li.st and ex­ The contest, open to interested. c l ^ t s have, in a spirit of com- niuHl^y cooperation, made their starting at 7:30 p. m.'^The course pects to graduate in June. Manchester- High School students' store ^^•indow8 available for the alOUTMWEST wjli nin for 10 weeks with a two- only will be one in which the psr- coming'^yiebti*. ■ hbut'session. ...... ” i 'Th'e' Lucjjf Bpencer 'grmtp ^ f 1-he tretpant* paint Main -street 'store ■■unopur.*-*-'-- - • » ArthurNDrug Store, Beck's Ap­ Coinntunist tiaisbh Offu’ers at PaiimUrijom Second Congregational Church windows with de.signs pertsining SEOTIdM • ' • Timbcr-r*r-r-r! to the "Lights On" drive to be con­ parel Shop. Crown Cleaners,, .1 t some Auve; advertised at id Ibth 4dc in St. Mary's Men's Club will pre-, Women'a League, reminds the ducted by the Manchester Cancer Kemp's, BlalKSi F, W. WoolWorth' .iParliament ear adveii^ment yestciday. ft cede its monthly meeting Monday church women to bring articles for Society bn Sunday, April 12. Co., Jon-Di’8\Restaursnt, Man-. Moaday. April 6 was bbk/Intention to have It w ith .aN ew England boiled dinner the spring rummage sale. Tuesday Nathan Knobler, display* advisor Chester Savings And Loan Aaapeia- it - I- -r . -se at 6:30 In the parish house. W il­ at 7 p. m.. for the sale, beginning Next Few Hours for the cancet campaign, has ar­ Ition, Montgomery Ward's.' iBllph liam Slnnambn heads the commit­ Wednesday at 9 a. m. in che church ranged the contest with the assist­ Hardware, T h r i Cleaners, tee of arrangements. vestry- Mrs. Hayden Griswold, 5 Uf 4 6 c Mrs. Ralph Rockwell and Mrs, ance of Miss Hope Henderson, Gsudet Jeweler^ Land -O' Howard Keeney will be in charge. teacher ^f art at Manchester High Cotton, McLellan's, 'Milikowakl, G O P Head Of Air Left Miss Florence N. Hildilch of Cabinet /Ma^mler Pnblic Moore street and Aaarlah Russell of South Hadley Falls. Mass., will WashlnKton. April 4— (ff*) Istanbul, Turkey, April 4 be united in marriage Monday at 9 — (i7>)— The former U. S. Sub­ X' a. m. In St. James' Church. Rome, April — Former Rep^ liconard W. Italian cabinet dissolved both Hall of OysteKy Bay, New marine Bumper, now the Houses of Parliament today York, indicated after a White Turkish Diimlupinar, sank in and called a general election House conference today that the Dardanelles early today and the Turkish nayy an­ ♦ ♦ ♦ Shoppers for June 7. he would take the Republican Late Action was taken through a de­ national chairmanship if it m nounced that 89 persons were When this wetweather clears your cree signed by President Luigi offered to him. trapped in her. Einaudi. The Dumiupinar collided with a The Senate normally would have STRAW F A B m C Washington, April 4— (/P) Swedish merchant ship. lawn and garden will need iinme- continued in office for another The” officer of the ^ le f of Staff year. However the government, in­ — A high administration of­ of. rui'klsh Naval forces in Ankara . / ■ tent on winning a clean-cut vic­ ficial said today former Rep. said ladio-telephone 'communica­ tory in the election and lessening l^eonard W. Hall of New York tions had been established -with th* ,,*$ m o u ld 9ring with v iv t Communist representation, decided diafe attenTion. Jf’repare how v([ith is well on the way to becom­ :en submarine by rescuara, to fill both tthe Chamber bt Depu­ proving that there were, aurvlvon Spring Shades ties and the Senate in the forth­ ing the next chairman of the aboai^. Our masrnificent brim side- coming election.. Republican National coinmit- The office aaid five men who the things you need. The action removed the last Mn- were on the deck at the tltno.-of - — swept picture hat with mam­ gering possibility that Italy would tee. $ g . 9 8 The official, who preferred not to the collision were taken o ff but eno IN X ratify the” E’uropcan Defense com­ died laier of injuries. The other moth rose.Jind full veil. Black, munity treaty before the elec­ be quoted by name, said last night’s endorsement of Hall by four were .hospitalized. brown, navy. tions. Gov. Thpmaa E. Dewey and other Bow Flooded, Smashed Premier Alcide d8 Gasperi hopes New York State Republican lead­ An earlier comfnunique aaid all HOSIERY {4enlnr Col. 4u Yon, chief CommiinlatRalaon off leer, leads Comipunist negotiators Into tlt« meeting to return td office with enough ers removed a big obstacle in Aye .were killed and had listed 74 room ptr Paqmiinjom for dlacusslon »vtth X '^ llatson officers the- proposal to release sick, nod -woimdeo strength to push ratification Hall’s path, There had been" re­ trapped in the hull S4 in the via radio and and A P Wlrephoto). ★ ★ ★ ★ through Immediately after the two ports of coolness between the prisoners of war.
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