FACULTY / SPEAKERS ABBOUD Marwan Head Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery C.H.U. Tivoli, Clinique du Parc Léopold La Louvière, Belgium ABI SALEH Riad Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Bellevue Hospital and Bhannes Hospital, Lebanon ABOZEID Mohammad Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Cairo University Venus Chairman, Founder of International Cosmetic Conference - ICC Cairo Egypt ABS Richard SOFCEP Past President, French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Marseille, France BAKHACH Joseph President, Pan Arab Federation for Reconstructive Microsurgery Assistant Professor, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery American University of Beirut Medical Center, Lebanon BANKI Mo Clinical Faculty – Department of Surgery, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Clinical Faculty – Department of Craniofacial Sciences, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Connecticut, USA Diplomate & Examiner, American Board of Cosmetic Surgery; Diplomate & Examiner, American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery; Chair, Facial Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship Committee, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; Chair, Membership Committee, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery BERBARI Patricia Consultant Plastic Surgeon President Elect, Canadian Laser Aesthetic Surgery Society Centre Chirurgical de la Capitale PB, Gatineau, Canada BERGERET-GALLEY Consultant Plastic Surgeon Catherine Attachée des hôpitaux de Paris Paris, France BERROCAL Titular Professor of the University of Cartagena REVUELTAS Manuela Past President of FILACP (Iberolatinamerican Federation of Plastic Surgery) Cartagena, Colombia BITAR George APSLD Secretary for North America Clinical Assistant Professor – George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute, Medical Director, Northern VA, USA BITAR Roberto APSLD National Secretary of Ecuador Centro Estetico Quirurgico Dr. Roberto Bitar Guayaquil, Ecuador BOU-MERHI Joseph Professor of Surgery Université de Montreal Director, Breast Reconstruction Unit CHUM Montreal, Canada CAVALCANTI RIBEIRO Professor and Head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Division of Universidade Federal do Estado do Ricardo Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) Director of Carlos Chagas Institute International Editor of PRS Global Open an ISAPS JOURNAL Rio de Janeiro, Brazil CASTIGLIONE Charles Chief of Plastic Surgery, Hartford Hospital , Director of Craniofacial Surgery, CT Children's Medical Center, CT, USA CHAMI Nicolas APSLD Secretary for Europe FMH Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructive et Esthétique Member SSCPRE - Swiss Plastic Surgery Association, Member ISAPS Lausanne, Switzerland CHANG Edward Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA CHANG Eric Institute for Advanced Reconstruction at the Plastic Surgery Center Past Associate Professor in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia Shrewsbury NJ, USA CHEMALI Michele Plastic Surgery Resident Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland DAHER José Carlos Director and Chief, Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital Daher Lago Sul Honorary Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons Founding Member of the Ibero-Latin American Society of Mastology Brasilia – Lago Sul, Brazil DANILLA ENEI Stefan Cirujano Plástico, Magíster en Epidemiología Clínica Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, Clínica Alemana, Santiago, Chile DANINO Michel Alain Professor of Surgery, Université de Montréal Head of Plastic Surgery at CHUM Montreal, Canada De VITA ROY Head Physician of the Plastic Surgery Division of Regina Elena Cancer Institute Chief "ad interim" of Dermatological and Regenerative Plastic Surgery, S. Gallicano Institute Member of the Senior Health Council, the highest advisory board for the Ministry of Health, in the capacity as Plastic Surgery expert Rome, Italy Di SUMMA Pietro Associate Professor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Chef de Clinique, Service de chirurgie plastique et de la main Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland DOUMIT Gaby Plastic & Esthetic Surgeon Medical Director CCPEM - Centre De Chirurgie Plastique & Esthétique De Montréal Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Montreal, Montreal, Qc, Canada Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA Vice President Education, American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery DUARTE SANCHEZ President FILACP - Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery Alejandro Playa del Carmen, Mexico EL KHATIB Arij Fellow Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Centre Hospitalier de l’ Université de Montréal Montreal, Canada EL KHOURY Joseph Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon American Aesthetic Surgery Fellow At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute Member of The American Society Of Plastic Surgeon (ASPS) Member of The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) Northern VA, USA FADUL Romeu APSLD Secretary for South America Consultant Plastic Surgeon Coordinator of Hands-On Cadaver Lab. Courses of Research Institute Sirio Libanês Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil FAKHOURI Roger Consultant Plastic Surgeon Roger Fakhouri Cliic de Cir Plàstica em Asa Sul Asa Sul, Brasilia, Btazil FANTOZZI Fabio ACEIP President - European Surgical Association of Prof. Ivo Pitanguy Alumni Assistant Professor - "Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rome, Italy FERNEINI Antoine Chief of Vascular Surgery at Yale-New Haven Hospital St Raphael's Campus, North Haven, CT, USA FERNEINI Elie Editor in Chief, American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery Greater Waterbury OMS, Beau Visage Med Spa Associate Clinical Professor, University of Connecticut, USA GHANEM Ali Clinical Senior Lecturer - Plastic Surgery (QMUL London) Lead: MSc Reconstructive Microsurgery / MSc Aesthetic Medicine Centre for Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute of Cell and Molecular Science London, UK GHARIB Noureddine Professor of Plastic Surgery Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Hand and Burn Surgery UH IBN SINA Rabat, Morocco GRATTAROLA Gabriella Consultant Plastic Surgeon COSEM, Cooperativa de Servicios Médicos CAAMEPA, Cooperativa Agrupación Asistencial Médica de Pando Montevideo, Uruguay HABAL Mutaz Editor in Chief, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Director, Tampa Bay Craniofacial Center Tampa, FL, USA HADDAD TAME Jose Past President Luis Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reconstructiva Mexico City, Mexico HAKME Farid Past President SBCP, Sociedad Brasileira Cirurgia Plástica Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica Dr. Farid Hakme – Hospital da Plástica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil HAMDAN Firas Plastic Surgery Highness beauty Clinics and Spa Beirut- Dubai - Doha - Kuwait HAMDI Moustapha President of the Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery (RBSPS) President of Professional Association of Belgian Plastic Surgeons (GBS) Head of Plastic Surgery Department and Founder of Lymph Clinic - Brussels University Hospital Director of Ogeeplast Clinic, Leading Plastic Surgeon – Delta Hospital – Chirec Head of Plastic Surgery Department and Director of Lymph Clinic Brussels, Belgium HAMRA Sam (Retired) Clinical Professor, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Plastic Surgery, Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. USA HAMZA Foued Consultant Plastic Surgeon Member, Société Française De Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice Et Esthétique Ancien Chirurgien attaché des hôpitaux de Paris Paris, France HASHIM Ezat Chargé d’enseignement in aesthetic at the Hopital Notre-Dame in Montreal, a University of Montreal Teaching Hospital, La Clinique De Chirurgie Plastique De Montréal, Canada HOPPING Steven Clinical Professor of Surgery George Washington University Director, the Center for Cosmetic Surgery Washington DC, USA IBRAHIM Amir Assistant Professor, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery American University of Beirut Medical Center Beirut, Lebanon INNOCENTI Marco Associate Professor in Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Surgery and Translational Medicine University of Florence, Director of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy JACOBO Oscar Professor, Director of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Clinicas Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of the Republic. ISAPS National Secretary of Uruguay Montevideo, Uruguay JANDALI Zaher Head, Department of Plastic, Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery; Protestant Hospital Oldenburg, Medical Campus University, Oldenburg, Germany Medizinischer Campus Universität Oldenburg Oldenburg, Germany KACHKINBAEV Iskender Head of Dept. of Surgery, Medcenter KG Medical Center Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan KHAIRI Achraf Plastic Surgery Resident Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Hand and Burn Surgery UH IBN SINA Maxillofaciale and Plastic Surgery Military Hospital MOHAMMED V Rabat, Morocco KOTTI Bouraoui ISAPS National Secretary of Tunisia Former Editorial Board Member of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Plastic Aesthetic Research Tunis, Tunisia KUMMOONA Raja Emeritus professor of Maxillofacial Surgery Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations Baghdad, Iraq LAFARGE CLAOUE Head Plastic surgeon and Medical Director of Clinic Alphand Paris Béatrice Past President Société Française de Chirurgie Esthétique SFCE Paris, France Plastic surgeon, Urogynecologist, Head of International Center of Intimate Surgery LESHUNOV Evgenii Yu-system/Clinic of
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