FESTIVAL EDITION UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH Vol. 13 No. 14 April I, 1969 Guelph Spring Festival BENJAMIN BRITTEN 1913— the Arts in Religion Music - Theatre - Art Although still a month away, the Guelph cently from a flying visit to London where the Edward Johnson Music Foundation. Spring Festival has already aroused lively he conferred with the composer and the The theme of the Festival this year is interest in Ontario music circles. Writing in Belgian stage director, Lode Verstraete. "The Arts in Religion". From Greek tragedy the Toronto Telegram, music citic Kenneth Music director Nicholas Goldschmidt is to Renaissance painting, much of the world's Winters spoke of "Ontario's most enter- completing arrangements for using a local great art has been inspired by Man's quest prising little Festival". He commented par- boy's choir in the opera which will also for a spiritual meaning in life. Artists and ticularly on the planned performance of feature several prominent Canadian soloists. craftsmen from the days of the caves of Benjamin Britten's new opera "The Prodi- Another "first" for this year's Festival Lascaiux have attempted to adorn their gal Son" which will be given its North Am- will be the performance of a new work by shrines, temples, mosques, churches in a erican premiere in the Church of Our Lady. the Hamilton composer Lorne Betts. The manner worthy of the Gods worshipped This event alone will project the Festival piece will be part of a final concert to be there. A small sample of that rich artistic into the international limelight. given by the GLOC Oratorio Chorus under heritage, from medieval drama,to early Preparations for the new production are the direction of Dr. Charles Wilson. It was Quebec Church art, to contemporary opera well under way. Designer William Lord of commissioned especially for the Festival by and choral works will be presented at the the Canadian Opera Company returned re- the group with the assistance of a grant from Guelph Spring Festival. 2 THE PRODIGAL SON Undoubtedly the most important event in Lode Verstraete, the distinguished Bel- About the Opera the '69 Spring Festival is the Canadian pre- gian director will stage the production and by Prof. Ralph Kidd miere of Benjamin Britten's latest Church Nicholas Goldschmidt, artistic director opera "The Prodigal Son". to the Edward Johnson Music Foundation The Prodigal Son (1968) is the most recent The opera, which will receive its United is responsible for the musical direction. of a trilogy of church operas which Benjam- States premiere about a month later, will William Lord, of the Canadian Opera Com- in Britten calls "Parables for Church Perform- be staged in the Church of Our Lady on pany, has designed the production and the ance". Here we find one of England's most May 3, 5 and 6. choral director is Lloyd Bradshaw. successful composers reaching out through ,Benjamin Britten was greatly influenced the medium of drama and music, not only by performances of the NO Theatre while to the opera devotees, but a wider circle — on a visit to Japan in 1955. On his return to all who are interested in a human story he began to see'‹. ways of transposing this portrayed with great finesse. We are fortun- highly formalized, ritualistic art form, mak- ate to be able to present this work in one of ing it significant in terms of western exper- our most beautiful churches. ience and art. In the N -6 Theatre the audience John Arab Britten has supported his four soloists, hears the play in a dedicated silence and male chorus, and boys' choir, with seven there is no applause. Britten saw immediate- carefully chosen orchestral instruments. A ly that the solution was to produce the group of percussive instruments has been es- work in Church. And so his "parables for pecially imported from England for this church performance" were created. production. "The Prodigal Son" is the third of Britten's The text has been clearly related to our own works in this genre. Like the previous two decade by the British poet, William Plomer. operas "Curlew River", and "The Fiery All who witness this Canadian premiere will Furnace", the work begins with a procession- Garnet Brooks be intrigued with the "Patriarch whose al in which the cast enters singing plain property and progeny are in order; with the chant. On the platform they shed their robes Tempter who brings current temptations and take on their parts in the drama. The alive; with the avowed attempt to break up Prodigal Son, best known and loved of New this happy family". The celebration in hon- Testament parables, seems to contain the our of the Prodigal's homecoming finds essence of Christianity with its rewarding Britten pulling out all the stops in a never- of and rejoicing for a forgiven sinner. to-be-forgotten setting of "0 show your- Each of the operas was first presented as selves joyful before the Lord, with trumpets part of the AlJeburgh Festival and "Curlew and the sound of shawms..." River" and "The Fiery Furnace" were high- Peter van Ginkel lights of Expo '67. Lode Verstraete John Arab, the Tempter, has been a lead- ing tenor with the Canadian Opera Company Lode Verstraete, who directs the first for several years and sung at Stratford, Van- Canadian performance of "The Prodigal couver and Charlottetown Festivals. Son", has had an impressive career in his The cast is Canadian. Garnet Brooks, who native Belgium. sings the Prodigal Son, is a young tenor with He has been associated with many a rich warm voice and personality. An act- Opera houses and ive member of the Canadian Opera Company, theatres and has he is also in great demand across Canada as Maurice Brown been active 1.11 a soloist in Oratorio and as a recitalist. Belgian television. A native of the Netherlands, baritone Mr. Verstraete Peter van Ginkel has sung in many produc- was born in Antwerp tions since coming to Canada. He has signed in 1925 and began as leading baritone at Braunschweig, Germany his career as an ac- for the coming two years. He won rave re- tor in the Youth views from critics for his performance with Acknowledgements Theatre there. In the Metropolitan Opera Company and in Many generous grants, civic, provincial 1951 he began direct- 1967 was appointed affiliate artist at Water- and Canada Council have been allocated to ing and founded the loo Lutheran University. He performs the the Guelph Spring Festival. Included in Dutch Chamber role of the Father. these grants were generous amounts from Theatre of which he was Managing Director Singing the Elder Brother is Maurice students' Union Council and Witan. Many for ten years. He is currently first director Brown. Mr. Brown has the distinction of faculty, staff, students and interested citi- at the National Theatre in Antwerp. having created roles in six new Canadian zens of Guelph have contributed their time In addition to his activities as a director, operas, and is well known throughout the and support in furthering the Foundation's Mr. Verstraete also teaches acting and has country. work. written five plays. SINGLE AND SERIES TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR ALL EVENTS 3 G LOC Finale to the Festival CHARLES WILSON - founder Jon and director Charles Wilson, director of the Guelph Vickers Light Opera Company, received his musical education at the University of Toronto, ta- king his Bachelor's degree in Music Educa- The opening concert of the 1969 Spring tion in 1952 and his Doctorate two years Festival will feature Jon Vickers in a recital later. of works by Handel, Bach, Beethoven and Upon taking residence in Guelph, Dr. others. The renowned Canadian tenor will A Tribute to Wilson founded the Guelph Light Opera appear May I in War Memorial Hall. Mr. Company, of which he is presently both Vickers' accompaniest for the occasion will musical and stage director. A few years after be Richard Woitach, pianist from the Met- its inception, the company enlarged the ropolitan Opera. the Spoken Word chorus and added oratorio performances to A native of Saskatchewan, Jon Vickers its repertoire. Each season since then, it has was already recognized as one of Canada's programed at least one Broadway musical leading operatic singers before he made his and as an oratorio choir, has performed both triumphant European debut. Entitled "A Tribute to the Spoken Word" standard choral works and contemporary It was in 1956 that he made his debut the program presented on May 10th in War pieces, including commissioned works by at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Memorial Hall will feature the distinguished Canadian composers. This year, with the One outstanding success followed another Canadian actor William Hutt in an evening aid of the festival GLOC has commissioned as he appeared in "Carmen", "Aida", and of dramatic readings. Lorne Betts to compose a festival psalm "Don Carlos". The high point in Vickers' William Hutt was a founder member of for the oratorio choir. The program 'tieing career came when he was invited to sing the Stratford Festival Company. His appear- offered this year consists of two other works, Siegmund at the 1958 Bayreuth Festival. ances there this year in "The Alchemist", The Missa Brevis, by Kodaly and Look To- A year later he was an undoubted success "Measure for Measure" and a revival of wards the Sea by Hovhaness. Maurice Brown, with the San Francisco opera and in 1960 "Tartuffe", mark his fifteenth season as an bass-baritone is featured soloist and James his debut at the "Met" was the fantastic actor. Burchill will be the guest organist.
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