NEV ADA. WOLVES ARRIVE FOR SHRINE GAME Rainbows-Tr~mple Healanis For Sr. League Championship • • With the first string of the Rainbow football squad intact, but with the change of Johnny Dang to· left-half and Wally Lam Ho to full, the T M E V 0 I C E 0 1= · Rainbows punched through the Healani wall and secondary line for MAWA11 nine touchdowns and four conversions. With a score of 58-6, the vic­ torious Rainbows took the isenior league championship, undefeated and untied. Vol. XXV UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1946 No 19 A reserve-shy Healani t e a m couldn't hold the UH line, nor could they off er pass defense. Wal­ Education is .Theme of YM Confabs; ly Lam Ho ~cored three times to be top scorer in the game. Discussions on College Programs A beautiful 97· yard run by Car­ penter was nullified in the second Heated discussion on the University student and his problems, mixed quarter, and what the radio an­ Carnival Tickets Due nouncer referred to as the ·"junior with campfire roasts and swimming, highlighted the three-day confer­ Carnival ticket sales chairman ence at Camp Harold Erdman, Mokuleia, sponsored by the campus Ralph Toyota has asked that all YMCA, over th~ Thanksgiving· weekend. students who still have carnival Hckets out to turn them in imme­ Following the theme; "Whafs the Score in Education?" the con­ diately to the ASU t-1 office. ferees met in the assembly hall and Students who have lost · tickets made several remedial suggestions must pay 17 cents per ticket lost to Revival of HU for University of Hawaii curricu­ cover the tax. lum, to be presented to the student Occasions Meeting body in printed form within a few Plans td draft and approve a con­ weeks. Among these were: stitution for the Hawaii Unfon 1) a re.siuction .in the number of were announced at the student­ required courses Bill Bass (14) is Nevada's fast alumni-faculty dinner-meeting held 2) voluntary stude.nt attendance . Negro half back who is shown at Kewalo Inn, November 25 at 6 p.m. in classes above making a long ' rtm in the The Hawaii Union has in the 3) encouragement of discussion Montana Stat-e-Nevada U. game. past been the UH debate and foren­ techniques in the classroom by sics society. During the war it was holding classes in smaller groups dissolved with Mr. Frederick Shutte 4) the development of better in­ Stanford.Game as its president at that time. Reorganization of the Union will centive than grades for academic Tickets Available call for a more active program open work to all students interested in debat­ Students who have reserved tick­ 5) the development and presenta­ ing. Formerly, membership was ets for the Stanford game may pick The Rainbow line will have. to tion of University radio programs eligible only for those who were them up at the g.ym on Friday an·d charge and fast to catch tricky 6) the delegation of more respon­ ·members of the debate team or had Saturday, December 6 and 7 from quarterback Bill M acKrides. Mac­ won some honor in debating. sibility and power over more vital 8:30 a.m; on. No checks will be ac­ Krides, who i is America's leading It has also been d~ cided to make matters to ASUH, in order that cepted, only cash. yardage gainer via passing, wlil the society open to women students student interest and participation Reserved · Utah t~ckets for the compete with our own Sol Kaulu­ as well as men. Until the Union PineaJlple Bowl game will be issued in student government may be stfm­ later. " · kukui in the December 7 Rainbow­ was inactivated in 1941, it was ulated in this and other ways strictly a fraternity. N evada Shrine g1Jme. 7) the of an increased • Students will receive their tickets Horace Gillom (35), 210 lb. All- , Dr. Bower Aly, director of debate, p~ssibility for both the. Stanford and Utah, attention to religion. team" played in a field of mud the Pacific Coast e_nd, is taking a pass outlined at the get-together plans games from December 9, Monday Dr. Hubert Everly spoke on the rest of the time. in the N evada!St. Mary's game for debating activities on the cam­ everyday up to Thursday at 4: 30 different plans of mainland ·col­ Coach Tommy Kaulukulrni has played before 55,000 fans in San pus. Mr. Kam Tai Lee, class of '29 p.m. The. ticket window at the gym and former legislator, and Mr. John leges, such as the core plan of Will open from 8: 3.0 a.m. Don't for­ been putting his boys through a Francisco. ~tone, president of the UH alumni Harvard and Colgate, the acceler­ get your student activity cards and strenuou~ practice schedule in prep­ ated plan of Ohio State University, aration for the big game Saturday association, spoke on various stages books. and stressed changes that could against Nevada U. Vet Meeting Clears of the history of the Union and their Students should' rein ember that ' associations with it. be made in tlie University of Ha­ The senior league offered the pow­ these tickets are issued to them and­ Alfred Laureta, TC senior and waii curricul~m, patterned after erful UH eleven no competition this Up Supply Question that,they are not transferable. Any· student leader of the Union, enum­ these and others. year, and the Rainbows had to trav­ body caught selling or passing on 'For Befuddled Vets erated student debating activities Students should participate in el to California to meet teams that these tickets· will have his or her on the campus as they stand at the administrative organization and be were up to their level. Post season Student veterans don't have an athletic book taken away. present time. games against Nevada, Stanford and open charge account with the book­ Continued on page 2 Prizes to the first three winners Utah should be thrilling for the store, University veterans were told of the debate team tryouts were victors over Fresno State college, last Wednesday at a mass meeting Cast for Theater Guild presented on behalf of the ASUH and College of the Pacifi..c. which included talks by officials of Christmas Seal Drive by Wadsworth Yee, ASUH presi- 1New Play Announced both the downtown and the Univer­ With the mythical championship dent. Has Record Results The cast for "Ladies in Retire­ in passing within their grasp, the sity offices of the U.S. Veterans Ad­ A record total of $801.54 was con­ ment" has been anhounced. Mrs. Wolves of Nevada can be expecfod ministration. tributed by the student body during Grace McAlister .will play the re­ to wing the pigskin all over the sta­ 1 Requests for necessary supplies the Christmas Seal drive on Novem­ tiring but ·amiable redhead, Leo­ dium when they meet the Rainbows will have to go through channels­ Bishop Kennedy ber 18-27. T.his is $596.64 more than nora Flske. Zella Argenbright is to December 7th. from the instructor to the U .H. vet­ the 1945 contribution and $484.64 be Ellen Creed, the housekeeper. erans counsellor to the bookstore For eight consecutive weeks the Guest Speaker more than the amount collected in Louisa and Emily 'Creed, the men­ manager, the vets were told. Convocation for Thanksgiving air-minded Wolf-Pack has led the 1944. tally deficient sisters, are' Arlene "The law states that veterans are was held at 11: 30 a.m. in Farring­ The drive this year was conduct­ Iciin and Juanita Stephen. Betty to be issued 'necessary books, sup­ ton hall last Wednesday. Guest There will be pep rallies tomor· ed by the Teacher's College Club Chapson is the coy· housemaid. Her plies and equipment as are custom­ speaker was Bishop Harry S. Ken­ row and Thursday at Farrington and the response, according to slick boy friend Albert is Tom arily required of other students pur­ nedy. hall from 12:30 to 1 :OO p.m. health committee chairman Michi­ Evans. The ecclesiastical influence suing the same or comparable stu­ Presentation of the White Gifts ko Nagao, was good. Money for six­ of Sister Theresa is Ruby Lum. nation in pass offense. Latest fig­ dies,'" said Dr. Leebrick, veterans ·was made to Mrs. Alberta Lee, ty-five per cent of the total number This thriller is to be presented ures from the nationaJ collegiate counsellor. agent of the City and County De­ of seals sent out was handed in. January 8-11 in Farr~ngton hall. athletic bureau show Nevada is "The statement is general and the partment of Public Welfare, by The contribution will be used by .AU those who are willing to work practically a shoo-m for the 1946 V.A. leaves it up to the institution, ASUH president Wadsworth Yee, the Hawaiian Tuberculo!!liS Associa­ backstage on makeup, costumes, honors-unless the Rainbows of Ha­ and the institution to the bookstore. representing the student body. tion to combat tuberculosis in the JlroperUes, or scenery, on _bµsiness waii completely bottle up the Reno Here, veterans are issued certain The UH A-Capella choir directed territory by caring for the ill, edu­ or PUblicity are urged to sign up on aerial offensive. books and supplies at the beginning by Professor Norman D. Rian, made cating the public on the prevention the bulletin board in Farrington Almost 200 yards per game-198.1 of the year and any subsequent its debut at that time, offering "God hau.
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