MusruuD & Vrvrnrun CoNsERVATToN TheNewsletter of theIUCN/SSC Mustelid& ViverridSpecialist Group Number2 April1990 :l':.. & Europeanmink (Mustela tutreota). photo by VainoSilm & Tiit Maran. withthe support ollhe "Roval zoological societv otAntwerp", Ilfr:'.I'r"i,;,fiiro'uced Mustelid & Viverrid Conservation The Newsletterof the IUCN/SSCMustelid & Vivenid SpecialistGroup. Editor-in-chief: HarryVan Rompaey, Edegem, Belgium Editors: MichaelRiffel, Karlsdorf,FRG Amd Schreiber,Heidelberg, FRG RolandWirth. Miinchen.FRG Theviews expressed in this Newsletterare those of theauthors and do not necessarilyreflect those ofthe IUCN, nor the IUCN/SSCMusrelid & Vivenid SpecialistGroup. a We are particularlygruteful to Walter Rasmussenfor readingthe manuscripts and improving the English style. The aim of this Newsletteris to offer the membersof the IUCN/SSC M&VSG, and thosewho are concemedwith mustelidsorhnd viverrids, briefpapers, news items,abstmcts, and titles ofrecent literature. All readersare invited to sendmaterial to: Mustelid & Viverrid Conservation c/o Dr. H. Van Rompaey Jan Verbertlei,l5 2520Edegem Belgium (Martes Fisher pennanti): Bitth, growth and development in captivity Tom LaBARGE,Alan BAKERand Don MOORE Introduction k'ls wercgrowing fnsr, and rhcjr fur cotorwas tight silvery gray. Aroundday 21. rhekits begaDro changccotor to a dark The North brown. Amcrican Fisher(Ma esrcn anti) is to\untl;ln mosllyaround their heads ard underpans. rhe Canadianand Transirionl,ita Zones.bur its oriSinatsouthem range has b.en reducedby overharvestand other anlhropogcnic lrcr{'s (Strickland e1 .l/.. 1983).Trrnstocrtions ot hundredsof Tablc l. Recordedweighrs (grans) oi 2.r Fisherkits fishe. ro supplcnrentdepresscd poputrrions t,uve ( ar rheBumet Park Zoo, Syracuse.N.y. t989 rhc lg30's and are rcviewcd by Bcrg 9t3t). AGE Male Male We hrle workedwith rhcse animats in caprivitysincc 1986 #M89016 #M89017 #M89018 rnd hrvc fend thenrro bc a chaltengjngspccjes. Ahhough relarivclycommon now throughoullnos( ot ils js range.ihc fisher l4 40ti.5 381.5 362.5 .arely exhibited and is difticult lo breed in crplivity rhe last 35 408.7 375.5 356.l caftive'brcd and bom fislers we.e rerordedi,r lhe tite.aturcin the l6 420.O 384.5 36tt.0 Itl20s (tlodgson. 1925).However, rherexre a i.cw fishcr which 31 444.5 40:t.5 368.t) claim rhestatus of'captive born'by viftrrcotrhe tact thatsome witd 38 159.9 4t].3 393.7 caughtIemales anived in captjvity p.cgnanl.\,! c were rorlunarcro 39 419.9 4:t4.1 407.0 ncquirea pregnantfcmale in January 1989and we srbsequcnlty 40 504.8 459.0 427.O hadone ofthe few Iilrersoffishen bom jn capljvity in.ony y"o.r. 4l 502.5 .160.0 429.'7 12 5t9.5 413.O 44t.5 Parturirionhas beenpreviously recorded from tareFebrn 4.1 522.1) 11't.1 147.0 afy throu8h early April; tirter size is I ,l with a mcan 01 2.7 534.5 1t9.s 457.9 lcoulter. 1966).On March 15, j986 our wild caughrf€male gave 45 519.9 498.5 460.0 birth 1()ltwo male andone iemalekirs in a remolc,quiel areaot.our 4'1 549.0 527.0 466.0 tllcilily. The decisionwas madeto removethe kits larertbr hand- 48 576.5 54:1.5 479.O rerrurg rn order ro sociatjzelhcm ro humans,with lhe hope thar 49 588.0 555.5 486.0 hrnd rearcd fishe. may be calmer in captivjry. ihe.erbre breed 50 5ri.l.5 559.0 496.5 successlullyrhere. The fbltowing notessummarize rhegrowth and 5l 602.5 564.5 515.0 Jf\elotmenri,ithe,c hrnd.rcared,ndivrdurt\ 55 680.0 635.0 '730.0 570.0 51 679.0 605.0 '716.O (;rowthand development 815.0 61't.0 6l 903.0 u41.O '732.t) Coulter ( t966) detaitedlhe growih and dcvetopment ofhis 65 919.O 897.0 776.O threemother raisedfisher, born in clprivity March jrd. Newbom 6lt 1087.0 l{)17.0 u'74.O lr\her are allricial. sparsely-hajredand weigh tess rhan40 grams. 10 ||75.0 t089.0 9l t.0 I hf nrotherreared young grnr abour 5- 10 g p€r day, so rhaaby4t) 72 r240.0 | 116.0 dr\\ ol ige they.houldweighabout 980.0 220g icf. ouranjmals,which 16 1338.0 1349.{) scNhed 16(1,+10g jd, t076.0 on day Tabte l). The young srarred 78 t443.0 .tu$lmg t37 7.0 n42.O rr rhe eight weeki thcir eyes openedar 53 days. They 82 qere qalkjng 1590.0 1530.0 1220.0 at 63 dnys,and climbing al age70days. The dam djd nor gNe lhe youngmenr un1il62 days. al which time rhedecjduous c.n'ne teeth had erupled. Nursing conlinued unril day 1l4i rhe gain/day x=24.68 x=2:.99 x = l'7.9 C \oung wcr€ 124dnys otd beforc they coutd eftecrivetyki prey. L'r.mares were lery aggressivewhen competingfor foort (ioul r.r. 1966).Coulter was as careful about handljng his lifter as we q.re. At 3.1days. thc dam was separaredfrom the kirs. which due to the gred probabterisk that an adult mustetidwjltkitl werc pulled litr hand-rearing.During hand_rearjng.ihe kits were o. xhrndonher lirter it ir is handted:his kits were not handledunlil $eighcd dJ'l) ar 8ur n ujng a rripte_belnrmer,,c brt!nce. rlr(,rrlTth dny,rnd his early wcighl dar! comcstion ocaoneonares werfnr gdrn rtonc I, n.,l |l(ci,\rrjt) rn rcr,rrre Indi{dtn,nol sh.lp.d 1ncaplivily. However,Coutteis and ournesr boxes wcre developmenr(thnr is, body weight may increase,but tess.apidty lrr.lreed such thnr we could monilor or obsclve neonaEswflh rhanrelarive b(xly length increase:rhe resutl is a rcat loss in bo<ty mrnrnrl disiurbanc€ro rhe danr. condition). NoDerheless.bngrc.m weight moniloring provided us wrth an accurare measure of growth: body condirjon was For rhc firut threedays, our dam s nestboxwas not checked assesscdsubjectively based on our co ecrivc fl .illi monitoring ,,haby experjencewith of neonareswas by ljsteoing lbr faint other neonaremammrts. nfi..s (\hon. high,pirchedc.ies as in domesrickiucns). Wc firsr ch.elfd lhe kits visually on day 4l ljke Coullers, at rhal timc rhey Ar 34 days. lorat tengrhof the kils was 34 36 u.re bljnd, approximarely cm. Lengrh 8 t0 cm in lengrhand coveredwith a measuremenhwere djsconrjnued \.r\ earty becruseol rhedifti.ulry of rhrncoat o{ light gra) hair. By w€ek 2. we observedthal the keeping thesc activc animatsresrrained (Coulter atso noted rhat nutrilionduring (he period of socializationwith humans. On April l8,the llsherkhswcrcremovedforhand rcaring. Esbilac,acommoDly usedbirch s mill rcphcenrcnt.wnschosen as thc iornrula. In our ljtcraturc searchwe haven'tconre acrossany publishedmilk composnionanalysis lbr llsher,bul Esbilacclo!ely resemtte! rhe conrposirbn in protein/ca.bohydrnte/lalcorlent titr Ihc lc(cl (Musttlu putt\rrs i(mra /n,?), a well krrown mustelid species(Border, Inc. rcchnjcalstaff, pers.connn.). Table I gives a summaryol lhe feedingrecord lb. one of lhe han(l rcarcdlisher kns (malc#Mlt90l6). Rubbmg rhemalregion with a paperrovr'el soaked in warm war€rproved$rllicicntto slimularedelccrtionand urinalion in lhe kils. This procedurewns peribnned alrer ench feeding unril the animals were .rhlc to defecateon their own. InLroductionof the animds to lhe lnilk replacer fonnula Fig. I ThreeFisher {Ma r'l?r p?r/rdrrl) kils agedca. :15 dlys. Thc was with a 6cc syringeil rhekits refuled ap€t nurscrbolrle. Soon, eyesa,estill closed. PhotoB mer ParkZoo. Syrrcuse. NY. however.we were usine a Four l'aws lret Nurserbotrle and Dipl,le lo suckle rhc kits. Boxles we'e cleaned.washed aDd sleriliz€d atterd{y 6ll his weighlneasuremenls were disruptcd dnd finally belweenteedings. Milk was madcfrcshdrily r(' prcventfcedins of diiconlinueddue ro the exciremenland slrcssthlt acconrp,rniednlilk contaminared\r'ilh bactcria. aoytonn ol physical or mcchrnic,rl reslrainl ofyoumS fishers). We did lakeheart girlh measuremenh on our kits lbra while(Table 2). The tlrsl solid lbod givcn was a $upy mixturc ol Esbilac .,nJ,r'rin,drhr,kenhJhylood \ efedrhi\rnr\rurernin.rea\rng Wc felt t{nth eruptionin lhekils at day 40. when premolrrs lmounls unlil. nearwearing date.we mixed in a snull amountol b.ganro show.I hedeciduous canines stnrted lo eruplal lhc samc NcbmskaBrandCannrcDiet(acoarsely ground,wholehorsemear rime,bul wcrenol iully eruptednnrilday 50 or so. mix) ro rhc solid food mix. All solid food given wls pre heated10 human slin lemperalureuntil the kits were weaned. Dateof eye openirgwas very variableir our kits. M.rlc "post-weaoed #M89017had openedcycs al 4lt daysol a8e(Fig.2). Male F.om the age of 3,1-82days (12 days ), our #MU9016,largesl of thelitter. opened both eyes nt day5.1. Fenrale hand rclred kiLs giined an averageof 17.9 g (ltmrlc) t{) 24.6 g #M890lUopened hef eyesor day 55. This is closeto rhedrr:r (male) pcr day (Table l). Coullers recordedgains ior days 40 presenledby Coullef( 1966)and Powell( 1982). who indic(ed cyc rhrough 6tl were 8.4 and 10.5g/day tor nrother-rearedkits (both openingar ,1853 drys. lenlales).()uf kits conlinucde{ling r brby tbod/caninediel mixru.c for rhree t{'eeksxtier weaning. Then. thcy w.rc given Mostolourrcsulls lrc consistcnlwith Coulter's. Hou,ever. carin€ diet wirh !nltn)in supplemenl.The dier wrs rlso occasion- he indicatedthat sexualdnnorphism in body sirc may not bc ally supplenented wilh sm.rll an unts of hard-boiledegg and app rent until atlef the fourth month. We noriceda nurked chopped he|rrDg. relalivesize ditterence belween our nrales and lemrle al agethrec monrhstwe leel lhis mry be whengrowth .ale chrnges dramali cradually the dict was changed ro iDclude incrensing cally( Tablel). At age6 nronlhs.lhenrales weighed 4.:l and.1.5 a'nountofl:ishc.Chow mixed into the honemeat.FisherChow is lg eachithe ttm.rle weighed 2.5 kg. wikl caughtaduhs weigh 3.5 a 50:50 nrixrureof Big Red Crr Chow and Ris€ floating Fish Diel 5.5kg (lnales)and 2.(l2.5 (L,nales): lheif body length is 90-120 madc to simula(econnnerciai mirk chow.
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