BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKS WITH COLOR IN TITLE FICTION: ADULT, LARGE PRINT, AND YOUNG ADULT MYS ALB Albert, Susan Wittig. Blood orange : a China Bayles mystery 19532 MYS PAR Atkins, Ace, Little white lies 21004 MYS PAR Atkins, Ace, Robert B. Parker's old black magic 22179 YA AVE Aveyard, Victoria, Red queen 20912 FIC BAL Baldacci, David. True blue 12689 MYS BEN Benn, James R. The white ghost 19296 MYS BEN Benn, James R., Blue Madonna 20061 LPN BLO Bloom, Amy, White houses : a novel 21940 FIC BOH Bohjalian, Chris, The red lotus : a novel 23908 FIC BOX Box, C. J. Blue heaven 2260 MYS BOY Boyle, Gerry, Port City black and white : a Brandon 4174 Blake mystery FIC BRA Bracht, Mary Lynn, White chrysanthemum 21812 FIC BRO Brooks, Terry, The black elfstone : the fall of 21223 Shannara FIC BRO Brown, Sandra White Hot. 6742 FIC BRO Brown, Sandra, Seeing red 21357 MYS BRU Bruce, Alison. Cambridge blue 4025 LPN BRU Brunstetter, Wanda E. White Christmas pie 1197 FIC BUR Burke, James Lee, Black cherry blues 5565 FIC BUR Burke, James Lee, Purple cane road : a novel 10545 FIC CHI Child, Lee, Blue moon : a Jack Reacher novel 23443 MYS CHR Christie, Agatha, The mystery of the Blue Train : a 8727 Hercule Poirot mystery FIC CLA Clancy, Tom, The hunt for Red October 3932 LPN CLA Clark, Mary Higgins, All dressed in white : an Under 8565 suspicion novel FIC CLA Clark, Mary Higgins. Two little girls in blue 7250 FIC CLE Cleeves, Ann. Raven black 5112 FIC CON Connelly, Michael, The black box : a novel 8404 FIC CON Connelly, Michael, The black echo 22219 MYS COO Cooper, Marilinne. Blue Moon 18458 MYS COR Cornwell, Patricia. Red mist. 12918 FIC CRA Crane, Stephen, The red badge of courage 23002 FIC CUS Cussler, Clive. Spartan gold 15827 FIC CUS Cussler, Clive. White death : a novel from the NUMA 12397 files FIC DEL De los Santos, Marisa, I'll be your blue sky 22061 BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKS WITH COLOR IN TITLE FIC DEM DeMille, Nelson. The gold coast 5838 FIC DIA Diamant, Anita. The red tent 9818 FIC DRA Drabble, Margaret, The realms of gold 2086 FIC EDW Edwards, Eldonna. Clover Blue. 23053 FIC EVA Evans, Justin. The white devil : a novel 6787 FIC FER Fergus, Jim. One thousand white women : the 20379 journals of May Dodd FIC FIT Fitch, Janet, Paint it black : a novel 16144 FIC FIT Fitch, Janet, White oleander : a novel 10072 FIC FLA Flagg, Fannie. Fried green tomatoes at the Whistle 5200 Stop Cafe FIC GAL Galbraith, Robert, Lethal white 22521 FIC GAR Gardiner, Meg, Into the black nowhere 21815 FIC GEA Gear, Kathleen O'Neal. People of the Black Sun : a people of 17926 the Longhouse novel FIC GEO George, Elizabeth, Careless in red : a novel 6555 FIC GRA Graham, Heather, Fade to black 22150 FIC GRA Graham-Felsen, Sam, Green : A Novel 22009 FIC GRE Greaney, Mark, Red metal 23161 FIC GRE Gregory, Philippa The white princess 16620 FIC GRE Gregory, Philippa. The white queen 12583 MYS GRI Griffiths, Elly, The woman in blue : a Ruth Galloway 22952 mystery MYS GRI Grimes, Martha. The black cat : a Richard Jury mystery 6428 MYS GRI Grimes, Martha. The blue last : a Richard Jury mystery 11521 FIC HAW Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The great stone face : and other tales 22791 of the White Mountains FIC HEM Hemingway, Ernest, Green hills of Africa. 1952 FIC HEN Henstra, Sarah, The red word 22072 FIC HIL Hilderbrand, Elin. Silver girl : a novel 8219 FIC HIL Hilderbrand, Elin. The Blue Bistro 2039 FIC HIL Hill, Susan, The woman in black 13547 FIC HOF Hoffman, Alice. Blue diary 11360 FIC HOF Hoffman, Alice. The red garden 11832 FIC HOL Holm, Chris F., Red right hand 20177 FIC HOO Hood, Ann, The red thread : a novel 6754 MYS KIN King, Laurie R., Riviera gold : a novel of suspense 24096 featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes FIC KIN King, Stephen, The green mile 10528 FIC KRE Krentz, Jayne Ann White lies 1135 BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKS WITH COLOR IN TITLE MYS KRU Krueger, William Kent. Red Knife : a Cork O'Connor mystery 10733 YA LEW Lewis, C. S. The silver chair 14041 FIC LLO Lloyd, Heather, My name is Venus Black : a novel 21891 FIC LON London, Jack, The call of the wild, White Fang, and 23001 other stories YA LOW Lowry, Lois. Gathering blue 13923 FIC LUN Lundberg, Sofia, The red address book 7348 FIC MAC Macomber, Debbie. Silver linings : a Rose Harbor novel 19164 FIC MAH Maher, Kerri, The girl in white gloves : a novel of 23850 Grace Kelly MYS MAS Mason, K. D. Black schooner 20347 FIC MAT Matthews, Jason, Red sparrow : a novel 19291 MYS MAY C.1 Mayor, Archer. Red herring : a Joe Gunther novel 10311 FIC FLY Mills, Kyle, Red war : a Mitch Rapp novel 22460 FIC MIN Mina, Denise. The red road : a novel 7988 FIC MOY Moyes, Jojo, Silver Bay : a novel 18348 YA PAI Paige, D. M., Yellow brick war 7897 LPN PAL Palmer, Diana. The wedding in white 16348 FIC PAM Pamuk, Orhan, My name is Red 8607 MYS PAR Parker, Robert B., Blue screen 13982 FIC PAR Parker, Robert B., Blue-eyed devil 6825 FIC PAR Parker, T. Jefferson, The room of white fire : a novel 21398 FIC PAR Parker, T. Jefferson. Black water 11727 FIC PAT Patterson, James, NYPD Red 6003 FIC PAT Patterson, James, NYPD red 2 17272 LPN PAT Patterson, James, NYPD red 3 18644 FIC PAT Patterson, James, NYPD Red 4 8419 LPN PAT Patterson, James, Red alert 22104 FIC PAT Patterson, James, The black book 20838 MYS AMI Penney, Elizabeth, Humble pies and white lies 21383 MYS PET Peters, Joe Code Black 19598 LPN PET Peterson, Tracie, Rivers of gold 19789 MYS PIC Pickard, Nancy. Blue corn murders : a Eugenia Potter 9567 mystery FIC PRE Preston, Douglas J. Blue labyrinth 18205 FIC PRE Preston, Douglas J. White fire 16998 FIC QUI Quindlen, Anna. Black and blue : a novel 9192 YA RAW Rawls, Wilson. Where the red fern grows : the story 15843 of two dogs and a boy with Connections BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKS WITH COLOR IN TITLE FIC REA Read, Miss. At home in Thrush Green 4599 FIC RED Redick, Robert V. S. The red wolf conspiracy 10100 FIC ROB Robards, Karen, The Black Swan of Paris 24122 FIC ROB Roberts, Nora. Black Hills 10882 LPN ROB Roberts, Nora. Black rose 6593 LPN ROB Roberts, Nora. Blue dahlia 10860 FIC ROB Roberts, Nora. Blue smoke 12100 LPN ROB Roberts, Nora. Red lily 7867 LPN ROB Roberts, Nora. Vision in white 10102 LPN ROO Roosevelt, Elliott, Murder in the Blue Room 1117 FIC ROT Rotert, Rebecca, Last night at the blue angel 17656 YA SCH Schumacher, Julie, Black box : a novel 4954 MYS SHE Sherman, Steve, The White Mountain murders 5397 FIC SIL Silva, Daniel, The black widow 19781 FIC SLA Slaughter, Karin, Cleaning the gold : a Jack Reacher and 23783 Will Trent short story FIC SMI Smith, Martin Cruz, Red Square 6913 FIC STA Standiford, Les. Black Mountain 10326 FIC STE Steel, Danielle. Blue : a novel 8482 FIC STE Steinbeck, John, The red pony 12962 YA STI Stiefvater, Maggie, Blue Lily, Lily Blue 18042 FIC THO Thor, Brad. Black list : a thriller 14778 FIC THO Thor, Brad. Full black : a thriller 11816 MYS TOD Todd, Charles, The black ascot 7379 MYS TOD Todd, Charles. The red door 2386 LPN TYL Tyler, Anne, A spool of blue thread : a novel 18542 FIC WAL Walker, Alice, The color purple 7491 FIC WAL Walls, Jeannette. The silver star : a novel 16528 FIC WHI White, Randy Wayne, Deep blue 19513 .
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