1 Publications in Egyptology 2007 Based on monthly accessions of the Sackler Library in Oxford, created by Diane Bergman (Griffith Librarian, Sackler Library). This list has been prepared by Jaromir Malek (of the Topographical Bibliography, Griffith Institute) 25 Ans de découvertes archéologiques sur les chantiers de l'IFAO, 1981-2006 : exposition au Musée Égyptien, Le Caire, 9 Septembre-13 Octobre 2007 Bibliothèque générale (Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire) 31 Le Caire : Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2007. 9782724704709 ; 2724704703 Adams, C. E. P. (Colin E. P.) Land transport in Roman Egypt: a study of economics and administration in a Roman province Oxford classical monographs Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 9780199203970 (hbk.); 0199203970 (hbk.) Adams, Matthew Douglas Community and society in Egypt in the First Intermediate Period: An archaeological investigation of the Abydos settlement site Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Pennsylvania: 2005 Adrom, Faried Die Lehre des Amenemhet Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca 19 Turnhout : Brepols Publishers, 2006. 9782503521008 (pbk.) ; 2503521002 (pbk.) Ägyptische Mumien : Unsterblichkeit im Land der Pharaonen ; Grosse Landesausstellung Baden- Würtemberg, [6. Oktober 2007 bis 24. März 2008] Mainz : Von Zabern, 2007. 9783805337786 (book trade edition : hd.bd.) ; 3805337787 (book trade edition : hd.bd.) Al-Ayedi, Abdul Rahman Index of the Egyptian administrative, religious and military titles of the New Kingdom Ismailia: Obelisk Publications, 2006. 9771730142. Allard Pierson Museum (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Objects for eternity: Egyptian antiquities from the W. Arnold Meijer Collection; [Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, Archeologisch Museum der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 17 November 2006-25 March 2007] Mainz: Von Zabern, 2006. 3805336519 (hd.bd.) 2 Assmann, Jan Erinnertes Ägypten : pharaonische Motive in der europäischen Religions- und Geistesgeschichte Kulturwissenschaftliche Interventionen 6 Berlin : Kadmos, 2006. 9783931659905 (hd.bd.) ; 3931659909 (hd.bd.) Bagnall, Roger S. Egypt in the Byzantine world, 300- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007 9780521871372 (hc.) Bahrami, Beebe The radical and the restorer Offprint from: Pennsylvania Gazette, v. 105, no. 3, Jan.-Feb., 2007 (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania) p. 44-50. Baines, John, 1946- Visual and written culture in ancient Egypt Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007 9780198152507 (hc.) ; 0198152507 (hc.) Baqué Manzano, Lucas Los colosos del dios Min en el templo de Coptos Thesis Aegyptiaca 2 Barcelona: Mizar, 2004 Barca, Natale Sovrani egizi predinastici Seshat (Turin, Italy) Torino (Italy) : Ananke, c2006. 8873251331 ; 9788873251330 Bard, Kathryn A. An introduction to the archaeology of Ancient Egypt 9781405111492 (hbk.) ; 1405111496 (hbk.) ; 9781405111485 (pbk.) ; Oxford : Blackwell, 2008. 1405111488 (pbk.) Baum, Nathalie Le temple d'Edfou : à la découverte du Grand Siège de Rê-Harakhty Champollion Monaco : Rocher, c2007. 9782268057958 (pbk.) ; 226805795X (pbk.) Bauschatz, John, 1975- Policing the chôra: law enforcement in Ptolemaic Egypt Thesis (Ph. D.)--Duke University, 2005. 2005. 3 Bednarski, Andrew. Holding Egypt : tracing the reception of the 'Description de l'Egypte’ in nineteenth-century Great Britain Egyptology (London, England) ; 3 London : Golden House, 2005 0955025605 Begegnung mit der Vergangenheit : 100 Jahre in Ägypten ; Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo 1907-2007 Mainz : Von Zabern, 2007. 9783805337939 (hd.bd.) ; 3805337930 (hd.bd.) Bingen, Jean. Hellenistic Egypt: monarchy, society, economy, culture Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2007. 9780748615780; 9780748615797 (pbk.) Blyth, Elizabeth. Karnak : evolution of a temple London : Routledge, 2006. 9780415404860 ; 041540486X ; 9780415404877 (pbk.) ; 0415404878 (pbk.) Borghouts, J. F. Book of the Dead (39) : from shouting to structure Studien zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch 10 Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2007. 9783447052283 (pbk.) ; 3447052287 (pbk.) Burgos, Franck La chapelle rouge : le sanctuaire de barque d'Hatshepsout Paris : Culturesfrance, éditions recherche sur les civilisations, 2006- 9782865383009 (v. 1) ; 2865383008 (v. 1) Butterweck-Abdelrahim, Kirsten, 1962- Untersuchung zur Ehrung verdienter Beamter Aegyptiaca Monasteriensia 3 Aachen : Shaker, 2002. 3832204636 (pbk.) Bresciani, Edda Igiene e bellezza nell'antico Egitto Sansepolcro (Arezzo): Aboca museum, 2005. Bumazhnov, Dmitrij, 1967- Der Mensch als Gottes Bild im christlichen ägypten: Studien zu Gen 1,26 in zwei koptischen Quellen des 4.-5. Jahrhunderts Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 34 Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006. 3161486587 (pbk.); 9783161486586 (pbk.) 4 Burton, Harry, 1879-1940. Tutankhamun's tomb: the thrill of discovery New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2006. 1588391892 (hc: Metropolitan Museum of Art); 0300120265 (hc: Yale University Press); 9780300120264 Campagno, Marcelo Estudios sobre parentesco y Estado en el Antiguo Egipto Colección Razón política 10 Buenos Aires Del Signo 2006. 9871074379; 9789871074372. Cappers, Renée T. J. Roman foodprints at Berenike : archaeobotanical evidence of subsistence and trade in the eastern desert of Berenike report ; 6 Monograph (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA) ; 55. Los Angeles, Calif. : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, 2006 1931745277 (hc.) ; 1931745269 (pbk.) Carnevali, Gilda Egitto a Roma : obelischi : libri e stampe dal fondo antico della Biblioteca : catalogo della mostra, Biblioteca della Camera dei deputati, 4 maggio-4 giugno 2004 Roma : Camera dei deputati, c2004. Cauville, Sylvie. Dendara ; 5-6 Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta ; 131-132 Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, 9042914008 (t.5-6, v.1, Belgium) ; 2877237621 (t.5-6, v.1, France); 9042914017 (t.5-6, v.2, Belgium) ; 287723763X (t.5-6, v.2, France) Central European Conference of Young Egyptologists (2nd : 2001 : Warsaw, Poland) Proceedings of the First Central European Conference of Young Egyptologists : Egypt 2001 : perspectives of research, Warsaw 5-7 March 2001 Swiatowit. Supplement series E, Egyptology ; 4 Warsaw : Institute of Achaeology, Warsaw University, 2003. 8387496766 Cherpion, Nadine Le tombeau de Petosiris a Touna el-Gebel : rélève photographique BiGen 27 Le Caire : Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2007. 9782724704266 ; 2724704266 Choat, Malcolm. Belief and cult in fourth-century Studia antiqua australiensia ; 1 2503513271 (pbk.) Turnhout : Sydney : Brepols ; Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, 2006. 5 Congresso internazionale italo-egiziano (4th: 1998: Kharga, Egypt: Oasis) The culture of the oasis from the [sic] Antiquity to the modern age: El Kharga 22-27 October 1998 Il Cairo: Istituto Italiano di Cultura-Il Cairo, [2001?] Costa i Llerda, Salvador Las representaciones del rey recibiendo los jubileos en los templos tebanos de epoca ramesida Barcelona : Mizar, 2004. Craven, L. J. (Lydia Jennie), b. 1888 Aboudi : man of Luxor Mere : Ladymead, 1984 095095490X Curran, Brian A. (Brian Anthony), 1953- The Egyptian renaissance : the afterlife of ancient Egypt in early modern Italy Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 2007 9780226128931 ; 0226128938 (hc.) Current Research in Egyptology Symposium (6th : 2005 : University of Cambridge) Current research in Egyptology 2005 : proceedings of the sixth annual symposium which took place at the University of Cambridge, 6-8 January 2005 Oxford : Oxbow, c2007. 9781842172292 (pbk.) ; 1842172298 (pbk.) Current Research in Egyptology Symposium. (7th : 2006 : University of Oxford) Current research in Egyptology 2006 : proceedings of the seventh annual symposium Oxford : Oxbow, 2007. 9781842172629 (pbk.) ; 184217262X (pbk.) Donadoni, Sergio L'Egitto dall'epoca tarda al periodo tolemaico, 1. ed. italiana nella collana EDM. Enciclopedia del Mediterraneo (Milan, Italy) 34 Milano : Jaca book : WIDE, 2005. 881643634497 ; 88816436343. Davies, Sue, 1954- The sacred animal necropolis at North Saqqara : the Mother of Apis and Baboon catacombs ; the Archaeological Excavation memoir ; 76 0856981729 (hc.) London : Egypt Exploration Society, 2006 Day, Jasmine. The mummy's curse: mummymania in the English-speaking world London: Routledge, 2006 9780415340212 (hbk.); 0415340217 (hbk.); 9780415340229 (pbk.); 0415340225 (pbk.); 9780203462867 (ebk.); 0203462866 (ebk.) Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich: Methodik und Interpretation: Beiträge Internet-Beiträge zur Aegyptologie und Sudanarchäaeologie; 6 London: Golden House Publications, 2006 0955025680 6 Der ägyptische Hof des Neuen Reiches: seine Gesellschaft und Kultur im Spannungsfeld zwischen Innen- und Aussenpolitik ; Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums vom 27.-29. Mai 2002 an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen ; 2 Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. 3447053240 (hd.bd.) Desplancques, Sophie L'institution du trésor en Egypte: des origines à la fin du Moyen Empire Les institutions dans l'Egypte ancienne Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, c2006 2840504510 (pbk.); 9782840504511 (pbk.) Diego Espinel, Andrés Etnicidad y territorio en el Egipto del Reino Antiguo Aula Aegyptiaca. Studia; 6 Bellaterra: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 2006. Dunand, Françoise. Mummies and death in Egypt 9780801444722 (hc.); 0801444721 (hc.) Ithaca, N.Y.; London: Cornell University Press, 2006. Einaudi, Silvia L'enigma di Harwa: alla scoperta di un capolavoro del rinascimento egizio Milano, Italy: Anthelios, c2004. 8883940261. Dunand,
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