GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF THE BROWNE FAMILY OF CAVERSWALL AND SHREDICOTE, CO. STAFFORD; BENTLEY HALL, CO. DERBY;· GREENFORD, CO. ~IIDDLESEX; WITHINGTON AND CAUGHLEY, CO. SALOP; · ALSO OF THE PEPLOE FAMILY OF GARNSTONE, CO. HEREFORD. COMPILED BY LONDON: MITCIIELL AND HUGI-IES, 140 W.A.RDOUR STREET, W. 1888. @c11ealogttal jltlcmotr~ of tbt lSro\uttt jfantil!'. 11\t~ ~tlltgrtt of l6ro\u11t ~t11talog'-?. A Thomas Browne of Caverswa.11, co. Stafford.,-l\1a1·gery .... A I I 1 I I B ·william, of Oaverswall.TElizabetb. James. Richard. Ralph, of Caverswall.TMaric Porter, B -,------,---,--,-~,--~,----,I I I I I I I I I I C 1. Thomn.s,,Apollonin. 1. Joyce, 2. Anne, 3. Elizabeth, 4. Marie, 5, Margerie1 2. John. 1. Ralph,,=Dorothy. 1. Margcric, 2. Marie. C of Shredi- Southaickc. - - of Cavers- cote and 1. Porter. \\Tethering. Lees. Bridgwood. Goodanter. 3. Ralph. wall. Moreton 3. Marie. Bentley. 2. Browne. (DUCIE). 6. Alice,= 4. "\Villiam. 4. Grace. Healy. 5, Thomas. I I I I I I I I I I D 2. George,,Anne I. 1'homn.s. 5. Edward. 4. Edmund,TDorothy 1. Mary,=Stury. 2. Apollonia. 1. Ralph, of::f=Joyce . 1. Dorothy. D of 8hredi- Skrym- of Bentley. Vernon, Cavers wall. cote. shire. 3. "\-Villiam. 6. Francis. I I I I I I I I I I I E 1. Ralph. 3. John. I. EHzabeth. 8, Jane, 4. Marie, 5. Anne. 6. Joyce, 7. Abigail, 8. Sarah, E 2. Ralph. 2. Dorothy. Langley. Clowes. Howe. Rmith. Launder. I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . E I. Thomas,1 1. Mary 2. George, 1. A polloma. 5. George, 3. \Villiam. 11. Richard. 3. Dorothy, I. ·rhomas,,=Grace 4. Rupcrt,=r=S1hyll E of Cai·r. of Bentley. Crofts. of London "\Vyrley. Sbredi- :Mary 2. Margaret. Elizabeth. 6. John. 12. Edward. Musgrave. and Green• cote. ,v ickstead. X ford. X 3. Elizabeth, 7. Charles. 18. Benjamin. 4. Margaret, 2. Mary 2. Edmund, Stanley. Phillips. 8. Walter. 1. Ma1·y. Barnsley. Elizabeth. 4-. l\Iary, X 9. Philip. 2. Apollonia. 5. Elizabeth. Dickenson. IO. J\'.lark. .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F 1. George. 2. James. 3. John, I. Anne, I. Thomas,,Alice 1. Grace. 2. Rupert,,Sibyll (2), l. Humfrey. 4. Mark. 1. Sibyl]. F ( Sold SHRED!- of Bentley. Simp- of Lon- 1st cousin. COTE 1711.) 4. William. Eleanor. (PEPLOE), son. don. 2. Rupert. i'i. Chnrlt'~. 3. Kuightlcr. X A B'I 3, Humfrey. -L Eliznbetl1. Al I I I I I I I G I. Rupert,::;=Eleanora 1. Grace. 2. Penelope, 1. Rupert. 2. ,villiam 3. C1·ofts. I. Sibyll. 2. Henrietta 3. Sibyll. 4. Knightley. 5. Matilda, G of Bentley. Corbet. - Frederick. Dorothea. Sudell. Bristow. I I I I I I I I I I H I. Tbomas.,Catherina 4. Edmund. 5. John. 6. James. 1. Eleanora. 3. Grace, 2. Rupert.,Mary 1. Rebecca,3. Rev. Corbet,T2. Jane H (Sold BENT- Yonge. I Charnels. Dixie.-,--- of \Vithington. Allen .. LNY 1749.) 2. Elizabeth. Alsop. ~ I I I I I I I I I -,. I 1. Thomas,,Elizabeth 5. J ames,1 Mary 3. Rupert,,M ary 6. Capt.-Rachacl 2. Charles, 1. Catherina 1. Elizabeth. 1. Rev. Corbet,,Sarah I of London. I,vedge. of Lon- Dalton. of Liver- ,vedge. John, Glegg. of With­ Yonge. of \Vithington. Dickin. don. pool. of St. ington. X Ives. 4. Corbet. 7. Edward Yonge. I I I I I J 1. Thomas,,Jane 1. Thomas Tansley, 1. Thomas Corbet, 1. Catberinc=r=Colonel ELSOM. 1. Corbet Rpencer,=,=1. l\iary Powell. J of London. , :Rutherford. of Liverpool. of St. Ives. Anne. ,+. of Withington. I 2. Anne Howells. X X X I I I I I I I I I I I K 1. Joseph,=;=Margaret 2. David. R. Tlunna.~,=;=8a1•rtl1, 4. Capt. 5. ,T ames,,E1izabeth 6. Capt.=;=CJara I. Eleanor, 3. Mary. 2. Jane,= K of New- Laing. of Hobart Spicer. Lindsay, of Gee- Craig. George. Style. - - CHERRINGTON. castle- I I . Town. of Gee- long. 1. Coatsworth. 5. Mary. - upon-Tyoe. ,+. long. ~ 2. \Villiams. 4. Marg~ret Bell, X - AUSTIY, I I I I I I I I I L I. Josnp k Laing=f=Marie 2. Thomas. 3. John, La,ing, 4. Lindsay. 1. JJia1·ga1•et Lain,g, 2. Jane, I. Gem•ge 2. Han·y Olive1 Sa1·al1, Emily L B1•01vne of Car- Antoinette of Sunderland. - - - R,utherfm·d B1·ow1w. C1·es.nvell. diff, rep' res. of Stephens. - 5. Frederick Banlta1rt. Fai?-ley. B1·01vne. family 1887. Fostm·. Montagu. I I M 1. Oorb et B1·mvne, and other issue. 1. Stanley 01·ess1vell B1•owne. M I I I I I I . I I I J 2. Thomas Dickin, 3. Rupert, of=;=Susannah 4. Ed11iu,nd,=Emma Pugh. 6. Charles 1. Emma. 2. Anne l\.Iaria. 3. Grace, 4. Julia, 5. Harriet. J of Wern. Sansaw. J Wood. Fleming. X ----,-1----1-------,,, Alexander. Roberson. K l. John. 1. Anne. 1. Dickin.,=2. Sa,ral1, E11wia Wood.=;=2. 1'Iille1·. K ~ ~ (Names printed in italics denote thm;e who are now living.) * * * The alpha.betical letters at sides of pedigree refer to the generation in the detailed genealogy. '8ttttalogtcal :fflt111oirs 011., THE BROWNE FAMILY. A. e1,omafj ~ro\u1tt of Caverswall, co. Stafford (bur. [in Caverswall Church 1 J\'I.I.J 7 Feb. 1562-3), mar. ]l(argery .... (bur. [in Caverswall Church, M.I.J 31 Jan. 1559-G0). Issue:- B. 1. William Browne. ( Vide irifra.) 2. James Browne (d..... ), legatee under his brother "\Villiam's will 1G02, who bequeathed him "yf he survive or overlyve n1e xls. in money." 3. Richard Browne (dead 1602), mentioned in his brother ,vnliam's will 1 H02 as having bequeathed legacies to his niece Joyce Browne. 4. Ralph Browne of Caverswall* (bur. [in Caverswall Church, l\LI.J 9 llay 1598), mar. ([at Caverswall] 10 Feb. 1562-3) l\ifarie Portert (bur. Lin Caverswall Church, lvI.I.J 7 April 1615). Issue:- C. 1. Ralph Browne of the lileere, parish of Oaverswallt (bapt. there 1 Ja11. 1562-3; bur. there, M.I., 26 April 1642). Held a "knight's fee" in Cavers wall. Coin pounded for ref using knighthood, and paid a fine of £10, temJ_J. Chas. I. Ex'or under his uncle "\Villian1 Browne's will 1602, mar. Dorothy . (bur. [in Caverswall Church, ]1.1. J 17 Aug. 1618). Issue:- D. 1. Ralph Bro:wne of the Meere and Oookshi1l,§ parish of Oaversw·all {bapt. there 14 July 1598 ; bur. there, iLL, 14 April 1670. :\Vill dated 9 Oct. 1669; codicil 7 April 1670; pr. [at Lich­ ·field] by nephew John Clowes, sole ex'or, 13 l\:Iay 1670. · Bequeathed xxxs. yearly for ever to the poor of Cavers wall, and a "present" of xs. yearly for ever to the Vicar of Cavers­ wall, in addition to legacies bequeathed by his son John Browne). !\f entioned in "\Villian1 Browne's will 1602 as '' godson Rauffe Browne my coze·nll Rauffe Browne's little * Neither will nor letters of administration are recorded at Lieb-field or Somerset House. t .\ note (i,n J.11S.) at the foot of p. 79, vo1. i., of a copy of Shaw's · Htaffordshire,' in the British )luseum, gives the following pedigree of Ralph Browne's ·wife, but which I haye been unable to corroborate : "William "'\Vhitehall,:M:ary, d. and cob. of John Hardwick of Bloxwich. Iof Lindley ( d. 1565). 1st, Robert Porter of Stallington.=Mary Whitehall.=,=2nd, Radulphus Browne of Caverswal1. I I ,villiam Browne de Shredicote." . t No wills at Lichfield for 164:2-3. § "Ralph Brmt,ne" was a tenant of certain lands in Dilhorne, near Caverswall, belonging to Richard Egerton, which were confiscated by the Commonwealth for ;, treason~· 4 l\ia.y 1654:.­ . Royalist Composition Papers 1 (1st Series, vol. xxiii., p. 673). ll As now designated, the relationship between \Villiam Browne and" Rau:ffe" Browne would he nephew, not cousin. See also will of Apollonia Brmvne, in which she calls her brother's child her cmu;in, instead of neplwrv. Shakespeare, in' Romeo and Juliet/ makes Lady Capulet,0n seeing the corpse of Tybalt, exclaim :- " Tybalt, my cousin! oh! my b1'otlier's aliild ! " 7 boye,'' who bequeathed him "one owe and a 1an1be.'' 1\1:ar. Joyce . (bur. [in Oaverswall Church, l\'.I.I. J 5 Feb. 1632-3). Issue :- E. 1. Ralph Browne (bapt. [at Oaverswall] 21 Feb. 1623; bur. there, l\1..I., 29 March 1625). 2. Ralph Browne (bapt. [at Oaver~wall] 8 April 1625 ; dead 1665; bur. there, M.I.), mar. Issue:- F. 1. Ralph Browne (under the age of 21 in 1669), legatee under his uncle John Browne's will 1G65, who bequeathed him £50 ; and legatee under his grand­ father's will 16G9, who bequeathed him "one silver watch, one silver boule, one silver gilded salt, six silver spoones, one clocke, one jacke." 3. John Browne of Cookshill, parish of Caverswall (bapt. th ere 11 l\iay 16 2 G ; d. unn1. ; bur. in Church there, l\f.I., 13 Dec. 1665, ret. 39. Will dated 24 Nov. 1665; pr. [at Lichfield] Hl l\Iay 1666 by his father and Alex­ ander How the ex'ors). Bequeathed £3 to the poor of Cavers wall yearly for ever, and xls. yearly to the vicar for preaching two sermons, one upon the anniversary of his burial (13 Dec.), and one upon St.
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