. · 1995 WflJ Publu::at1ono; Ro.ud, All R1gl'lt'> R<'sl"'rV(•d . " Suspects R·eviewed LD TiruRsDAY, OtroBER 12, 1995 GrOtips ,:with lounges Trustees '~o fall under scrutiny approve ' . BY MARY BETH FosTER you have to maintain minimum community stan­ :'.,PppCE BEAT. REPoRTER dards to retain your housing and yoqr lounge. To ·-,•.,· •' .' Shorty's use a trite expression; it's a privilege, riot a right," . A new review proce.dute designated by the Student Life · said Jack Wilkerson, chairman of the SLC. Committee may ni~an that lounge and block housing The review process was also designed to stan­ Bv J.l:iur.'TER TART spa.\=e for groups oil canipu~ ·will be harder to retain: dardize the system of lounge allocation and reallo­ AssociATE MANAGING EDITOR The SLC' s resolutipn, which went into effect this year~ cation, Wilkerson said. calls for lounge and l;llock housing allocation to be re­ "We want all of the 9rganizations to think that The plan to build a coffeehouse and viewed by the SLC every three years on the basis ofstich there's fairness in the system," Wilkerson said.. pub behind Palmer and Piccolo resi­ criteria as a group's judic_ial history, membership size and The ten criteria for the review process were dence halls received a nod from the longevity, community serviCe, contribution. to residence developed by an ad hoc committee that the SLC board of trustees during its general hall community, academic history and commitment to the created to study the issue. This committee included meeting Friday. int~llectual and culr,Ita!.life on campus. a total oftive student representatives, with one each Other issues discussed by the board .,. ~·r think what we wanted to do· was send a message­ from the Campus Ministry, the Interfraternity Coun­ include the conclusion of the Heri­ not'just to Greek groups, but to all the groups that have cil, the Panhellenic Council, the Resident Student tage and Promise Campaign, finan­ Io~nge space ... -that there is a clear expectation ·that See SLC, Page 3 cia.J aid, student respon·se to the Plan for the Class of 2000, the status of Greek life on campus, new security measures and grade inflation. $enior campaign kicks off Sophomore Joy Vermillion, the stu­ dent trustee, said, "The board is very, . ~· . ' . ~ ' . ' ' very interested in what is happening Bv cet, good pipes, a hot water heater ' theme this yeru:: is "The Promise .. l EMitY.B.i:EWE:R here on campus." NEWsCorY'EorioR and a paid bill. ~ikewise, a univer- For Tomorrow Begins Today," ·.'I According to Vermillion, the trust­ sity education needs i:noney from · each senior will be contacted and ees· seemed to understand why the · -})o you love to :take a long alumni to help it keep the water asked to make a pledge to contrib­ new coffeehouse and pub is needed shower? Doyoulovetogetsqueaky pumping. ·. · ute to the College Fund ;,ver the on campus, though she said some an¢ clean? Do you think it is sent by . As part of the \=ampaign, whqse course of two .years. trustees did express concerns about ,, thf! .. power Of some merciful The ultimate goal of the liability regarding serving alcohol. factor unseen? campaign, however, is to Vermillion said, "It was basically Jn a kickoff for· the Senior educate the senior class ... not a rubber stamp." She said that Class Campaign Drfve;.Dean about the university's unre- the coffeehouse proposal was not dis­ William Hamilton sang these stricted College Fund. The I • .. cussed in minute detail at the general w9_rds,comparingaWakeF~r- ColJege Fund is an annual meeting but that the trustees did ap­ est education to a hot shower. fund that supports the un- prove of the idea. As the honorary chairman of dergraduate .college and is the fund-raising campaign, directed by the Alumni Ac- Also at the Friday meeting trustee Victor I. Flow Jr. announced that the H~milton made a creative ap- tivities Office. Heritage and Promise campaign con­ peal to the emotions and the According. to senidr cluded in mid-summer with a total of intellect. of the .ciass of 1996. Mindy Tischler, the chair- ·Falling down more than $173.4 million pledged. He ·said that a university edu- woman of the campaign, the The campaign began in April of 1991 cation is like a hot shower. Hot · College.Fund is used to sup- Senior Paige Hicks pic~s 'flowers-near Grandfather Mountain, off with a goal of raising. $150 million. water does not magically ap- · portwhateverprogra.111sneed the Blue Ridge Parkway, while camping last weekend. President Thomas K. Hearn Jr. said, pear, it require~ a strong fau- See Campaign, Page 5 "The Heritage and Promise campaign ~-~, "~ ... i_:-:,;~,:.;.. ;~~ ..... 1":........... \ \.:, .·· :.. u.f~:~·J.,;..i-.~:~~ ..:1 ~ . ... ...... ' .. '.~. ~ .. " .. ' . has provided the financial foundation for our continued growth. As the pro­ ., Safety and Security Week stresses. crime preveD.tion ceeds of the campaign are received, every aspect of our university will be strengthened." Bv HEATHER MACKAY Horosko, a prevention specialist for Campus The third program was "It'll Never Happen make our campus safe." Horosko said that she Vermillion attended a meeting of Ot.o Got.o "'~" Bt.ACK REPORTER . Police. Instead of telling students where they to Me," where short videotapes of confessions feels this is true because if all students took the student life committee ofthe board made mistakes, she said it is better to·work on and experiences of. rape given by men and responsibility for their persons and belongings of trustees Thursday before the gen­ In an attempt to make students more aware of crime prevention. women were shown. After the video was a then the opportunity for theft and crime would be eral meeting. securityissuesoncampus,CampusPolicespon- Horosko said this approach is difficult be­ question-and-answer period, Horosko said. removed. She said Steven Brooks, the associ­ sored "Safety an_d Security Week" this week, cause people are more likely to listen after a Horosko said she believes education is the "Personal safety and crime prevention are ate director of financial aid, and Wil­ with three main programs cuhninating this-af- crime has occurred rather than before. key to crime prevention. "Statistics have proven common sense," Horosko said. liam Starling, the director of admis­ temoon with the Safety and Security Fair. During ~·operation ID," Campus Police that approximate] y 95 percent of the time when All week Campus Police have distributed gifts sions and financial aid, were invited In one of the programs, "COPs," which was · helped students identify valuables with engrav­ crimes occur people have placed themselves in and prizes, and at the fair today they will hold a to speak to the committee about the formerly "Gotcha," Campus Police went to· ing, paint pens, and markings. precarious situations in the first place," she drawing. · university's financial aid. residence halls to find rooms that were left According to Horosko, marking valuables said. If officers see students performing safe acts "It was interesting for me to find unlocked. Officers left stickers in rooms that will help deter theft, make it difficult for stolen One of the problems Campus Police found such as running in groups, locking doors and out how the financial aid system were left open to alert residents to potential goods to be brought to pawn shops and make it this year is that a Jot of students post their class cars, or parking in well-lit places, they will give works. .. They are not out to get theft. The residence·hall with the least amount easier for police to know to whom recovered schedules on their doors. "If you do that you are them t-shirts or flashlights. anybody," Vermillion said. of stickers will receive a free pizza party; · goods should be returned. making your room an opportunity for crimes to "Our sole mission is to provide a safe and She said Brooks and Starling urged "I want to focus solely on the positive aspects Last year, residence halls and academic build- occur," Horosko said. secure environment in which people can Jive, the trustees to remain committed to of safety and security week," said Donna ings purchased two engravers each. This year's theme is "It only takes you to Jearn and work," Horosko said. See Trustees, Page 5 ·SG discusses security issues: key card system, gatehouSes BY KATE COSGROVE "Our goal is to find a happy medium in security for the SG Bli{\T Rm<ORTER students," she said. The purpose of the Gate Committee is not only to The impact of societal crime has landed with full investigate the need for an entrance gate, but also to force in the lap of the Student Government. Forget the examine the fences and the entrances to campus, accord­ future of the Greek system for now; the main issue at ing to Eckert. The Physical Planning Committee will Tuesday evening's committee meetings was campus review the 1993 security investigation report to improve security. areas that Jack sufficient security. The threat of outside violence has caused several As a measure to improve campus safety, the Physical committees to evaluate the im- Planning Committee will have a portance ofextensive security. lighting tour with a member from measures. The Physical Plan- the crime task force after fall break. ning Committee spent a rna- "Our goal is to find a happy The committee hopes to improve jority of its meeting in discus­ improperly-lit areas and place se­ sion of· the gate proposal, medium in security for the curity phones in places where they which would require students students." are needed. and visitors ,to pass through a Sophomore Amy Eckert Members of SG expressed gate before entering campus.
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