• Ilr I " - e, Serving The State University of fou)(, and the People of Iowa City Established in 1868-Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press-AP Leased Wire and Wirephoto. Service Towa City, Iowa, Wedne day, February 29, 1956 . owa CI ro Tells, of Neff's I (ash Offer to WASHINGTON IA'l-President Ei- -------=----~--­ senhower may answer the big * ' * * • qll .. ~tinn tOOnv . The Weather He has called a news conCerence Snow Causes , Hickenlooper for 9:30 a.m. CST, and most re­ Ike's Sessions porters here expect it will be the Clear WASHINGTON '/f',-A sliCClal setting for his announcement on .. Two Boston ' Senate investigating committee whether or not he'll seek a second TenseI . Times. Tue day subpoena d Iowa Repub- term. & liean National CommitLeeman Rob· The White House said only that Train Wrecks ert Goodwin to testify at hearings there would be a conference at For Newsmen lon . offers of "campaign conlribu· the regular time in the old Stale Warm BOSTON til - Snow-obscured , lions" during the . Department' building. BV Ell CREAGH warning signals appllrenlly were Inaturnl gos bill HI,.rty Questioned the caU$(! of one of two train filht. Press Secretary James C. Hag- WASHINGTON t.4'I - About 10 wrecks that killed 13 persons and the action carne , gerty was bombarded wi~h ques­ Iowa City can elCPCct warm('r a.m. in tho. l\Jtion's capitol on the temperaturcs and clear skies Injured more lhan 100 nenr Boston I after Goodwin told tions about whether thc ~csident day of a presidential news confer­ Tuesdl\Y. newsmen in Des would make known his long-await­ Wednesday. hc Weather Bureau ence there Is a slir in the queue Sen. B. B. Hickenlooper reported. The war.m air Crom the Boslon and Maine Railro:ld am, Moin thnt John ed decision then. In most cases of reporters outside a double door clals said that one train passed "Didnl Srr I'll" Neff. attorney for his reply was a noncommital "I southwest would a Iso bring on the fourth (Ioor of the big, old­ cloudy skies late Wedncsday. through a yelloW caution signal 1.3 the Superior 011 wouldn't know ." fashioned stone building across the miles irom the halted train and Co ., ofeered him Eisenhower told a news confer­ The high in the city is expected street from the White House. to be iJl the middle 40's today r/ln by a red stop signnl 3,200 [eet $1,000 for the cam­ ence Feb. 8, howevcr, that he The doors swing open. Reporters, Crom Ihe scene of the wreck. I>aign of Sen. ought to have by March 1 the i?­ conlinuing Ulrough Thursday. DemoHopeful formation needed to make up hIS The Iowa City low Tuesday was credentials in hand, filc past a Se­ B&M ,officials said that lhe sjg­ Bourke B, Hicken- GOODWIN mlnd, and he added the announec­ nine degrees at noon; Lhe low in cret Service agent and a uniformcd nals were in perfect order and that looper IR-Iowal. Goodwin said he rej ctod the of· ment prObably would be made at the state was at Spencer and Sib­ Whit~ House policeman. 1 the engineer, Ernest Tourtellotte, Blasts GOP's The guard checks the photograph 55, had violated oJ){'rating rules by f rand refu d to arrange on in­ a news conference. ley where the mercury hit 10 de­ troduction to llIckenlooper for Neff. The President also said it was grees below zero. on the ' car~, compares it w)th the not bringing his train to a full stOJl. Caee of the bearer. He nods. The "Nov.r Met N.H" probable that the announcement Southwest Iowa should see tem­ In .8oth Wrecks SUI Policy [n Washington llickl'nlooper said. would require a longer explana­ peratures in tIle 50's; the north­ reporter walks In~ide and fin9s a Some of 1M injured were in both \ place - if there is one leCt - on By BETTY LOU QUICK "This i.s the first lim I hnve heard tion than he would give at a news east can expect temperatures in wrecks. Escaping .Crom the first of this." He sold he hod never met conference. This suggested an ap­ the 30's and 4b's. one of the metal "undertaker" unharmed or wilh minor injuries, chairs that all but rm the confer­ Lawrencc Plummer, Democrntic Neff. pearance on television and radio they boarded a Marblehead-Boston Neff lold the committee Tuesdoy networks reaching to all parts of I ence room. train at the station here to contin­ candidate for the Iowa gubernator. the country. ial nOIl1.ination, criticized the Re· that he did visit Goodwin'S ofCice Few Chlirs ue their way to Boston. in Des Moines November 4 in rf· Says Religious The Marblehead-Boston train, publican manag ment of state in· Corl to learn Hlckcnloopcr's pos!· WHAT CHANNEL? There sri) lells than 250 chairs. moving slowly, collided witb an The White House discouraged There are Illore thlln 750 ac¢redited stitutions In his speech before the tion on the bill, but naUy denied ~arJier train which had hailed in that he oCCer d or even m ntioned speculation Tuesday that Presi­ White House correspondents. (Dolly Iowan Phot.) SUI Young Democrats Tuesday. Revere while its crew cbecked a a campaign contribution. dent Eisenhower may talk' on the Surge , Aimed Latccomer~ somctimes are r.e1e­ JERALDINE BRIGHT, A2, Des Moin.s, points to I.. p YIn day to­ Signal obscured by snow. Twenty "Through th complete failure to TV networks today about his at­ gated to thc palcony. On banner day", k ••ps her fingers crossed. I~plrhlps is eyeln, "ttl. min." rhe No 'nit,..., i" Mlrtin were listed as injured. practice even the simplc principles he titude toward a second term. But days, alld· W dnesllay promises to Daily Iowan prints this photo 85 a public s.rvlce to all bach.lors. NeCf said was more interested I An hour and a half earlier at ot good business, a great unh'er ity in Hickenlooper's position than that at least one Cabinet officer anti­ AtFalseGoals be one o~ the ~iggest of them, the Swampscott, six miles north of cipates need for a TV set in his (~Ull today stonds nl n point of SCn . Tom Mortin of Iowa City overflow has \ to be turned away Boston, a Portsmouth, N.H.·Boston bec,lUse· he hnd r ad som where office. Atty. Gen. Brownell had By JO ANN PETERSEN when the chambllr reaches its sat­ (rain, made up of a diesel engine where it is in danger oC not being ODe installed Tuesday. that Martin was in Cavor or the bill, "People are turning to religion uration point of llbout 270. Success! and six coaches, had halted at a able to recapture its rigbUul plnce but that JIickeniooper's position Reporters ol)at, read the Papers. Police Hunt The man who advises Eisenhow· for security, but are confusing con­ ~il;lnal just ~rth of lhe staUon. in the sun," Plummer said. wa "qucstlonable." formity to established religious Suddenly. at about 10;29 a.m., a Plummer expressed his concern er on bi~ big broadcasts-TV pro­ ·Student Despairs; Use ' Snow Bolh Hickenlooper and Martin I?a.tterns with the development oC hush falls over the room. 'l'hen, , '""~i", about other state InstituUons : "The voted for the bill. ducer Rob e r t Montgomery - from a door IllltMi-igbt, the Presl­ A (our-oar train of Budd High· I)mphasis is entirely on custody, .si1Owed up at the White House a per~onal religion," Rabbi Ed­ 'lrCliiting Fondly 1tYear-Old lincr, .sctf.;propoHed cars running The bill, which would havc ex· dcot walks in. Everyone stands. ralher than on treotmrnt." he shortly after Hagerty fixed the ward Zerin said Tuesday night. from 'Danvers to Boslon - on ilie empted naturnl gas producers from Under Way FUKUOKA, Japan t.4'I - For two said. time for to<!ay's news conference. Campus idols in three categories, Get. years, according to fellow students, same track loomed out of a bllnd- federal regulation, passed the Sen· Hit. Hospital Policy ote and House, but was vetoed by ' A/iked whClther he had come to the academic, the extracurricular "Please sit down," the Prcsident Htro.michi Nilgaki; 24, spent his Ing snowstorm and crashed Into Washington to help with a special and the religious were discussed by Home Escapee the halted train with only the brief President Eisenhower. The Presi­ invariably ~a)'s - and another days and half his nights on electri­ .. At the psychopathic hospital on presidential broadcast, Montgom­ all inter-faith panel in the House White House news conference is cal engineering studies at Kyushu UAHA At' h warning ot a last minute whistle Ulis campus we have a fine stafC," dent said he favorcd the bills Om 1m- n ex enslve searc 'blast. ery replied smilingly: Chamber of Old Capitol. under way. University. Iw said. "It certainly is not be· principle but vetoed it because of "I don't know." was under way Tuesday for a 14- The brakeman of the halted train Uw revelation of questionable ac· Panel members wer.e; Rabbi Ed· Unobtrusively, U)e door in the Monday night the Okinawa native yond reason that tilis university Hagerty also told newsmen he ward Zerin, spiritual leader of rear of the room is closed just be­ year-old Kearney Industrial School reportedly ran back with a red could furnish training facilities for liviUes such as the Case contri· didn't know whether the chief ex· built his last electrical device - a bution.
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