Detroit Election Results Analyzed —See Page 2— THE MILITANT PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE W ORKING PEOPLE VOL. IX — No. 47 NEW YORK, N. Y „ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Manhattan Trotskyist Indonesian People Fight Heroically Receives 1,324 Votes In Council Elections For Freedom From Allied Despots NEW YORK, Nov. 16.—Louise Simpson, city council candidate in Manhattan of the Trotskyist Party, ballot Bringing “Four Freedoms99 To Indonesia designation of the Socialist Workers Party, received 1,324 first choice votes in the municipal elections here Novem­ San Francisco U. S. Army Weapons Used ber 6. The vote for Louise Simpson, young Negro trade un­ Machinists ionist who carried the banner of Trotskyism in the coun- In Slaughter Of Javanese cilmanic elections, was even By Joseph Hansen larger than the 1,043 votes yet available on the number of second choice votes for Louise Solid In Strike cast in the borough of Man­ The colonial peoples who have suffered cen­ Simpson or the sections which Special to THE M ILITANT hattan for Farrell Dobbs, grave her the highest proportion By Robert Chester turies of despotic foreign rule are now making a Trotskyist candidate fo r of votes. However, it is prob­ titanic effort to break the stranglehold of Allied mayor, who polled a total of able that as a result of the in­ SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. imperialism. 4,276 votes in all five boroughs. tensive Socialist Workers Party —The joint AFL and CIO His total represented a 400 per campaign in Harlem, a signifi­ machinist strike, which has The Republic of Indonesia, which came into cent increase over the 1941 Trot­ cant portion of her votes came shut tight more than 200 being w ith the downfall of Japan, at present stands skyist vote for mayor. from the most exploited and op­ shops and shipyards in the Comrade Simpson’s vote was in the forefront of the® pressed section of the city’s pop­ Bay area, is continuing sol­ struggle, battling for in­ only 345 less than the 1,669 se­ ulation, the Negro people. idly in its third week. Jackson to Address cured by Amicus Most, candidate An analysis of the vote cast for dependence against all of the Socialist Party, a minor­ Workers of all affected estab­ Protest Rally On Farrell Dobbs shows that 341 of lishments, in an inspiring dem­ the odds of the modern ity party which in previous his 1,043 votes in Manhattan Colonial Slaughter years polled thousands of votes onstration of labor solidarity, Allied m ilitary machine. Charles Jackson, author of came from assembly districts in have respected the picket lines for its candidates in municipal Harlem, indicating that one- The hopes and aspirations of the widely read column, “ The established by the striking un­ elections. An estimated 16 per third of his votes were cast by hundreds of millions of down­ Negro Struggle,” w ill be one cent of all councilmanic ballots ions, Lodge 68, AFL Interna­ trodden people throughout the of the speakers at a mass Negro workers. From this it can tional Association of Machin­ were invalidated. Undoubtedly also be concluded that a high orient lie with this young Re­ meeting at the Hotel Dip­ ists, and CIO Steelworkers East Comrade Simpson lost many percentage of Louise Simpson’s public. I f Indonesia succeeds in lomat in New York, Friday, Bay Machinists Local 1304. votes for this reason. votes came from this area. winning freedom, then Malaya, November 30, 8 p. m. Complete information is not The ^trike has now settled Burma, India, Africa, Korea and The rally is sponsored by TROTSKYIST CAMPAIGN down to a test of strength. The the Philippines — all the op­ the Socialist Workers Party During the past year the So­ employers, combined in the j pressed colonial lands—w ill joy­ to protest the Allied mas­ sacre of the colonial peoples. cialist Workers Party has car­ Metal Trades Association, con- j fully run aloft the banners of The SWP demands the w ith­ Yale And Towne ried on an extensive subscrip­ tinue to reject out of hand the ' independence. tion campaign for The Militant drawal of Allied troops frgm unions’ demands for a 30 per The brutal, murderous colon­ in the Harlem area. Thousands China, Indonesia and Indo­ cent wage increase, holiday pay, ial system of the Allied powers Strikers Resist of Negro workers have become china. industrial accident benefits and I is being shaken to the founda­ new readers of the Trotskyist Other speakers w ill be Far­ guaranteed weekly income. Ne- 1 tions. rell Dobbs, editor of THE Open-Shop Drive paper. A new Harlem branch gotiations have been virtually BUTCHER’S JOB MILITANT and George No- of the Socialist Workers Party discontinued. vack, National Secretary of Special to THE M ILITANT has been established in recent Every employer attempt thus I Giant Auto Union Faces Great Britain was the first to the Civil Right Defense Com­ STAMFORD, Conn., Nov. 14.— months and SWP members have far to smear the strikers and! leap into the breach. When the mittee. Supported by all labor in this been conducting vigorous educa­ turn “public opinion” against Dutch imperialists proved pow­ James P. Cannon, National area, 3,500 employes of Yale & tional work throughout the area. them has backfired. A “ milk erless to cut down the Indones­ Secretary of the Socialist The Trotskyists have defied po­ crisis” scare, base on an alleged j Greatest Strike Battle Towne Manufacturing Company ians, their British class brothers Workers Party, will be chair­ today continued solidly their lice intimidation and carried on “shortage” of wax paper milk Special to THE M ILITANT mands during the recent weeks agreed to carry out the butcher’s man. widespread public street sales of containers from the closed Amer­ of prolonged negotiations, the job. m ilitant picket lines. They have DETROIT, Nov. 18.—The m ili­ Trotskyist literature, including ican Can Co., has been exposed j provocative and insulting coun- W ith centuries of experience kept the plant closed tight for tant, million-headed ranks of bombs and naval fire, now with the warmly - received pamphlet, as a hoax. American Can is re- i Ser-proposals of the corporation in putting down rebellions and a week in a fight for a 30 per cent the CIO United Automobile soft words and seeming placa­ "A Practical Program to Kill ported to have a million eon- barons have aroused them to a wage increase and renewal of Workers are getting poised to t colonial uprisings, able to vary bility, again with harsh ultimat­ Jim Crow,” by Charles Jackson, (Continued on Page 8) high pitch of determination to and combine tactics with utmost the maintenance of membership the greatest and most decisive ums and ferocious slaughter. The popular Militant columnist. fight it out with no holds barred. Division Of Labor? contract granted by the War strike struggle in their fighting flexibility, the British imperial­ British are calling on all their Labor Board during the war. Louise Simpson, like Farrell “The world has nothing to ists have moved forward in Indo­ history. A titanic battle against NEGOTIATIONS FUTILE experience — probing m ilitarily The whole community, sapped Dobbs, attracted the votes of the fear from the United States ter­ nesia, now with machine guns. three of the greatest corpora­ (Continued on Page 7) for years by this sweatshop, most class conscious and politi­ Militants Gain The delegates will have before ritorially or in a m ilitary way, tions in the world, General Mo­ last week applauded when the cally advanced workers. On the them the admission of R. J. from Britain economically, or tors, Ford and Chrysler, now ap­ strikers barred from the plant ballot she was clearly labeled as Thomas, UAW president, that from any nation if the United In Akron Rubber pears almost certain. W. Gibson Carey, Jr., company the “Trotskyist Party” candi­ further negotiations with Gen­ Nations Organization is made to president, popularly called “ the date. Today some 200 delegates of eral Motors will in all likelihood function properly. Prime Min­ Withdraw Troops Sewell L. Avery of Stamford.” Louise Simpson and Farrell Union Elections more than 100 General Motors be as futile and useless as all ister Attlee declared in an ad­ STAMFORD’S “AVERY” Dobbs campaigned on a program (Special to THE M ILITANT) locals are arriving in town for previous attempts to wrest some dress to a joint session of Con­ reasonable concessions through Former president of the labor- calling for revolutionary social­ AKRON, O., Nov. 10.—M ilitant a crucial conference tomorrow gress.” (N. Y. Times, Nov. 15.) across-the-table methods. From The Far East! hating National Association of ism. One of the chief planks in forces in the Firestone and and Tuesday, to prepare for the next and possible showdown Manufacturers, Carey heads a their program was for an un­ Goodrich locals of the United In a statement made public Success A t Last By The Editors union-smashing coalition of 11 compromising struggle against Rubber Workers, CIO, won hard- stage of their conflict with the yesterday in the latest issue of local concerns refusing to renew every vestige of Jim Crow and fought election victories this power-drunk, war profits-gorged the United Automobile Worker, Several times as Senator and Great issues are at stake in the Far East. (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 2) week over candidates represent­ GM corporation for a 30 per cent official international union or- Vice-President, Truman tried to The teemiitg millions of this vast area, embracing the ma­ ing the conservative policy of increase in wages.
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