» STUDENT WEEKLY PUBLICATION RICE INSTITUTE VOL. 14 HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1928 NO. 4 . Owls Open Conference Season Against S. M. U. at Dallas Rice Students Special Election WHAT A SHAME! Professor Cazamian "SETUP" TALK KEYS RICE VARSITY The evils of birth control! Onf> Will Return to Rice Will Be Held Soon is deprived of his 255.999,999,999,999 AND ROOTERS TO FIGHTING PITCH Say- possible different brothers and sis- Louis Cazamian, professor of the ters. So students learned in Doctor English Language and Literature in Thinking it might be interesting to for Campanile Job Altenburg's Biology 3(10 class Wed- the Faculty of Letters of the Uni- know just how members ol the Rice nesday. versity of Paris, will return to Rice football team reacted to Ray Mor- Three Candidates Make Bid Imagine how nice it would be to to deliver a series of lectures next Overconfidence Band and Rooters rison's prediction that the Owls were have so many chllden in the family January it became known Wednes- going to be a setup for his team, The For Assistant and no two alike. They could all day. Thresher asked this question: Are Editor's Job of Mustangs May Entrain Tonight; wear each other's clothes, work Professor Cazamian gave a regu- you fellows going to be any setup for each other's math problems, and the Mustangs Saturday? Here are the A special election to choose an as- lar course of lectures at the Institute all in all, help each other consid- several years ago, and has attained Cost Them Dearly Hundreds to Go answers. sistant editor of the Campanile, to erably. succeed Reginal Tucker, who did not eminence in his particular field. He A1 Schoenfield—The way I feel right The resulting figure of a possible visited the United States shortly aft- Rice Players Determined to now, I'm no setup for anybody. H-l return to school this year, will be held Team Given Big Send-off at Thursday morning, Oct. 25, it was de- 256,000,000,000,000 children of dif- er the World War as a member of the no! Be No Setup for Mor- ckled at the regular meeting of {he ferent traits and characteristics i3 French Educational Mission which Station Last "Dutch" McKinnon—That's a- foolish Student's Council Monday. To date gained when the make up of the was engaged in a study of American rison's Men Night question. We're going up there to win, three candidates have announced for parents is considered. There are educational methods. not to lose. twenty-four pairs of chromosomes Rice embarks upon the troubled the position—Sidney Wilson, Jr., of PARADE AT DALLAS "Lily" Payne—I think I express the Fort Worth, Branch Masterson and in each parent through which traits waters of Southwest Conference foot- the sentiment of the team as a whole Fletcher Brown. * Candidacy is made are transmitted to the children. But ball Saturday afternoon at Dallas when each pair of chromosomes q$n be SENIORS PICK when I say that I just hope the known in the usual manner of petition a husky, confident Owl eleven tackles Special Cars to Leave On Mustangs and Ray Morrison continue signed by 25 members of the Students mtvde up of different combinations. BLAZER WITH a cock-sure bunch of S. M. U. Mustangs Southern Pacific Late to feel that way about it. The way Association. All petitions must be in Thus the twenty-four pairs of each we feel right now we could bite tacks. by Monday. parent are capable of combining 2 mm YTRIPE at Fair Park Stadium. Today "Firpo" McCarble — You bet we into 16,000,000 reproductive cells. Much importance hinges upon the Lawrence Hamilton and Tom Daley, wou't. That foolish statement of Mor- Squaring 16,000,000, the result will outcome of this game, which marks More than two hundred Rice loyal- Business Manager and Editor respec- The senior class selected a blazer rison's has made every one of us work be 256,000,000,000,000, or the num- the first conference affray of either ists, including the crack Owl Banc! tively of the Campanile, appeared at 'coat by Langrock with two-inch twice as hard this past week. ber of possibilities of children, no team for the 1928 season. Defeat will entrain tonight at 11:80 for Dai- this meeting to formally relinquish the stripes of gray and two shades? of blue Joe Stoppel—Rice's days as a setup two of which will be alike. at a meeting of the class held Monday virtually spells pigskin oblivion for the las and Fair Park Stadium, where reduction that the Campanile has loser so far as the race for gridiron Coach Rothgcb's Owls tomorrow aft- for anybody are over. regularly received from the photog- Students in the 360 class have de- in the Amphitheater. The blazers Danny Allnoch: I don't very often cided to carry their Math 100 books will cost in the neighborhood of ten glory in the Southwest this year is ernoon engage the romping S. M. U. rapher. It may be explained that in concerned. Ponies in the first grid match of the have anything to say when a fellow former years the contract with the to class hereafter so that they will dollars, and a deposit of seven dollars makes a statement like that. All I be able to help Dr. Altenburg in his will be required when measurements Over 35 spirited gridsters of the conference season. The Rice rooters photographer provided that the edi- accompanied by numerous enthusias- know is that I am going to do my best tors of the annual receive rebate on multiplication problems. From all are taken. Blue and Gray accompanied Coaches to make him eat it. indications, the class would make a Rothgeb, Daugherity, and Schultz late tic Houstonians will be provided with the price each student paid for hia Earl Stonecipher of Barriuger- three or four special cars, which will Bush Jones; None of us feel like splendid prerequisite for Engineer- Tligrsday night on the trip to the picture. In formally relinquishing Norton Company, local clothiers, will leave the Grand Central Station as talking about what we are going to dc ing courses. North Texas metropolis. Arriving in this claim, this year's staff is going personally supervise the taking of a part of the "Owl Limited," accord- to them. We'll show them just how Dallas in the wee hours this morning, on record as opposed to such prac- measurements in order to assure ing to Southern Pacific officials. much of a setup we are when we tices. A higher class of photography everyone a well - fitting garment. the Owls will spend the earlier por- get them in that game Saturday. is expected and it is probable that the Council Grants Should afterations be necessary on tion of the day in getting acclimated. Many other followers of the Owl Joe Knippel: Setup? Shucks! We're price eafih student pays for his pic- any of the coats despite these precau- During the afternoon, a light signal varsity will make the Dallas journey going to have eleven men on that field ture will be reduced from the usual Thresher Plea tions, they will be made without session is in prospect at the rather by auto, taking their chances on rain, too. $1.75 to $1.50. Also one extra picture charge. spacious enclosure of the Ponies, and snow, or flat tires. Ed Gragg: I just hope Morrison For Admittance this tops off the work before game will be made at this price. The senior class is assuming entire The Owl varsity arrived in Dal- continues to think we're a setup till we time Saturday. Presence of a Thresher representa- [ responsibility for the contract and will las in good shape early tlvs morning get our crack at those Mustangs. The following dance dates were tive at all meetings of the Student^have to make good the balance due Fully 300 Rice students are expected following a noisy sendoff from the "Dub" Harder: We'll be the.hard, assigned: Engineers November 9th, S. P. depot last night, when several Rally Club Thanksgiving night, Archl- Council was assured Monday whel* on any of the blazers rejected on to be on hand to cheer their va.riors est setup those Ponies have ever tried that body acted favorably on the re- delivery. to victory. Many of these itinerant hundred students with the Rice band to knock down. Arts February 2, Sophomore Ball gathered at 9:30 to cheer lustily the February 7, and Junior Prom March quest that such a privilege be allowed. According to Stuart Lamkin, chair- undergraduates made the journey with Nick Hyde: We intend to make the This marks the first time that the the team, while a further exodus of departing warriors. Mustangs think that their game with 1st. Due to the fact that three holi- man of the senior blazer committee, days come either on Sunday or Mon- Thresher has had the opportunity of the coats should be received approxi- Institute fans will probably ensue The army of Rice rooters, leaving the Army was a Sunday School picnic. covering the proceedings of the Insti- throughout Friday. over the Southern Pacific Lines to- The Owls are out for red blood! day, these dates cannot be granted, mately one month after the order has but special provision may be made to tute's student governing assembly. When the Owls invade the sacred night, and arriving at the Dallas Cen- "Puss" Murray: Setup? H—1 No! been placed.
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