HUmrlrrBttr Cim tfttg V vndli WEDNESDAY, JULY T, 188T) I Members o f the Army and Navy Membera o f the hospital offloe The committee in charge o f the New roofing Is being applied to Club, the Veterans of Foreign Wars staff and reUUlves have received annual outing of Hom and Ladder Miss Frances Mshoney ef 87 will meet tonight at 7:45 at the cor­ cards, from the MIssee Renee Ray­ the Johnson block at Main street Spruce street la spending two weeks Company No. 1 o f tha South Man­ and Bralnard place. 5 , 9 1 3 ner of Winter and Center streets to naud, Mary Moriarty and Bwitrlce chester fire department requests with reUtives in Bristol, Coim. Member of tbs Audit Generolly fair tonight and FrMay. go to ths HoUoran Funeral Home to Coughlin DOW on a 10,000 wuu trip that all cards sent with the invita­ Burean of Orenlattens Net qnlto ee warm FHdey. pay their reepects to Elmer I. by auto to the west coast and by tion to attend the outing cm Satur­ Matthew Merx, who has been Hotchkiss, Civil War veteran and boat to Alaaka. They have boarded day be returned not later tbs" MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM away from hie barber shop for aev- honorary member of these two or- a Canadian Pablfle Ibier at Beattie, Thursday so ths committee may eral weeks. Is now much improved ganlxatlona. Wash, for the two weeks northern know bow many to arrange fOr at VOL. LVI., NO. 237 (OtaeaMed Advertiatng on Fags l a ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937, E. A. Rock, it*t« m«nager of the in health. The operation which he trip. tha outing. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEjtTS Haccabeea, will leave next week for underwent proved a success and he Victor W. Bronke will stick to The J W H A L C COklf Detroit to attend the national con­ la now gaining weight, ahd etrength. the TD letters before his automobile vention of that order which will be number platee aa the plate with the M a n c h i s t i r C o n i i * held In the automobile city the Mias Ann and Miss Dorothy LauS letters VWB have already been is­ Hub of Search For Amelia Earhart week following. of Garden street are spendl^ two sued to an automobile owner in NAVY TAKES TO AIR weeka at Narragansett Pier. Manchester. Mrs. Vera WllUs Burn­ Come In And Try An American Tempting Hot Weather Specials ham is the owner of the plates that CHINESE RUSH TROOPS ADVERTISEMENT— carry the Ibtters VWB, which Mr. Or Spanish Hamburg PPtBH'UEST 'B E U A B O X n ': There la no aubatitiite for Pine- Any size roll of film developed Bronke noticed while driving on Main street recently, recalling to They’re Good! ! from Hale's SeK Serve IN PACIFIC SEARCH h «n * ahaohrte rettabUty . Plnehorat variety . Plneharet and printed for 39c. Arthur Drug gartea freah vegetablee. or (reah Sea Food. Mr. Bronke that they were his ini­ We Also Serve All Kinds of Regular Meals. I Store, Rublnow Bldg. tials also. T*y oar aapeflally Sae Bib aad Lota Lamb Chopa, AD Our Cofddng Dishes Are Made of Wear-Ever and Health Market TO PEIPING’S SUBURBS M(.-and Mrs. John Zimmerman of Alarainani. FOR LOST AVIATORS COOL FOODS First Oass Shoe Repairing Haleb Fine Orauneiy Red Currants — For Orders Church street observed their 34th Only. Done While You Wait wedding anniversary Saturday night Red Raspberries SAM YULYES with a dinner and entertainment NEW WAY LUNCH 2 lbs. Black Raspberries party for a large group of friends. 97 Center Street Next To Cole Motor Sales BUTTER Battleship’s Planes Start Oat AS JAPANESE ATTACK Shoe Repairing Service Ths party was held at the Maple MINE WORKERS — ----------------------------------------------------- * Blaeberries Grove hall In Rockville. Son beam 3 : a m . The first Green Apples of the 701 Main Street Wide Hoot for Amelia season................ 3 lbs. 29c MAY S1RIKE TO Red Apples..............6 for 23c Tomato Juice 4 cans , l 5 * f k ^ ^ E a rh a rt and Capt Noonan; JEW AND ARAB ^ 1 1 * r Honey Dew Melons Fighting Breaks Out m llliite Seedless Grapes S-Onaoe Can of Any Kind of More Messages Heard. CRIPPU MILLS BIHER TOWARD Extra Large Florida Oranges ABEL'S Special Sale of Regular $1.00 ............................ ; . doz. 38c Guaranteed Electrical and FRUIT ____ J cans 2 3 « FoUowing Sham Battle Calif. O ranges........ doz. 49c Mechanical Auto Repairing Honolulu, July 8.— (A P )— The Potato Salad........ lb. 20c Police, Soldiers, Protect Re­ BRmSH PLAN Ripe Plum s..............doz. 1.3c Rear 26 Cooper Street Randair* Prepared mightiest peacetime search of the CstabUshed 1921 Cole Slaw . ........ Ib. 15c Rhubarb...................... Ib. 5c United States Navy was launched opening of Steel & Tabes; ^ ■ Special ea cold eota . C h i c k o n (for Chicken Pie) c a n ^ ^ C today for Amelia Elarhart, missing China Claims Japanese Suddenly Sobstituted Real Baflets tbeae three straight er aa- Palestbe Factions May Pre­ CANTALOUPE MELONS LIFE GUARD HOSIERY round-the-world-filer, who officials aerted . C. 1.0. (loes to Court in Beardetey*! hope is awaiting rescue on a coral and Seized Railroad Bridge; Gen. Songo’s 29th Army JELUED 2 for 29c 2 for 35c Men's - Women's - Children's sent United Front Agamst reef or sandspit somewhere south­ CORNED BEEF Special Thursday Only . HAIR CUTS - 25c. Effort to Displace Troops. MEAT LOAF 8 Bsrbora — No Waitlagl F or Peanut Butter ib. jar 1 9 « east of Tiny Howland Island. Tiny Howland Island, objective of the flight on which Amelia Earl>*rt was forced down In mld-Paciflc, has Scheme to Form 2 States Repulses Drive and Retakes Bridge; Peace Moves (WITH PICKLES) SLICED PEACHES The battleship Colorado, cruising become the center of the search for her and Navigator Fred Noonan. The Island waa settled to serve south and east of Howland, cata- as an airport for the trans-Pacifle airways, and the radio station maintained in connection with it has (X)OKED SALAMI Large c a n s ...... ............ 23c CULOTTA’S CSeveland. July 8.— (A P )—"UtUe Prove FntOe and More Heavf Fighting^ Expected. Use Hale’s Orange Pekoe Tea for Iced Tea pultsd its three fighting planes last reported hearing Miss Earhart broadcast several times since she disappeared. 2 cans 44c 5 cans $1.00 BARBEB SHOP 84 Oak St Thursday Steel’s'' dispute with organized la and Holy Cities Mandate. It’s Delicious! night to open the aerial phase of 3 3 c Foil iMpnient of Fymh Flab the hunt undertaken by boat when bor was largely a legal fight today doe early Tharadsy. Miss Earhart failed to arrive at os Republic Steel Corporation re­ Jerusalem, July 8.— (A P )—Bitter (By Associated Press.) Eckhardt’s Fraakforts Howland last Friday on a 2,570 mile Nativa B eets.............. 8 bon. 14c These are irregu­ opened the last of its strike-closed LOYALS MOBILIZE . opposition among the rank and file Peiping, China, July 8.— (AP)—Chinese troops, ignor­ Crab Meat NsUvs Oarrots...........8 ban. 15o OH. (Shell or Tydol) ^ q ls . 1 9 c flight from New Guinea. DEBATE IS CONTINUED White Tima Fish lars of this fine The Colorado's aircraft returned mills. On scattered fronts the Steel of both Jews and Arabs toward ing a Japanese demand that they give up their arms and sur­ Sammer Sqnaeh....................... 9e FREE! Workers Organizing Committee Ox Tongue Wax or Green Beane . .8 qts. ZSc Freak to the battleship after two hours and Britain'* proposed "surgical opera­ render, bitterly fought a Japanese drive on the little walled With Every Pair of Soles quality hose, so 20 minutes to report no trace had sought to bolster through suits and INNEWOFFENSIYE tion” on Palestine was considered city of Wanpinghsien today, manning its old battlements irtth- and Heels; A Bottle of Polish been sighted of the missing piane charges its fight for signed con ON FDIUS COURT BILL by some British circles today as the machine guns and rifles. well known to or of Miss Elarhart and her naviga­ PLUMS 3 doz. 1 5 * tracts. forerunner of a possible united front Five hundred troops were rushed to the walls while an National tor. Fred Noonan. Steel and Tubes, Inc., employing of Jewa and Arabs. Tho British i n c . thousands of The planes plannei to resume additional 1,600 Chinese soldiers hastily erect^ defenses Pmehurst Grocery, Freah normally about 500 men and small­ Foes of Bill Deny Filibnster VACATION JOYS Extend Their Lines Before commission proposed last, night Shoe Repairing and Hale’s customers. their search today at dawn, (21:30 est of RepubUc's four CTevel nd that the Holy Land be divided be­ across the Yingting river along a southern line paralleling ths' 802 Main Street Bfanchester, Omn. p. m., eastern standard time), cruis­ units, was opened to workers while LACKING A BIT tween sovefelgh Jewish and Ara­ Peiping-Hankow railway to Changhsientien, four miles to ths Shoe Shine Parlor ing over Winslow reef. 175 miles Madrid; Beat Back Big 887 Main Street police and Ohio NaUonal Guards­ WiD Be Used Bot Predict bian states with a new British man­ southwest. CUCUMPERS 2 'or 5 « from Howland island, on the fringe This Man Feels He Has Stretch Top and men formed a protective circle at date over the holy cities of Jeru­ The fighting broke out In the western suburbs of this of the Phoenix Island group. the mill, near Lake Erie on the Grounds for C^omplaint— Do salem, Nazareth and Bethlehem.
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