mva in asia 亚洲 about systra 关于 赛思达 MVA is a SYSTRA group company. The Group has clients in 150 countries and 350 towns and cities - infrastructure managers, transport authorities, local authorties and businesses. Aware of the importance of a client-proximity business model, SYSTRA has divided its operations into 8 regions to have a presence on every conti- nent and provide the assistance required to transport millions of passengers every day, as safely and efficiently as possible. MVA弘达是賽思达(SYSTRA)集团公司成員之一。(SYSTRA)集团的客户遍及150个国家与350个城市。客 户包括基础建设的项目经理、交通局、当地政府部门和私人机构等。基于「以客为先」的服务宗旨, (SYSTRA)集团将其业务运作划分到8大区域,其目的为透过当地子公司更加了解市场需求,以提供更适 合的专业建议,使当地数百万计的民众得以享有安全和高效率的交通服务。 North America (AMR) Northern Europe (ENO) Los Angeles, Montreal, New-York, Astana, Copenhagen, Philadelphia, Washington, Little Falls Kiev, London, Moscow, 北美 Riga, Wroclaw 洛杉矶,蒙特利尔,纽约, 北欧 费城,华盛顿,利特尔福尔斯 阿斯塔纳,哥本哈根, 基辅,伦敦,莫斯科, 里加,弗罗茨瓦夫 France (FRA) Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Paris, Marseilles 法国 波尔多,里尔,里昂, 巴黎,马赛 Africa, Southern Europe (ASE) Abidjan, Algiers, Baku, Bucharest, Douala, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Libreville, Madrid, Nairobi, Rabat, Rome, Sofia, Tunis Asia Pacific (APA) 非洲,南歐 Bangkok, Beijing, Brisbane, 阿比让,索阿尔及尔 ,巴库,布加勒斯特, Delhi, Hanoi, Hong Kong, 杜阿拉,约翰内斯堡,金沙萨 ,利伯维尔, Manila, Seoul, Shanghai, 内罗毕,马德里,拉巴特,罗马, Shenzhen, Singapore, Taipei 索非亚,突尼斯 亚太地区 曼谷,北京,布里斯班, 德里,河内,香港, 马尼拉,首尔,上海, 深圳,新加坡,台北 Middle East (MEA) Cairo, Dubai, Riyadh 中东 开罗,迪拜,利雅得 Latin America (LAM) Lima, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro Santiago, São Paulo 拉丁美洲 利马,墨西哥,里约热内卢, 圣地亚哥,圣保罗 01 mva in asia mva in asia mva 在亚洲 MVA is a global transportation specialist and leading MVA弘达为领先的国际交通规划及市场研究咨询公司,其亚洲 market research consultancy specializing in traffic 地区的营运始于1978年,业务包括交通规划、交通工程和管理 engineering and transport planning and operations. In 1978, MVA commissioned its regional head office in 的专业性咨询服务。我们亚洲区的总部设于香港,同时在深圳、 Hong Kong. It is now the largest specialist traffic and 北京、上海、新加坡及曼谷均设有分公司,在胡志明市更设有 transport consultancy firm in Asia, with other permanent 项目办公室。时至今日,我们在亚洲有近330名的员工,凭着 offices in Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok and a project office in Ho Chi Minh City. To date, MVA 非常丰富的经验和技术能力,为各国的顾客提供专业工程咨询 has approximately 330 permanent staff operating in Asia 服务。 among the various entities. MVA offers a complete range of consultancy services for MVA提供全面性的的交通、运输和行人方面咨询服务,提供 traffic, transport and pedestrian aspects. Working closely 关于交通及其他政策领域的建议。我们的客户包括公共部门 with governments, NGOs, operators, financial institutions, 和私人机构。我们和各级政府机关、非政府组织、运营商、 developers, architects, planners, engineers and contractors, in both public and private sectors. MVA is experienced in 金融机构、开发商、建筑师、规划师、工程师及承包商紧密 providing consultancy services from initial concept stages, 合作。我们具有从项目的概念阶段提供咨询服务的经验,通过 through planning, feasibility, design and construction. 对规划、可行性研究、设计和施工,为客户提供高质量的服务。 MVA has been assessed by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency and registered as meeting the requirements of the 香港品质保证局对MVA作出了评估,并符合国际质量体系标准 international quality systems standard ISO 9001: 2008. ISO 9001: 2008要求。我们注册的服务范围包括为香港及中国 The scope of the company’s registration includes the provision of consultancy services in transportation 大陆项目提供交通规划、土地使用规划、交通工程、管理 planning, land use planning, traffic engineering and 环境工程和商业及市场调研的咨询服务,符合国际资质和 management environmental engineering, business, market 资信的准则。 and social research for projects in Hong Kong and China. 02 content 目录 P.4 aviation and airports 航空和机场 P.5 business, market and social research 商务咨询、市场调查及社会调研 P.6 car park design and management 停车场设计与管理 P.7 master planning and land-use development 总体规划和土地使用发展 P.8 pedestrian and people movement 行人及步行系统 P.9 public transport planning 公共交通规划 P.10 rail planning and station design 铁路规划和站点设计 P.11 strategic multi-modal modelling 多模式策略交通模型 P.12 transport simulation 交通仿真 P.13 traffic management and control 交通管理与控制 P.14 transport investment 交通投资 P.15 transport for development 物业发展交通规划 P.16 traffic and highway engineering 交通和公路工程 P.17 transport planning 交通规划 P.18 vertical transportation 垂直交通 03 mva in asia aviation and airports 航空和机场 Aviation is a major growing industry in the Asia-Pacific 航空业在亚太地区是主要增长的行业。MVA拥有专业 region. MVA has a dedicated team of airport planning 的航空和机场规划团队,提供全方位的服务,包括航空 professionals and now offers the full range of services 需求预测、机场业务和设施规划、地面进出规划和市场 from aviation demand forecasting, airport business and 研究。 facility planning to surface access planning and market research. Services: 服务﹕ Aviation and Airports 航空和机场 Surface Access Planning 地面进出设计 Aviation Demand Forecasting 航空需求预测 Airport Business and Facility Planning 机场业务和设施规划 Aviation Cargo & Logistics Planning 航空货运和物流规划 Airport Property Development and Town Planning 机场房地产开发和城市规划 Airline Strategy and Market Research 航运战略和市场研究 hong kong shanghai hong chatt rapathi auckland airport, international qiao airport shiraji international new zealand airport 上海虹桥机场 airport, india 纽西兰奥克兰机场 香港国际机场 印度贾特拉帕蒂 希瓦吉 国际机场 04 business, market and social research 商务咨询、市场调查及社会调研 MVA's Business, Market and Social Research MVA的商务咨询、市场调查及社会调研小组(BMSR) Group (BMSR) undertakes a wide range of 为政府部门及私营企业开展一系列咨询、市场调查和 consulting, market research and household surveys for both the public and private 家访调查,以满足客户在业务上的需要。 sectors. Services: 服务﹕ Household Surveys 住户统计调查 Opinion Survey and 意见调查和客户满意度的研究 Customer Satisfaction Research 旅游研究 Tourism Studies 市场及战略评估 Market & Strategy Assessment 零售及场所研究 Retail and Location Studies 业务宣传研究 Advertising Research 顾客满意度研究 Customer Satisfaction Research 市场分析、设计及建模 Market Analysis, Design and Modelling 服务性能指标 Service Performance Indicators 产品评估 Product Evaluation ngong ping 360 mtr passenger study mtr cross-boundary satisfaction and 港铁客 运研究 market study, attitudes tracking survey, 港铁跨境市场研究 hong kong 香港昂坪360乘客满意度和 意见调查 05 mva in asia car park design and management 停车场设计与管理 shenyang new hong kong arab emirates sentosa resort world center car convention and burj dubai hotel car park park system design exhibition centre shopping mall study, singapore 沈阳新世界中心 香港会议展览中心 car park study 新加坡圣淘沙度假村 停车场系统设计 阿联酋迪拜塔购物 酒店停车场研究 商城停车场研究 Good quality of building can be reflected fully by rigorous 严谨的停车场设计可通过细微之处的关怀更彰显楼宇 car park design through the attention paid to the subtle 的品质。为了提升整个发展物业的潜在价值,MVA things. In order to improve the potential value of the whole development, MVA will design the scheme of car 提供在停车场系统设计方案,主要包含停车场管理和 park system, which includes scheme design of car park 停车场系统招标及评标两部分。 management and control and car park system tendering and bidding evaluation. Services: 服务﹕ Design of Car Park Management Scheme 停车场管理方案设计 Development of Solution Scheme 建立解决方案 Design of Car Park Zoning Management 停车场分区管理设计 Design of Car Park Control And Management 停车场控制及管理设计 Design of Car Park Vehicle Locating System 停车场车辆定位系统车设计 Functional Design Of Car Park Internal and External Guidance Sign And Lane Marking 停车场内、外部引导标牌、标线功能设计 Design of Transport Servicing Facilities for Car Park 停车场交通设施设计 Tendering and Bidding Evaluation of Car Park System 停车场系统招标及评标 Compilation of Car Park Intelligent System Technical 停车场智能化系统技术要求文件及招标文件编制 Requirement Document and Tender Document 停车场智能化系统招标及评标 Tendering and Bidding Evaluation of Car Park Intelligent System 06 master planning and land-use development 总体规划和土地使用发展 MVA's transport and traffic planners take a leading role in preparing sustainable development plans to meet the growing population in the Asia region. Projects range from New Town Master Plans, Reclamation Schemes, Urban Renewal Schemes, and Transport Plans for New Commercial and Industrial Areas. Services: Traffic Impact Assessments Planning Applications and Public Consultations Transport Masterplans Vehicular and Passenger Forecasts Road Traffic Circulation and Layout pingtan high speed brunei master Road Network and Junction Design rail masterplan, plan and urban Public Transport Requirements and Facilities china transport study Pedestrian and Cyclist Facilities 平潭高速铁路总体 规划 文莱总体规划及城市 Parking Demand Studies 交通研究 Car Park Layout, Operation and Control Systems Traffic Management during Construction 为满足亚洲区域不断增长的人口需求,MVA的交通及运 输规划专家在制定可持续发展规划方案中,发挥着主导 作用。我们的项目包括新城市总体规划、填海计划、城市 改造计划和新商业区及工业区的交通规划。 west kowloon central world cultural district traffic study, 服务﹕ (wkcd), hong kong thailand 交通影响评估 香港西九文化区 泰国中央世界商业中心 规划应用及公众咨询 交通研究 交通总体规划 车辆及客流量预测 道路交通组织及布局 道路网络及路口设计 公共交通需求及设施 行人及骑自行车者设施 停车需求研究 停车场布局、营运及控制系统 施工期间的交通管理 07 mva in asia pedestrian and people movement 行人及步行系统 MVA offers specialist expertise in pedestrian planning, simulation modeling and design, ranging from demand forecasting and layout planning through to social research and interviews. Services: Trip Generation, Distribution and Demand Forecasting Simulation Modelling Local and District Network Planning Pedestrian Impact Assessment Pedestrianisation Schemes Transport Interchange planning and Design Mass Transit Station Layout Optimization Retail Malls, Exhibition and lok ma chau pedestrian design Entertainment Complexes (hong kong / of mtr stations, Attitudinal Surveys and Market Research china) border hong kong crossing terminus 港铁车站行人设计 落马洲边境总站 (香港及中国内地) planning of public singapore one MVA提供关于行人规划、仿真建模和设计的专家意见, square and pedestrian north mrt station 从需求预测和布局规划到社会调研和采访都有参与。 network for planning and guangzhou liuhua and design optimization suzhou railway 服务﹕ 新加坡纬壹地铁站规划 station areas 出行产生、分布和需求预测 和设计优化 广州流花区和苏州火车站地区 模拟模型的建立 的公用广场和行人网络规划 当地和各区网络规划 行人影响评估 步行街方案 交通换乘枢纽规划和设计 大运量站点布局优化 零售购物商场、会展中心和娱乐场所 市场调查和社会调研 08 public transport planning 公共交通规划 Many major cities in Southeast Asia have invested heavily 为迎合不断增长的需求,东南亚许多大型城市均大力投入 in public transport systems. MVA plays
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