NEWSLETTER AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION INC. Editor: Brad Coles ([email protected]) No. 199 October 2019 Approved for Print Post S65001/00163 ABN 70 053 651 666 ANNUAL IBPA AWARDS The annual IBPA awards were announced this week after the was represented by Dennis Bilde - Giorgio Duboin as North- World Championships in China. The prize for Declarer Play Of South while for the CHAGAS team, Marcos Thoma sat West The Year was awarded to Michael Whibley, for the hand report- and Pablo Ravenna East. ed by Liam Milne in this Newsletter (April 2019, page 13) and The following board saw an excellent defence by Ravenna that previously in Australian Bridge Magazine. The runner-up was managed to fool the declarer into going down in a cold contract. Barbara Travis, reported by Ron Klinger (August 2019, page 6). QF2-52 ] AK107653 Here are two of the other award winners: W/Nil [ A104 JUNIOR DEAL OF THE YEAR PLAY } J Defended by Kevin Rosenberg (East) at the Platinum Pairs at the Spring NABC in Memphis. Reported by John Hurd in the { 32 Ravenna IBPA Bulletin (April 2019). Click PLAY to play the hand. ] Q4 ] J2 ] AQ83 [ KQ92 [ 87653 [ J52 } AKQ6 } 98743 } KQ43 { Q84 { A { A 10 ] 98 [ J ] J 10 } 1052 [ K10876 { KJ109765 } A1076 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH { K7 Thoma Bilde Ravenna Duboin As declarer in 4[, you win the club lead in dummy and have to 1{ 1] dbl pass decide how to play trumps. At the table, declarer, Hurd, led a 4[ 4] pass pass low heart from the board, took the queen with the king, then dbl all pass ran the eight of hearts. This was the full deal: Ravenna, East, led the ace of clubs. After winning the first trick, Board 8 ] AQ83 East shifted to a trump to stop declarer’s potential heart ruffs. E/Nil [ J52 Looking at dummy’s nine-eight of spades, he led the two so PLAY } KQ43 that declarer could not develop a late entry to the table with the nine of spades. Bilde played the eight of spades from { A 10 Rosenberg dummy, West the queen, and declarer won with his trump ace. ] K9764 ] 52 The BBO commentators thought that it looked like minus 590 [ 43 [ AQ9 at this point. However, Bilde continued with a club and Ravenna } 985 } J2 discarded the eight of hearts. He was still thinking about denying { 943 { QJ8652 declarer the nine of spades as an entry to the clubs in dummy. Declarer won the trick with the king of clubs. At that point, ] J 10 Bilde believed that West had both of the remaining trumps. [ K10876 Declarer played another club and, after this play, he could no } A1076 longer make the contract. When Bilde played dummy’s six of { K7 clubs, West played his queen, Bilde ruffed with the seven of spades and East discarded another heart. Declarer continued When Kevin Rosenberg made the [9, he not only had a bril- with the ace of hearts, ruffed a heart in dummy, and played a liancy prize entry, but the admiration of his opponents, Hurd club. West ruffed with his four of spades and Bilde threw his and Jeff Meckstroth, and partner David Gold! John Hurd last heart loser. East pitched his last heart too. West returned the king of hearts; Bilde ruffed with the six of spades, but BEST DEFENCE Ravenna now over-ruffed and the diamond trick to come meant one off. That was fantastic defence. Bravo! Defended by Pablo Ravenna (East) at the 2018 Rosenblum. Reported by Ana Roth in the IBPA Bulletin (October 2018). Double dummy, there is no legitimate way to beat 4]. After the ace of clubs lead and, say, a spade shift, declarer utilizes The LAVAZZA versus CHAGAS match was dramatic until the the bidding to deduce that West holds all the red high cards last board. In the end, LAVAZZA won by 6 imps and made their and draws trumps, squeeze-endplaying him. way to the semi-finals. At one of the tables, the Italian team Ana Roth HOAX EMAILS PRESIDENT’S REPORT Recently some members have been sent hoax emails, pur- The Australian Bridge community can be porting to be from various officers of the ABF and the QBA, very proud of our Under-26 Youth team requesting money. We advise all members to be vigilant who have had a successful 2019. In regarding email scams. In particular: Croatia at the World Youth Teams • Check the email address, not just the display name. Championship the team finished 4th, Andrew Spooner was 4th in the • Be alert to unusual requests. Individual, and Jamie Thompson and • Be extra careful with email accounts. If possible, use two Matt Smith were 2nd in the pairs. Jamie factor authentication so that it sends you an SMS code Thompson placed 3rd in the Under-26 if you use a new computer, and make sure your email Triathlon and Nicolas Ranson and John McMahon password is different from your other passwords. This is finished 1st in the Under-26 Butler ranking. They were also because if someone gets into your email they can reset awarded two international awards: the Joan Gerard Award for the password on lots of other things. aptitude, diligence and international spirit, and from the International Bridge Press Association, the John E. Simon INSIDE THIS EDITION Sportsmanship of the Year Award. The Management Committee is pleased to announce that it Articles will exercise one of the measures in the ABF Strategic Review, IBPA Awards 1 “to introduce positive incentives and rewards for good and excellent performance,” and give each player in the under-26 President’s Report: Allison Stralow 2 team a reward of $500. ABF Education: Joan Butts 3 The ABF has a new Emerald Life Master. An objective of the ABF Marketing Report: Peter Cox 4 ABF Masterpoint Scheme is to provide a means of measuring a player’s achievements. The number of masterpoints won by Around The Clubs 6 players over their lifetime is used to determine each player’s A Game At The Club: Barbara Travis 8 master ranking. Simon Hinge becomes the first Victorian to become an Emerald Grand Master and joins an elite group of Territory Gold: John Brockwell 10 Australian bridge players: Pauline Gumby, Paul Lavings, Warren Tournament Results 12 Lazer, Margaret Bourke, Bob Richman, Ron Klinger, Peter Gill, Terry Brown and Arjuna de Livera. The ABF Management Com- Bridge Into The 21st Century: Paul Lavings 14 mittee congratulates Simon on earning 10,000 masterpoints Bridge Vid: Peter Hollands 16 and being promoted to the rank of Emerald Grand Master. How Would You Play? Barbara Travis 11, 17 The ABF have commenced development of the systems out- lined in the Technology Strategy. This work will take up to two Coaching Cathy At Contract: David Lusk 18 years to complete. We expect the first part, event entry and Five slams in one hand: Brad Coles 19 payments, to be ready in the second quarter of 2020 with oth- er components such as results and scoring available following Improve Your Defence: Ron Klinger 19, 20 that. A mock-up of parts of the system as it is expected to look Letters To The Editor 20 will be available shortly for members to provide their feedback. It is also intended to hold demonstrations of the system at Australia-Wide Open Pairs 21 some upcoming events. ABF Youth Initiatives: Leigh Gold 22 Entries for the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Open Congress in Card Play Tips: Eddie Kantar 24 Perth, 15-22 April 2020, can now be submitted online, using our secure site: Mike’s Computer Clock 25 Morton Revisited: Dennis Zines 26 https://www.entries.bridgeaustralia.org/ Workshops With Will: William Jenner-O’Shea 26 onlineentries.php?id=55 Congress Report: Ian McKinnon 27 As this is a congress year the event is open to all bridge Advertising enquiries: [email protected] players. I encourage all players to save the dates and organise your teams and/or pairs to take advantage of the opportunity Letters to the Editor and feedback: [email protected] to compete in an international event on home soil. If you have any issues you would like to raise with me or the ABF Management Committee please email: DEADLINE FOR DECEMBER EDITION [email protected] ADVERTISING: 14 NOVEMBER 2019 The best of bridge to you all. ARTICLES: 14 NOVEMBER 2019 Allison Stralow, ABF President Australian Bridge Federation Inc. Newsletter: October 2019 Page: 2 Teachers are using their own initiative to help grow new bridge site and play the hands again. We plan to have a champagne player numbers... and it’s working! Here’s a success story from graduation duplicate with our new players being partnered ABF Accredited Teacher, Christine Hadaway: by all the people who helped with flyers and our committee. A TRIP TO THE SHOPPING CENTRE! Things to do before you start: Recently I took over the be- • Read the ABF Marketing Plan and Marketing Report ginners’ program at Brisbane (ABF Newsletter, December 2018) by Peter Cox Water Bridge Club in Woy • Download the ABF Public Liability Certificate of Currency Woy on the Central Coast. & Voluntary Workers Schedule We were concerned about the small number of new • Revamp your flyers to attract attention players that were playing • Have your ABF Teacher accreditation certificate across our regular sessions • Recruit as many enthusiastic members of your club that which we run six days a week. you can to be involved. We realised that we needed All upcoming ABF Accreditation workshops a larger intake of new play- may be viewed at ABF Education: ers because of our falling membership.
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