CineSoundPro TM CREATIVE AUDIO FOR VISUAL MEDIA WWW.HDVIDEOPRO.COM Audio Artist On The Making Contents Of Futurama Features 76 BIG SOUNDS FROM THE SMALL STUDIO Emile D. Menasché talks about creating the score for Incident in New Baghdad By George Petersen 80 BREAK FREE OF THE DIN Sound-restoration software for production noise problems By George Petersen 86 AUDIO ANIMATION Futurama Series Editor Rescue & Restore Paul D. Calder shares the challenges and triumphs of audio production for the show By George Petersen Damaged Audio Departments 70 NEWS & VUS: Software solutions Useful information sound that will save your pros need to know dialogue and 72 EQUALIZERS: background tracks New gear to give you an edge 84 INSIDE TRACK: GET CLEAR SOUND Essential accessories for location recording will prepare you to shoot anywhere By George Petersen Cool Mics & Hot Equipment! See Page 72 SPECIAL SECTION VISIT US AT NAB (CineSoundPro I News) CENTRAL HALL #C2632 News & VUs Useful information sound pros need to know | By George Petersen 15 YEARS OF SILENCE FOR ADR, STUDIOS AND VOICE-OVERS This year marks the 15th anniver- sary of VocalBooth.com, a leading supplier of portable, modular sound rooms, studios and recording booths. The company was founded by singer- songwriter Calvin Mann, who want- ed more control and sound isolation for his recordings, so out of this need, he created his own modular sound VocalBooth™ room—the first VocalBooth™. modular sound Modular and portable by design, rooms can be moved and VocalBooth can be moved, re- easily modified arranged and upgraded when nec- or upgraded as essary—unlike hard-built booths. the need arises, The first models were 4x4-foot units. and they’re The line later expanded to include available in a number of sizes. units up to 16x16 feet, custom ACTION. heights and a wide range of options, MKH 8060 Short Shotgun Microphone including choices in woods, single/ double-wall designs, windows, AC Today, the missing link to great pro- feature, which blends the audio out- venting, non-parallel walls, interior/ fessional and home-based recording puts of both receiver channels in a exterior colors, lighting and even and broadcasting is often the quality seamless manner to produce a single ceiling-mount mic booms. of sound isolation.” audio output, which leaves the cam- Capturing the Moment. “Film and television is a great era’s other audio input available for QUICK TIP: market for us due to the controlled an on-camera mic feed. “On this job, For feature film, documentary or ENG, the new MKH 8060 delivers recording environments our booths DUAL FEED EASES I was sending a mono mixdown track top quality sound to complement your exciting visuals. provide for ADR and voice-over,” ON-THE-FLY GRAB SHOTS to the right audio track of the camera says company president Mann, A location sound mixer who works and let the camera mic fly on the left adding that Emmy®-winning film/ extensively on documentaries, com- track,” Israel explains. “That way, if Compact, rugged and reliable, the MKH 8060 features a TV sound veteran Joe Foglia of mercials and other short-form proj- there was B-roll or the DP/camera symmetrical RF condenser design and short interference tube that Southeast Audio Services uses a five- ects, Matt Israel‘s most recent assignment op went off to shoot something on suppresses off-axis sound without coloration, producing extremely sided 10 Carat Diamond Series was recording dialogue for Unwasted his own, he still had some ambient/ natural and detailed results. VocalBooth for his ADR work. Weekend, a short-form anti-drug cam- reference sound to work with.” “Shows like Cougar Town, Castle and paign program aimed at teens. Scrubs have used VocalBooths for His all-Lectrosonics RF rig included QUICK TIP: Ideal for boom pole and camera mounting due to its compact size, several seasons.” SM (super-miniature) and UM400 THE AIFF-TO-WAV the MKH 8060 is Sennheiser’s first short shotgun to interface Adds Mann, “Video and pro audio transmitters, UCR411a receivers and CAPTURE TRICK directly into digital systems via the MZD 8000 digital module. equipment may be advancing at light an SRa dual-channel ENG receiver, with This isn’t so much a trick as just a speed, but what does not change is the latter mounted onto a Sony F3 way of retaining some of my sanity www.SennheiserUSA.com the desire to control the recording video camera. during a hectic edit session. I have an environment. There will always be Israel was impressed by the audio especially fond regard for this when unwanted interference and noise, and performance and rugged build qual- I’m exporting a lot of short sound clips as recording and video systems ity of Lectrosonics’ Digital Hybrid Wire- out of Final Cut Pro (my editor of become more sensitive, so does the less units. However, he also spoke choice) and into some audio DAW for need to reduce ambient intrusion. highly about the SRa receiver’s ratio (Cont’d on page 134) MKH 8060 Short Shotgun Microphone 70 I HDVideoPro Equalizers (CineSoundPro I New Gear To Give You An Edge) BRING ON THE MIXERS! Azden announces two new location mixers. Designed for DSLRs, ™ 2 DAW plays nice the FMX-DSLR runs on four AA batteries and attaches directly to a camera or tripod. It offers two XLR mic inputs with individual level tudio One controls, switchable phantom power, stereo minijack mic input, minijack line input, a switchable AGC circuit, stereo miniplug mic with video editing programs. output and headphone out, LED peak level indicators, and an input S return function (RTN) to monitor camera audio. The FMX-32a uses the same circuit topology as the FMX-42 mixers, and it can attach directly to a camera, or it can be neck-worn with an optional carry case. It has three XLR mic inputs, each with level controls, LCR output routing, and switchable phantom power and limiting. Out- 1 puts are stereo XLR and minijack, and ⁄4-inch headphone jack. Power is via six AA batteries or external 12VDC. Estimated Street HOT SHOTS Price: $299 (FMX-DSLR); $449 (FMX-32a). Contact: Azden, (516) The FR-310 Hot Shoe Shotgun Microphone has a stan- 328-7500, www.azdencorp.com. dard hot-shoe mount for your camcorder or DSLR. The mic features three gain settings to match close- in or distant work, a 150 Hz bass roll-off switch to reduce rumble, and an integrated foam windscreen, and operates up to 500 hours on a single AAA bat- 1 tery. Output is a mono TRS ⁄8-inch plug. Estimated Street Price: $129. Contact: MXL Microphones, (310) 333-0606, www.mxlmics.com. THE LOW, LOWDOWN KRK Systems announces two new powered subwoofer systems. Designed for high-level appli- cations, the KRK 12sHO has a 12-inch, high-excursion, woven Kevlar cone driver on a curved front baffle designed to eliminate diffraction distortion. The integrated 400W RMS power amp delivers 113 dB SPLs with 123 dB peaks and integrates into any existing monitor system via WXGLR2QHLVWKHGLJLWDODXGLR ,PSRUWYLGHRMXVWE\GUDJJLQJ download a a dedicated LFE input (with variable 60-160 Hz crossover) or the built-in high-pass filter that S ZRUNVWDWLRQWKDWłVFXUUHQWO\ PRYłVWRWKHLQWHJUDWHG4XLFN7LPH routes upper frequencies to the main monitors. Also standard are XLR/TRS balanced inputs, LFE FREE ZKXSSLQJEXWWRQWKHROGVNRRO YLGHRSOD\HUIURP6WXGLR2QHłV input gain, XLR outs, subwoofer bypass footswitch jack, connection, phase reverse switch and vari- VWHHSOHDUQLQJFXUYHSURJUDPVOLNH EXLOWLQEURZVHU Ŗ Ŗ ŕ able phase adjustment. Intended for smaller spaces, the new KRK 12s matches a 12-inch Kevlar cone 6RIWZDUH/WG 3UR 7RROV LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUN RI $YLG /RJLF LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUN RI $SSOH 3UH6RQXV $XGLR (OHFWURQLFV ,QF $OO 5LJKWV 5HVHUYHG 6WXGLR 2QH LV D WUDGHPDUN RI 3UH6RQXV demo 3UR7RROV /RJLF DQG&XEDVH ([WUDFWDXGLRLQVWDQWO\ woofer to a 240W power amp for 110 dB music/119.5 dB peaks. It integrates into existing systems similar to the 12sHO and has ,I\RXGRDQ\DPRXQWRIVFRULQJ 6HW9LGHR2IIVHWLQFOXGLQJ)UDPH XLR/TRS/RCA inputs/outputs, a -30 dB to +6 dB level adjust, subwoofer bypass and phase reverse switch. Estimated Street Price: 6WXGLR2QH3URIHVVLRQDO 6NLS0XWHDXGLRHPEHGGHGLQD $1,499 (KRK 12sHO); $799 (KRK 12s). Contact: KRK Systems, (954) 949-9600, www.krksys.com. :HDWKHU LQ %DWRQ 5RXJH GXULQJ SUHSDUDWLRQ RI WKLV DG ij Ō RXU LGHD RI ZLQWHU GHVHUYHVDVHURXVORRN YLGHRZLWKRQHFOLFN ,WKDVDVLQJOHZLQGRZ 'RZQORDGDIUHHGHPRYHUVLRQRI LQWXLWLYH*8,WKDWGRHVQłWJHW 6WXGLR2QHDWSUHVRQXVFRP V LQWKHZD\RI\RXULQVSLUDWLRQ DQGGLVFRYHUMXVWKRZSRZHUIXODQG CLASSIC SOUNDS FOR DOWNLOAD DQGFUHDWLYLW\ \HWHDV\WRXVHDQH[WJHQHUDWLRQ Stockmusic.com, the music and sound-effects download division of Sound ,WUXQVLQELWPRGHDQG GLJLWDODXGLRZRUNVWDWLRQSURJUDP Ideas, now offers individual downloads of sounds from the Hanna- LVWKHRQO\'$:ZLWKEXLOWLQ FDQEH Barbera Sound Effects Library. Available are more than 2,500 effects from 0HORG\QHSLWFKFRUUHFWLRQ legendary cartoons like The Flintstones, Huckleberry Hound, Yogi Bear, The Jetsons and other HB shows—all digitally remastered. The entire library is also available on CDs from Sound Ideas. Estimated Street Price: $4.99 per individual download. Contact: www.stockmusic.com. ZZZSUHVRQXVFRP Vō%DWRQ5RXJH86$ 72 I HDVideoPro JUMP HEAD (CineSoundPro I New Gear To Give You An Edge) JUMP HEAD (Cont’dEqualizers from Page 00) X-Y FOR DSLR The Apex 177 camera-mount mic routes two cardioid condenser 1 capsules to a standard ⁄8-inch miniplug cable for use with most TIME CODE ON LOCATION camcorders and DSLRs. The mics are in a coincident X-Y stereo pattern and can be switched for a narrow 90-degree field or wide The GR-2 SMPTE/EBU generator/reader has a 120-degree field. Power is via an onboard 3-volt CR2 battery, and two-line, 12-digit LCD readout showing time code/ the mic ships with carry bag, battery and integrated foam wind- user bits, mode and rate.
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