"MEETINGS OF THE HOtill DISTRICT ---.. ---·-·-·--··-------· GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE Por the year 1 8 2 5. - 167 - GENERAL QUARTER s:s~~sro:Js OF nm PEACE holden in and for the Home District at York on the 1st day of February, 1825. Present Alexander hlcDonell~ Esquire, Chairman, Stephen Jarvis, Esquire, James Miles, Esquire. The Court vms opened. The Commission Read. The Sheriff returned the Precept. The Grand Jury vrnre then called as follows, and severally Sworn:- 1. Jabez Hall, Foreman, 2. Moses Hemingway, 8. Benjamin Varnum, 3. Benjamin Stone, 9. Abraham Terwillegar, 4. George McGill, 10. William Hall, 5. Matthew Terwillegar, 11. David Gardner, 6. Ackeus Moody Farewell, 12. Daniel Dehart, 7. William F. Moore, 13. Jqhn Still. The above Jury was then charged by the Chairman and retired. The King on the prosecution ) For a Riot and Assault. of Solomon Mattice ) vs ) Witnesses Sworn to give evi­ Musson & others, ) dence before the Grand Jury. 1. Solomon 1.la t tic e, 5. Margaret Mattice, 2. William Mattice, 6. David Stuart, 3. John Mattice, 7. James Elliott, 4. Jane lfattice, 8. William Mattice, Senr., The King on Prosecution of) For Petty Larceny. Colin Drummond ) vs ) Colin Drummond sworn to go be- Isaac Balcom, ) fore the Grand Jury. The Petty Jury was then called, and the following Traverse from last Session was called, and a Jury empaneled as follows:- The King on the Prosecution of) Assault &c. from last Jane Viney ) Session. vs ) James Brown and John Brown, ) - 168 - GENERAL CJUARTEH ~ESSIONS OF THE P~ACE_ 1st February, 1825, continued. Jury 1. Thomas Provost, 7. Edward Smith, 2. Jeremiah Martin, 8. Joseph Buck, 3. James Huntingdon, 9. Michael Frase, 4. Lawrence Smith, 10. Abram Coryell, 5. Jeremiah Luscomb, 11. Daniel Coryell, 6. John Williams, 12. Samuel ~oward. Witnesses for Prosecution. Witness for Defendant. 1. Jane Viney, Ann Brown. 2. Davld Watt, 3. James Robison, 4. John Viney. V".&RDICT GUILTY. Sentenced to pay a fine of 5/. each; to find Sureties of the Peace for good behaviour for Six Months, and to pay Costs of Prosecution; ·to remain in Custody until the whole was performed. They entered into Recognizance as follows, viz:- RECOGNIZANCE. CONDITION. James Brown, £40.) That James Brown and John Brown do John Brown, £40.) keep the Peace towards all his Alexander Brown, £20.) :Majesty's liege subjects, and par­ William Andrews, £20.) ticularly towards John and Elizabet11 Viney, for Six Calendar Months from this date,-(and to remain in Custody till fine &c.paid) The King on the prosecution of ) Assault and Battery. John Augustus Stevenson ) vs ) A Traverse from last Quar- James Brown & John Brown, ) ter Sessions. 1. Richard Demeray, 7. Thomas Provost, 2. Edward Stone, 8. James Huntingdon, 3. Joseph Goreham, 9. Zachariah Luscombe, 4. Justus A. Seeley, 10. John Williams, 5. George Moore, 11. Edward Smith, 6. Michael Freeze, 12. Joseph Buck. Uitnesses for pros~cution. 1. J. Augustus Stevenson, VERDICT GUILTY. 2. Levi 1,,,1ercer, 3. Mark Dawson, 4. John Knaggs. Sentenced to pay a Fine of Twenty Shillings each to the King, with expenses of prosecution, and to remain in Custody until paid. - 169 - GEHERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE . , --- 1st February, 1825, continued. Proclamation WffS made three times for John T. Elrod to appear before the first day of Easter Term to Answer to an Indictment of Bigamy preferred against him;- did not answer. The Children of three U.E.Loyalists recognized by the Court, and Certificates signed for t11eir Lands ac- cordingly. The Court then Adjourned to 10 O'clock to- morrow morning. - 170 - GENERAL Q,TJAHTER SESSION:S .. JP THE PEACE 2nd February, 1825. Present Alexander lEcDone 11, Esquire, Chairman, Grant Powell, ) Darcy Boulton,the Younger,) and Christopher Widmer, ) The King on the Prosecution of) Riot and Assault. Solomon Mattice ) vs ) The Grand Jury returned a William Musson. and others, ) rrrue Bill. The Defendants on being arraigned pleaded not Guilty, and Traversed the Indictment to .riext Quarter Ses- sions. Ordered that the Defendants do enter into Recogni- zance for their appearance at next Quarter Sessions to be holden for this District, and in the mean time to keep the peace, which they did as follows:- RECOGNIZANCE as follows, CONDITIOH. 1. Thomas 1'.Iusson, £40.) That the whole of those Persons 2. 'ililliam 1':1usson, £40. ) do appear at next General Quarter 3. Edward Musson, £40.) Sessions of the Peace, to be 4. Thomas Farr, £40.) holden in and for the Home Dis­ 5.,.. Thomas Maxwell, £40.) trict, and answer to an Indict­ o. Herbert Matthews, £40.) ment found against them for a 7. William Matthews, £40.) Riot and Assault, and to keep 8. Alexander Davidson 40.) the Peace towards Solomon 9. Mark Dawson, £40.) Mattice and Family in the mean 10. John Chew, £40.) time. 11. Thomas Dawson, £40.) Their Pledges. 1. Thomas Dawson, £20.) 2. John Pawll, £20.) 3. Jeremiah Fox, £40.) 4. Jacob Phillips, £40.) 5. Herbert Liathews, £40.) 6. Thomas Dawson, £20.) The Recognizance of Thomas Powers to prosecute Chancy Skinner and Joel Blair for Larceny, Ordered to be respited until the next Assizes, holden for the Home Dis- trict, and the papers to be transmitted to the Attorney General, and that Chancy Skinner and Joel Blair do enter - 171 => GENERAL ~UARTER s~_~;srmrn OF THE ?~ACE 2nd February, 1825, continued. into Recognizance to ,ppear at the next Assizes holden for this District to answer to the same, which they did as follows, viz:- RECOGNIZANCE. CONDITION. Chauncy Skinner, £10.) That Chauncy Skinner, and Joel Joel Blair, iaO.) Their Pledges were ) Blair do appear at next Assizes Martin Terwillegar, £ 5.) holden in this District and Peter Liatthews, £ 5.) answer, &c. The King on the Prosecution of ) A Tr~verse from last Charles Moore ) vs ) Session. Simon Kemp, ) Jury 1. Alexander Armstrong, 7. Joseph Buck, 2. Thomas Prevost, 8. Michael Frazer, 3. Jeremiah Martin, 9. Daniel Coryel, 4. James Huntingdon, 10. William Powell, 5. Edward Smith, 11. Lawrecnce Smith, 6. Justus A. Seeley, 12. Richard Demaray. ~itnesses for prosecution. Witnesses for Defendant. 1. Charles Moore, 1. Anne Parker, 2. Elizabeth Rutter, 2. Thomas Lackie, 3. Joel Whittiker, 4. Truman Penrow, 5. Jacbb Nbthardt, 6. William Phair. Verdict, Not Guilty. The Grand Jury again appeared with a presentment against John Lyman Gordonier, for Stealing a Hive of Bees, Whereupon an Indictment was framecl, and sent to the Grand Jury, who soon returned the same into Court as a True Bill. The King ) Petty Larceny. On his being vs ) John Lyman Gordonier, ) arraigned Pleaded Guilty. Sentenced to one Month's Imprisonment (and Costs). - 172 - GENEIV\.L OUARTER SES:31 ONS OJ? rrHE ~EA_g~-- 2nd February, 1825, continued. The King on the Prosecution of Colin Drummond ) vs ) Petty Larceny. Isaac Balcom, ) (Costs to District) On Isaac Balcom being arraigned pleaded Guilty. Sentenced to one Calendar Month's Imprisonment. The King on the prosecution of) Assault. Jane Jordan ) · vs ) A Traverse from last .Charles C. Small,Esq., ) Session. Jury 1. Jpseph Gor~am, 7. Justus A. Seeley, 2. Edward Stone, 8. Zachariah Luscombe, 3. Alexander Armstrong, 9. John Vlilliams, 4. Jeremiah Martin, 10. Daniel Coryell, 5. James Huntingdon, 11. Simon Howard, 6. Edward Smith, 12. William Powell. Witnesses for prosecution. 1. Jane Jordan, VERDICT GUILTY .. 2. John Tiffs. Sentenced to pay a fine of 5/. with Costs. (Not Paid). The King on the prosecution of) Assault and Battery. Jane Ruggles ) A Traverse from last vs ) Session. Plea Not Guilty. Jane Jordan, ) Traverse to next Session. Ordered that the Recognizance in this Cause be respited to next Court of General Quarter Sessions to be holden for the Home District. The Application of Allan McNabb ~or an extension of the Gaol limits, was laid before the Court, and Ordered to 1 ie over. The Court then Adjourned to to-morrow, Noon. - 173 - 3rd February, 1825. ·-------- The Court met Pursuant to Adjournment. Present Alexander McDonell, Esquire, Chairman, Darcy Beul ton, the Younger, ) and ) Esquires, Justices, Christopher Widmer, ) &c. William Peach ) Assault, &c. Withdrawn & settled vs ) with leave of the Court, on paying Alexander Armstrong,) Costs. A Deed of Bargain and Sale between John Henry Carman, and John Small, Esquire, was proved in open Court by the Widow of late John Henry Carman. Catharine Joseph was called to answer to the complaint of Phoebe I.Jyers, upon which an Indictment had been framed. Prosecutrix not appearing, Catharine Joseph was discharged by proclamation. The Court then Adjourned to Saturday next the 12th Instant, to be holden at the office of t~-ie Clerk of ·the Peace. - 174 - ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTEH sg~SIONS OF THE PEACE York, 12th February, 1825. The Court,met pursuant to Adjournment. Present Alexander MCDonell, Esquire, Chairman, Christopher Widmer,) and ) Esquires, Justices, &c. R. G. Anderson, ) Ordered that the Contractors for building the Gaol and Court House, do procure an Estimate of the Expense of raising a parapet around the Gaol & Court House according to the annexed pla.n & for inserting cut stone pilasters in the East & South fronts of the said parapet of the Court Hpuse; and in the South part of the Gaol; together with a coping of Cut Stone to surmount the parapets .of both buildings, and also leaden gutters within the said parapet. (Signed) Alex'r. McDo~ell, Ch'n. Laid the Petition of Isaac Devine, and other Inhabitants of the Townships of York Etobico1rn, Toronto., Gore, Albion, and other Townships adjoining the same, pray­ ing directions to open the Road, called Campbell's Road, in the Township of Etobicoke, until it reaches the Gore of Toronto, and that the Inhabitants residing near the same be allowed to perform their Statute Labour thereon this year.
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