OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] 8 I 2 5 ' 12.2 1.25 RESTRICTED \ o m 20 June 1981 English Establishment of a Sectoral Fertilizer Documentation and Information Unit for the Arab Region at AFCFP in Kuwait DP/RAB/78/021/11—01/B Technical report and final mission report Prepared for the Government of Arab States by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, executing agency for the United Nations Development Programme Based on the work of Horst G. Koeraer, consultant for industrial information and documentation services United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna This report has not been cleared with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization which does not, therefore, necessarily share the views presented. - 2 - Explanatory notes Currency One Kuwaiti Dinar (KD) was equivalent to US $ 3.63 In May 1981. Abbreviations and Organizations AFCFP Arab Federation of Chemical Fertilizer Producers, Kuwait, establ. 1975. AI DO Arab Industrial Development Organization, Baghdad, (the Specialized Agency of the Arab League in charge of promoting ind. dev. in the Arab countries.) formerly IDCAS, establ. 1969. AO AD Arab Organization of Agricultural Development, Khartoum. BSC The British Sulphur Corp. Ltd., London. CPU Central processing unit (of a computer). FAO Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. FERTECON Fertilizer Economic Studies Ltd., London. GOIC Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting, Doha, Qatar. IFDC International Fertilizer Development Center, Alabama, U.S.A. ISMA Originally "International Phosphate Industry Association", Paris. KISR Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait. NSTIC National Scientific and Technical Information Centre, Kuwait (a division of KISR). OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporters Companies, Kuwait. PIC Petrochemical Industries Company, Kuwait. QAFCO Qatar Fertilizer Company, Umm Said, Qatar. (40 km from Doha). UNDP United Nations Development Programme. UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna. VIC Vienna International Centre. Commercial names The mention of firm names and commercial products does not imply endorsement by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). 1 - 4- - Contents Explanatory notes 2 Abstract 3 INTRODUCTION 6 Project background, and objectives Consultancy services Official arrangements 7 RECOMMENDATIONS 8 I. PRESENT INFORMATION F L 0 S 10 A. Numerical data B. Literature 1. Newspapers 11 2. Journals 3- Books 4. Reports and other documents C. Inquiries 12 II. DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION USE 13 A. Attractive information services B. 'Types of services 1. Current awareness services 1.1 Group profile services 1.2 Individual current awareness proiiles 14 2. On-demand services 2.1 Retrospective searches 2.2 Ordering services for specified journal articles 15 C. User potential and información marketing 16 III. CO MF U T ER I Z AT 10 N 17 A. Reauirements 1 . Processing of Arabic 2. Local computer companies 18 3. Photocomposition compatibility 19 4. Versatility 3. Arabrite and ISC 20 1. Common features 2. Differences 2.1 CPU and main memory 2.2 Additional terminals 2.3 Keyboard 21 2.4 Function keys 2.5 Screen capacity 2.6 Colour display 2.7 Word processor 2.3 Diskette drives 22 2.9 Price 2.10 Warranty 2.11 Maintenance and support 3. Trial installation 4. Consultant's choice 23 C. Suggestions for first applications 24 1. Adresses 2. Statistics 3* Fertilizer dictionary, thesaurus, classification 4. List of journal holdings 25 5. Alphabetical subject indexes and other indexes 26 6. Linkage to data banks 27 D. Future computer applications 28 IV. 0 T H EH EQUIPMENT 29 A. Sorter with associated photocopier B. Library Equipment - 6 - INTRODUCTION Project background and objectives In late 1979 a 4-year regional co-operation programme for the development and promotion of fertilizer production and utilization In Arab countries (Regional Fertilizer Programme) was started, together by AIDO (formerly IDCAS), AFCFP and UNDP/UNIDO/FAO. One of the aims of the project is to "develop an information and documentation system to serve the government's decision making bodies, the fertilizer producers and users" (page 2 of the UNDP Project Document, 27.2.1980). Taking into account the ongoing activities initiated by AIDO and/or AFCFP, one of the immediate objectives of the project was formulated as follows : "to assist in the establishment of a specialized fertilizer documentation unit at AFCFP as a sectoral focal point to be part of the AIDO Industrial Documentation and Information Network." (UNDP Proj. Doc. p. 3) In 1979 - 1980 AIDO worked on a feasibility study on the establishment of an Industrial Documentation and Information Network for the Arab Region. The network's section dealing with fertilizer ought to become operational as soon as the focal point at AFCFP will be functioning. (UNDP Proj. Doc. p. 7) Consultancy services Within the framework of technical assistance by UNIDO, 2 man/months of consultancy services were envisaged to produce a report on the organization of the Sectoral Fertilizer Documentation and Information Unit at AFCFP. The report is supposed to serve as the basic document for the establishment of the unit and to provide the terms of reference for follow-up work. The linkage of the AFCFP information unit and the AIDO network is to be considered. (UNDP Proj. Doc. I E c 2, p.12). Advice on computerization is expected. Equipment To strengthen AFCFP and AIDO In their efforts to make the system fully operational in short time, UNIDO agreed to supply selected items of equipment for the AFCFP Unit. Specifying the equipment needed is part of the consultant's duties. US $ 50,000 are allocated in the project budget for equipment for the AFCFP Sectoral Documentation and Information Unit (Hardware). (UNDP Proj. doc. p. 15, 17) Official arrangements The 2 man/months consultancy services were requested by AIDO in October 1980 and approved by UNIDO in February 1981. The mission being reported on began in Kuwait on 15 April 1981 and lasted 2 months and a few days. The consultant asked UNDP Kuwait to arrange for his visits to AIDO, Baghdad, and GOIC, Doha in Qatar, the first day he was in Kuwait and followed this up in short intervals. On 29 April he wrote and personally delivered a letter to UNDP Kuwait repeating his request and asking UNDP to request formal travel authorization from UNIDO, Vienna, for the month of May, exact dates of travel depending on UNDP's arrangements with UNDP's offices in Baghdad and Qatar, and visa formalities. Due to unforeseeable formal difficulties, the visit to GOIC did not materialize till 3 - 4 June and the visit to AIDO had to be postponed to the end of the mission. On 2 occasions staff members of AFCFP visited AIDO in early May and spoke with Dr. Hilmi about the consultant's intended visit. An Invitation of AIDO was received but could not be accepted because the reentry visa to Kuwait was not obtainable. The occasion was taken in Qatar on June 3 to also visit QAFCO's library in Umm Said, and UNDP, Doha, was very helpful in providing transportation etc. AFCFP was very helpful in arranging visits to the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR), to the Director of the University Library, to local computer companies, etc., and also in gathering required information, by telex, telephone, and correspondence. - 8 - RECOMMENDATIONS 1 AFCFP's existing Information and Documentation Section should be developed and staffed to become the Sectoral Fertilizer Documentation and Information Unit for the Arab Region. 2 The Unit should organizationally remain within AFCFP, equipped with a special status as against other AFCFP departments. This status should reflect, besides the strong binding to fertilizer manufacturers, - the Unit's linkage to AIDO's Industrial Information and Documentation Centre - its service to non-members of AFCFP, e.g. governments, consumers of fertilizer, fertilizer trade, researchers, students, etc. 3 The Unit should have a certain degree of financial independence, e.g. a fixed budget within AFCFP. 4 The Unit should be capable of making legal agreements, e.g. on exchange of data files with other Information centres, commercial and non-commercial, especially in developed countries. 5 The Unit should make use of existing information retrieval services, e.g. IFDC's World Fertilizer Information System, Lockheed's DIALOG, EURONET etc., on-line and in other ways. 6 The Unit should have a staff of at least four, two more than AFCFP's present Library and Documentation Section has.
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