THE BELFAST GAZETTE, AUGUST 13, 1937. 257 the purpose of having an account laid before them To Rev. E. M'Namee, C.C., Faughanvale, Co. Derry, showing how the winding-up has been conducted £10 for Masses for the repose of his soul and and the property disposed of, and of hearing any the souls of his deceased parents. explanation which may be given by the Liquidator. And all the rest, residue and remainder, to said Dated this 6th day of August, 1937. Rev. F. O'Neill, P.P., to dispose of in charity in his absolute discretion. HUGH BOYD, Probate of the said Will was on the 28th day Liquidator. of June, 1937, granted forth of the District D. McGONIGAL & SONS, Solicitors, 2 Rose- Registry at Londonderry of the High Court of mary Street, Belfast. Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate) to George O'Kane, of Bolie, Greysteel, and Thomas O'Kane, of Killywool, Greysteel, hoth in the County of Londonderry, Farmers, the Executors named in the said Will. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. Dated this 10th day of. August, 1937. In the Goods of MARY ANNE MOORE, late of Ballylig TRACY & LOGUE, Solicitors for the House, in the County of Down, Spinster, Executors, 26 Corn Market, Belfast; and Deceased. Northern Bank Buildings, Derry. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute To the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, that ihe above-named de- Bequests of Northern Ireland, and to all others ceased died on the 4th day of August, 1936, and whom it may concern. by her last Will, dated the 14th day of September, 1934, bequeathed the following Charitable Bequests: To the Committee of Down County Infirmary the sum of £1,000. To Dr. Barnardo's Homes the sum of £100 to be NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. used in Northern Ireland.. To the Protestant Orphan Society the sum of In the Goods of DAVID MCAFEE, late of Brook £200 to be used in Northern Ireland. Street, Coleraine, County Londonderry, Retired To the respective Trustees of the Parishes of Shirt Cutter, Deceased. Killough, Bright, and Rathmullan the sums of NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the £100, such respective sums to be invested by Statute 30 and 31 Vic. Cap.- 54, that the above- such Truestees and the income therefrom named David McAfee, deceased, who died on the applied for the general purposes of each Church 23rd day of April, 1937, by his last Will, dated respectively. 12th April, 1937, bequeathed the following Charit- To the Trustees of Rathmullan Parish a further able legacies: sum of £100 to be invested by them, with a To the Manse Fund of the First Presbyterian request that such part of the income as might Church, Coleraine, the sum of £25. be necessary should be expended in the up- To Mrs. J. Browne Huston, Coleraine, to be wisely keep of the family graves, and any surplus of invested for the benefit of the Coleraine such income used for the general purposes of Auxiliary of Dr. Barnardo's Homes the sum said Parish. of £50. To the Trustees of the Parishes of Bright and To the Orphan Society in connection with the Rathmullan the sums of £500 each, to be in- Presbyterian Church in Ireland the sum of vested by them and the income to be annually ' £50 to qualify the children of Testator's applied to the assessment of said respective nephew, James Crawford McAfee, for the Parishes. benefit of the Society if required. To the Trustees of Bright Parish the sum of £10U And Testator further directed that any residue for the purpose of helping to discharge the of his estate should be divided in equal shares debt on the Glebe. amongst all the recipients of legacies under his said And to the Trustees of Bright Parish Church Will. the field opposite the Rectory, indemnified Probate of the said Will was on the 9th day of against payment of rent or tithe. June, 1937, granted forth of the Principal Registry, And Testatrix directed that the receipts of the King's Bench Division (Probate) of the High respective Treasurers of the said Parishes, Home Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, to James and Infirmary, should be sufficient discharges to Nevin, Rate Collector, and John Starritt Mac- her Executors. Larnon, Bank Official, both of Coleraine, aforesaid, Probate of the said Will was on the 14th day the Executors therein named. of May, 1937, granted forth of the Principal Dated this 5th day of August, 1937. Registry of the King's Bench Division (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland MACAULAY O'NEILL & MARTIN, to Andrew McCammon, of Killyleagh, Bank Solicitors for said Executors, 83 Royal Manager, William S. Corry, Bank Manager, and Avenue, Belfast; and Coleraine. William Martin, Solicitor, both of Downpatrick, all To the Ministry of Finance (N.I.), and all others, in said County, the Executors named in said Will. whom it may concern. Dated this 6th day of August, 1937. MARTIN & HENDERSON, Solicitors for said Executors, 77 Chichester Street, Belfast; and Downpatrick. NOTICE OF • CHARITABLE BEQUEST. To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, In the Goods of MARGARET JANE SMYTJI, late of and all other persons concerned. Bellemont, Coleraine, in the County of London- derry, Spinster, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, that the above-named Margaret Jane Smyth, deceased, who died on the NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. 16th day of March, 1937, by her last Will, dated In the Estate of JAMES KANE, late of Killywool, 16th day of November, 1935, bequeathed the fol- Greysteel, in the County of Londonderry, lowing Charitable legacy: Farmer, Deceased. "Two hundred pounds to the Committee of Bally- NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute willan Presbyterian Church (Portrush), to be 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, that the above-named James invested by said Committee and the income Kane, by his Will, dated the 29th day of April, thereof paid to the minister for the time being 1937, bequeathed the following Charitable Bequests: of said Church, the receipt of the Treasurer To the Nazareth Home, Derry, £30. of said Committee for the time being to be a To Rev. F. O'Neill, P.P., Faughanvale, Co. Derry, good discharge to Testatrix's Trustees for £10 for the Creggan Church. said legacy.".
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