The Catholic The cradle of Texas Immigration OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF VICTORIA IN TEXAS VOL. 30, NO. 3 www.victoriadiocese.org JULY 2016 In This Ordinations for the Diocese of Victoria Issue . Msgr. John Bily Retires, pg. 13 Permanent Deacons pg. 14 Camp David pg. 6 Español pg. 17 Social Media pg. 2 Special Insert Pages 10-13 Texas Bishops Highly Concerned with Ruling That Statement from Bishop Cahill Puts Women Seeking Abortion at Grave Risk on Tragedy in Orlando as hemorrhage, infection, uterine AUSTIN — The U.S. Su- standards for women seeking an “Due to the recent tragedy in Orlando, Pope Francis ex- abortion. Their lives are just as perforation, blood clots, cervical preme Court has decided, in a pressed his love and concern for the victims, their families and 5-3 decision, to strike down Texas precious as those of their children. tears, or allergic reactions occur. HB2, a law that protects women’s Surgical abortion is an in- It is irresponsible for physicians America at this time. As he has so beautifully taught, we are safety while seeking an abortion. vasive procedure that poses nu- to perform this procedure without all sons and daughters of a gracious God. May we console The Texas bishops are highly merous and serious medical being able to provide follow-up one another in love and re-commit ourselves to a culture of concerned that the ruling puts complications. The state has a treatment for the associated com- life and respect for the dignity of every person. God bless women at grave risk. legitimate interest in ensuring the plications. you. Let's keep each other in prayer.” The Texas State Legislature maximum level of safety for the The Catholic Church in Texas, overwhelmingly approved HB2. woman subjected to the procedure in communion with millions Most Rev. Brendan J. Cahill + Its main purpose is to secure and that viable emergency care is See Texas Bishops, pg. 16 Bishop of Victoria in Texas surgical center, health and safety available if complications such The Catholic Lighthouse Page 2 — July 2016 DIOCESE Bishop Brendan Bishop Brendan’s Cahill Schedule Official Appointments A Shepherd’s Effective April 13, 2016 Father Kris- July topher Fuchs was appointed associate Message vocation director for the Diocese of 6 2:30 p.m., Finance Board Victoria. Ordained as Bishop June 29, 2015 Meeting, Chancery, 2nd Floor 9 6:00 p.m., Pastor Installation Effective July 5, 2016, Father Max Mass, Fr. Michael Lyons, Sts. Landman has been appointed paro- Faithful Citizenship Peter & Paul Church, Frelsburg chial vicar of Sacred Heart Church, Brothers and Sisters, time to read this document as a preparation Hallettsville, and its missions, Ascen- When I voted in the primaries in March for the upcoming national elections. It 10 2:00 p.m., Sisters of the Incarnate sion of Our Lord, Moravia, St. John I remember my reaction when the election is kind of long and detailed, so it can be Word & Blessed Sacrament the Baptist, St. John, and Immaculate Jubilee Mass, Incarnate Word volunteer asked me: “Which primary?.” intimidating to start reading - but it is Conception Church, St. Mary. Convent I whispered my answer and proceeded to definitely worth working through a little Effective July 5, 2016, Father Peter Os- go and cast my ballot. Thinking after, I bit at a time. 17 11:00 a.m., Mass, New Fourth wondered if someone was watching would As you read “Faithful Citizenship” Degree Assembly 3595, Holy car Amo has been appointed parochial he or she wonder why I was so secretive you will come across some statements Cross Church, East Bernard vicar of St. Michael Church, Cuero, about my party affiliation. I thought about that as bishops we do not believe we and its mission church, Our Lady of it myself and several things have become should endorse or actively support any 20 9:30 a.m., Mass, Twin Pines Guadalupe. clearer for me. particular candidate or party. I realize Nursing Home on Mockingbird, The first thing is the important duty that some people seem to think that the Victoria Effective July 5, 2016, Father George we have as American citizens to vote - in bishops and I seem to be “on the side” or Kunnath has been appointed paro- 4:00 p.m., Building Board chial vicar of Our Lady of Guadalupe every election. It surprises me how many “against” certain candidates, especially Meeting, Chancery, 2nd Floor people don’t vote, or seem not to be in- in a presidential election. To me it really Church, Bay City. volved in the political process. As we take depends on the individual issue, and I hope 21 6:30 p.m., Bishop’s Charity time this month to honor the Declaration of that we as Catholics could work with any Banquet, Victoria Country Club Effective July 5, 2016, Father Barnabas Independence on July 4, I believe we need successful candidate in working for a just Kyeah has been appointed parochial to take time also to consider and discuss and peaceful society. 22 6:00 p.m., 150th Anniversary of vicar of Holy Family Church, Victoria. the major political issues of our time. This leads me to consider my “secre- IWBS Victoria Foundation Year On our diocesan web-site tiveness” about my party affiliation back Opening Mass, Holy Family Church, Victoria (victoriadiocese.org) we have a link to in March. I have pretty strong personal a document approved by the bishops of political opinions about what I think is best 23 10:00 a.m., Diaconate Ordination, USPS-001015 (ISSN 0894-7740) the United States, “Faithful Citizenship”. for the country. I also realize that there The Cathedral of Our Lady of We bishops approved this at a recent are great people, and many good friends, Victory, Victoria Publisher meeting, and it includes thoughts about who have opposing views. The beauty of The Most Rev. Brendan J. Cahill many important issues. I hope that this the nation founded from the Declaration 24 10:30 a.m., Mass, St. Anne’s Editor: Sarita Villafranca Richmond can provide a guide for Catholics and of Independence is that we as American Patron Feast Day Celebration, [email protected] St. Ann’s Church, Point Comfort all people of good will to discuss many citizens are able to express these different Staff: Regina Matus-Janak important issues facing our society. I [email protected] 7:00 p.m., Mass, St. Anne’s encourage you and your family to take See Faithful Citizenship, pg. 8 Patron Feast Day Celebration, The Catholic Lighthouse is published St. Ann’s Church, Hochheim monthly at 1505 E. Mesquite Lane, Victoria, TX 77901. 30 9:30 a.m., Mass, Archdiocesan Subscription rates are: $7 per year within the Social Media Youth Conference, George diocese / $10 outside the diocese. R. Brown Convention Center- E-mail local stories, photos or festival announce- Houston ments to: [email protected] (361) 573-0828 / (361) 573-5725 FAX 31 6:00 p.m., Local School Advisory www.victoriadiocese.org Council Workshop & Dinner, Port DEADLINE IS THE 15th OF THE Lavaca PRECEDING MONTH August Periodical postage paid at Victoria, TX POSTMASTER: Send address changes to P.O. Box 4070, Victoria, TX 77903 1-5 Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, Toronto, Canada The Catholic Lighthouse cannot be held liable, Keep up with the Diocese of Victoria and or in any way responsible for the content of any The Catholic Lighthouse on social media. 5 4:00 p.m., Nazareth Academy advertisement appearing within these pages. All claims, offers, guarantees, statements, etc., Readin, Writin, and Reelin made by The Catholic Lighthouse advertisers are Facebook: Diocese of Victoria in Texas Tournament, Port O’Connor solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Decep- tive or misleading advertising is never know- Instagram: @dioceseofvictoria 6:30 p.m., KC Barbecue and ingly accepted. Complaints regarding advertising Auction, Port O’Connor should be made directly to the advertiser or the Better Business Bureau. The Catholic Lighthouse DIOCESE Page 3 — July 2016 • Henry A. Schoenfeld Seminary Burse In thanksgiving by Elsie Farek 100.00 Seminary Burses Previously reported $4,075.00 Total $6,081.00 Seminary burses are a permanent fund used for the education of future priests for the Diocese of In memory of Thomas Holub by Victoria. The goal of each burse is $15,000. The interest from this amount is applied yearly to the Bernice Schoenfeld 20.00 Those wishing to begin a burse or to education of seminarians. The burses are in memory of or in honor of an individual priest or lay In memory of Larry Berger by persons, living or deceased. Publication of the burses will appear periodically when new contributions Bernice Schoenfeld 20.00 contribute to an existing seminary burse are received. In honor of Rev. Max Landman’s may do so by sending their contributions June 27, 2016 Hostyn KJT Society #3 250.00 priestly ordination by with the appropriate burse designation to: TOTALS Benedict and Dianna Kallus 50.00 Bernice Schoenfeld 20.00 • Rev. Msgr. John C. Bily Seminary Burse #2 M/M Joseph C. Hild 100.00 Total $4,135.00 Diocese Of Victoria Previously reported $6,289.00 Wayne E. Marek 50.00 Seminary Burses In honor of Rev. Msgr. John C. Bily Total $2,950.00 • Rev. Charles Sonnier Seminary Burse P. O. Box 4070 for his service to St. Michael Parish, Previously reported $3,095.00 Victoria, TX 77903 Weimar by Allen and Jeanette • Rev. Paul P. Kaspar and Parents, John & In memory of Rev. Charles Sonnier by: Hoelscher 20.00 Frances Kaspar Seminary Burse Barney and Pat Barfield 25.00 Total $6,309.00 Previously reported $500.00 M/M J.
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