THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) - ---- - - -- Vol. LXX-No. 3 NAIROBI, 12th January 1968 Price Sh. 1/50 ------- CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE Appoi~~tments . 26 1 Probate and Administration . 43 The Constitution of Kenya-Alteration of Boundaiies . 26 1 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . 45 The Irrigation Act 1966-Appointment . 26 1 The Companies Act-Notice to Show Cause . 47 The Tea Act-Appointments . 27 1 The Societies Act-Registrations, etc. 47 The Agriculture Act-Appointment . 27 The Trade Unions Act-Refusal . 48 The Wheat Industry (Grading) Rules-Application . 27 The National Assembly Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations 1964-Registers for inspection . 48 The Horticultural Crops Development Authority Order 1967-Appointments .. .. .. .. .. 27 Local Government Notices . 48 The Water Act-Appointments . 27 1 Closure of Roads . 50 The Tax Reserve Certiticates Act-Loss of Certificates . 27 1 Business Transfer . 50 The Prisons Act-Appointments . Change of Name . 50 Lost Local Purchase Order Book . The Wild Animals Protection Act-Appointment . SUPPLEMENT No. 4 Kenya Stock . Legislative Supplement High Commission Stock . LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Maize Marketing Act-Maize Prices . $-The Trade Licexising Act 1967-Notice of Commencement .. .. .. .. 9 Government of Kenya-Exchequer Return . .. 9-The Trade Licensing (Forms) Regulations 1968 9 Central Bank of Kenya-Statement as at 30th December 1967 . I&-The Trade Licensing (General Business Areas) Order 1968 .. .. .. 21 The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . 1I-The Trade Licensing Act 1967-Exemptions . 22 The Government Land Act-Notice of Breach . 12-The Trade Licensing (Specified Goods) Order Industrial Court Award . 1968 .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 The Registration of Titles Act- (Published as a Special Issue on 8th January 1968) Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc. The Land Titles Act-Declaration of State Lands . 32 SUPPLEMENT No. 5 The Marriage Act-Licensed Place of Worship . 32 Legislative Supplement Lost Policy . 32 13-The Municipal Council of Thika (Hamali Carts African Asurance and Provident Corporation-Notice to and Hand Carts) By-laws 1967 . 25 All Policyholders . 32 14-The Agriculture (Scheduled Animal Products) Tenders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 (Producer Prices) Order 1967 . 28 The Animal Diseases Act 1965-Scheduled Areas 15-The Plant Protection (Potatoes) Rules 1967 . 29 Liquor Licensing . 33 16The Plant Protection (Amendment) Order 1967 29 Transport Licensing . 34 17-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs Duties) (Short-term) (Amendment) Order 1968 30 The Electric Power Act-Public Notice of Applications 36 18-The Interpretation and General Provisions Act- Patents Registration . 37 Delegation of Powers . 31 Trade Marks . 38 1 19-The Trade Licensing Act 1967-Appointed Day 32 26 THF, KENYA GAZETTE 12th January 1968 GAZBTTE NovrlcB No. 74 Gàzsnqn'is No'rlczl No. 76 THE PIJBLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION OF KENYA THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (L.N. 718 o/ 1963) APPIMNTMBNTS Sotrra 'fAxol FokEsT EXEKTBL AVTHAMA IowAsl7 to be Distriot Commissioner, NOTICE os INTENTIOX 'ro ACTER BotTNDARIss- 28 DAYs' NorncB Bungoma Distriet, W estern Province, with effect from 1st D ecem ber 1967. The Minister for Natural Resources hereby gives 28 days' notice, with effect from the date of publication of this notices HEZEKIA.H GoGo Awlcu, to be Distrlct Oflicer, Kisii District, of his intention to declare that tbe boundaries of the Sout.h Nyanza Province, with effectfrom 5th October 1967. Nandi F'orest bt altertd so as to exclude the areas described Jtit.ltls KIARIA Koslxz to be District Oflicer, Narok District, in the Schedule hereto. Rtft Valley Province, with efïect from 13.th November 1967. SCHBDIJI-E 1 . An area of land approximately 628 acres, lying within M ANASSEH NJIJGIJNA KABUGI, to be District Officer, Kericho District, Rift Valley Prov'ince and adjoining the northern boundary of the South Nandl , with effect from 14th November Forest, situated apgroximately 3 miles west of Kapsabet Town, 1967. in the Nandi Distnct, Rift Valley Province, the boundaries oî DAVID JAMF.S OFUMBO, to be tbe Disttict Oflicer, Baringo which are more particularly delintated, edged red, on Boundary District, Rîft Valley Province with eflkct frdm l 3th October Plan No. 180/ 179 which is signed, sealed with the seal of 1967 ' Surve.y of Kenya, and is deposited in the Survey Records Office, Survzy of Kenya, Nairobi and a copy of which may RtcluRo APIZI-A, to be District Commissioner, W est Pokot be inspected at the oflice of the Dwisional Forest Opicer, Forest Dlstrict, Rift Valley Province, with effeet from l4t.h October Department, Bldoret. - 1967. 2. An area of land of approximately 61 aeres, lying within, BENJAMIN KILLION MONYE OGOL., to be Distritt Commissionerr and adjoining the western boundary of the South Nandi Forest, M andera Distrkct, North Eastern Provincc, with effect from situated approximately 6 miles south-west of Kapsabet Town, 26th October 1967. in the Nandi District, Rift Valley Province, the bcmndaries of whith aro more particularly delineated, edged red, on Boundary DANtF.,I- GILBERT KIMANI, to be Distritt Commissioner, Nakuru Plan No. 180/ 182, which is signed, sealed witlt the seal of District, Rift Valley Province, witlz effect from 4th December Survey of Kenya, and is deposited in the 8urvey Records 1967. Office, Survey of Kenya, Nairobi and a copy of which may Et-luo NJENGA., to be District Commissioner, Mombasa Distriet, be inspected at the oflice of the Dwisional Forest Officer, Fortst Coast Province, with effect frona 5th Dccember 1967. Department, Eldoret. NAHASHON M USA NGtIOI, to be District Commissioner, Lamu Dated this 3rd day of January 1968. District, Coast Province, with effect from 30th November 1967. C. M . G. ARGWINGS-KODHEK, CORNEI- PAUI- OKECH, to be District Commissioner, Kilifi District, Coast Province with efftct ftom 3(hh November 1967. s4inister jor blatural ltesources. SI'EPIdEN KAHUMSA KOINANCE, :to be District Clommissioner, G&zs'rrE No'rlcs No. 77 Elgeyo M arakwet District, Rîft Valley Province, with effect f rom 10th Dectmber 1967. TH' E CONSTITUTION OF KEM 'A SILVESTER K.IMAItIJ TtmoltBv, to be District Oflicer, Nakuru (L.N. g18 oj 1963) District, Rift Valley Province, with etleot f rom 13th Decémber NyAs.lssxl Foztns'r 1967. Ntm cs op' Ixlxxilox 7'o ALTER BouNoARzEs- z8 DAys' N()TlcE HENPUY M ICHAEL ONYANGO JOSIAI'I, to be District tlflicor, Nairohi THE Minister for Natural Resources hereby gives 28 days' Area, with effect from 18th December 1967. notice, with effect from the date of publication of this notice: JAMES M ASAr W AIZULA, to be State Counsel, Office of the of his intention to declare that the boundaries of the Nyambem Forest be altered so as to exclude the areas described in the Attorney-General, with esect trom 3rd M ay 1967. Sebedule hereto. SlNTEloN OMGNDI, to act as Chief Stores Oëcer, M inistry of SCHEDIJLE W orks, with effect from 1st July 1967. 1. An area of land of approximately 28 aeress lyinj within, and adjoining tho northern boundary of the Nyambem Forest, By Order of the Commlssion. situated approximately 22 miles north-east of M eru Town, in G. M USEM BI, the M eru District, Eastern Province, thè boundaries of which Secretary. ' are more particularly delineated, edled red, on Boundary Plan 180/ 181 which is slgned, sealed wlth the seal of Sunrey of Kenya, and is deposittd in th: Survey Records Ofllce, Survey GAZSTTE Ncrrlcs No. 75 of Kenya, Nairobi, and a copy of which may be inspected at the offiee of the Divisional Forest Olcer, Forest Departments THE CONSTITUTION ()F KENYA N yeri. (L.N. 71# oj 1963) 2. An area of land of approximately 63 avres, lying withins and adjoining the eastern boundary of the Nyambeni Forest, URURIJ Fou s't situated approximately 21 milcs north-east of M eru Town, in NOTfCE OF INTENTION TO ALTER POUNDARJES-Q8 DAYS' NOTICE the M eru Distrid, Eastern Province, the boundaries of which THE M inister for Natural Resources hereby gives 28 days' are more particularly delineated, edged red, on Boundary Plan notice with effect from the date of publication of this notice, 180/ 180 which is slgned, sealed wit,h the stal of Survey of of his intention to declare that the boundaries of the North Kenya, and is degosittd i11 tht Survey Records Olce, Survey Nandi Forest be altered so as to cxclude the areas described in of Kenya, Nairobl, and a copy of which may be inspected at l11J 8chedulo bereto. the oflke of the Divisional Forest Oflicer, Forest Departmentj Sclteotlt,E Nyeri. 1 . .A1a area of land of approximately 111 acrts, lying within Dated this 3rd day of January 1968. and adjoining the western boundary of the Ururu Forest situated approximately 3 miles soutlswest of Kapsabet Town, in the C. M . G. ARGW INGS-KODHEK, Nandi Dîsm ct? Rift Valley Province, the boundaries of which M înister for Natural Resources. are more partlcularly delintatcd, edged red, on Boundary Plan 180/178, which is signed, sealed with the seal of Survey of Kenya, and is deposited in tho Survey Records Ofhce, Survey of Kenya, GAZETT: No'rlcrï No. 78 Nairobi and a copy of which may be inspected at the omce of LIRRIGINIBJ4j the Divlsional Fortst Gmcer, Forest Deprtment, Eldoret. THE IRRIGATION AC'T 1966 2. Art area of land of approxhnatdy 208 acres. lying within and adjoining the eastern boundary of tite Uruvu Forest, situated (No. l 3 o.f 1966) approximatdy 3 miles south of Kapsabet Town, in the Nandi IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3, qara- Distrid, Rilt Valley Province, the boundaries of which are graph l of the Schedule to the Irrigation Aet 1966, the M imster more m rticularly delineattd, edged red, on Boundary Plan f or Agriculture and Anima.l Htlsbandry hereby appoints under 180/ 173 which is signed, sealed with tho seal of Survey of Kenya, subparagraph (J0- atld is deposited in the Survey Records Omce, Survey of Kenya, GEN.
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